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Arthur M. Pancioli, MD


Chief Clinical Officer - UC Health, VP of Physicians Services - UC Physicians, & Professor

Emergency Medicine | College of Medicine

  • Residency: University of Cincinnati
  • Medical Degree: University of Michigan
  • Bachelor's Degree: University of Michigan (Computer Science)
Board Certifications & Licenses

American Board of Emergency Medicine (Certification Date: 1996-07-15) - (Recertification Date: 2016-01-01)




Emergency Medicine
Neurovascular Emergencies

Contact Information
Research Interests

Emergency Medicine

Clinical Interests

Emergency Medicine


Acute Stroke

Bell's Palsy

Carotid Artery, Internal, Dissection

Cerebral Hemorrhage

Cerebral venous thrombosis


Vertebral Artery Dissection

Peer Reviewed Publications

Whitesides, Louisa W; Baren, Jill M; Biros, Michelle H; Fleischman, Ross J; Govindarajan, Prasanthi R; Jones, Elizabeth B; Pancioli, Arthur M; Pentz, Rebecca D; Scicluna, Victoria M; Wright, David W; Dickert, Neal W 2017. Impact of individual clinical outcomes on trial participants' perspectives on enrollment in emergency research without consent. Clinical trials (London, England), 14 2, 180-186

Adeoye, Opeolu; Sucharew, Heidi; Khoury, Jane; Tomsick, Thomas; Khatri, Pooja; Palesch, Yuko; Schmit, Pamela A; Pancioli, Arthur M; Broderick, Joseph P 2015. Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator plus eptifibatide versus recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator alone in acute ischemic stroke: propensity score-matched post hoc analysis. Stroke, 46 2, 461-4

Adeoye, Opeolu; Sucharew, Heidi; Khoury, Jane; Vagal, Achala; Schmit, Pamela A; Ewing, Irene; Levine, Steven R; Demel, Stacie; Eckerle, Bryan; Katz, Brian; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Stettler, Brian; Woo, Daniel; Khatri, Pooja; Broderick, Joseph P; Pancioli, Arthur M 2015. Combined Approach to Lysis Utilizing Eptifibatide and Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator in Acute Ischemic Stroke-Full Dose Regimen Stroke Trial. Stroke, 46 9, 2529-33

Dickert, Neal W; Scicluna, Victoria M; Baren, Jill M; Biros, Michelle H; Fleischman, Ross J; Govindarajan, Prasanthi R; Jones, Elizabeth B; Pancioli, Arthur M; Wright, David W; Pentz, Rebecca D 2015. Patients' perspectives of enrollment in research without consent: the patients' experiences in emergency research-progesterone for the treatment of traumatic brain injury study. Critical care medicine, 43 3, 603-12

Jickling, Glen C; Ander, Bradley P; Stamova, Boryana; Zhan, Xinhua; Liu, Dazhi; Rothstein, Lena; Verro, Piero; Khoury, Jane; Jauch, Edward C; Pancioli, Arthur M; Broderick, Joseph P; Sharp, Frank R 2013. RNA in blood is altered prior to hemorrhagic transformation in ischemic stroke. Annals of neurology, 74 2, 232-40

Pancioli, Arthur M; Adeoye, Opeolu; Schmit, Pamela A; Khoury, Jane; Levine, Steven R; Tomsick, Thomas A; Sucharew, Heidi; Brooks, Claudette E; Crocco, Todd J; Gutmann, Laurie; Hemmen, Thomas M; Kasner, Scott E; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Knight, William A; Martini, Sharyl; McKinney, James S; Meurer, William J; Meyer, Brett C; Schneider, Alexander; Scott, Phillip A; Starkman, Sidney; Warach, Steven; Broderick, Joseph P 2013. Combined approach to lysis utilizing eptifibatide and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke-enhanced regimen stroke trial. Stroke, 44 9, 2381-7

Rokos, Ivan C; Sanddal, Nels D; Pancioli, Arthur M; Wolff, Catherine; Gaieski, David F 2010. Inter-hospital Communications and Transport: Turning One-way Funnels Into Two-way Networks. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 17 12, 1279-85

Shaw, George J; Meunier, Jason M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Pancioli, Arthur M; Holland, Christy K 2010. Making the right choice: optimizing rt-PA and eptifibatide lysis, an in vitro study. Thrombosis research, 126 4, e305-11

Worster, Andrew; Keim, Samuel M; Sahsi, Rupinder; Pancioli, Arthur M 2010. Do either corticosteroids or antiviral agents reduce the risk of long-term facial paresis in patients with new-onset Bell's palsy? The Journal of emergency medicine, 38 4, 518-23

del Zoppo, Gregory J; Levy, David E; Wasiewski, Warren W; Pancioli, Arthur M; Demchuk, Andrew M; Trammel, James; Demaerschalk, Bart M; Kaste, Markku; Albers, Gregory W; Ringelstein, Eric B 2009. Hyperfibrinogenemia and functional outcome from acute ischemic stroke. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 40 5, 1687-91

