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First, could you please share a little bit about yourself?
I was born and raised in Cincinnati. So, I have been here all my life. I have been with Med Sci for over two years and moving into year three. I am probably one of the more blunt people in my family and my friend group which, depending on the day, can be good or bad I currently reside in the Mount Lookout area.
What does the Black Lives Matter movement mean to you?
The BLM means change. After looking at everything that has taken place over the last few weeks, it has further solidified what it means to be black in America. I shared a Facebook post a couple of days ago of what my experiences have been being a black man in America. The BLM movement is powerful and strong. It embodies a group of people who are fighting to simply be equal in the country that they live in. The movement to me means that Black people and their allies are rising up to bring awareness not only to police brutality but also the socioeconomic, health, education and many other inequities that Black people face on a day to day basis. This BLM movement to me means hope and justice.
How have you been involved in the movement?
Education. I’ve shared article, links, petitions, and having very deep and hard conversations with many people. I have a lot of people reach out to me to talk about my experiences and what they can do to help and I share the resources that I have. A friend of mine recently shared an article that talks about the levels of involvement in the movement itself. Some people are not the vocal ones to go out and protest. There are some people who are not able to donate monetarily, but they are able to protest. Some people are able to use their privilege and be a voice for those of us that might not be in the space to talk about what they are feeling. I think that is important to remember; you may not be able to go out and protest, but do what you can. To the white allies of the BLM, educate yourself and echo the voices of those in the black community.
What changes would you like to see?
We need police reform. We need to think about what role our police play not only in the Cincinnati Community but also, other communities around the country. We are at a pivotal point in America where we can really enact some change. It is now time for everyone to speak up. I want to see change, I want to see a better future for my children.
Anything else you would like to share?
I know many students have asked what are some things that they can do to support BLM or POC in general. I will speak candidly here: use your voice and use your privilege. You have the ability to really stand up for those whose voices have been silent for so long. Ask your peers of color how they are doing. Educate yourselves on how to be anti-racist. You are not going to get it right every time and POC understand that, so be willing to take the feedback without being defensive. Before you go to your friend that is Black/African American ask them, “Are you in a space where we can have a conversation about something?” That, to me, is so important. Sometimes we are tired, exhausted, and burnt out on educating people, and we just need a break. This whole thing is not going to be easy but you will work through it. To my SOC (students of color), it’s okay to be vulnerable and it’s okay to be tired. If you are not up for a conversation, that’s okay. Be ready to provide resources because people are certainly going to ask. I want everyone to know that my door is open, and I am willing to listen and share my experiences. We are here to help one another.
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