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Photo of  Kenneth Davis, MD

Kenneth Davis, MD

  • Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine: New York Medical College
  • General Surgery Residency: Harlem Hospital Center
  • Medical Degree: St. Louis University School of Medicine
  • Bachelor's Degree: University of Cincinnati (Biology)
Board Certifications & Licenses

American Board of Surgery (Surgery Critical Care) (Certification Date: 1987-04-09) - (Recertification Date: 2015-09-16)
American Board of Surgery (Certification Date: 1984-10-15) - (Recertification Date: 2013-12-03)

Contact Information
Research Interests

Trauma, Critical Care, General Surgery, Mechanical Ventilation, ARDS, Black Client Workshop

Peer Reviewed Publications

Austin P.N.;Campbell R.S.;Johannigman J.A.;Davis K.;Luchette F.A.;Frame S.B.;Branson R.D. 12-01-1999. The effect of pressure support ventilation on imposed work of breathing: A comparison of four portab Critical Care Medicine, 27 12 SUPPL.,

Branson R.D.;Campbell R.S.;Austin P.N.;Johannigman J.A.;Luchette F.A.;Frame S.B.;Davis K. 12-01-1999. Evaluation of two adjustable flow generators Critical Care Medicine, 27 12 SUPPL.,

Campbell R.S.;Austin P.N.;Johannigman J.A.;Davis K.;Luchette F.A.;Frame S.B.;Branson R.D. 12-01-1999. Comparison of the imposed work of breathing of 9 portable ventilators Critical Care Medicine, 27 12 SUPPL.,

Campbell R.S.;Lawson J.J.;Branson R.D.;Johannigman J.A.;Luchette F.A.;Davis K.;Frame S.B. 12-01-1999. Performance of two dual control modes (DCM) of ventilation in the presence of a large air leak Critical Care Medicine, 27 1 SUPPL.,

Campbetl R.;Branson R.;Porembka D.;Jottannigman J.;Luchette F.;Davis K. 12-01-1998. Breathing pattern and gas exchange alterations associated with the deadspace of heat and moisture ex Critical Care Medicine, 26 1 SUPPL.,

Johannigman J.;Davis K.;Campbell R.;Luchette F.;Hurst J.;Branson R. 12-01-1997. Inhaled nitric oxide in acute respiratory distress syndrome Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 43 6, 904-910

Luchette F.A.;Porembka D.;Davis K.;Branson R.D.;James L.;Hurst J.M.;Johannigman J.A.;Campbell R.S. 11-23-2000. Effects of body temperature on accuracy of continuous cardiac output measurements Journal of Investigative Surgery, 13 3, 147-152

Campbell R.;Branson Ba R.;Johannigman J.;Davis K. 11-01-1997. Erratic ventilator triggering during neuromuscular blockade Respiratory Care, 42 11, 1048-1056

Barnes S.;Robinson B.;Richards J.;Zimmerman C.;Pritts T.;Tsuei B.;Butler K.;Muskat P.;Davis K.;Johannigman J. 10-01-2008. The devil is in the details: Maximizing revenue for daily trauma care Surgery, 144 4, 670-676

Davis K.;Kerwin A.;Hawkins M.;Hauser C. 10-01-2008. Discussion Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 65 4, 830-831

O'Brien D.P.;Luchette F.A.;Pereira S.J.;Lim E.;Seeskin C.S.;James L.;Miller S.;Davis K.;Hurst J.M.;Johannigman J.A.;Frame S.B. 10-01-2002. Pelvic fracture in the elderly is associated with increased mortality Surgery, 132 4, 710-715

Branson R.;Campbell R.;Davis K. 10-01-1997. Effect of expiratory flow on moisture output of passive humidifiers as measured by the ISO 9360 stan Respiratory Care, 42 10, 960-964

Love R.;Choe E.;Lippton H.;Flint L.;Steinberg S.;Davis K.;Kramer G.;Lucas C.;Watkins G. 09-12-1995. Positive end-expiratory pressure decreases mesenteric blood flow despite normalization of cardiac ou Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 39 2, 195-199

