Education/CredentialsPh.D.: University of Cincinnati (Engineering Mechanics)M.S.: University of Cincinnati (Engineering Mechanics)B.S.: Wright State University (Biomedical Engineering) Contact Information Email Peer Reviewed Publications Butler, David L; Gooch, Cynthia; Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Nirmalanandhan, V Sanjit; Shearn, Jason T; Dyment, Nathaniel A; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia 2010. The use of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen-based scaffolds for tissue-engineered repair of tendons. Nature protocols, 5 5, 849-63Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Powell, Heather M; Boyce, Steven T; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2010. Chondroitin-6-sulfate incorporation and mechanical stimulation increase MSC-collagen sponge construct stiffness. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 28 8, 1092-9Butler, David L; Hunter, Shawn A; Chokalingam, Kumar; Cordray, Michael J; Shearn, Jason; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Nirmalanandhan, Sanjit; Jain, Abhishek 2009. Using functional tissue engineering and bioreactors to mechanically stimulate tissue-engineered constructs. Tissue engineering. Part A, 15 4, 741-9Nirmalanandhan, Victor Sanjit; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2009. Combined effects of scaffold stiffening and mechanical preconditioning cycles on construct biomechanics, gene expression, and tendon repair biomechanics. Tissue engineering. Part A, 15 8, 2103-2111Butler, David L; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Shearn, Jason T; Gooch, Cynthia; Awad, Hani 2008. Functional tissue engineering for tendon repair: A multidisciplinary strategy using mesenchymal stem cells, bioscaffolds, and mechanical stimulation. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 26 1, 1-9Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Rao, Marepalli; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Gooch, Cindi; Butler, David L 2008. Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness of the engineered tendon construct. Journal of biomechanics, 41 4, 822-8Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Jain, Abhishek; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components of the mechanical stimulus. Tissue engineering. Part A, 14 11, 1883-91Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Dressler, Matthew R; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2007. Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: effect of scaffold materials. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 129 6, 919-23Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Goodwin, Wendy; Gooch, Cynthia; Dunn, Michael G; Butler, David L 2007. Mechanical stimulation of tendon tissue engineered constructs: effects on construct stiffness, repair biomechanics, and their correlation. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 129 6, 848-54Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Gooch, Cynthia; Galloway, Marc T; West, John R; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2006. Effects of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics and histology of stem cell-collagen sponge constructs for rabbit patellar tendon repair. Tissue engineering, 12 8, 2291-300Schuler, Nisha B; Bey, Michael J; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2005. Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in-vivo, dynamic joint kinematics: application to functional tissue engineering Journal of Biomechanics, 38 10, 2113 - 7Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S 2005. One- and two-strand posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: cyclic fatigue testing. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 23 4, 958-63Sipes, Nisha S; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2005. The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics system accuracy Journal of Biomechanics, 38 12, 2486 - 90Butler, David L; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa, Natalia; Dressler, Matthew R; Hunter, Shawn A 2004. Functional tissue engineering parameters toward designing repair and replacement strategies. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 427 Suppl, S190-9Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S 2004. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: how bundle tension depends on femoral placement. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 86-A 6, 1262-70Mannor, Dana; Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank; Levy, Martin 2000. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and tension American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 6, 833 - 45Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2015. Effect of ACL graft material on anterior knee force during simulated in vivo ovine motion applied to Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 12, 1789-1795Breidenbach A.P.;Dyment N.A.;Lu Y.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2013. Combined effects of scaffold material and mechanical stimulation on the formation of tissue engineer ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Gilday S.;Casstevens C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2013. Analysis of regional strain patterns following surgical disruption of the enthesis in a murine model ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Schaffner G.;Hewett T.;Shearn J. 12-01-2013. Correlating knee characteristics and dynamic load to customize gait simulation in vitro ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Boguszewski D.;Herfat S.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. Characterization of a biomechanical animal model for intact knee kinematics and ACL function using 6 ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 645-646Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 12-01-2011. The relationships among spatiotemporal gene expression, histology, and biomechanics following full-l ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 493-494Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. Intact knee and ACL forces for the human and ovine model during simulated in vivo human and in vivo ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 1231-1232Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. MPc-collagen gel biologic augmentations do not promote patellar tendon integration into bone ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 1021-1022Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 12-01-2010. Effect of acl reconstruction graft material on joint force loss during cyclic fatigue testing using ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, PARTS A AND B, 855-856Dyment N.;Chokalingam K.;Shoemaker A.;Gooch C.;Wylie C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2010. Effects of tensile stimulation on gene expression and in vitro stiffness of murine tissue engineered ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, PARTS A AND B, 963-964Boguszewski D.;Dyment N.;Bailey D.