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Gregory W. Rouan, MD


Professor Emeritus and Past Chair Department of Internal Medicine and Taylor Professor University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

Internal Medicine | College of Medicine

  • Fellowship: Brigham and Women's Hospital (General Internal Medicine Faculty Development Program)
  • Residency: University of Cincinnati/University Hospital (Internal Medicine)
  • Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (Medicine)
  • Bachelor's Degree : University of Dayton (Biology)
Board Certifications & Licenses

American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 1983-09-14)


Internal Medicine

Contact Information
Research Interests

Primary Care, General Internal Medicine

Clinical Interests

Internal Medicine

Peer Reviewed Publications

Mathis, Bradley R; Warm, Eric J; Schauer, Daniel P; Holmboe, Eric; Rouan, Gregory W 2011. A multiple choice testing program coupled with a year-long elective experience is associated with improved performance on the internal medicine in-training examination. Journal of general internal medicine, 26 11, 1253-7

Hagaman, Jared T; Rouan, Gregory W; Shipley, Ralph T; Panos, Ralph J 2009. Admission chest radiograph lacks sensitivity in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia. The American journal of the medical sciences, 337 4, 236-40

Warm, Eric J; Schauer, Daniel P; Diers, Tiffiny; Mathis, Bradley R; Neirouz, Yvette; Boex, James R; Rouan, Gregory W 2008. The ambulatory long-block: an accreditation council for graduate medical education (ACGME) educational innovations project (EIP). Journal of general internal medicine, 23 7, 921-6

Hagaman,J.T.; Seaman,J.; Schauer,D.P.; Warm,E.; Rouan,G.W. 2006. Predictors of noncompliance with chronic narcotic agreements in primary care Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21 , 105

Mathis, Bradley R; Diers, Tiffiny; Hornung, Richard; Ho, Mona; Rouan, Gregory W 2006. Implementing duty-hour restrictions without diminishing patient care or education: can it be done? Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 81 1, 68-75

Mathis,B.R.; Diers,T.; Hornung,R.; Ho,M.; Rouan,G.W. 2006. Implementing duty-hour restrictions without diminishing patient care or education: can it be done? Academic Medicine, 81 1, 68

Seaman,J.; Hagaman,J.T.; Warm,E.; Schauer,D.P.; Rouan,G.W. 2006. A novel approach to chronic pain management in a primary care setting Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21 , 189

Tonne,B.M.; Sacher,R.A.; Rouan,G.W. 2006. A uniquely symbiotic relationship: therapeutic phlebotomies for the treatment of hereditary hemochromatosis used for allogeneic blood donation Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21 , 215

Hagaman,J.T.; Rouan,G.W. 2005. Broadening the team: a multidisciplinary approach to community-aquired pneumonia guideline implentation Journal of General Internal Medicine, 20 , 76

Hagaman,J.T.; Yurkowski,P.; Trott,A.; Rouan,G.W. 2005. Getting physicians to make "the switch": the role of clinical guidelines in the management of community-acquired pneumonia American Journal of Medical Quality, 20 1, 15

Topala,A.; Rouan,G.W. 2005. Pancreatitis as the initial presentation of crohn's disease Advanced Studies in Medicine, 5 8,

Guard, J Roger; Brueggemann, Ralph F; Fant, William K; Hutton, John J; Kues, John R; Marine, Stephen A; Rouan, Gregory W; Schick, Leslie C 2004. Integrated advanced information management systems: a twenty-year history at the University of Cincinnati. Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA, 92 2, 171-8

Guard,J.R.; Brueggemann,R.F.; Fant,W.K.; Hutton,J.J.; Kues,J.R.; Marine,S.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Schick,L.C. 2004. Integrated advanced information management systems: a twenty-year history at the university of cincinnati Journal of the Medical Library Association, 92 2, 171

Hagaman,J.T.; Rouan,G. 2004. Getting physicians to make "the switch": the role of clinical guidelines in the management of community-acquired pneumonia. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 19 , 154

Mathis,B.; Diers,T.; Rouan,G.W. 2004. Varying opinion between residents and faculty on the impact of modifying a general internal medicine ward service to meet acgme guidelines. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 19 , 235

Sostok, Michael A; Coberly, LeAnn; Rouan, Gregory 2002. Feedback process between faculty and students. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 77 3, 267

Sostok,M.A.; Coberly,L.; Rouan,G. 2002. Feedback process between faculty and students Academic Medicine, 77 3, 267

