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Welcome Message

Our approach to Graduate Medical Education training is to partner the evidence-based practice of medicine with the evidence-based practice of teaching.

With this in mind, we pay close attention to the proven ways that medical professionals learn best. This also involves approaching the roles of Medical Educator deliberately as we look to the future.

The 6 (six) job roles of the Medial Educator are:

  • Diagnostic Assessor
  • Content Curator
  • Technology Adopter
  • Learner-Centered Navigator and Professional Coach
  • Clinician Role Model
  • Learning Environment Designer, Engineer, Architect, and Implementer

Development of learners into adaptive experts is a fundamental driver of our mission. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey.

Thank you for your interest in our programs. If you would like additional information, please contact us at 513-584-1705.

Job Roles of the 2025 Medical Educator

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Contact Us

Office of Graduate Medical Education

University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Administrative Suite 1320
3188 Bellevue Ave.
PO Box 670796
Cincinnati, OH 45219-0796

Mail Location: 0796
Phone: 513-584-1705