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Biomechanical comparison of abdominal wall hernia repair materials Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 89-90Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Effect of anterior translation on anterior knee force in a porcine model Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 375-376Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Greiwe R.;Kenter K.;Hasan S.;Butler D.;Boivi G. 12-01-2009. Comparative histological and biomechanical effects of prostaglandin-e2 and bacterial collagenase on Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 275-276Jain A.;Kinneberg K.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Powell H.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Regulation of tendon tissue engineered construct stiffness by culture time, mesenchymal stem cells a Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, PART B, 1203-1204Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.T.;Galloway M.T.;Boivin G.P.;Gooch C.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2007. Effect of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics of stem cell - Collagen sponge constructs for p Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 983-984Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Hunter S.;Chokalingam K.;Frede C.;Florer J.;Wenstrup R. 12-01-2006. Functional tissue engineering to repair tendon & other musculoskeletal tissues MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 127-129Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2006. Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 131-133Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Boivin G.;Gooch C. 12-01-2005. Evolution of an MSC-based tissue engineered construct to improve patellar tendon repair Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1146-1147Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Butler D.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Goodwin W.;Gooch C. 12-01-2005. Effect of in vitro mechanical stimulation of an engineered tendon construct on the repair biomechani Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1164-1165Sipes N.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2005. The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics syste Journal of Biomechanics, 38 12, 2486-2490Shearn J.;Mannor D.;Levy M.;Grood E.;Noyes F. 12-01-1999. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED, 43 , 29-30Arble J.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Joshi P.;Shin D.;Gooch C.;Grawe B.;Rowe D.;Shearn J. 11-01-2016. The LG/J murine strain exhibits near-normal tendon biomechanical properties following a full-length Connective Tissue Research, 57 6, 496-506Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 11-01-2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o Tissue Engineering - Part A., 14 11, 1883-1891Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 10-22-2015. A Novel Methodology for the Simulation of Athletic Tasks on Cadaveric Knee Joints with Respect to In Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43 10, 2456-2466Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 10-19-2011. Effect of implanting a soft tissue autograft in a central-third patellar tendon defect: Biomechanica Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 9, Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J. 10-16-2012. Effect of perturbing a simulated motion on knee and anterior cruciate ligament kinetics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 134 10, Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 10-01-2017. Knee Abduction Affects Greater Magnitude of Change in ACL and MCL Strains Than Matched Internal Tibi Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475 10, 2385-2396Schuler N.;Bey M.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 10-01-2005. Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in vivo, dynamic joint kinem Journal of Biomechanics, 38 10, 2113-2117Galloway M.;Lalley A.;Shearn J. 09-04-2013. The role of mechanical loading in tendon development, maintenance, injury, and repair Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 95 17, 1620-1628Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 07-01-2016. Posterior Tibial Slope Angle Correlates with Peak Sagittal and Frontal Plane Knee Joint Loading duri American Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 7, 1762-1770Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. 07-01-2012. Applying simulated in vivo motions to measure human knee and ACL kinetics Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40 7, 1545-1553Breidenbach A.;Gilday S.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 06-27-2014. Functional tissue engineering of tendon: Establishing biological success criteria for improving tend Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 1941-1948Gilday S.;Chris Casstevens E.;Kenter K.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 06-27-2014. Murine patellar tendon biomechanical properties and regional strain patterns during natural tendon-t Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 2035-2042Nesbitt R.;Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Engel A.;Galloway M.;Shearn J. 06-27-2014. Primary and secondary restraints of human and ovine knees for simulated in vivo gait kinematics Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 2022-2027Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 06-14-2016. Sex-based differences in knee ligament biomechanics during robotically simulated athletic tasks Journal of Biomechanics, 49 9, 1429-1436Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Dyment N.;Galloway M.;Kenter K.