Categorical Psychiatry Rotations
First-Year Rotations:
- Inpatient Psychiatry – 4 blocks
- Neurology – 1 block
- Addiction Psychiatry – 1 block
- Consultation-Liaison – 3 blocks
- Internal Medicine – 1 block
- Family Medicine – 1 block
- Emergency Medicine – 1 block
- Selective - 1 block (IM, Peds, FM, or ED)
Inpatient Psychiatry
Residents work alongside attending physicians and a multidisciplinary team to provide care to patients with a broad range of psychiatric disorders including mood disorders, schizophrenia, organic mental disorders, addictions, personality disorders, and anxiety disorders.
Addiction Psychiatry
This block is spent on the addiction psychiatry rotation at the Cincinnati Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Residents split their time between the inpatient detoxification unit and outpatient clinics providing outpatient detoxification and diagnostic assessments of dual diagnosis patients.
Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency Services and Pediatric Medicine
Residents spend one block on Internal Medicine and one block on Emergency Medicine at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and one block on Inpatient Family Medicine at the Christ Hospital. Residents have the option to select one additional block of their choice of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine Emergency Medicine or Inpatient Pediatric Medicine at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Residents work with another junior resident and a senior resident, and a social worker, under the supervision of an attending physician, to evaluate patients from medical and surgical services. The service is consulted to assess dangerousness, capacity to provide informed consent, delirium, somatization disorders, psychopharmacologic management, and evaluation for inpatient psychiatric treatment among a variety of other questions. Team rounds are held daily to review cases, discuss unique teaching points about the consultative role and building liaison relationships with other specialties, and to review evidence-based literature pertinent to the patients evaluated.
Residents spend 1 block on the Neurology Consult Service at University of Cincinnati Medical Center.
Second-Year Rotations:
- Inpatient Psychiatry - 3 blocks
- Emergency Psychiatry - 2 blocks
- Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry - 2 blocks
- Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - 2 blocks
- Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry - 1 block
- Neurology Consult Service - 1 block
- Electives - 2 blocks
- Outpatient Psychotherapy - 1-2 patients weekly starting in the fall.
Residents function as the senior on service with 2 junior residents and a social worker, under the supervision of an attending physician, to evaluate patients from medical and surgical services. The service is consulted to assess dangerousness, capacity to provide informed consent, delirium, somatization disorders, psychopharmacologic management, and evaluation for inpatient psychiatric treatment among a variety of other questions. Team rounds are held daily to review cases, discuss unique teaching points about the consultative role and building liaison relationships with other specialties, and to review evidence-based literature pertinent to the patients evaluated.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Residents most commonly rotate at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital College Hill Campus, approximately 15 minutes from campus, that affords a full range of psychiatric services for children and adolescents on its spacious grounds. Residents work on a multidisciplinary team alongside child and adolescent psychiatry residents and faculty. Residents learn to evaluate children at different developmental stages who present with a broad range of psychiatric and developmental disorders.
Geriatric Psychiatry
The University of Cincinnati Medical Center has a geriatric psychiatry unit that is lead by a geriatric trained psychiatrist. Residents learn the unique components of evaluating older patients presenting with psychiatric disorders, comorbid medical conditions and dementias of various etiologies. One-half day per week is spent in an outpatient geropsychiatry clinic working alongside a geriatric psychiatrist learning outpatient evaluation and treatment approaches to the elderly patient and family.
Outpatient Psychiatry
During this year of training, residents begin to see their first psychotherapy outpatients within the Resident Psychotherapy Clinic which is a low fee, self-pay, private practice model, that was specifically developed for resident training. Residents will have 1-2 patients by the spring of this academic year. An individual supervisor is assigned to each resident for supervision of these cases.
Third-Year Rotations:
- Central Clinic: psychopharmacology with a community mental health center clinical population
- VAMC Resident Clinic: psychopharmacology and psychotherapy
- UC Student Health Services: psychopharmacology in collaboration with multidisciplinary therapists
- Resident Mood Disorder Clinic: psychopharmacology in a faculty supervised Academic clinic
- Resident Psychotherapy Clinic: Cognitive-Behavioral, Psychodynamic, and Supportive therapies
The PGY-3 year focuses on outpatient psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. Residents have the opportunity to treat a diverse patient population. They learn to provide the full continuum of care for some patients while other patients provide them with the experience of collaborating with various disciplines including psychologists, social workers, and case managers as the residents limit their role to psychopharmacologic management. Residents train at 3 sites, all in close proximity, on the University of Cincinnati Campus.
Central Clinic (Logan Hall)
This is a community mental health center located on our medical campus. Here, the PGY-3 and 4 residents have their individual offices. The treatment focus at this site is on psychopharmacology within an interdisciplinary treatment team model that serves the chronically mentally ill. Residents receive individual psychopharmacology supervision weekly with a faculty member.
The Resident Psychotherapy Clinic is located within Logan Hall. Its treatment focus is on psychotherapy training within a self-pay, private practice model that serves a higher functioning population. The 3 major psychotherapeutic modalities that residents are trained in include psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and supportive therapies. Residents receive CBT supervision with one of several faculty that have extensive experience and training in CBT. Psychodynamic and supportive therapy supervision is provided individually by supervisors from our neighboring Psychoanalytic Institute, the community, and our own full-time faculty.
VAMC Resident Clinic
The residents provide both psychopharmacolgy and psychotherapy to patients, many of whom, have recently returned from military service. Residents have a separate on-site individual supervisor for these cases. Residents are observed doing diagnostic evaluations to help them in developing the biopsychosocial formulation and treatment plan from the clinical data and physician-patient interaction that just occurred.
UC Student Health Services (Lindner Student Health Clinic)
Residents provide mental health services to undergraduate and graduate students embedded within the student health primary care clinic. They work collaboratively with other disciplines who provide the psychotherapy for most of the cases. Weekly individual supervision is provided for each resident.
Fourth-Year Rotations:
- Forensics - required
- Electives
The required forensics rotation consists of one-half day per week for a 2-3 month rotation at the downtown Court Clinic providing individual forensic evaluations of criminal defendants with legal examiners. Residents receive on-site individual supervision by the attending psychiatrist at the clinic.
PGY-4 residents spend all 12 months in elective rotations in psychiatry. There are many different elective opportunities available to residents and large flexibility in scheduling. Residents work with PGY-4 coordinator, Dr. Brian Evans, to design a schedule guided by the resident's interests. Various elective opportunities are listed below, and other elective opportunities can often be designed by the resident and 4th year coordinator.
Elective opportunities:
- Infectious Disease (HIV) Clinic
- Chief Resident- Inpatient
- Chief Resident- Outpatient
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Individual Psychotherapy
- Psychiatric Consultation and Liaison
- Psychiatry Emergency Services
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Inpatient, Residential, School Consultation, or Partial Hospital)
- Childhood Trauma Service
- Inpatient Junior Attending Rotation
- Research
- Public Sector Psychiatry
- State Hospital Psychiatry (Summit Behavioral Healthcare)
- VAMC Psychiatry
- Palliative Care Consultation Service
- Group Therapy
- UC Student Health Service
- Sleep Disorders
Contact Us
Department ofPsychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
Stetson Building Suite 3200
260 Stetson Street
PO Box 670559
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0559