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Landing Pages / CRANI / Membership / Member Registration

Member Registration

Use UC affilitated (6+2) email if possible.

Primary Institution:

Animal Research

Which species does your lab use? (Choose all that apply)
Which species does your lab use? (Choose all that apply)
Which disease model does you lab study? (Choose all that apply)
With which lab techniques are you experienced? (Choose all that apply)

Human Subjects Research

What forms of human subjects research do you perform? (choose all that apply)
What is your primary disease of interest? (Choose all that apply)
What are your areas of expertise? (Choose all that apply)
What are your areas of expertise? (Choose all that apply)
What techniques do you use or employ? (Choose all that apply)

Data Sciences

What type of data do you work with? (choose all that apply):
What type of data do you work with? (choose all that apply):
What is your primary discipline?
With which techniques are you experienced? (choose all that apply):
Intranet Login

Contact Us

Collaborative for Research on Acute Neurological Injury (CRANI)

231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267

Bradley Hinger
Program Coordinator