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Cincinnati Museum Center: Advancing Health Exhibit Opening & Cr(EAT)e Culinary Studio Food as Medicine Series

The Osher Center for Integrative Health at the University of Cincinnati is highlighted in a new gallery at the Cincinnati Museum Center. Through interactives and media simulations, the Advancing Health gallery guides participants through the way bodies function, actions to take every day to keep them operating optimally, and the medical interventions and professionals that can help when care is needed. Sian Cotton, PhD, founding director of the Osher Center, and Meriden McGraw, MS, MPH, director of the Osher Center’s Workplace Mindfulness program, provided education on mind-body medicine as well as interactive video recordings of evidence-based mind-body practices for participants to experience throughout the exhibit.

The Osher Center is also collaborating with the Cincinnati Museum Center on teaching kitchen events hosted at the new Cr(EAT)e Culinary Studio. The Food as Medicine series is the first adult programming to be offered at the studio and focuses on culinary medicine, teaching the impact of food on your health, and introducing participants to healthy, plant-based recipes. The first event in the series, Cooking for Gut Health, was held in May and featured the expertise of Lauri Nandyal, MD. The next event in the series will be held on October 23, 2024, and feature Pamela Sharpe, FNP-BC, nurse practitioner and trained chef.

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