Residency Administration
The physics residency program is developed and administered by the Physics Residency Program Director, an employee of University of Cincinnati, assisted by the Medical Physics Residency Steering Committee. Within the Department of Radiation Oncology, the administrative organization of the graduate educational program in Medical Physics is headed by the Director of Medical Physics Residency who is appointed by the Chairperson of the Department of Radiation Oncology, Dr. William Barrett. The Director oversees the smooth operation of the program and serves as liaison between the department and the GME office.
Physics Residency Steering Committee
The Physics Residency Steering Committee (PSC) is comprised of the Program Director, the Associate Program Director, the Medical Residency Program Director (MD), the Graduate Medical Physics Program Director, four staff physicists (including one from the proton practice and one from West Chester RT Center), and one dosimetrist/manager at WCRT & Proton Center.
The membership of the Physics Residency Steering Committee includes a radiation oncologist selected by the Chairperson of the Department of Radiation Oncology in consultation with the Physics Residency Program Director, typically the Residency Director. The committee typically meets once or twice every six months. The agenda of each meeting shall include residents progress, program review, and residents’ suggestions and concerns.
Program Director
Dan Ionascu, PhD
Associate Professor
Associate Program Director
Nitin Kumar, MS
Assistant Professor
Program Coordinator
Michelle Reinhart
Contact Us
Department of Radiation OncologyBarrett Cancer Center
3151 Bellevue Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Phone: 513-584-4775
Fax: 513-584-4007