Davis K.;Evans S.L.;Campbell R.S.;Johannigman J.A.;Luchette F.A.;Porembka D.T. 09-01-2000. Heat-moisture exchangers and risk of nosocomial pneumonia. Infection control and hospital epidemiology : the official journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America, 21 9, 618

Branson R.D.;Davis K.;Brown R.;Rashkin M. 09-01-1996. Comparison of three humidification techniques during mechanical ventilation: Patient selection, cost Respiratory Care, 41 9, 809-816

Branson R.D.;Campbell R.S.;Johannigman J.A.;Ottaway M.;Davis K.;Luchette F.A.;Frame S. 08-01-1999. Comparison of conventional heated humidification with a new active hygroscopic heat and moisture exc Respiratory Care, 44 8, 912-917

Falcone R.;Fegelman E.;Nussbaum M.;Brown D.;Bebbe T.;Merhar G.;Johannigman J.;Luchette F.;Davis K.;Hurst J. 08-01-1999. A prospective comparison of laparoscopic ultrasound vs intraoperative cholangiogram during laparosco Surgical Endoscopy, 13 8, 784-788

Branson R.;Davis K. 08-01-1996. Evaluation of 21 passive humidifiers according to the ISO 9360 standard: Moisture output, dead space Respiratory Care, 41 8, 736-743

Branson R.;Davis K. 06-01-2008. Does Closed Loop Control of Assist Control Ventilation Reduce Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury? Clinics in Chest Medicine, 29 2, 343-350

McCarter F.;Luchette F.;Molloy M.;Hurst J.;Davis K.;Johannigman J.;Frame S.;Fischer J. 05-01-2000. Institutional and individual learning curves for focused abdominal ultrasound for trauma: Cumulative Annals of Surgery, 231 5, 689-700

Moon M.R.;Luchette F.A.;Gibson S.W.;Crews J.;Sudarshan G.;Hurst J.M.;Davis K.;Johannigman J.A.;Frame S.B.;Fischer J.E. 05-01-1999. Prospective, randomized comparison of epidural versus parenteral opioid analgesia in thoracic trauma Annals of Surgery, 229 5, 684-692

Taylor R.W.;Zimmerman J.L.;Dellinger R.P.;Straube R.C.;Criner G.J.;Davis K.;Kelly K.M.;Smith T.C.;Small R.J. 04-07-2004. Low-Dose Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Patients with Acute Lung Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of the American Medical Association, 291 13, 1603-1609

Finlay-Morreale H.;Tsuei B.;Fisher B.;Davis K.;Johannigman J. 04-01-2009. Close is dead: Determinants of firearm injury lethality in women Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 66 4, 1207-1211

Johannigman J.;Muskat P.;Barnes S.;Davis K.;Beck G.;Branson R. 04-01-2008. Autonomous control of oxygenation Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 64 SUPPL. 4,

Branson R.D.;Campbell R.S.;Davis K.;Porembka D.T. 04-01-1998. Anaesthesia circuits, humidity output, and mucociliary structure and function Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 26 2, 178-183

Hirschl R.;Croce M.;Gore D.;Wiedemann H.;Davis K.;Zwischenberger J.;Bartlett R. 03-15-2002. Prospective, randomized, controlled pilot study of partial liquid ventilation in adult acute respira American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 165 6, 781-787

Campbell R.;Davis K.;Johannigman J.;Branson R. 03-01-2000. The effects of passive humidifier dead space on respiratory variables in paralyzed and spontaneously Respiratory Care, 45 3, 306-312

Dellinger R.;Zimmerman J.;Taylor R.;Sträube R.;Hauser D.;Criner G.;Davis K.;Hyers T.;Papadakos P. 01-20-1998. Effects of inhaled nitric oxide in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: Results of a r Critical Care Medicine, 26 1, 15-23

Branson R.;Davis K.;Butler K. 01-01-2007. African Americans' participation in clinical research: importance, barriers, and solutions American Journal of Surgery, 193 1, 32-39