Campbell,M.; Gilinsky,N.; Rouan,G. 2000. Gluten-sensitive enteropathy in an asymptomatic male presenting with iron deficiency anemia and osteoporosis. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 48 5, 256A

Houston,H.; Miller,S.; Rouan,G. 2000. Acute methemoglobinemia secondary to topical benzocaine spray. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 48 5, 256A

Luke, R G; Wones, R G; Galla, J H; Rouan, G W; Tsevat, J; Dorfmeister, J W 1999. Development and implementation of a teaching practice plan in a department of medicine (1995-1998): relative teaching units (RTU's). Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, 110 , 214-26

Luke,R.G.; Wones,R.G.; Galla,J.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Tsevat,J.; Dorfmeister,J.W. 1999. Development and implementation of a teaching practice plan in a department of medicine (1995-1998): relative teaching units (rtu's). Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, 110 , 214

Rouan, G W; Wones, R G; Tsevat, J; Galla, J H; Dorfmeister, J W; Luke, R G 1999. Rewarding teaching faculty with a reimbursement plan. Journal of general internal medicine, 14 6, 327-32

Rouan,G.W.; Wones,R.G.; Tsevat,J.; Galla,J.H.; Dorfmeister,J.W.; Luke,R.G. 1999. Rewarding teaching faculty with a reimbursement plan Journal of General Internal Medicine, 14 6, 327

Sostok,M.; Coberly,L.; Rouan,G.; Gruppen,L. 1999. Do faculty provide effective feedback to students during a clinical exam? Journal of Investigative Medicine, 47 7, 249A

Toebbe,F.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Simbartl,L.; Tsevat,J. 1998. Prediction of abim certifying examination pass rate using a multivariable model Journal of Investigative Medicine, 46 7, 282A

Goldman, L; Cook, E F; Johnson, P A; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Lee, T H 1996. Prediction of the need for intensive care in patients who come to the emergency departments with acute chest pain. The New England journal of medicine, 334 23, 1498-504

Goldman,L.; Cook,E.F.; Johnson,P.A.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Lee,T.H. 1996. Prediction of the need for intensive care in patients who come to emergency departments with acute chest pain New England Journal of Medicine, 334 23, 1498

Sostok, M A; Luke, R G; Rouan, G W 1995. Confronting the costs of ambulatory-care training. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 70 11, 949-50

Sostok,M.A.; Luke,R.G.; Rouan,G.W. 1995. Confronting the costs of ambulatory-care training. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 70 11, 949

Krumholz, H M; Friesinger, G C; Cook, E F; Lee, T H; Rouan, G W; Goldman, L 1994. Relationship of age with eligibility for thrombolytic therapy and mortality among patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 42 2, 127-31

Krumholz,H.M.; Friesinger,G.C.; Cook,E.F.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1994. Relationship of age with eligibility for thrombolytic therapy and mortality among patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 42 2, 127

Johnson, P A; Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Rouan, G W; Goldman, L 1993. Effect of race on the presentation and management of patients with acute chest pain. Annals of internal medicine, 118 8, 593-601

Johnson,P.A.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1993. Effect of race on the presentation and management of patients with acute chest pain Annals of Internal Medicine, 118 8, 593

Yingling, K W; Wulsin, L R; Arnold, L M; Rouan, G W 1993. Estimated prevalences of panic disorder and depression among consecutive patients seen in an emergency department with acute chest pain. Journal of general internal medicine, 8 5, 231-5

Yingling,K.W.; Wulsin,L.R.; Arnold,L.M.; Rouan,G.W. 1993. Estimated prevalences of panic disorder and depression among consecutive patients seen in an emergency department with acute chest pain Journal of General Internal Medicine, 8 5, 231

Johnson,K.A.; Walker,N.M.; Frame,P.; Rouan,G.W. 1991. An educational-model for instruction in aids and aids related diseases (ard) Clinical research, 39 2, A619

Lee, T H; Juarez, G; Cook, E F; Weisberg, M C; Rouan, G W; Brand, D A; Goldman, L 1991. Ruling out acute myocardial infarction. A prospective multicenter validation of a 12-hour strategy for patients at low risk. The New England journal of medicine, 324 18, 1239-46

Lee,T.H.; Juarez,G.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.C.; Rouan,G.W.; Brand,D.A.; Goldman,L. 1991. Ruling out acute myocardial infarction. a prospective multicenter validation of a 12-hour strategy for patients at low risk New England Journal of Medicine, 324 18, 1239

