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Most residents completing our program obtain fellowships, either at UCMC or some other academic institution. Here is a list of our recent graduates, with their first position after residency.
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Program DirectorJuliana Tobler, MDAssociate Program DirectorsJay Gollamudi, MDCharmi Vijapura, MD
Lulu Zhang, MD
Department ofRadiology
3188 Bellevue Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45219Mail Location: ML0769
Phone: 513-584-4396Fax: 513-558-1599Email:
To verify completion of Residency or Fellowship click here: Verify CompletionMore InformationPam BrierleyPhone 513-558-2043Fax 513-558-1599Email
To verify completion of Residency or Fellowship click here: Verify Completion
More InformationPam BrierleyPhone 513-558-2043Fax 513-558-1599