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Biomedical Research Rotation

MEDS 3030  |  2–6 credit hours

Spring Semester 2025Syllabus (PDF) 
Summer Semester 2025 |  Syllabus not yet available

Fall Semester 2025 |  Syllabus not yet available

MEDS3030 application enrollment form (DOCX)

Bryan Mackenzie, PhD | 513-558-3627

This experiential course will expose the student to the rigors and excitement of primary research in a modern biomedical laboratory. The student will gain experience in the application of biomedical research techniques and an appreciation of the research process from developing a hypothesis and plan, to experimentation, data analysis, and presentation of results.

The student will interview with potential faculty research mentors conducting research in an area of interest to the student. Once the student has been placed, the student and her/his faculty mentor will collaboratively develop a project and an action plan for the semester. The student will complete required laboratory safety training (and any other safety or compliance training specific to the lab) prior to starting work in the lab. The student is expected to work in the lab 4 hours per week per credit hour enrolled. 

The student will write a brief research proposal, run experiments, collect and analyze data, give an oral or poster presentation of her/his project, and write a report. The course includes some occasional programmatic elements that may vary from semester to semester. A letter grade is assigned by the Course Director with the recommendation of the faculty research mentor. 

Note: Advance planning on your part is necessary if you would like to take this course. Refer to the syllabus and schedule (posted above) and take note of the deadlines for contacting the Course Director and confirming your placement in a lab.


  • Permission of Course Director is required in order to enroll in this course. Please complete the MEDS3030 application enrollment form and submit to Michele Glassmeyer | Email: What to expect before enrolling? In general, students enrolling in MEDS3030 will have already completed MEDS2030C Biomedical Sciences Lab Techniques (or will be taking both courses concurrently) and will enroll in MEDS3030 for 3 or 4 credit hours. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis when students have prior experience in the research laboratory.

Find a Researcher at UC

Students are encouraged to explore a research topic that interests them and identify a potential faculty research mentor at the College of Medicine or Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

Search the UC Research Directory by topic, keyword, or researcher's last name.

Research Programs

Browse UC College of Medicine graduate research programs (note that not all faculty are affiliated with a graduate research program and students enrolling in MEDS30330 may work with any researcher at UC College of Medicine or Cincinnati Children's Hospital):

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