Rouan,G.; Marks,E.; Tuchfarber,B.; Redington,T.J.; Lorenzi,N. 1991. Development, effects, and educational outcomes of reporting from a clinical database Medical Decision Making, 11 4 SUPPL., S80

Rouan,G.W.; Tuchfarber,B.J.; Marks,E.B.; Thinnes,C.T.; Luke,R.G.; Lorenzi,N.M. 1991. Evaluation of computer-generated drug-interaction information in a medical residency program Clinical research, 39 2, A621

Rouan,G.W.; Tuchfarber,B.J.; Marks,E.M.; Thinnes,C.M.; Luke,R.G.; Lorenzi,N.M. 1991. Implementation and evaluation of computerized access to the bio-medical literature for housestaff education in an inpatient setting Clinical research, 39 2, A622

Ting, H H; Lee, T H; Soukup, J R; Cook, E F; Tosteson, A N; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Goldman, L 1991. Impact of physician experience on triage of emergency room patients with acute chest pain at three teaching hospitals. The American journal of medicine, 91 4, 401-8

Ting,H.H.; Lee,T.H.; Soukup,J.R.; Cook,E.F.; Tosteson,A.N.A.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1991. Impact of physician experience on triage of emergency room patients with acute chest pain at three teaching hospitals American Journal of Medicine, 91 4, 401

Yingling, K W; Hattemer, C; Rouan, G W; Luke, R G 1991. Internal medicine residents' monitoring of their colleagues' moonlighting activities at the University of Cincinnati. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 66 11, 705-6

Yingling,K.W.; Hattemer,C.; Rouan,G.W.; Luke,R.G. 1991. Internal medicine residents' monitoring of their colleagues' moonlighting activities at the university of cincinnati Academic Medicine, 66 11, 705

Fiebach, N H; Cook, E F; Lee, T H; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Weisberg, M; Goldman, L 1990. Outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction who are initially admitted to stepdown units: data from the Multicenter Chest Pain Study. The American journal of medicine, 89 1, 15-20

Fiebach,N.H.; Cook,E.F.; Lee,T.H.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.; Goldman,L. 1990. Outcomes in patients with myocardial infarction who are initially admitted to stepdown units: data from the multicenter chest pain study American Journal of Medicine, 89 1, 15

Gerson, M C; Hurst, J M; Hertzberg, V S; Baughman, R; Rouan, G W; Ellis, K 1990. Prediction of cardiac and pulmonary complications related to elective abdominal and noncardiac thoracic surgery in geriatric patients. The American journal of medicine, 88 2, 101-7

Gerson,M.C.; Hurst,J.M.; Hertzberg,V.S.; Baughman,R.; Rouan,G.W.; Ellis,K.; Fischer,E.E.; Colthar,M.S.; Burwinkle,P.M. 1990. Prediction of cardiac and pulmonary complications related to elective abdominal and noncardiac thoracic surgery in geriatric patients American Journal of Medicine, 88 2, 101

Johnson,P.A.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1990. Impact of race on clinical presentation, natural-history and resource utilization of patients with acute chest pain Clinical research, 38 2, A452

Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.C.; Rouan,G.W.; Brand,D.A.; Goldman,L. 1990. Impact of the availability of a prior electrocardiogram on the triage of the patient with acute chest pain Journal of General Internal Medicine, 5 5, 381

Rouan,G.W.; Tuchfarber,B.J.; Marks,E.B.; Thinnes,C.M.; Luke,R.G.; Lorenzi,N.M. 1990. Strategies for introducing computerized expert system databases to medical housestaff Clinical research, 38 2, A733

Ting,H.H.; Lee,T.H.; Soukup,J.R.; Cook,E.F.; Tosteson,A.N.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1990. Impact of physician training level on triage decisions for emergency room patients with acute chest pain Clinical research, 38 2, A735

Tuchfarber,B.J.; Gora,M.L.; Marks,E.B.; Rouan,G.W. 1990. Computerized sources of drug interaction databases for the office practice Journal of Medical Practice Management, 6 1, 36

White, L D; Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Weisberg, M C; Rouan, G W; Brand, D A; Goldman, L 1990. Comparison of the natural history of new onset and exacerbated chronic ischemic heart disease. The Chest Pain Study Group. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 16 2, 304-10

White,L.D.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.C.; Rouan,G.W.; Brand,D.A.; Goldman,L. 1990. Comparison of the natural history of new onset and exacerbated chronic ischemic heart disease Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 16 2, 304

