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2024 Cancer Research Retreat

May 29, 2024, 11:56 AM
The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center hosted its third annual Cancer Research Retreat on Friday, April 19. Attendees learned about the Cancer Center's recent progress, listened to presentations on cutting-edge cancer research in Cincinnati, and discussed ways to address local health disparities.

On Friday, April 19, nearly 150 researchers, clinicians, trainees, fellows and staff joined together to attend the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center’s third annual Cancer Research Retreat. The group came excited to learn about the Cancer Center's progress to-date, listen to talks on some of the cutting-edge cancer research happening right here in Cincinnati, explore new research collaborations, and brainstorm how our work can address local health disparities, and left inspired to pursue new possibilities and collaborations.

This year's retreat explored three themes:

  • Targeting Cancers in an Urban Environment
  • Innovation in Cancer Research
  • Research in Cancers Across the Lifespan

State of the Cancer Center

Syed A. Ahmad, MD, co-director of the Cancer Center, provided updates on the state of the Cancer Center as well as the progress to-date at this year’s Cancer Research Retreat.

State of the Cancer Center 2024

Cancer Center membership has increased by 21% since last year. With over 260 members, 33 University of Cincinnati Departments and Divisions and 10 University of Cincinnati Colleges are represented in partnership with researchers at Cincinnati Children's. Cancer-relevant, peer-reviewed funding has increased by 12.7% since last year, and the Cancer Center has seen a 9% increase in interventional treatment trial accrual.

Abstract Posters

Over 40 researchers from various research programs, colleges and institutions submitted abstract poster presentations to highlight the innovative science happening across all campuses.

Research Retreat Presentations

“Research in Proton Therapy: Where Are We Now & Where Are We Going?” 

 Anthony Mascia, PhD     Anthony E. Mascia, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
Director of Medical Physics, Proton Therapy Center

“Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology: Lessons Learned from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia”

 Emily Curran, MD     Emily Curran, MD
Assistant Professor, Division of Hematology Oncology
Medical Director, Clinical Trials Office, University of Cincinnati Cancer Center

“Leveraging Data to Inform Priorities and Drive Strategies to Reduce the Cancer Burden Across our Catchment Area”

Melinda Butsch Kovacic, MPH, PhD      Melinda Butsch Kovacic, MPH, PhD
Associate Director for Community, Outreach & Engagement
University of Cincinnati Cancer Center
Professor and Associate Dean of Research, College of Allied Health Sciences
University of Cincinnati

“Attitudes Towards Clinical Trials Within Our Patient Population”

 Davendra Sohal, MD, MPH     Davendra P. S. Sohal, MD, MPH
Associate Director for Clinical Research
Co-Director, GI Cancers Center of Excellence
University of Cincinnati Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine & Director of Experimental Therapeutics
University of Cincinnati

“Partnering with Primary Care and Community Organizations to Increase Access to Cancer Screening Among Under-Screened Populations”

Shanna Stryker, MD, MPH     Shanna D. Stryker, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine
Interim Program Director for Family Medicine Global Health Fellowship


“The Progression of Research in Lung Cancer Screening”

Christopher Radchenko, MD      Christopher C. Radchenko, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

“Transdisciplinary Research: Lessons from Head and Neck Team”

 Trisha Wise Draper, MD, PhD     Trisha M. Wise-Draper, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Section Chief of Medical Oncology, Division of Hematology Oncology

“Leukemia and the Cancer Metabolome”

jones    Courtney L. Jones, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics 

“Cancer and the Microbiome: Intersections and Opportunities for Modulation”

 Jordan Kharofa, MD    Jordan R. Kharofa, MD
Associate Professor & Vice Chair of Education, Department of Radiation Oncology

Contact Us

University of Cincinnati
Cancer Center

231 Albert Sabin Way, Suite 2005
Cincinnati, OH 45267
Phone: 513-558-2177
Fax: 513-558-2666