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Patient's Mood "So depressed."
This patient's affect is incongruent with the severe suicidal depression she is describing. At the same time, she has normal mobility and full range.
Appropriateness Incongruent: Patient's affect does not match the content of her speech Range Full: Normal range of variability Mobility Normal frequency of movement through her range of affect
Patient's Mood "Fine."
This patient has a flat affect that is constricted in mobility but congruent with her mood.
Appropriateness Congruent: Content of speech matches thoughts Range Flat: Absence or near absence of any signs of affective expression; monotonous voice, and face immobility Mobility Constricted: Reduction in intensity of feeling tone, less severe than blunted affect but clearly reduced
Patient's Mood "Really good."
This patient’s expansive affect ranges from tearful to angry and the speed that she moves from one to the other would be considered labile mobility. Her observed affect would be described as incongruent with her reported mood, “really good.”
Appropriateness Incongruent: Content of speech does not match thoughts Range Expansive: Excessive range of variability Mobility Labile: Rapid and abrupt changes in emotional feeling tone, unrelated to external stimuli