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Thought Content


Nov 12, 2020, 12:29 PM
Video Title : Delusions

Fixed, false beliefs based on incorrect inference about external reality, not consistent with patient's intelligence or cultural background; cannot be corrected by reasoning.  This patient is exhibiting grandiosity.

Mood congruence is assessment of whether the delusion is consistent with the stated mood.

Types of Delusions:
1. Thought Insertion/Withdrawal – External agency is inserting and/or withdrawing thoughts into/from the patient’s mind.
2. Erotomanic – Conviction of another’s sexual interest or desire for the patient.
3. Grandiose – Conviction of elevated importance, power, or knowledge, or that one is, or has a special relationship with, a deity or famous person.
4. Persecutory – Patient is being attacked, harassed or conspired against.
5. Bizarre – An absurd, totally implausible, strange false belief.
6. Thought Broadcasting – Thoughts are audible to others.

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