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Email: nguye2k3@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Family Medicine Interest Group, Pediatrics Interest Group, Family Medicine MSSP, SWC Research Interests: Family/Community Medicine, Public Health & PolicyCareer Goals: Keeping an open mind and currently exploring, but leaning toward fields involving longitudinal patient care Favorite Strategies for Wellness: Fitness, spending time with friends and family, mindfulness, listening to musicHobbies: Weightlifting, pickleball, volleyball, cooking, drawing & painting, fishkeeping
Email: macvitmk@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Integrative Medicine MSSP, Bearcat Mentors, UC Open SchoolResearch Interests: Preventative Medicine, Nutrition, AcupunctureCareer Goals: I would like to become a physician trained in Integrative Medicine Favorite Strategies for Wellness: Sleep!, meditation, spending time with friends and family, cooking at homeHobbies: Hot yoga, walking, trying new restaurants in Cincy
Email: jones2gm@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Geriatric MSSP and Bearcat Eye Service Research Interests: My previous research involved skin cancer and immunotherapy. As I prepare for my M1/M2 summer, I’m exploring opportunities in the field of geriatrics and aging.Career Goals: Still trying to figure that out! But ultimately, I know I want a fulfilling career with some patient interaction, some hands-on work, and a decent work-life balance. Favorite Strategies for Wellness: Sleep, mindful movement, and connecting with friends and family. Hobbies: Strength training, yoga, walking, bookies, movies, music, and plants.
Email: guanmy@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: APAMSA, Infectious Disease Interest Group, Mentis, HIPEPResearch Interests: Childhood Obesity and Overweight, Lifestyle Interventions, NutritionCareer Goals: Keeping an open mind, but possibly GIFavorite Strategies for Wellness: Spending time with family and friends, being outside, eating delicious food, cuddling with my cat, being creativeHobbies: Art, collecting cute trinkets, decorating my apartment
Email: lee5cw@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Giving a Boost, Academic Medicine Interest Group, ENT Interest Group, SWC Research Interests: Environmental impacts on health and medical educationCareer Goals: OtolaryngologyFavorite Strategies for wellness: Spending quality time with loved ones, cleaning my home, and taking long drivesHobbies: Cycling, hiking, watching movies
Email: meilinem@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Co-chair of Med-Peds interest group, co-director of Urban Health Project, teaching in medical education longitudinal elective (TiME), bearcat mentorsResearch Interests: Public health and preventative health, especially in the pediatric populationCareer Goals: I hope to work in Pediatrics at an academic hospital, so that I can be involved in research and teaching within medicine.Favorite Strategies for wellness: My favorite strategies for wellness include yoga and meditation, as well as having dedicated wind-down time to enjoy reading a book or catching up on Netflix shows at night. Hobbies: My hobbies include reading and exploring all the local coffee shops in the Cincinnati area.
Email: kramerhl@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Student Wellness Committee, Bearcat Mentors, Peds Club, KIDNEE ClubResearch Interests: Pediatrics, Immunology Career Goals: Practicing pediatrician, potentially specialized in GI/LiverFavorite Strategies for wellness: I love to cook while listening to my favorite podcasts. Additionally, I end almost every day playing monopoly on my phone while watching reality TV.Hobbies: Running, lifting, skiing, cooking, board games
Email: josm@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: APAMSA, AWS, Childhood & Adolescent MSSP, Med Mentors, Peds ClubResearch Interests: Fetal Medicine, Health Outcomes in Children, Pediatric Surgery Career Goals: I'm still undecided, but I really love working with children and hope to find the right specialty that will allow me to help care for the needs of a growing child Favorite Strategies for wellness: Face Timing family and friends, Exercising, Journaling, Saving an hour a day to do something not school related Hobbies: Watching movies, Reading, Running, Cooking for friends, Watching Bay Area sports
Email: stichevr@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: UC Student-Run Free Clinic, Bearcat Barbell, Rural Health Interest Group, SWC, UC Club Swim TeamResearch Interests: Clinical trials, dermatology, facial plasticsCareer Goals: Dermatology or plastic surgeryFavorite Strategies for wellness: Spend time with ones you love, get plenty of sleep, workout, go for a hike, watch a movieHobbies: CrossFit, bouldering/top roping with my husband, shopping, swimming, cycling, hiking
Email: velasqvs@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Bearcat Mentors, MedVoUC, Family Medicine MSSP, FMIG, APAMSA, SWCResearch Interests: Primary care, community health, preventive medicine; Prior experience in pediatric asthma/allergy researchCareer Goals: Primary careFavorite Strategies for Wellness: Music, mindfulness, rest (power naps!), staying hydrated Hobbies: Volleyball, baking, piano, violin, guitar, reading, playing with my dog
Email: shumj@mail.uc.eduStudent Groups: Radiology Interest Group, Climbing Club, Sustainability Club, Board Games Club, American Medical Women’s Association, & the Geriatric Medicine Medical Student Scholars ProgramResearch Interests: RadiologyCareer Goals: With each new block, I realize how much there is to learn about medicine. So far I’ve enjoyed radiology research and working with older adult populations, but I’m trying to be open-minded about the options and am excited to learn more about various specialties in the future!Favorite Strategies for wellness: Rock climbing, spending time with friends or family, and bakingHobbies: Rock climbing is my favorite hobby at the moment. I'm originally from NY, so moving to Cincinnati has been great as I'm now really, really close to some of the most amazing outdoor climbing in the country at Red River Gorge!