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Educational Resources & Training Opportunities

A variety of web-based resources exist for learners interested in keeping up-to-date on current developments in global health.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has created Member Interest Groups (MIGs) - including the Global Health MIG - to define, recognize, and support AAFP members with shared professional interests.

The American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) facilitates the development of new training programs in clinical tropical medicine and travelers' health and has established a mechanism for accrediting these "diploma" courses.

The Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health (CCIRH) offers several e-learning modules that introduce students to refugees and global health through a series of interactive cases and multimedia presentations from doctors, nurses and students who have worked around the world, and global health practitioners dedicated to exploring new frontiers and improving the health of populations.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offer a free email subscription service, which allows users to receive alerts by e-mail when new information is available. This online communication channel credible, reliable health information on:

  • Data and Statistics
  • Diseases and Conditions
  • Emergencies and Disasters
  • Environmental Health
  • Healthy Living
  • Injury, Violence, and Safety
  • Travelers' Health
  • Workplace Safety and Health

The CDC's Center for Global Health also means a list of global health resources.

Child Family Health International (CFHI) provides community-based global health education programs for students and institutions. CFHI model fosters reciprocal partnerships and empowerment in local communities, transforming perspectives about self, healing and global citizenship. Throughout the year, CFHI also offers free webinars, global health education programs, academic partnership options, and other global health topics. CFHI also hosts a number of free webinars, including Understanding the Landscape of Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research, as well as several others available at CFHI webinars.

Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) builds interdisciplinary collaborations and facilitates the sharing of knowledge to address global health challenges. It assists members in sharing their expertise across education, research, and service. CUGH promotes mutually beneficial, long-term partnerships between universities in resource-rich and resource-poor countries, developing human capital and strengthening institutions' capabilities to address these challenges. A variety of interest groups, fellowship/job opportunities, and education resources are available, including a listing of academic global health programs across the globe. The University of Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Children's Hospital are CUGH members.

EdX offers several free online courses in global health.

The Fulbright Scholar Program offers a variety of awards for individuals at all levels of training, including 1,600 U.S. students, 4,000 foreign students, 1,200 U.S. scholars, and 900 visiting scholars, in addition to several hundred teachers and professionals.

GEMx is a global partnership for educational exchange in medicine and the health professions. GEMx’s Partners are medical schools and other institutions around the world that share a commitment to making the international exchange a part of their education programs and to providing students in medicine and the health professions with increased access to exchange opportunities. They offer several resources for students, as well as published reports on global health training.

The Global Ambassadors for Patient Safety program offers an interactive online workshop designed for students who are going abroad and plan to volunteer in a healthcare setting. This workshop offers tools and advice on how to get the most out of experiences abroad, without stepping beyond the individual's qualifications and expertise. It offers information on topics to consider before traveling out of the country and provides the tools necessary to help the learning abroad host institution/country understand the participant's role.

Global Health 101 (Essential Public Health) by Richard Skolnik provides a clear, concise, and user-friendly introduction to the most critical issues in global health

The Global Health eLearning (GHeL) Center provides self-paced Internet-based courses and certificate programs that:

  • Provide useful and timely continuing education for the world’s premier global health professionals
  • Present state-of-the-art technical content on key public health topics
  • Serve as a practical resource for increasing public health knowledge

Global Health NOW is an initiative of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health that provides global health news on a daily basis. This includes the day’s most important articles about research, trends, and events, as well as original content including news articles, commentaries and Q&As with global health leaders and newsmakers.

The Global Health Training Centre provides training materials and resources from across the Global Health Network for research training and continued professional development needs. This platform is completely free, accessible to all and aims to provide research staff of all roles, all regions and all disease areas with the ‘how-to’ training materials required to safely conduct high-quality research.

Global Health TV enables health organizations and the global health community to share their work to address complex global health problems with an audience made up of health-care professionals, health foundations, businesses, government agencies, academic institutes, and interested parties.

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health offers the Public Health 101 Nanocourse - condensed mini-courses that are open for the public and offered free of charge. Using both lectures and case study, teams tackle real-world problems while introducing the core concepts of public health such as:

  • Public health history and anthropology
  • Epidemiology and statistical reasoning
  • Environmental health and safety
  • Social and behavioral health
  • Health systems, policy, and management

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) is an international non-profit organization devoted to promoting research and discussion about service-learning and community engagement

ProMED - the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases - is an Internet-based reporting system dedicated to rapid global dissemination of information on outbreaks of infectious diseases and acute exposures to toxins that affect human health, including those in animals and in plants grown for food or animal feed. Electronic communications enable ProMED to provide up-to-date and reliable news about threats to human, animal, and food plant health around the world, seven days a week. By providing early warning of outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging diseases, public health precautions at all levels can be taken in a timely manner to prevent epidemic transmission and to save lives.

Public Health Newswire is a leading source of public health news and information. Published by the American Public Health Association, this daily news feed connects APHA members, their partners and the public with important public health trends, events, and advocacy. They feature timely discussions with experts, report the latest public health research and cover national policy debates.

This Week in Global Health (TWiGH) provides weekly live global health shows during which a team of qualified global health experts, students, and young professionals give a brief overview of current events and topics in the global health news space. The panel represents the many disciplines within global health and covers requests for proposals (RFPs), job opportunities, and profiles a global health organization relevant to the featured topic of discussion for each episode.

Unite For Sight is a nonprofit organization committed to excellence in global health. Unite For Sight's Global Health University is designed to develop and nurture current and future global health leaders. Global Health University helps to effect widespread innovative change in global health through comprehensive webinars and training workshops, global health certificate programs, social enterprise consulting, and fellowship and internship opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.

Multiple United States Government agencies contribute to global health goals, including the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of State – including the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator and the Department of Health and Human Services – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, among others – the Peace Corps and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.

The World Health Organization provides information on a variety of health topics, including outbreaks and emergencies, country-specific and disease-specific reports, health-related statistics, and the various programs and projects in which they participate.
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University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine

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