Cunningham,M.A.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C.; Goldman,L. 1989. The effect of gender on the probability of myocardial infarction among emergency department patients with acute chest pain: a report from the multicenter chest pain study g Journal of General Internal Medicine, 4 5, 392

Goldman,L.; Cook,E.F.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C. 1989. Prospective validation of a simple algorithm to predict complications requiring intensive-care among emergency room patients with acute chest pain Clinical research, 37 2, A524

Lee, T H; Weisberg, M C; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Goldman, L 1989. Candidates for thrombolysis among emergency room patients with acute chest pain. Potential true- and false-positive rates. Annals of internal medicine, 110 12, 957-62

Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C.; Goldman,L. 1989. Ruling out acute myocardial-infarction - prospective multicenter validation of a 12-hour strategy for low-risk patients Clinical research, 37 2, A524

Lee,T.H.; Weisberg,M.C.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1989. Candidates for thrombolysis among emergency room patients with acute chest pain. potential true- and false-positive rates Annals of Internal Medicine, 110 12, 957

Martin,V.T.; Rouan,G.W. 1989. Clinical factors identifying postoperative congestive heart-failure among hypertensive patients undergoing vascular-surgery Clinical research, 37 2, A779

Rouan, G W; Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Brand, D A; Weisberg, M C; Goldman, L 1989. Clinical characteristics and outcome of acute myocardial infarction in patients with initially normal or nonspecific electrocardiograms (a report from the Multicenter Chest Pain Study). The American journal of cardiology, 64 18, 1087-92

Rouan,G.W.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Brand,D.A.; Weisberg,M.C.; Goldman,L. 1989. Clinical characteristics and outcome of acute myocardial infarction in patients with initially normal or nonspecific electrocardiograms (a report from the multicenter chest pain study) The American Journal of Cardiology, 64 18, 1087

Rouan,G.W.; Tuchfarber,B.J.; Marks,E.B.; Lorenzi,N.M.; Luke,R.G. 1989. Utility of a patient-centered database among the 76 patients consecutively admitted to a medical ward team Clinical research, 37 2, A814

Solomon, C G; Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Weisberg, M C; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Goldman, L 1989. Comparison of clinical presentation of acute myocardial infarction in patients older than 65 years of age to younger patients: the Multicenter Chest Pain Study experience. The American journal of cardiology, 63 12, 772-6

Solomon,C.G.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.C.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L.; Daley,K.; Rosen,B.C.; Terranova,G.; Staliulewicz,C.; Copen,D.; Brandt,A.; Walshon,J.; Gottlieb,L.; Hedges,J.R.; Toltzis,R.; Goldstein-Wayne,B.; Kobernick,M. 1989. Comparison of clinical presentation of acute myocardial infarction in patients older than 65 years of age to younger patients: the multicenter chest pain study experience American Journal of Cardiology, 63 12, 772

White,L.D.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.C.; Rouan,G.W.; Brand,D.A.; Goldman,L. 1989. Natural-history of acute ischemic heart-disease in patients with and without prior histories of angina Clinical research, 37 3, A852

Yingling,K.W.; Wulsin,L.R.; Mussio,L.; Mussio,L.; Rouan,G.W. 1989. Prevalence of anxiety and affective-disorders among 334 consecutive patients with acute chest pain Clinical research, 37 2, A785

Fattu,J.M.; Corey,G.A.; Frasca,M.A.; Wears,R.L.; Li,S.; Yasnoff,W.A.; Batson,E.P.; Goldman,L.; Cook,E.F.; Brand,D.A.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W. 1988. Computer-derived protocol to predict myocardial infarction in patients with chest pain New England Journal of Medicine, 319 12, 790

Field,D.L.; Hedges,J.R.; Arnold,K.J.; Goldstein-Wayne,B.; Rouan,G.W. 1988. Limitations of chest pain follow-up from an urban teaching hospital emergency department Journal of Emergency Medicine, 6 5, 363

Goldman, L; Cook, E F; Brand, D A; Lee, T H; Rouan, G W; Weisberg, M C; Acampora, D; Stasiulewicz, C; Walshon, J; Terranova, G 1988. A computer protocol to predict myocardial infarction in emergency department patients with chest pain. The New England journal of medicine, 318 13, 797-803

