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2018 Annual Student Research Findings Symposium

Jan 8, 2018, 16:18 PM by User Not Found
The Annual Students Research Findings Symposium was held on January 8th, 2018. There were seven presentations consisting of workshop group projects as well as three students presenting results from their Target Research Training Program (TRT) research and one student presenting conference findings.

Written by: Jessica Bloomer

The Annual Students Research Findings Symposium was held on January 8th, 2018. There were seven presentations consisting of workshop group projects as well as three students presenting results from their Target Research Training Program (TRT) research and one student presenting conference findings. ERC faculty and students were present to evaluate the presentations, give constructive feedback by asking questions, and provide an audience for students to practice presenting their work.

Three workshop student groups presented on:

  • Identifying the Health and Safety Exposures for Hispanic Construction Workers: A Survey Study in an Urban Midwest City; Anthony Calvillo and Nancy Ly
  • Home Healthcare Simulation: Measurement of Administering Nebulizer Medication; Renee Lewis, Katherine Ollier, and Jennifer Baker
  • Occupational Hazards Encountered by Hospice Healthcare Workers; Mamadou Niang, Bhargav Chandrashekar, and Christopher Brann


Three TRT students presented on:

  • An Integrative Review of Occupational Exposures of Home Healthcare Workers; Elizabeth Bien
  • Evaluation Potential Exposures to Consumer Cleaning Product Ingredients; Michael Benjamin
  • Improving Occupational Risk Assessment for Data-Poor Chemicals; Evan Frank


Bhargav Chandrashekar presented on Integrative Pain Management from the 2017 Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine Conference.

After the presentations concluded the group adjourned to the faculty lounge for dinner and to view posters consisting of current student and faculty research.

This symposium showcased the work of workshop, TRT students, and conference findings and provided an opportunity to discuss other current student and faculty work in the Education and Research Center. 


A controlled chamber set up to characterize aerosol production from cleaning product sprays. Photo from Michael Benjamin’s presentation.


An enclosed aerosol chamber with mannequin set up for simulating measurements of administering nebulizer medication in home healthcare settings. Photo from Katherine Ollier, Renee Lewis, and Jennifer Baker’s presentation.


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