Johannigman J.;Miller S.;Davis B.;Davis K.;Campbell R.;Branson R. 01-01-2003. Influence of low tidal volumes on gas exchange in acute respiratory distress syndrome and the role o Journal of Trauma, 54 2, 320-325

Branson R.;Johannigman J.;Campbell R.;Davis K. 01-01-2002. Closed-loop mechanical ventilation. Respiratory care, 47 4,

Branson R.;Davis K. 01-01-2001. Dual control modes: Combining volume and pressure breaths Respiratory Care Clinics of North America, 7 3, 397-408

Johannigman J.;Davis K.;Miller S.;Campbell R.;Luchette F.;Frame S.;Branson R. 01-01-2001. Prone positioning and inhaled nitric oxide: Synergistic therapies for acute respiratory distress syn Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 50 4, 589-596

Davis K.;Evans S.;Campbell R.;Johannigman J.;Luchette F.;Porembka D.;Branson R. 01-01-2000. Prolonged use of heat and moisture exchangers does not affect device efficiency or frequency rate of Critical Care Medicine, 28 5, 1412-1418

Gearhart M.;Luchette F.;Proctor M.;Lutomski D.;Witsken C.;James L.;Davis K.;Johannigman J.;Hurst J.;Frame S. 01-01-2000. The risk assessment profile score identifies trauma patients at risk for deep veto thrombosis Surgery, 128 4, 631-640

Johannigman J.;Davis K.;Campbell R.;Luchette F.;Frame S.;Branson R. 01-01-2000. Positive end-expiratory pressure and response to inhaled nitric oxide: Changing nonresponders to res Surgery, 127 4, 390-394

Johannigman J.;Davis K.;Miller S.;Campbell R.;Luchette F.;Frame S.;Branson R. 01-01-2000. Prone positioning for acute respiratory distress syndrome in the surgical intensive care unit: Who, Surgery, 128 4, 708-716

Pereira S.J.;O'Brien D.P.;Luchette F.A.;Choe K.A.;Lim E.;Davis K.;Hurst J.M.;Johannigman J.A.;Frame S.B. 01-01-2000. Dynamic helical computed tomography scan accurately detects hemorrhage in patients with pelvic fract Surgery, 128 4, 678-685

Sommers M.S.;Dyehouse J.M.;Howe S.R.;Lemmink J.;Davis K.;McCarthy M.;Russell A.C. 01-01-2000. Attribution of injury to alcohol involvement in young adults seriously injured in alcohol-related mo American Journal of Critical Care, 9 1, 28-35

Branson R.D.;Campbell R.S.;Davis K. 01-01-1999. New modes of ventilatory support International Anesthesiology Clinics, 37 3, 103-125

Davis K.;Campbell R.;Johannigman J.;Valente J.;Branson R. 01-01-1999. Changes in respiratory mechanics after tracheostomy Archives of Surgery, 134 1, 59-62

Falcone R.A.;Luchette F.A.;Choe K.A.;Tiao G.;Ottaway M.;Davis K.;Hurst J.M.;Johannigman J.A.;Frame S.B. 01-01-1999. Zone I retroperitoneal hematoma identified by computed tomography scan as an indicator of significan Surgery, 126 4, 608-615

Johannigman J.;Campbell R.;Davis K.;Hurst J. 01-01-1997. Combined differential lung ventilation and inhaled nitric oxide therapy in the management of unilate Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 42 1, 108-111

Johannigman J.;Davis K.;Campbell R.;Branson R.;Luchette F.;Hurst J. 01-01-1997. Use of the rapid/shallow breathing index as an indicator of patient work of breathing during pressur Surgery, 122 4, 737-741

Parikh A.A.;Luchette F.A.;Valente J.F.;Johnson R.C.;Anderson G.L.;Blebea J.;Rosenthal G.J.;Hurst J.M.;Johannigman J.A.;Davis K. 01-01-1997. Blunt carotid artery injuries Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 185 1, 80-86

