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Prescription Refills

A prescription refill is the authorization from your provider to receive additional quantities of your medication at some time in the future without having to make another appointment with your provider. As long as you have refills on a current/active prescription through our pharmacy, you can call our 24 hour automated prescription line at 513-585-5683 and leave a request for your refill to be filled.

You may request a refill in person at the pharmacy, though this maybe more time consuming.

How do I request a refill on my prescription?

As long as you have refills on a current/active prescription through our pharmacy, you can call our 24-hour automated prescription line at 513-585-5683 and leave a request for your refill to be filled. You may request refills through your My UC Health account if you have established one, as well. (For more information about this go to the UC Health Website, or call (513) 585-5353. You may request a refill in person at the pharmacy, though this may be more time consuming.

Should I call my refill in ahead of time?

Yes, absolutely. Calling in ahead of time is a win-win situation for all parties involved. It will decrease your waiting time and aid pharmacist with crucial time management. Also, if there is an issue with your prescription we can try to take care of it before you arrive, reducing any unnecessary trips to the pharmacy.

I have refills for an active prescription at another pharmacy, how do I transfer it to the UHS pharmacy?

Call us or bring your prescription with the prescription number and phone number of the pharmacy you most recently received it from and we will call and transfer. Remember to make sure the medication is on the formulary.

What if I want more medication and my prescription has no refills?

You should contact your provider who will contact us to authorize more refills. Sometimes, your provider will simply authorize refills without having to meet with you, but at times they may want you to make an appointment for additional refills on your medication.

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Contact Us

University Health Services

Richard E. Lindner Center
2751 O'Varsity Way, 3rd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0010

Mail Location: 0010
Phone: 513-556-2564
Fax: 513-556-1337