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Career Path

Most residents completing our program obtain fellowships, either at UCMC or some other academic institution. Here is a list of our recent graduates, with their first position after residency.

Klaudio Gjeluci, MDInterventional RadiologyUC Medical Center
Shakib Islam, MDBody ImagingUC Medical Center
Robert Pugh, MDDR NM Accelerated DR NM PathwayPrivate Practice
Rahul Rao, DOBody ImagingBrigham and Women's Hospital
Jimmy Roebker, MDInterventional RadiologyUC Medical Center
Johnathan Vidovich, MDNeuroradiologyUniversity of Colorado
Bryan Wessel, MDBody ImagingUC Medical Center
Imran Ahmed, DOBody ImagingMD Anderson Cancer Center
Khadija Ahmed, DONeuroradiologyUC Medical Center
Heba Albasha, MDBreast ImagingMassachusetts General Hospital
Maegan Chan, MDNeuroradiologyUniversity of Pennsylvania
Kenneth Danielson, MDNeuroradiologyUC Medical Center
Evelyn Guerra, MDBreast ImagingUC Medical Center
Miguel Huerta, MDBody ImagingUC Medical Center
Eric Swy, MDBody ImagingUniversity of Michigan
Austin Jameson, DOBody Imaging Fellowship University of Rochester
Alexander Kieturakis, DOBreast Imaging FellowshipNYU Grossman
Anthony Larder, DOBody Imaging FellowshipMayo Clinic
Daniel Lyons, MDBreast Imaging FellowshipUC Medical Center
Andrew Martin, MDNeuroradiology FellowshipUC Medical Center
Matthew Moler, DONeuroradiology FellowshipUniversity of Miami
Adam Prasanphanich, MDPediatric Radiology FellowshipCincinnati Children's Hospital
Atharva Thakore, MDBreast Imaging FellowshipUC Medical Center

Radiology Resident Career Path


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Program Director
Juliana Tobler, MD

Associate Program Directors
Jay Gollamudi, MD
Charmi Vijapura, MD
Lulu Zhang, MD
Program Coordinator
Jennifer Holley
PO Box 670761
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0761
Phone 513-558-6098
Fax 513-558-7137
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3188 Bellevue Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Mail Location: ML0769

Phone: 513-584-4396
Fax: 513-558-1599

To verify completion of Residency or Fellowship click here: Verify Completion

More Information
Pam Brierley
Phone 513-558-2043
Fax 513-558-1599