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 06-01-2011. Tendon tissue engineering: Progress, challenges, and translation to the clinic Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 11 2, 163-173Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 05-01-2011. Investigating the effects of anterior tibial translation on anterior knee force in the porcine model Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29 5, 641-646Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 04-01-2013. The native cell population does not contribute to central-third graft healing at 6, 12, or 26 weeks Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31 4, 638-644Dyment N.;Liu C.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Kenter K.;Breidenbach A.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Rowe D.;Butler D. 03-26-2013. The Paratenon Contributes to Scleraxis-Expressing Cells during Patellar Tendon Healing PLoS ONE, 8 3, Bates N.;McPherson A.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 02-28-2017. Robotic simulation of identical athletic-task kinematics on cadaveric limbs exhibits a lack of diffe Journal of Biomechanics, 53 , 36-44Butler D.;Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Breidenbach A.;Lalley A.;Gilday S.;Gooch C.;Rao M.;Liu C.;Wylie C. 02-18-2013. Evolving strategies in mechanobiology to more effectively treat damaged musculoskeletal tissues Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135 2, Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 02-01-2018. The influence of internal and external tibial rotation offsets on knee joint and ligament biomechani Clinical Biomechanics, 52 , 109-116Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. 02-01-2018. Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46 2, 284-297Herfat S.;Shearn J.;Bailey D.;Greiwe R.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 01-31-2011. Effect of surgery to implant motion and force sensors on vertical ground reaction forces in the ovin Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 2, Bates N.;Myer G.;Shearn J.;Hewett T. 01-01-2015. Anterior cruciate ligament biomechanics during robotic and mechanical simulations of physiologic and Clinical Biomechanics, 30 1, 1-13Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 01-01-2015. Relative Strain in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Medial Collateral Ligament during Simulated Ju American Journal of Sports Medicine, 43 9, 2259-2269Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. 01-01-2015. Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage Tissue Engineering - Part A, 21 3-4, 438-450Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. 01-01-2015. Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 8, 1142-1151Haworth K.;Weidner C.;Abruzzo T.;Shearn J.;Holland C. 01-01-2015. Mechanical properties and fibrin characteristics of endovascular coil-clot complexes: Relevance to e Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 7 4, 291-296Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Rowe D.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 01-01-2015. Improved biomechanical and biological outcomes in the MRL/MpJ murine strain following a full-length Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 11, 1693-1703Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 01-01-2014. Effect of ACL graft material on joint forces during a simulated in vivo motion in the porcine knee: Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32 11, 1458-1463Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 01-01-2012. The relationships among spatiotemporal collagen gene expression, histology, and biomechanics followi Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 30 1, 28-36Mannor D.;Shearn J.;Grood E.;Noyes F.;Levy M. 01-01-2000. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 6, 833-845Boguszewski, Daniel V; Shearn, Jason T; Wagner, Christopher T; Butler, David L . Investigating the Effects of Anterior Tibial Translation on Anterior Knee Force in the Porcine Model: Is the Porcine Knee ACL Dependent? Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , Herfat, Safa T; Shearn, Jason T; Bailey, Denis L; Greiwe, R. Michael; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Butler, David L . Effect of Surgery to Implant Motion and Force Sensors on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in the Ovine Model Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , Shearn, Jason; Hellmann, Lauren; Boivin, Gregory . Effect of initial cell-seeding density on postoperative cell number and dispersion. Tissue engineering, 11 11-12, 1898-904
Peer Reviewed Publications Butler, David L; Gooch, Cynthia; Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Nirmalanandhan, V Sanjit; Shearn, Jason T; Dyment, Nathaniel A; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia 2010. The use of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen-based scaffolds for tissue-engineered repair of tendons. Nature protocols, 5 5, 849-63Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Powell, Heather M; Boyce, Steven T; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2010. Chondroitin-6-sulfate incorporation and mechanical stimulation increase MSC-collagen sponge construct stiffness. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 28 8, 1092-9Butler, David L; Hunter, Shawn A; Chokalingam, Kumar; Cordray, Michael J; Shearn, Jason; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Nirmalanandhan, Sanjit; Jain, Abhishek 2009. Using functional tissue engineering and bioreactors to mechanically stimulate tissue-engineered constructs. Tissue engineering. Part A, 15 4, 741-9Nirmalanandhan, Victor Sanjit; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2009. Combined effects of scaffold stiffening and mechanical preconditioning cycles on construct biomechanics, gene expression, and tendon repair biomechanics. Tissue engineering. Part A, 15 8, 2103-2111Butler, David L; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Shearn, Jason T; Gooch, Cynthia; Awad, Hani 2008. Functional tissue engineering for tendon repair: A multidisciplinary strategy using mesenchymal stem cells, bioscaffolds, and mechanical stimulation. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 26 1, 1-9Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Rao, Marepalli; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Gooch, Cindi; Butler, David L 2008. Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness of the engineered tendon construct. Journal of biomechanics, 41 4, 822-8Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Jain, Abhishek; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components of the mechanical stimulus. Tissue engineering. Part A, 14 11, 1883-91Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Dressler, Matthew R; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2007. Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: effect of scaffold materials. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 129 6, 919-23Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Goodwin, Wendy; Gooch, Cynthia; Dunn, Michael G; Butler, David L 2007. Mechanical stimulation of tendon tissue engineered constructs: effects on construct stiffness, repair biomechanics, and their correlation. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 129 6, 848-54Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Gooch, Cynthia; Galloway, Marc T; West, John R; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2006. Effects of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics and histology of stem cell-collagen sponge constructs for rabbit patellar tendon repair. Tissue engineering, 12 8, 2291-300Schuler, Nisha B; Bey, Michael J; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2005. Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in-vivo, dynamic joint kinematics: application to functional tissue engineering Journal of Biomechanics, 38 10, 2113 - 7Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S 2005. One- and two-strand posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: cyclic fatigue testing. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 23 4, 958-63Sipes, Nisha S; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2005. The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics system accuracy Journal of Biomechanics, 38 12, 2486 - 90Butler, David L; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa, Natalia; Dressler, Matthew R; Hunter, Shawn A 2004. Functional tissue engineering parameters toward designing repair and replacement strategies. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 427 Suppl, S190-9Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S 2004. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: how bundle tension depends on femoral placement. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 86-A 6, 1262-70Mannor, Dana; Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank; Levy, Martin 2000. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and tension American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 6, 833 - 45Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2015. Effect of ACL graft material on anterior knee force during simulated in vivo ovine motion applied to Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 12, 1789-1795Breidenbach A.P.;Dyment N.A.;Lu Y.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2013. Combined effects of scaffold material and mechanical stimulation on the formation of tissue engineer ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Gilday S.;Casstevens C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2013. Analysis of regional strain patterns following surgical disruption of the enthesis in a murine model ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Schaffner G.;Hewett T.;Shearn J. 12-01-2013. Correlating knee characteristics and dynamic load to customize gait simulation in vitro ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Boguszewski D.;Herfat S.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. Characterization of a biomechanical animal model for intact knee kinematics and ACL function using 6 ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 645-646Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 12-01-2011. The relationships among spatiotemporal gene expression, histology, and biomechanics following full-l ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 493-494Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. Intact knee and ACL forces for the human and ovine model during simulated in vivo human and in vivo ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 1231-1232Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. MPc-collagen gel biologic augmentations do not promote patellar tendon integration into bone ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 1021-1022Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 12-01-2010. Effect of acl reconstruction graft material on joint force loss during cyclic fatigue testing using ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, PARTS A AND B, 855-856Dyment N.;Chokalingam K.;Shoemaker A.;Gooch C.;Wylie C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2010. Effects of tensile stimulation on gene expression and in vitro stiffness of murine tissue engineered ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, PARTS A AND B, 963-964Boguszewski D.;Dyment N.;Bailey D.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Biomechanical comparison of abdominal wall hernia repair materials Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 89-90Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Effect of anterior translation on anterior knee force in a porcine model Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 375-376Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Greiwe R.;Kenter K.;Hasan S.;Butler D.;Boivi G. 12-01-2009. Comparative histological and biomechanical effects of prostaglandin-e2 and bacterial collagenase on Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 275-276Jain A.;Kinneberg K.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Powell H.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Regulation of tendon tissue engineered construct stiffness by culture time, mesenchymal stem cells a Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, PART B, 1203-1204Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.T.;Galloway M.T.;Boivin G.P.;Gooch C.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2007. Effect of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics of stem cell - Collagen sponge constructs for p Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 983-984Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Hunter S.;Chokalingam K.;Frede C.;Florer J.;Wenstrup R. 12-01-2006. Functional tissue engineering to repair tendon & other musculoskeletal tissues MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 127-129Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2006. Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 131-133Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Boivin G.;Gooch C. 12-01-2005. Evolution of an MSC-based tissue engineered construct to improve patellar tendon repair Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1146-1147Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Butler D.