Division of Urban, Underserved, and Global Health
Leading in Global Health Education Since 1992
Our Vision:
Family physicians leading and serving in global and underserved health.
Our Mission:
To inspire and train family physicians to lead and serve in healthcare for vulnerable populations in Cincinnati and around the world.
- INSPIRE: To encourage and challenge health professional students, residents and faculty to incorporate care of the underserved, in the U.S. or abroad, into their lifelong career.
- TRAIN: To prepare our residents and students to be “adaptable physicians,” able to deliver excellent, appropriate clinical care in any setting, particularly in low
resource settings. Adaptable physicians are competent in our Big 6 (“DOC4ALL”) goals:
- Determinants of Health: Address the social determinants of health as a foundation in global and underserved health.
- Population Orientation: Interpret and manage health with a community and population health orientation.
- Cultural Competency: Demonstrate effective communication and cultural humility in patient, team and community relationships.
- Advocacy: Advocate effectively on an individual, local and national level within the context of global health ethics.
- Low Resource Settings Care: Provide high quality clinical care in low resources settings and for vulnerable populations.
- Leadership and Serving: Apply the attitudes and skills of sustainable servant-leadership in multiple healthcare settings including interdisciplinary teams.
- SERVE: To cultivate servant-leaders in Global and Underserved Health through additional mentorship, training, faculty development and scholarship opportunities.
- LEAD: To lead in the discipline of Global and Underserved Health on a local, state, and national level, furthering knowledge and scholarship in Global Health, specifically in medical and resident education.
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Family and Community Medicine
Contact Us
Department ofFamily and Community Medicine
Medical Sciences Building Suite 4012
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, 45267-0582