If not previously taken, prerequisites can be taken during an early semester upon being accepted to the program.
CS 4071 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms
An introduction to the study of sequential algorithms. Analysis of computing time, asymptotic notation, introduction to lower bound theory. Induction, correctness proofs, and recurrence
relations. Major design strategies: the greedy method, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming. Graph and network algorithms.
GNTD 8001C - Introduction to Functional Genomics
The course consists of lectures/seminars on the theory and use of functional genomics approaches in biomedical research. Each lecture is accompanied by a lab session in an electronic
classroom that provides hands-on experience in practical application of functional genomics principles. A key part of the course is group research projects in which students analyze primary genomics data to answer research questions.
Biomedical Informatics Certificate Course Descriptions Fall 2020 (docx)
Contact Us
Graduate Programs inBiostatistics, Health Informatics & Data Sciences
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Mail Location: 7024
Phone: 513-636-6250
Email: Biomedical Informatics Graduate