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Goodwin W.;Gooch C. 12-01-2005. Effect of in vitro mechanical stimulation of an engineered tendon construct on the repair biomechani Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1164-1165Sipes N.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2005. The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics syste Journal of Biomechanics, 38 12, 2486-2490Shearn J.;Mannor D.;Levy M.;Grood E.;Noyes F. 12-01-1999. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED, 43 , 29-30Arble J.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Joshi P.;Shin D.;Gooch C.;Grawe B.;Rowe D.;Shearn J. 11-01-2016. The LG/J murine strain exhibits near-normal tendon biomechanical properties following a full-length Connective Tissue Research, 57 6, 496-506Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 11-01-2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o Tissue Engineering - Part A., 14 11, 1883-1891Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 10-22-2015. A Novel Methodology for the Simulation of Athletic Tasks on Cadaveric Knee Joints with Respect to In Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43 10, 2456-2466Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 10-19-2011. Effect of implanting a soft tissue autograft in a central-third patellar tendon defect: Biomechanica Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 9, Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J. 10-16-2012. Effect of perturbing a simulated motion on knee and anterior cruciate ligament kinetics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 134 10, Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 10-01-2017. Knee Abduction Affects Greater Magnitude of Change in ACL and MCL Strains Than Matched Internal Tibi Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475 10, 2385-2396Schuler N.;Bey M.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 10-01-2005. Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in vivo, dynamic joint kinem Journal of Biomechanics, 38 10, 2113-2117Galloway M.;Lalley A.;Shearn J. 09-04-2013. The role of mechanical loading in tendon development, maintenance, injury, and repair Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 95 17, 1620-1628Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 07-01-2016. Posterior Tibial Slope Angle Correlates with Peak Sagittal and Frontal Plane Knee Joint Loading duri American Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 7, 1762-1770Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. 07-01-2012. Applying simulated in vivo motions to measure human knee and ACL kinetics Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40 7, 1545-1553Breidenbach A.;Gilday S.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 06-27-2014. Functional tissue engineering of tendon: Establishing biological success criteria for improving tend Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 1941-1948Gilday S.;Chris Casstevens E.;Kenter K.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 06-27-2014. Murine patellar tendon biomechanical properties and regional strain patterns during natural tendon-t Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 2035-2042Nesbitt R.;Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Engel A.;Galloway M.;Shearn J. 06-27-2014. Primary and secondary restraints of human and ovine knees for simulated in vivo gait kinematics Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 2022-2027Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 06-14-2016. Sex-based differences in knee ligament biomechanics during robotically simulated athletic tasks Journal of Biomechanics, 49 9, 1429-1436Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Dyment N.;Galloway M.;Kenter K.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 06-01-2011. Tendon tissue engineering: Progress, challenges, and translation to the clinic Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 11 2, 163-173Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 05-01-2011. Investigating the effects of anterior tibial translation on anterior knee force in the porcine model Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29 5, 641-646Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 04-01-2013. The native cell population does not contribute to central-third graft healing at 6, 12, or 26 weeks Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31 4, 638-644Dyment N.;Liu C.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Kenter K.;Breidenbach A.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Rowe D.;Butler D. 03-26-2013. The Paratenon Contributes to Scleraxis-Expressing Cells during Patellar Tendon Healing PLoS ONE, 8 3, Bates N.;McPherson A.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 02-28-2017. Robotic simulation of identical athletic-task kinematics on cadaveric limbs exhibits a lack of diffe Journal of Biomechanics, 53 , 36-44Butler D.;Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Breidenbach A.;Lalley A.;Gilday S.;Gooch C.;Rao M.;Liu C.;Wylie C. 02-18-2013. Evolving strategies in mechanobiology to more effectively treat damaged musculoskeletal tissues Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135 2, Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 02-01-2018. The influence of internal and external tibial rotation offsets on knee joint and ligament biomechani Clinical Biomechanics, 52 , 109-116Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. 02-01-2018. Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46 2, 284-297Herfat S.;Shearn J.;Bailey D.;Greiwe R.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 01-31-2011. Effect of surgery to implant motion and force sensors on vertical ground reaction forces in the ovin Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 2, Bates N.;Myer G.;Shearn J.;Hewett T. 01-01-2015. Anterior cruciate ligament biomechanics during robotic and mechanical simulations of physiologic and Clinical Biomechanics, 30 1, 1-13Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 01-01-2015. Relative Strain in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Medial Collateral Ligament during Simulated Ju American Journal of Sports Medicine, 43 9, 2259-2269Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. 01-01-2015. Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage Tissue Engineering - Part A, 21 3-4, 438-450Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. 01-01-2015. Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 8, 1142-1151Haworth K.;Weidner C.;Abruzzo T.;Shearn J.;Holland C. 01-01-2015. Mechanical properties and fibrin characteristics of endovascular coil-clot complexes: Relevance to e Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 7 4, 291-296Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Rowe D.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 01-01-2015. Improved biomechanical and biological outcomes in the MRL/MpJ murine strain following a full-length Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 11, 1693-1703Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 01-01-2014. Effect of ACL graft material on joint forces during a simulated in vivo motion in the porcine knee: Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32 11, 1458-1463Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 01-01-2012. The relationships among spatiotemporal collagen gene expression, histology, and biomechanics followi Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 30 1, 28-36Mannor D.;Shearn J.;Grood E.;Noyes F.;Levy M. 01-01-2000. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 6, 833-845Boguszewski, Daniel V; Shearn, Jason T; Wagner, Christopher T; Butler, David L . Investigating the Effects of Anterior Tibial Translation on Anterior Knee Force in the Porcine Model: Is the Porcine Knee ACL Dependent? Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , Herfat, Safa T; Shearn, Jason T; Bailey, Denis L; Greiwe, R. Michael; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Butler, David L . Effect of Surgery to Implant Motion and Force Sensors on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in the Ovine Model Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , Shearn, Jason; Hellmann, Lauren; Boivin, Gregory . Effect of initial cell-seeding density on postoperative cell number and dispersion. Tissue engineering, 11 11-12, 1898-904
Butler, David L; Gooch, Cynthia; Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Nirmalanandhan, V Sanjit; Shearn, Jason T; Dyment, Nathaniel A; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia 2010. The use of mesenchymal stem cells in collagen-based scaffolds for tissue-engineered repair of tendons. Nature protocols, 5 5, 849-63Kinneberg, Kirsten R C; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Powell, Heather M; Boyce, Steven T; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2010. Chondroitin-6-sulfate incorporation and mechanical stimulation increase MSC-collagen sponge construct stiffness. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 28 8, 1092-9Butler, David L; Hunter, Shawn A; Chokalingam, Kumar; Cordray, Michael J; Shearn, Jason; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Nirmalanandhan, Sanjit; Jain, Abhishek 2009. Using functional tissue engineering and bioreactors to mechanically stimulate tissue-engineered constructs. Tissue engineering. Part A, 15 4, 741-9Nirmalanandhan, Victor Sanjit; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2009. Combined effects of scaffold stiffening and mechanical preconditioning cycles on construct biomechanics, gene expression, and tendon repair biomechanics. Tissue engineering. Part A, 15 8, 2103-2111Butler, David L; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Shearn, Jason T; Gooch, Cynthia; Awad, Hani 2008. Functional tissue engineering for tendon repair: A multidisciplinary strategy using mesenchymal stem cells, bioscaffolds, and mechanical stimulation. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 26 1, 1-9Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Rao, Marepalli; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Gooch, Cindi; Butler, David L 2008. Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness of the engineered tendon construct. Journal of biomechanics, 41 4, 822-8Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Jain, Abhishek; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components of the mechanical stimulus. Tissue engineering. Part A, 14 11, 1883-91Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Dressler, Matthew R; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Rao, Marepalli; Gooch, Cynthia; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2007. Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: effect of scaffold materials. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 129 6, 919-23Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Boivin, Gregory P; Galloway, Marc T; Goodwin, Wendy; Gooch, Cynthia; Dunn, Michael G; Butler, David L 2007. Mechanical stimulation of tendon tissue engineered constructs: effects on construct stiffness, repair biomechanics, and their correlation. Journal of biomechanical engineering, 129 6, 848-54Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia; Shearn, Jason T; Boivin, Gregory P; Gooch, Cynthia; Galloway, Marc T; West, John R; Nirmalanandhan, Victor S; Bradica, Gino; Butler, David L 2006. Effects of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics and histology of stem cell-collagen sponge constructs for rabbit patellar tendon repair. Tissue engineering, 12 8, 2291-300Schuler, Nisha B; Bey, Michael J; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2005. Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in-vivo, dynamic joint kinematics: application to functional tissue engineering Journal of Biomechanics, 38 10, 2113 - 7Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S 2005. One- and two-strand posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: cyclic fatigue testing. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 23 4, 958-63Sipes, Nisha S; Shearn, Jason T; Butler, David L 2005. The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics system accuracy Journal of Biomechanics, 38 12, 2486 - 90Butler, David L; Shearn, Jason T; Juncosa, Natalia; Dressler, Matthew R; Hunter, Shawn A 2004. Functional tissue engineering parameters toward designing repair and replacement strategies. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 427 Suppl, S190-9Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank R; Levy, Martin S 2004. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: how bundle tension depends on femoral placement. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume, 86-A 6, 1262-70Mannor, Dana; Shearn, Jason T; Grood, Edward S; Noyes, Frank; Levy, Martin 2000. