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  • Western Kentucky Coal Mine Field Trip: May 4-5, 2017

    May 8, 2017, 13:37 PM by User Not Found
    An interdisciplinary trip organized by the UC ERC to tour a coal mine in Western Kentucky.
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  • March 2017 Field Trip Pt. 1 - University of Michigan Research Symposium

    Mar 20, 2017, 09:42 AM by User Not Found
    Part 1 of the March 2017 interdisciplinary ERC field trip to Michigan.
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  • March 2017 Field Trip Pt. 2 - Ford Rouge Factory Tour

    Mar 20, 2017, 09:27 AM by User Not Found
    Part 2 of the March 2017 interdisciplinary ERC field trip to Michigan.
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  • 17th Annual PRP Symposium

    Oct 17, 2016, 08:52 AM by User Not Found
    The annual PRP symposium was held on October 13-14 in the University of Cincinnati’s Proctor Hall, Nursing College. The first talk about Total Worker Health® was given by Dr. Anita Schill from NIOSH. This comprehensive approach to worker health seemed to resonate with attendees, but many challenges still need to be overcome as the program develops. Many people, including myself, went in with the common misunderstanding that it is a wellness program, but we all came away with a better understanding of its comprehensive nature by the end of Dr. Schill’s presentation.
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  • Field Course Work by ERC Students

    Sep 19, 2016, 08:41 AM by User Not Found
    The 1st year industrial hygiene students and an occupational nursing student visited Formica on 9/19/16 as part of the “Identification of Workplace Hazards” class led by Dr. Andy Maier. Students toured the facility with plant EH&S professionals to learn about laminate surface coating processes and health and safety information/issues, including ventilation controls, PPE, and potential exposures. A student and faculty member from the the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology also joined the UC students on the tour. Students have several additional site visits scheduled this semester to various industries in the Cincinnati area.
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Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences
Education and Research Center (ERC)
Kettering Lab Building
Room 440
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056
Mail Location: 0056
Phone: 513-558-5710
Fax: 513-558-2722