Goldman,L.; Cook EF.; Brand,D.A.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C.; Acampora,D.; Stasiulewicz,C.; Walshon,J.; Terranova,G.; Gottlieb,L.; Kobernick,M.; Goldstein-Wayne,B.; Copen,D.; Daley,K.; Brandt,A.A.; Jones,D.; Mellors,J.; Jakubowski,R. 1988. A computer protocol to predict myocardial infarction in emergency department patients with chest pain New England Journal of Medicine, 318 13, 797

Goldman,L.; Cook,E.F.; Brand,D.A.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W. 1988. Computer-derived protocol to predict myocardial-infarction in patients with chest pain - reply New England Journal of Medicine, 319 12, 792

Lee,T.H.; Short,L.W.; Brand,D.A.; Jean-Claude,Y.D.; Weisberg,M.C.; Rouan,G.W.; Goldman,L. 1988. Patients with acute chest pain who leave emergency departments against medical advice: prevalence, clinical characteristics, and natural history Journal of General Internal Medicine, 3 1, 21

Martin,V.T.; Rouan,G.W. 1988. Clinical factors identifying postoperative congestive heart-failure (chf) and death among hypertensive patients undergoing vascular-surgery Clinical research, 36 6, A913

Reese,D.; Hissa,D.; Rouan,G.W. 1988. Long-term survival in patients hospitalized with ischemic chest pain and discharged alive compared to those released from the emergency department with anginal chest pain is similar Clinical research, 36 6, A914

Rouan,G.W.; Bibler,M. 1988. Group-a streptococcal bacteremia - reply Reviews of infectious diseases, 10 1, 229

Rouan,G.W.; Hedges,J.R.; Toltzis,R.; Goldman,L. 1988. Chest pain clinic to improve follow-up - reply Annals of Emergency Medicine, 17 8, 868

Wulsin, L R; Hillard, J R; Geier, P; Hissa, D; Rouan, G W 1988. Screening emergency room patients with atypical chest pain for depression and panic disorder. International journal of psychiatry in medicine, 18 4, 315-23

Wulsin,L.R.; Hillard,J.R.; Geier,P.; Hissa,D.; Rouan,G.W. 1988. Screening emergency room patients with atypical chest pain for depression and panic disorder International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 18 4, 315

Beamer, A D; Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Weisberg, M C; Goldman, L 1987. Diagnostic implications for myocardial ischemia of the circadian variation of the onset of chest pain. The American journal of cardiology, 60 13, 998-1002

Beamer,A.D.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Brand,D.A.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C.; Goldman,L. 1987. Diagnostic implications for myocardial ischemia of the circadian variation of the onset of chest pain American Journal of Cardiology, 60 13, 998

Cunningham,M.A.; Cook,E.F.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Brand,D.A.; Weisberg,M.C.; Goldman,L. 1987. Gender as an independent correlate of myocardial-infarction in 7759 emergency room patients with chest pain Clinical research, 35 3, A737

Hedges, J R; Rouan, G W; Toltzis, R; Goldstein-Wayne, B; Stein, E A 1987. Use of cardiac enzymes identifies patients with acute myocardial infarction otherwise unrecognized in the emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 16 3, 248-52

Hedges,J.R.; Rouan,G.W.; Toltzis,R. 1987. Use of cardiac enzymes identifies patients with acute myocardial infarction otherwise unrecognized in the emergency department Annals of Emergency Medicine, 16 3, 248

Lee, T H; Rouan, G W; Weisberg, M C; Brand, D A; Acampora, D; Stasiulewicz, C; Walshon, J; Terranova, G; Gottlieb, L; Goldstein-Wayne, B 1987. Clinical characteristics and natural history of patients with acute myocardial infarction sent home from the emergency room. The American journal of cardiology, 60 4, 219-24

Lee, T H; Rouan, G W; Weisberg, M C; Brand, D A; Cook, E F; Acampora, D; Goldman, L 1987. Sensitivity of routine clinical criteria for diagnosing myocardial infarction within 24 hours of hospitalization. Annals of internal medicine, 106 2, 181-6

Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C. 1987. Clinical characteristics and natural history of patients with acute myocardial infarction sent home from the emergency room American Journal of Cardiology, 60 4, 219

Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.W.; Weisberg,M.C. 1987. Sensitivity of routine clinical criteria for diagnosing myocardial infarction within 24 hours of hospitalization Annals of Internal Medicine, 106 2, 181

Rouan, G W; Hedges, J R; Toltzis, R; Goldstein-Wayne, B; Brand, D; Goldman, L 1987. A chest pain clinic to improve the follow-up of patients released from an urban university teaching hospital emergency department. Annals of emergency medicine, 16 10, 1145-50