Levy, David E; del Zoppo, Gregory J; Demaerschalk, Bart M; Demchuk, Andrew M; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Howard, George; Kaste, Markku; Pancioli, Arthur M; Ringelstein, E Bernd; Spatareanu, Carmen; Wasiewski, Warren W 2009. Ancrod in acute ischemic stroke: results of 500 subjects beginning treatment within 6 hours of stroke onset in the ancrod stroke program. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 40 12, 3796-803

Meunier, Jason M; Holland, Christy K; Pancioli, Arthur M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Shaw, George J 2009. Effect of low frequency ultrasound on combined rt-PA and eptifibatide thrombolysis in human clots. Thrombosis research, 123 3, 528-36

Nauss, Michael D; Schmidt, Erin L; Pancioli, Arthur M 2009. Viral myositis leading to rhabdomyolysis: a case report and literature review. The American journal of emergency medicine, 27 3, 372.e5-372.e6

Pancioli, Arthur M 2009. Combination pharmacotherapy for achievement and maintenance of vascular patency. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 40 3 Suppl, S99-102

Pancioli, Arthur M 2008. Hypertension management in neurologic emergencies. Annals of emergency medicine, 51 3 Suppl, S24-7

Pancioli, Arthur M; Broderick, Joseph; Brott, Thomas; Tomsick, Thomas; Khoury, Jane; Bean, Judy; del Zoppo, Gregory; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Woo, Daniel; Khatri, Pooja; Castaldo, John; Frey, James; Gebel, James; Kasner, Scott; Kidwell, Chelsea; Kwiatkowski, Thomas; Libman, Richard; Mackenzie, Richard; Scott, Phillip; Starkman, Sidney; Thurman, R Jason 2008. The combined approach to lysis utilizing eptifibatide and rt-PA in acute ischemic stroke: the CLEAR stroke trial. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 39 12, 3268-76

Acker, Joe E; Pancioli, Arthur M; Crocco, Todd J; Eckstein, Marc K; Jauch, Edward C; Larrabee, Hollynn; Meltzer, Neil M; Mergendahl, William C; Munn, John W; Prentiss, Susanne M; Sand, Charles; Saver, Jeffrey L; Eigel, Brian; Gilpin, Brian R; Schoeberl, Mark; Solis, Penelope; Bailey, JoAnne R; Horton, Katie B; Stranne, Steven K 2007. Implementation strategies for emergency medical services within stroke systems of care: a policy statement from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Expert Panel on Emergency Medical Services Systems and the Stroke Council. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 38 11, 3097-115

Moser, Debra K; Kimble, Laura P; Alberts, Mark J; Alonzo, Angelo; Croft, Janet B; Dracup, Kathleen; Evenson, Kelly R; Go, Alan S; Hand, Mary M; Kothari, Rashmi U; Mensah, George A; Morris, Dexter L; Pancioli, Arthur M; Riegel, Barbara; Zerwic, Julie Johnson 2006. Reducing delay in seeking treatment by patients with acute coronary syndrome and stroke: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on cardiovascular nursing and stroke council. Circulation, 114 2, 168-82

Khatri, Pooja; Broderick, Joseph P; Pancioli, Arthur M 2005. Risk of thrombolysis-associated intracerebral hemorrhage: the need to compare apples with apples. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 36 6, 1109-10; author repl

Barsan, William G; Pancioli, Arthur M; Conwit, Robin A 2004. Executive summary of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke conference on Emergency Neurologic Clinical Trials Network. Annals of emergency medicine, 44 4, 407-12

Ma, Marek; Lindsell, Christopher J; Jauch, Edward C; Pancioli, Arthur M 2004. Effect of education and guidelines for treatment of uncomplicated dental pain on patient and provider behavior. Annals of emergency medicine, 44 4, 323-9

Pancioli, Arthur M; Barsan, William G; Conwit, Robin A 2004. Executive summary: The Emergency Neurologic Clinical Trials Network meeting--a National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke symposium. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, 11 10, 1092-6

Pancioli, Arthur M; Brott, Thomas G 2004. Therapeutic potential of platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists in acute ischaemic stroke: scientific rationale and available evidence. CNS drugs, 18 14, 981-8

Woo, Daniel; Kissela, Brett M; Khoury, Jane C; Sauerbeck, Laura R; Haverbusch, Mary A; Szaflarski, Jerzy P; Gebel, James M; Pancioli, Arthur M; Jauch, Edward C; Schneider, Alexander; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Broderick, Joseph P 2004. Hypercholesterolemia, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage: a case-control study. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 35 6, 1360-4

