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Nov 12, 2020, 09:51 AM
Video Title : Catatonia

Motoric abnormality in the following variations:

  1. Catalepsy - general term fir an immobile position that is constantly maintained, such as waxy flexibility (cerea flexibilitas)
  2. Catatonic Excitement - agitated, purposeless motor activity, uninfluenced by external stimuli
  3. Catatonic Stupor - markedly slowed motor activity, often to the point of immobility and seeming unawareness of surroundings.
  4. Catatonic Rigidity- voluntary assumption of a rigid posture, held against all efforts to be moved.
  5. Catatonic Posturing - voluntary assumption of an inappropriate or bizarre posture
  6. Akinesia - lack of physical movements; extreme immobility.

This patient's motor activity would be described as waxy flexibility.

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