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Frontal Lobes

Nov 12, 2020, 13:36 PM
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Brain illustration with frontal lobes highlighted

a. Attention/Concentration - Serial 7’s, WORLD backwards, 5 digits forward and 4 digits reverse.

b. Judgment – Manifestations of behavior that are harmful to the patient and contrary to acceptable behaviors in the culture.  May test with imaginary situation, i.e. What would you do if you found a stamped, addressed letter on the street?

c. Insight:  Degree of awareness and understanding the patient has that he or she is ill (denial?)

d. Intellectual Functioning: Estimate of overall fund of knowledge

e. Abstraction: Proverb interpretation (i.e. a rolling stone gathers no moss), similarities between objects in the same class, ability to discuss emotions and see their connectivity with content of thought.

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