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2016 Annual Student Research Findings Symposium

Jan 11, 2016, 08:57 AM by User Not Found
The Annual Students Research Findings Symposium was held on November 29th, 2016.

Written by: Jessica Bloomer

The Annual Students Research Findings Symposium was held on November 29th, 2016. There were six presentations consisting of workshop group projects as well as two students presenting results from their Target Research Training Program (TRT) research. ERC faculty and students were present to evaluate the presentations, give constructive feedback by asking questions, and provide an audience for students to practice presenting their work.

Four workshop student groups presented on:

  • Occupational Hazards Encountered by Pediatric Home Healthcare Nurses and Aides
  • Low Wage Earner Hazard Survey
  • Cincinnati Public School Worker Injury Project
  • Home Healthcare Worker VOC Exposure Simulation

Two TRT students presented on:

  • Evaluation of Firefighters’ Physiological Measures when Exposed to Stressors; by Georganne Kincer
  • Performance of an N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator and a Surgical Mask Used by Home; by Yousef Elmashae

After the presentations concluded the group adjourned to the faculty lounge for dinner and to view posters consisting of current student and faculty research.

Posters included:

  • The use of systems engineering methods and human factors analysis to identify and mitigate safety issues in cranial stereotactic radiation surgery (CSRS); presented by Jimmy Stringer
  • Effect of Early Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution on the Bacterial and Fungal Respiratory Microbiome; presented by Christine Uebel-Niemeier
  • Objective Evaluation of Dust Collection Methods of Indoor Air Fungal Exposure Assessment Using Quantitative PCR; presented by Jennie Cox
  • Efficiency of a Free-Standing Air Cleaner in Reducing Children’s Exposure to Fungal Spores; presented by Jennie Cox
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Air Quality Measurement – Pilot Study; presented by Kelechi Isiugo

This symposium was intended to showcase the work of workshop and TRT students as well as discuss current research in the ERC by students and faculty. 

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