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2023 Annual Student Research Findings Symposium

Jan 13, 2023, 14:11 PM by Jessica Bloomer
The Annual Student Research Findings Symposium was held on January 10, 2023 to present UC ERC workshop and TRT student projects.

Written by: Jessica Bloomer

The Annual Students Research Findings Symposium was held on January 10, 2023 in the Kettering Lab Complex. There were six presentations consisting of three workshop group projects as well as three students presenting results from their Target Research Training Program (TRT) research. ERC faculty, students, and external advisory board members were present online and in-person to evaluate the presentations, give constructive feedback by asking questions, and provide an audience for students to practice presenting their work. 

Three workshop student groups presented on:
The Exposure and Infection Rates of COVID-19 Among the Employees in a U.S. Healthcare Institution and the Resultant Loss of Productivity, Dania Abu-Alhaija, Kyle Brittingham, Paidamoyo Matibiri, Victoria Simmons 

Occupational Sharps and Needlestick Injuries Among Nurses and Resident Physicians, Wali Jahangiri, Alexei Krainev, Sofia Villaveces, Hannah Phipps

Role of Written Policy in the Reduction of Workplace Violence in the Home Healthcare Setting, Ryan Bellacov, Sean Dobson, Taylor Buckley, Afton Erbe, Efosa Obariase

Three TRT students presented on:
Advocacy for Workplace Policy and Practices to Address Workplace Hazards in Home Health Care, Trevor Holtz 

Pilot Outcomes and Occupational Perspectives from Clinically Managed Residential Withdrawal Management: A Sequential Mixed Methods Research Approach, Aaron Vissman

Investigation of Occupationally-Related Stress During COVID-19, Thomas Gerding 

After the presentations concluded the group adjourned to the atrium for a reception and to further discuss research projects within the ERC. 

This symposium highlights the work of workshop and TRT students and provides an opportunity to practice presentation skills and gain valuable feedback from audience members on their current projects. 

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Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences
Education and Research Center (ERC)
Kettering Lab Building
Room 440
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