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August 2024

Photo of Bill Williams at the grill

PSP Picnic will be August 23!

Aug 2024 – The PSP picnic will be August 23 from 3 PM to Dusk at Mt Airy Group Picnic Area 22 in Mt Airy Forest.
photo of andrew gaulden

Honors for PSP PhD candidate Andrew Gaulden

Aug 15, 2024 – Andrew Gaulden (McReynolds lab) received a prestigious award from the Albert J. Ryan Foundation in a joint program with Harvard and Dartmouth.

photo of konstantinos drosatos

Drosatos group publishes in the "Journal of the American Heart Association"

photo of tongli zhang

Zhang group publishes in "Frontiers in Genetics"

photo of 2024 psp picnic

PSP departmental picnic

Aug 23, 2024 – Members from all of our degree programs kicked back together for a summer picnic and cookout at Mt. Airy Forest.

photo of pharm ms group 2024

Welcome to our new MS Pharm students!

Aug 2024 – A new class of students in the Master's in Applied Pharmacology and Drug Toxicology program completed their orientation.

photo of tracy yarchi

Welcome to our new SMP students!

Aug 2024 – SMP program manager Tracy Yarchi leads orientation for new students in the Special Master's Program in Physiology.

photo of sobuj mia

Congratulations to Dr. Mia!

Aug 2024 – Dr. Sobuj Mia (Drosatos Lab) has won the top Young Investigator Competition Award of the International Society for Heart Research-North American Section.

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Department of
Pharmacology, Physiology, & Neurobiology
College of Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0575