Rouan,G.W.; Hedges,J.R.; Toltzis,R.; Golstein-Wayne,B.; Brand,D.; Goldman,L. 1987. A chest pain clinic to improve the follow-up of patients released from an urban university teaching hospital emergency department Annals of Emergency Medicine, 16 10, 1145

Rouan,G.W.; Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Brand,D.A.; Weisberg,M.C.; Goldman,L. 1987. Clinical characteristics of patients with acute myocardial-infarction and nonspecific electrocardiograms Clinical research, 35 3, A360

Wones, R G; Rouan, G W; Brody, T L; Bode, R B; Radack, K L 1987. An ambulatory medical education program for internal medicine residents. Journal of medical education, 62 6, 470-6

Wones,R.G.; Rouan,G.W.; Brody,T.L. 1987. An ambulatory medical education program for internal medicine residents Journal of Medical Education, 62 6, 470

Bibler,M.R.; Rouan,G.W. 1986. Cryptogenic group a streptococcal bacteremia: experience at an urban general hospital and review of the literature. Reviews of Infectious Diseases, 8 6, 941

Fiebach,N.H.; Cook,E.F.; Lee,T.H.; Rouan,G.; Weisberg,M.; Goldman,L. 1986. Stratified analysis of the risk of adverse outcomes in patients with myocardial-infarction admitted to non-intensive care settings Clinical research, 34 2, A364

Goldman,L.; Cook,E.F.; Lee,T.H.; Weisberg,M.; Rouan,G. 1986. Prospective multicenter validation of an algorithm to predict myocardial-infarction in emergency room patients with chest pain Clinical research, 34 2, A365

Lee,T.H.; Brand,D.; Rouan,G.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.; Acampora,D.; Goldman,L. 1986. Clinical sensitivity for detecting myocardial-infarction after 24-hours of hospitalization Clinical research, 34 2, A825

Lee,T.H.; Cook,E.F.; Weisberg,M.; Rouan,G.; Goldman,L. 1986. Impact of the base-line electrocardiogram on the accuracy of triage of emergency room patients with acute chest pain Clinical research, 34 2, A373

Lee,T.H.; Short,L.W.; Brand,D.; Jeanclaude,Y.D.; Weisberg,M.; Rouan,G.; Acampora,D.; Goldman,L. 1986. Patients who leave the emergency room against medical advice - clinical characteristics and implications Clinical research, 34 2, A825

Radack,K.L.; Rouan,G.; Hedges,J. 1986. The likelihood ratio. an improved measure for reporting and evaluating diagnostic test results Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 110 8, 689

Wones,R.; Rouan,G.; Brody,T.; Bode,R.; Radack,K. 1986. Success of an ambulatory medical-education program for medical housestaff Clinical research, 34 4, 1016

Bibler, M R; Rouan, G W . Cryptogenic group A streptococcal bacteremia: experience at an urban general hospital and review of the literature. Reviews of infectious diseases, 8 6, 941-51

Cunningham, M A; Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Brand, D A; Rouan, G W; Weisberg, M C; Goldman, L . The effect of gender on the probability of myocardial infarction among emergency department patients with acute chest pain: a report from the Multicenter Chest Pain Study Group. Journal of general internal medicine, 4 5, 392-8

Field, D L; Hedges, J R; Arnold, K J; Goldstein-Wayne, B; Rouan, G W . Limitations of chest pain follow-up from an urban teaching hospital emergency department. The Journal of emergency medicine, 6 5, 363-8

Hagaman, Jared T; Yurkowski, Peter; Trott, Alexander; Rouan, Gregory W . Getting physicians to make "the switch": the role of clinical guidelines in the management of community-acquired pneumonia. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality, 20 1, 15-21

Lee, T H; Cook, E F; Weisberg, M C; Rouan, G W; Brand, D A; Goldman, L . Impact of the availability of a prior electrocardiogram on the triage of the patient with acute chest pain. Journal of general internal medicine, 5 5, 381-8

Lee, T H; Short, L W; Brand, D A; Jean-Claude, Y D; Weisberg, M C; Rouan, G W; Goldman, L . Patients with acute chest pain who leave emergency departments against medical advice: prevalence, clinical characteristics, and natural history. Journal of general internal medicine, 3 1, 21-4

Rouan, G; Marks, E; Tuchfarber, B; Redington, T J; Lorenzi, N . Development, effects, and educational outcomes of reporting from a clinical database. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, 11 4 Suppl, S80-9