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DateWhat's New
6/1/17The Core provides further salary support to bioinformatic team.
5/3/17Dr. Zhang's proposal "Establishing a cost-effective approach for routine RNAseq using ultra-low input RNA" was funded by College of Medicine Core Enhancement Funding.
4/29/17The Core completed the validation of human whole mitochondria gene sequencing approach, and formally starts to provide the service. The input is purified genomic DNA at ng level.
4/25/17The 2017 performance survey sent to about 150 researchers showed the Core (bench work) reached 4.73 out of 5 of overall satisfactory rate. The Scores on Knowledge, Response inquiries, Problem solving, Project update, Turnaround time and Service Quality are 4.93, 4.80, 4.79, 4.67, 4.67 and 4.87, respectively. This is the highest rate in the Core's history.
1/1/17The Core's 2016 revenue exceeds $1.2 million.
10/12/16The Core's starts to perform preliminary study to develop ultra-low input RNA-seq approach.
7/5/16Mr. Justin (Sam) Bell joined the Core as a Research Assistant.
6/7/16Ms. Hong Cheng ioined the Core as a Research Assistant.
5/16/16GESC updated its server for bioinformatics analysis, and significantly increased it data storage capacity.
5/10/16The Core has a new appearance.
3/14/16Dr. Zhang's proposal "Validation of Infinium MethylationEPIC assay for DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation (5hmC) study" was funded by College of Medicine Core Enhancement Funding.
1/1/16The Core completed 156 projects in 2015, the highest number in its history.
11/9/15The Core introduced Illumina Infinium methylationEPIC (methylation 850K) service.
10/28/15Supported by Information Technology team in the Department, GESC updated its webpage.
9/18/15Dr. Zhang presented the Core's recent two research projects in the Department for method development: 1) Precise and aligned miRNA-seq library selection reads generation from low-quality and low-input RNA; 2) Multiplex Bisulfite PCR Next-Gen Sequencing for Parallel Multi-Region Methylation Analysis.
9/9/15In the Department Seminar Series, Dr. Zhang presented a talk entitled "The NGS: Service, Research and Beyond" to students and researchers.
2/23/15Using a low as 5 ng exosome RNA extracted from urine samples and modified miRNA library preparation protocol, GESC successfully performed miRNA-seq for one of UC's research groups.
2/12/15GESC replaced and installed new uninterruptible power supplies to all of its key instruments.
1/30/15Based on the feedback from the Program Leaders and leadership of the Cincinnati Cancer Center, GESC has been identified as one of the core facilities essential for the Center.
12/12/14GESC bid on Cincinnati Children's Hospital's next generation sequencing services.
10/28/14GESC was invited to participate in Cincinnati Children's Hospital's next generation DNA sequencing services proposal request.
9/3/14In the Department Seminar Series, Dr. Zhang presented a talk entitled "The next generation sequencing" to students and researchers.
8/26/14GESC further optimized the protocol for reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) with an input as few as 30 cells.
7/15/14To ensure the reproducibility and reliability of the NGS, with the support of Dr. Medvedovic's group, the core conducted a one year study. The sample libraries were sequenced under different times, flow cells and lanes. The results showed that the repeated sequencing data did match with the previous data well, and the reproducibility is extremely high between the two batches. Please contact us if you would like more information on this subject.
6/11/14As a continuation of the three-month project, GESC purchased the high performance Revco ultra-low temperature -30C freezer and 4C refrigerator to replace the old freezers and refrigerators in the core.
5/7/14GESC established a three-month project to enhance the Core's operation efficiency. This project includes the replacement of old computers with newer, high performance computers.
4/15/14GESC established an in-house protocol for reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) with genomic DNA input as low as 1 ng. This protocol takes advantage of the unique protocols from different kits to achieve high sensitivity with ultra-low input DNA.
2/4/14GESC provided its first RNA-seq with ultra-low input RNA at sub-nanogram level.
1/30/14GESC tested and established an improved ChIP-seq protocol which allows for a higher resolution of genome-wide maps even when the size distribution of the fragmented DNA is not optimized.
1/8/14Supported by the Information Technology team in the Department, GESC significantly updated its webpage.
1/8/14GESC purchased a two-year service warranty from Illumina to ensure its HiSeq, cBot and iScan instruments are operated under optimal condition.
12/4/13GESC attended UC Recharge Council meeting. The revised service rate and new services were approved.
11/1/13The Core is officially named as Genomics, Epigenomics and Sequencing Core (GESC) to reflect not only the expanded services in the past year but also its future direction.
10/21/13GSC presented its services during UC Health Research Week.
8/1/13GSC cleared 21 old instruments and furniture to free space for new ones.
7/22/13GSC became Illumina Core Lab.
6/24/13Ms. Agnes Cheong, B. Art., graduated from Clark University and joined GSC as a Research Assistant.
6/17/13Dr. Shuk-Mei Ho, Department Chair and GSC Director, received an $8.7 million federal grant to continue operating Center for Environmental Genetics (CEG) as Director. CEG supports GSC to conduct innovative research.
5/29/13GSC established protocols for RNA-seq and miRNA-seq with LCM samples.
5/22/13GSC presented its services in the Research Supplier Product Show held at the UC Kingsgate Marriott Conference Center.
5/7/13GSC performed the first genome-wide 5-hmC sequencing targeting CpG islands, CpG island shores, undermethylated regions, promoters, and differentially methylated regions (DMRs).
5/1/13Dr. Xiang (Sean) Zhang was appointment as Research Assistant Professor in GSC, Department of Environmental Health.
4/15/13Using Agilent SureSelect system, GSC completed bisulfite modification-based methyl-seq with human and mouse samples. This system enables researchers to focus on the regions of DNA where methylation is known to impact gene regulation.
3/12/13GSC validated miRNA-seq protocol for exosome samples.
2/25/13GSC performed its first miRNA-seq with archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.
2/20/13Supported by the Laboratory for Statistical Genomics and Systems Biology (lead by Dr. Mario Medvedovic) and the Information Technology team (lead by Kurt Roberts) in the Department, GSC introduced a new server for massive sequencing data processing and storage.
1/8/13GSC introduced IntegenX Apollo 324 Next Generation Sequencing Library Prep System, which automates tedious library preparation steps for higher library quality and better reproducibility.
11/12/12GML officially stopped providing all microarray-based services (except Infinium BeadChip assay) and changed its name to the Genomics and Sequencing Core (GSC) in the Department of Environmental Health.
11/1/12Dr. Xiang (Sean) Zhang was appointed as the Genomics and Microarray Laboratory (GML) manager. Before that, he was working in the field of genetics and epigenetics with first-author publications in journals such as PLoS Genet, Oncogene, Environ Health Perspect and J Mol Endocrinol.
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Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
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Phone: 513-558-5701