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Magnectic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a magnetic field and radio waves to image the body. It allows visualization of organs and tissues not seen with other radiologic studies such as x-rays.

Commonly ordered musculoskeletal exams include imaging of the knee, shoulder, hip, ankle, elbow and wrist.

We perform the entire spectrum of musculoskeletal MR imaging including advanced applications such as high resolution cartilage examinations, T2 cartilage mapping, and MR arthrography. Our team of experts dedicate their practice to primarily interpreting musculoskeletal studies including MRI.

Imaging of larger, or claustrophobic patients is often reserved for the more “Open MRI” designs. Our Varsity Village 1.5 Tesla magnet with its wide bore easily accommodates these patients with no compromise of image quality. It is conveniently located in the heart of the downtown UC campus.

Magnetic Resonance Arthrography

Magnetic resonance arthrography (MR Arthrography) is an advanced imaging method in which MRI contrast is placed into a joint and then scanned with MRI. It allows visualization of structures not routinely seen with non-arthrographic MRI. It is most commonly used in the shoulder and hip.

Radiologic Tests

The American College of Radiology (ACR) and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) provide descriptions of various procedures relating to the Musculoskeletal (MSK) System on their jointly developed site, .

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3188 Bellevue Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Mail Location: ML0769

Phone: 513-584-4396
Fax: 513-558-1599

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More Information
Pam Brierley
Phone 513-558-2043
Fax 513-558-1599