Williams A.;Luchette F.;Papaconstantinou H.;Lim E.;Hurst J.;Johannigman J.;Davis K. 01-01-1997. The effect of early versus late fasciotomy in the management of extremity trauma Surgery, 122 4, 861-866

Davis K.;Branson R.;Campbell R.;Porembka D. 01-01-1996. Comparison of volume control and pressure control ventilation: Is flow waveform the difference? Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 41 5, 808-814

Weber S.;Murphy M.;Pitzer M.;Davis K. 01-01-1996. Management of retrohepatic venous injuries with atrial caval shunts. AORN journal, 64 3,

Branson R.;Davis K. 01-01-1995. Work of breathing imposed by five ventilators used for long-term support: The effects of PEEP and si Respiratory Care, 40 12, 1270-1278

Davis K.;Johannigman J.;Johnson R.;Branson R. 01-01-1995. Lung Compliance Following Cardiac Arrest Academic Emergency Medicine, 2 10, 874-878

Haas C.F.;Branson R.D.;Folk L.M.;Campbell R.S.;Wise C.R.;Davis K.;Dechert R.E.;Weg J.G. 01-01-1995. Patient-determined inspiratory flow during assisted mechanical ventilation Respiratory Care, 40 7, 716-721

Johannigman J.;Branson R.;Johnson D.;Davis K.;Hurst J. 01-01-1995. Out?of?hospital Ventilation: Bag?Valve Device vs Transport Ventilator Academic Emergency Medicine, 2 8, 719-724

Meyer C.;Blebea J.;Davis K.;Fowl R.;Kempczinski R. 01-01-1995. Surveillance venous scans for deep venous thrombosis in multiple trauma patients Annals of Vascular Surgery, 9 1, 109-114

Branson R.;Campbell R.;Davis K.;Johnson D. 01-01-1994. Comparison of pressure and flow triggering systems during continuous positive airway pressure Chest, 106 2, 540-544

Davis K.;Branson R.;Porembka D. 01-01-1994. A comparison of the imposed work of breathing with endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes in a lung mod Respiratory Care, 39 6, 611-616

Semonin-Holleran R.;Davis K.;Storer D. 01-01-1994. Neuromuscular blockade and intubation: association with hypothermia in the air medical trauma patien Air Medical Journal, 13 11-12, 483-485

Valente J.F.;Anderson G.L.;Branson R.D.;Johnson D.J.;Davis K.;Porembka D.T. 01-01-1994. Disadvantages of prolonged propofol sedation in the critical care unit Critical Care Medicine, 22 4, 710-712

Branson R.;Davis K.;Campbell R.;Johnson D.;Porembka D. 01-01-1993. Humidification in the intensive care unit: Prospective study of a new protocol utilizing heated humi Chest, 104 6, 1800-1805

Davis K.;Branson R.;Campbell R.;Porembka D.;Johnson D. 01-01-1993. The addition of sighs during pressure support ventilation: Is there a benefit? Chest, 104 3, 867-870

Davis K.;Johnson D.;Branson R.;Campbell R.;Johannigman J.;Porembka D. 01-01-1993. Airway Pressure Release Ventilation Archives of Surgery, 128 12, 1348-1352

Porembka D.;Johnson D.;Hoit B.;Reising J.;Davis K.;Koutlas T. 01-01-1993. Penetrating cardiac trauma: A perioperative role for transesophageal echocardiography Anesthesia and Analgesia, 77 6, 1275-1277

Porembka D.;Kier A.;Sehlhorst S.;Boyce S.;Orlowski J.;Davis K. 01-01-1993. The pathophysiologic changes following bile aspiration in a porcine lung model Chest, 104 3, 919-924

Purcell P.;Davis K.;Branson R.;Johnson D. 01-01-1993. Continuous duodenal feeding restores gut blood flow and increases gut oxygen utilization during PEEP The American Journal of Surgery, 165 1, 188-194

