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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

How do we define diversity, equity, inclusion?

We define diversity as the representation of our collective differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, economic status, religious affiliation and geographic location. Thus, diversity refers to the team, not the individual, and it is reflected in the varied backgrounds of our entire NGP community.

We define inclusion as a practice in which all members of our graduate program are acknowledged and appreciated as valued members of our scientific community.

Diversity is the mix. Inclusion is making the mix work. ~Andres Tapia

Equity is achieved by creating and implementing policies and procedures that ensures that each member of our NGP community has equal access to resources and information, and equal opportunity for advancement. Building an equitable environment requires acknowledgement that all individuals do not start from the same place. Thus, the scientific community must make adjustments to correct for any institutional barriers (conscious or unconscious) that may have created inequities in traditionally marginalized or underrepresented groups.

The time is always right to do what’s right. ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Our Central Tenets on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

In accordance with the broader College of Medicine community and university mission, we are committed to cultivating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment for current and future members of our NGP community. We strongly believe that diversity in thoughts and ideas, resulting from our diverse backgrounds (e.g., racial/ethnic and disciplines), is essential for scientific training and that it ultimately enhances scientific discovery. We understand that diversity, while necessary, does not ensure inclusivity.  Therefore, all members of our scientific community, including students, postdoctoral fellows, staff, faculty, and administrators, must consistently work towards maintaining an inclusive and equitable environment. Our ultimate goal as a public, Research I institution is to prepare our NGP trainees to be global leaders in the biomedical field. To accomplish this goal, we have made it our mission to create and maintain a nurturing, supportive and inclusive environment that will undoubtedly help our trainees achieve their varied career aspirations. 

Therefore, we stand in unity against any discriminatory practices or harassment that work against our mission to create a safe, inclusive, and equitable learning environment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Practice

  • Creation of a faculty Diversity Ambassador position to assist the NGP directors in maintaining awareness of any issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion 
  • Expanding recruitment and retention efforts for underrepresented groups in our NGP community
  • Implementation of regular cultural competency training for all members of the NGP community
  • Collaborate with the College of Medicine’s Anti-Racism Taskforce to establish a culture that thrives on educational and research practices that are anti-racist
Ongoing collection of qualitative and quantitative data on the matriculation process and career placement of trainees within the NGP community to identify areas of success and opportunities for growth.  

Select Initiatives Targeting Underrepresented Trainees at the University of Cincinnati


Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)-Neuro Program
Research Innovation in (neuro)Science Education for Underserved Populations (RISE UP) Program


The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program

Graduate Students

Albert C. Yates Fellowship Program
Provost Graduate Fellowship
Graduate Dean’s Excellence Scholarship

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Contact Us

Neuroscience Graduate Program
Medical Sciences Building
Room 1058B
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0548

Mail Location: 0548
Phone: 513-558-1803