Schneider, Alexander T; Pancioli, Arthur M; Khoury, Jane C; Rademacher, Eric; Tuchfarber, Alfred; Miller, Rosemary; Woo, Daniel; Kissela, Brett; Broderick, Joseph P 2003. Trends in community knowledge of the warning signs and risk factors for stroke. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 289 3, 343-6

Borg, Keith Thomas; Pancioli, Arthur Martin 2002. Transient ischemic attacks: an emergency medicine approach. Emergency medicine clinics of North America, 20 3, 597-608

Pancioli, Arthur M; Bullard, Mark J; Grulee, Mary E; Jauch, Edward C; Perkis, David F 2002. Supplemental oxygen use in ischemic stroke patients: does utilization correspond to need for oxygen therapy? Archives of internal medicine, 162 1, 49-52

Scott, Phillip A; Pancioli, Arthur M; Davis, Lisa A; Frederiksen, Shirley M; Eckman, John 2002. Prevalence of atrial fibrillation and antithrombotic prophylaxis in emergency department patients. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 33 11, 2664-9

Woo, Daniel; Sauerbeck, Laura R; Kissela, Brett M; Khoury, Jane C; Szaflarski, Jerzy P; Gebel, James; Shukla, Rakesh; Pancioli, Arthur M; Jauch, Edward C; Menon, Anil G; Deka, Ranjan; Carrozzella, Janice A; Moomaw, Charles J; Fontaine, Robert N; Broderick, Joseph P 2002. Genetic and environmental risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage: preliminary results of a population-based study. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 33 5, 1190-5

Kosowsky, J M; Shindel, S; Liu, T; Hamilton, C; Pancioli, A M 2001. Can emergency department triage nurses predict patients' dispositions? The American journal of emergency medicine, 19 1, 10-4

McPherson, C M; Woo, D; Cohen, P L; Pancioli, A M; Kissela, B M; Carrozzella, J A; Tomsick, T A; Zuccarello, M 2001. Early carotid endarterectomy for critical carotid artery stenosis after thrombolysis therapy in acute ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 32 9, 2075-80

Chalela, J A; Kasner, S E; Jauch, E C; Pancioli, A M 1999. Safety of air medical transportation after tissue plasminogen activator administration in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 30 11, 2366-8

Sayre, M R; Sakles, J C; Mistler, A F; Evans, J L; Kramer, A T; Pancioli, A M 1998. Field trial of endotracheal intubation by basic EMTs. Annals of emergency medicine, 31 2, 228-33

Sayre, Michael R; Sackles, John C; Mistler, Alan F; Evans, Janice L; Kramer, Anthony T; Pancioli, Arthur M 1998. Field Trial of Endotracheal Intubation by Basic EMTs. Annals of emergency medicine, 31 2, 228-233

Friedland, L R; Pancioli, A M; Duncan, K M 1997. Pediatric emergency department analgesic practice. Pediatric emergency care, 13 2, 103-6

Poirier, M P; Pancioli, A M; DiGiulio, G A 1996. Vocal cord dysfunction presenting as acute asthma in a pediatric patient. Pediatric emergency care, 12 3, 213-4

Adeoye, Opeolu; Knight, William A; Khoury, Jane; Schmit, Pamela A; Sucharew, Heidi; Broderick, Joseph P; Pancioli, Arthur M . A matched comparison of eptifibatide plus rt-PA versus rt-PA alone in acute ischemic stroke. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association, 23 5, e313-5

Moser, Debra K; Kimble, Laura P; Alberts, Mark J; Alonzo, Angelo; Croft, Janet B; Dracup, Kathleen; Evenson, Kelly R; Go, Alan S; Hand, Mary M; Kothari, Rashmi U; Mensah, George A; Morris, Dexter L; Pancioli, Arthur M; Riegel, Barbara; Zerwic, Julie Johnson . Reducing delay in seeking treatment by patients with acute coronary syndrome and stroke: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Stroke Council. The Journal of cardiovascular nursing, 22 4, 326-43

Pancioli, A M; Broderick, J; Kothari, R; Brott, T; Tuchfarber, A; Miller, R; Khoury, J; Jauch, E . Public perception of stroke warning signs and knowledge of potential risk factors. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 279 16, 1288-92

Sayre, M R; Sakles, J; Mistler, A; Evans, J; Kramer, A; Pancioli, A M . Teaching basic EMTs endotracheal intubation: can basic EMTs discriminate between endotracheal and esophageal intubation? Prehospital and disaster medicine, 9 4, 234-7