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Photo of  Daniel M. Hargraves, MSW

Daniel M. Hargraves, MSW

Principal Research Asst

Research Assistant

Family & Community Medicine | College of Medicine

  • Master of Social Work: University of Cincinnati (Social Work Administration)
  • Bachelor of Sociology: University of Cincinnati
Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Holliday M, Burnett A, Leavitt M, Knapke J, Hargraves D, Pallerla H 2023. Evaluation of an Academic Detailing Program to Improve Blood Pressure Measurement and Hypertension Treatment in Urban Community Health Centers J Contin Educ Health Prof , 43 2, e13

Shari D. Bolen, Elizabeth A. Beverly, Shireen Khoury, Saundra Regan, Jackson T. Wright Jr., Siran Koroukian, Randell Wexler, Goutham Rao, Daniel Hargraves, Dean Bricker, Glen D. Solomon, Michael Holliday, Stacey Gardner-Buckshaw, Lance Dworkin, Adam T. Perzynski, Elizabeth Littman, Ann Nevar, Shannon M. Swiatkowski, Mary Applegate, Michael W. Konstan 2022. Forming Cardi-OH: A Statewide Collaborative to Improve Cardiovascular Health in Ohio Cureus, 14 8,

Schlaudecker J, Hargraves D, Stryker S, Cafferty P, Gottschlich M, Rich M 2021. Transition of a Primary Care Fellowship to A Virtual Format: Lessons Learned. Interdiscip J Virtual Learn Med Sci. , 12 4, 2

Stryker S, Kishton R, Nichols B, Hargraves D, Goodnow K, Doarn CR, Brown J 2021. ‘Depression is Not a Familiar Word’: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Describe the Experience of Primary Care Nurses Treating Depression in Rural Guatemala Int J Social Psychiatry, 68 8, 1644

Hargraves D, White CC, Mauger MR, Puthota A, Pallerla H, Wigle P, Brubaker SL, Schlaudecker JD. 2019. Evaluation of an interprofessional naloxone didactic and skills session with medical residents and physician assistant learners. Pharmacy Practice , 17 3, 1591

Hargraves D, White C, Frederick R, Cinibulk M, Peters M, Young A, Elder N 2017. Implementing SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) in Primary Care: lessons learned from a multi-practice evaluation Public Health Reviews , 38 31,

Elder, N.C., Hargraves, D., Boone, J., & Talat, R. 2016. Interprofessional Collaborative Care for Chronic Pain: A Qualitative Assessment of Collaboration for Primary Care Patients With Chronic Pain The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 36 Suppl 1, S54-5

Hargraves D, Shomo A, Tobias B, Wolgin F 2016. School-Based Health Centers: A National and Local Model Ohio Family Physician, 68 1, 28

McCarthy M, Schellinger J, Smith R, Behimer G, Hargraves D, Scherra K. 2015. Comparison of Service Effectiveness for Youth With Depressed Versus Nondepressed Caregivers. Research on Social Work Practice. , ,

McCarthy M, Schellinger J, Smith R, Behimer G, Hargraves D, Scherra K. 2015. Mediators and Moderators of Subjective Strain among Caregivers of Youth with Behavioral Health Conditions Journal of Child and Family Studies, ,

Acquavita S, McClure E, Hargraves D, Stitzer M 2014. Environmental tobacco smoke exposure among smokers and non-smokers receiving outpatient substance abuse treatment. Addict Behav , 39 12, 1718-1722

Abstract Publications

Boone J, Elder NC, Short A, Diers T, Vonder Meulen MB, Pallerla H, Hargraves D, Imhoff R, Speer B, & Kues J 2016. Minimal versus intensive interprofessional quality improvement for chronic pain management in primary care The Journal of Pain, 17 4, S42, 266

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Department of
Family and Community Medicine

231 Albert Sabin Way
Medical Sciences Building, Suite 4012
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0582