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Pharmacology and Systems Physiology Seminar Series

Students and internationally renowned visitors showcase cutting-edge research in physiology, pharmacology, and related disciplines, spanning basic research to translational science.

Wednesdays at 3:00 pm
3051 Medical Sciences Building
*except where indicated

The program will include three special events: the Kranias Symposium on Early Career Mentorship, PSP Trainees’ Research Day, and the Arnold Schwartz Cardiovascular Clinical Pharmacology Lecture.

Zoom link for remote attendance

For more information about the seminar program, please contact
Nancy Kleene


September 4David Dadosky
Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Pharmacology

Luis Tron Esqueda
Systems Biology and Physiology
Examining the role of glucocorticoid signaling in the behavioral and synaptic effects of tryptamines 

The role endothelial TFEB plays in the blood brain barrier and Alzheimer's disease
October 2Alexander Kuhn
Systems Biology and Physiology

Corbin Azucenas
Systems Biology and Physiology
title TBD 

title TBD
November 6Alyshia Davis
Systems Biology and Physiology

Drew Howard
Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Pharmacology
title TBD 

title TBD
December 4Lindsay Helock
Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Pharmacology

Olukunle Akinborewa
Systems Biology and Physiology
title TBD 

title TBD


February 5Anna Oliverio
Systems Biology and Physiology

Chau Le
Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Pharmacology
title TBD 

title TBD
March 5Liz Mancz
Systems Biology and Physiology

Kajol Thapa
Systems Biology and Physiology
title TBD 

title TBD
April 2Safak Isin
Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Pharmacology

Francisco Akhigbe
Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Pharmacology
title TBD

title TBD
*June 11, MSB E351PSP Trainees' Research Day
Keynote speaker and title TBD
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Department of
Pharmacology and Systems Physiology

College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575

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