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and tension American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 6, 833 - 45Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2015. Effect of ACL graft material on anterior knee force during simulated in vivo ovine motion applied to Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 12, 1789-1795Breidenbach A.P.;Dyment N.A.;Lu Y.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2013. Combined effects of scaffold material and mechanical stimulation on the formation of tissue engineer ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Gilday S.;Casstevens C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2013. Analysis of regional strain patterns following surgical disruption of the enthesis in a murine model ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Schaffner G.;Hewett T.;Shearn J. 12-01-2013. Correlating knee characteristics and dynamic load to customize gait simulation in vitro ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Boguszewski D.;Herfat S.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. Characterization of a biomechanical animal model for intact knee kinematics and ACL function using 6 ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 645-646Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 12-01-2011. The relationships among spatiotemporal gene expression, histology, and biomechanics following full-l ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 493-494Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. Intact knee and ACL forces for the human and ovine model during simulated in vivo human and in vivo ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 1231-1232Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 12-01-2011. MPc-collagen gel biologic augmentations do not promote patellar tendon integration into bone ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 1021-1022Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 12-01-2010. Effect of acl reconstruction graft material on joint force loss during cyclic fatigue testing using ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, PARTS A AND B, 855-856Dyment N.;Chokalingam K.;Shoemaker A.;Gooch C.;Wylie C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2010. Effects of tensile stimulation on gene expression and in vitro stiffness of murine tissue engineered ASME 2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2010, PARTS A AND B, 963-964Boguszewski D.;Dyment N.;Bailey D.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Biomechanical comparison of abdominal wall hernia repair materials Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 89-90Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Effect of anterior translation on anterior knee force in a porcine model Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 375-376Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Greiwe R.;Kenter K.;Hasan S.;Butler D.;Boivi G. 12-01-2009. Comparative histological and biomechanical effects of prostaglandin-e2 and bacterial collagenase on Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC2008, PART A, 275-276Jain A.;Kinneberg K.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Powell H.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2009. Regulation of tendon tissue engineered construct stiffness by culture time, mesenchymal stem cells a Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, PART B, 1203-1204Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.T.;Galloway M.T.;Boivin G.P.;Gooch C.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2007. Effect of mechanical stimulation on the biomechanics of stem cell - Collagen sponge constructs for p Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 983-984Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Nirmalanandhan V.;Hunter S.;Chokalingam K.;Frede C.;Florer J.;Wenstrup R. 12-01-2006. Functional tissue engineering to repair tendon & other musculoskeletal tissues MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 127-129Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2006. Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 131-133Butler D.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Shearn J.;Galloway M.;Boivin G.;Gooch C. 12-01-2005. Evolution of an MSC-based tissue engineered construct to improve patellar tendon repair Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1146-1147Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Butler D.;Boivin G.;Galloway M.;Goodwin W.;Gooch C. 12-01-2005. Effect of in vitro mechanical stimulation of an engineered tendon construct on the repair biomechani Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1164-1165Sipes N.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 12-01-2005. The effects of orientation, temperature, and displacement magnitude changes on the sonometrics syste Journal of Biomechanics, 38 12, 2486-2490Shearn J.;Mannor D.;Levy M.;Grood E.;Noyes F. 12-01-1999. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED, 43 , 29-30Arble J.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Joshi P.;Shin D.;Gooch C.;Grawe B.;Rowe D.;Shearn J. 11-01-2016. The LG/J murine strain exhibits near-normal tendon biomechanical properties following a full-length Connective Tissue Research, 57 6, 496-506Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 11-01-2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o Tissue Engineering - Part A., 14 11, 1883-1891Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 10-22-2015. A Novel Methodology for the Simulation of Athletic Tasks on Cadaveric Knee Joints with Respect to In Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43 10, 2456-2466Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 10-19-2011. Effect of implanting a soft tissue autograft in a central-third patellar tendon defect: Biomechanica Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 9, Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J. 10-16-2012. Effect of perturbing a simulated motion on knee and anterior cruciate ligament kinetics Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 134 10, Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 10-01-2017. Knee Abduction Affects Greater Magnitude of Change in ACL and MCL Strains Than Matched Internal Tibi Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475 10, 2385-2396Schuler N.;Bey M.