Campbell R.;Davis K.;Johnson D.;Porembka D.;Hurst J. 01-01-1992. Laboratory and clinical evaluation of the impact uni-vent 750 portable ventilator Respiratory Care, 37 1, 29-36

Davis K. 01-01-1992. The injured duodenum. Journal of the National Medical Association, 84 2, 177-179

Davis K. 01-01-1992. Alterations to the Patil-Syracuse mask for fiberoptic intubation [7] Anesthesia and Analgesia, 74 3, 472-473

Hurst J.;Davis K.;Johnson D.;Branson R.;Campbell R.;Branson P. 01-01-1992. Cost and complications during in-hospital transport of critically ill patients: A prospective cohort Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 33 4, 582-585

Purcell P.;Branson R.;Hurst J.;Davis K.;Johnson D. 01-01-1992. Gut feeding and hepatic hemodynamics during PEEP ventilation for acute lung injury Journal of Surgical Research, 53 4, 335-341

Purcell P.;Branson R.;Schroeder T.;Davis K.;Johnson D. 01-01-1992. Monoethylglycinexylidide production parallels changes in hepatic blood flow and oxygen delivery in l Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 33 3, 482-486

Akers D.;Fowl R.;Kempczinski R.;Davis K.;Hurst J.;Uhl S. 01-01-1991. Temporary closure of the abdominal wall by use of silicone rubber sheets after operative repair of r Journal of Vascular Surgery, 14 1, 48-52

Johannigman J.A.;Branson R.D.;Davis K.;Hurst J.M. 01-01-1991. Techniques of emergency ventilation: A model to evaluate tidal volume, airway pressure, and gastric Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 31 1, 93-98

Johnson D.;Johannigman J.;Branson R.;Davis K.;Hurst J. 01-01-1991. The effect of low dose dopamine on gut hemodynamics during PEEP ventilation for acute lung injury Journal of Surgical Research, 50 4, 344-349

Branson R.;Campbell R.;Davis K.;Johannigman J.;Hurst J. 01-01-1990. Comparison of the effects of pressure support ventilation delivered by two ventilators Respiratory Care, 35 11, 1049-1055

Branson R.;Campbell R.;Davis K.;Johannigman J.;Johnson D.;Hurst J. 01-01-1990. Altering flowrate during maximum pressure support ventilation (PSV(max)): Effects on cardiorespirato Respiratory Care, 35 11, 1056-1064

Davis K. 01-01-1990. Trauma to the lower abdomen Journal of the National Medical Association, 82 10, 717-720

Hurst J.;Branson R.;Davis K.;Barrette R.;Adams K. 01-01-1990. Comparison of conventional mechanical ventilation and high-frequency ventilation. A prospective, ran Annals of Surgery, 211 4, 486-491

Branson R.D.;Hurst J.M.;Davis K.;Campbell R. 01-01-1989. Measurement of maximal inspiratory pressure: A comparison of three methods Respiratory Care, 34 9, 789-794

Hurst J.M.;Branson R.D.;Davis K.;Barrette R.R. 01-01-1989. Cardiopulmonary Effects of Pressure Support Ventilation Archives of Surgery, 124 9, 1067-1070

Hurst J.M.;Davis K.;Branson R.D.;Johannigman J.A. 01-01-1989. Comparison of blood gases during transport using two methods of ventilatory support Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 29 12, 1637-1640

Branson R.D.;Hurst J.M.;Davis K.;Pulsfort R. 01-01-1988. A laboratory evaluation of the Biergy VVR Calorimeter Respiratory Care, 33 5, 341-347

Hurst J.;Branson R.;Davis K. 01-01-1988. High-frequency percussive ventilation in the management of elevated intracranial pressure Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 28 9, 1363-1367

Patterson R.B.;Fowl R.J.;Braunstein P.W.;Davis K. 01-01-1988. Letters to the editor Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 28 12, 1684

Hurst J.;Davis K.;Branson R. 01-01-1987. High frequency ventilation in clinical surgery Problems in General Surgery, 4 4, 455-474