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 10-01-2005. Evaluation of an electromagnetic position tracking device for measuring in vivo, dynamic joint kinem Journal of Biomechanics, 38 10, 2113-2117Galloway M.;Lalley A.;Shearn J. 09-04-2013. The role of mechanical loading in tendon development, maintenance, injury, and repair Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A, 95 17, 1620-1628Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 07-01-2016. Posterior Tibial Slope Angle Correlates with Peak Sagittal and Frontal Plane Knee Joint Loading duri American Journal of Sports Medicine, 44 7, 1762-1770Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Shearn J. 07-01-2012. Applying simulated in vivo motions to measure human knee and ACL kinetics Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40 7, 1545-1553Breidenbach A.;Gilday S.;Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 06-27-2014. Functional tissue engineering of tendon: Establishing biological success criteria for improving tend Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 1941-1948Gilday S.;Chris Casstevens E.;Kenter K.;Shearn J.;Butler D. 06-27-2014. Murine patellar tendon biomechanical properties and regional strain patterns during natural tendon-t Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 2035-2042Nesbitt R.;Herfat S.;Boguszewski D.;Engel A.;Galloway M.;Shearn J. 06-27-2014. Primary and secondary restraints of human and ovine knees for simulated in vivo gait kinematics Journal of Biomechanics, 47 9, 2022-2027Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 06-14-2016. Sex-based differences in knee ligament biomechanics during robotically simulated athletic tasks Journal of Biomechanics, 49 9, 1429-1436Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Dyment N.;Galloway M.;Kenter K.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 06-01-2011. Tendon tissue engineering: Progress, challenges, and translation to the clinic Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interactions, 11 2, 163-173Boguszewski D.;Shearn J.;Wagner C.;Butler D. 05-01-2011. Investigating the effects of anterior tibial translation on anterior knee force in the porcine model Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29 5, 641-646Kinneberg K.;Galloway M.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 04-01-2013. The native cell population does not contribute to central-third graft healing at 6, 12, or 26 weeks Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31 4, 638-644Dyment N.;Liu C.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Kenter K.;Breidenbach A.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Rowe D.;Butler D. 03-26-2013. The Paratenon Contributes to Scleraxis-Expressing Cells during Patellar Tendon Healing PLoS ONE, 8 3, Bates N.;McPherson A.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 02-28-2017. Robotic simulation of identical athletic-task kinematics on cadaveric limbs exhibits a lack of diffe Journal of Biomechanics, 53 , 36-44Butler D.;Dyment N.;Shearn J.;Kinneberg K.;Breidenbach A.;Lalley A.;Gilday S.;Gooch C.;Rao M.;Liu C.;Wylie C. 02-18-2013. Evolving strategies in mechanobiology to more effectively treat damaged musculoskeletal tissues Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 135 2, Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 02-01-2018. The influence of internal and external tibial rotation offsets on knee joint and ligament biomechani Clinical Biomechanics, 52 , 109-116Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. 02-01-2018. Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46 2, 284-297Herfat S.;Shearn J.;Bailey D.;Greiwe R.;Galloway M.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 01-31-2011. Effect of surgery to implant motion and force sensors on vertical ground reaction forces in the ovin Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133 2, Bates N.;Myer G.;Shearn J.;Hewett T. 01-01-2015. Anterior cruciate ligament biomechanics during robotic and mechanical simulations of physiologic and Clinical Biomechanics, 30 1, 1-13Bates N.;Nesbitt R.;Shearn J.;Myer G.;Hewett T. 01-01-2015. Relative Strain in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Medial Collateral Ligament during Simulated Ju American Journal of Sports Medicine, 43 9, 2259-2269Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. 01-01-2015. Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage Tissue Engineering - Part A, 21 3-4, 438-450Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. 01-01-2015. Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 8, 1142-1151Haworth K.;Weidner C.;Abruzzo T.;Shearn J.;Holland C. 01-01-2015. Mechanical properties and fibrin characteristics of endovascular coil-clot complexes: Relevance to e Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 7 4, 291-296Lalley A.;Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Rowe D.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 01-01-2015. Improved biomechanical and biological outcomes in the MRL/MpJ murine strain following a full-length Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 11, 1693-1703Boguszewski D.;Wagner C.;Butler D.;Shearn J. 01-01-2014. Effect of ACL graft material on joint forces during a simulated in vivo motion in the porcine knee: Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 32 11, 1458-1463Dyment N.;Kazemi N.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Barthelery N.;Kenter K.;Gooch C.;Shearn J.;Wylie C.;Butler D. 01-01-2012. The relationships among spatiotemporal collagen gene expression, histology, and biomechanics followi Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 30 1, 28-36Mannor D.;Shearn J.;Grood E.;Noyes F.;Levy M. 01-01-2000. Two-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: An in vitro analysis of graft placement and t American Journal of Sports Medicine, 28 6, 833-845Boguszewski, Daniel V; Shearn, Jason T; Wagner, Christopher T; Butler, David L . Investigating the Effects of Anterior Tibial Translation on Anterior Knee Force in the Porcine Model: Is the Porcine Knee ACL Dependent? Journal of Orthopaedic Research, , Herfat, Safa T; Shearn, Jason T; Bailey, Denis L; Greiwe, R. Michael; Galloway, Marc T; Gooch, Cynthia; Butler, David L . Effect of Surgery to Implant Motion and Force Sensors on Vertical Ground Reaction Forces in the Ovine Model Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, , Shearn, Jason; Hellmann, Lauren; Boivin, Gregory . Effect of initial cell-seeding density on postoperative cell number and dispersion. Tissue engineering, 11 11-12, 1898-904