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Departments / Radiology / Education / Education / Fourth-Year Clerkship

Fourth-Year Medical Student Clerkship

The goal of this elective rotation is to provide the student with an in-depth experience in the function and role of the UC Department of Radiology in the care of patients. In contrast to the required third-year two-week clerkship, the senior elective has more flexibility and less structure. Most students who elect this rotation have a true interest in radiology, and what each gains from the elective will reflect their interest and effort.

One cannot become a competent radiologist in a month, and needs to appreciate the value of radiologic consultation in the care of patients. However, the ability to identify certain common conditions on radiologic studies is a valuable skill for all practitioners. In addition, it is crucial for all clinicians to have some understanding of the breadth of radiologic services available for patient care and the relative utility of different imaging modalities.

Image Interpretation

During this rotation, the student should gain considerable experience in normal imaging anatomy and the appearance of common abnormalities. They should learn to identify many common, treatable, and urgent conditions. By focusing more time in each area and seeing a significantly higher volume of cases, the student should begin to refine their reading skills and search patterns, and become more comfortable with image interpretation.

Radiology Utilization & Appropriateness

The scope of imaging procedures available can be bewildering; and the decision to perform imaging and which test is most appropriate is often difficult. By integrating the student into the daily function of a radiology department, we hope to impart a greater appreciation of test appropriateness and the role of the Radiologist as a consultant. Those students, who choose to rotate through interventional radiology, will gain a much greater appreciation of the array of minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic services available through the IR section.


The primary teaching method is involvement of the student in daily clinical care through rotation on various services. The student will spend at least one week rotating through each area; but can spend more, providing a much more in-depth experience than the third-year clerkship. A maximum of four one-week rotations can be accomplished during the month. At the start of the rotation, the students are allowed to choose the services on which they will rotate.

When possible, the students can rotate on services where there is no resident coverage, working one-on-one with the faculty and serving as a mini "acting internship." Students who rotate through interventional radiology will have the opportunity to participate in procedures, assisting the faculty and residents. On other rotations, the student will work hand-in-hand with the residents as they provide daily clinical service.

Rotations available for the senior clerkship include:

  • Chest Imaging
  • Abdominal Imaging
  • Musculoskeletal Imaging
  • Neuroradiology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Emergency Radiology
  • Ultrasound
  • Interventional radiology
  • Cincinnati Veterans Administration Medical Center radiology

Other Educational Resources

Many didactic conferences are presented each day that cover a wide array of topics.These include the daily general radiology conference (noon conferences), an array of radiology subspecialty conferences, and several multidisciplinary conferences. A schedule of conferences is provided at the start of the rotation, and the students may choose to attend all they deem appropriate.

An additional educational resource available is the UC Department Radiology Teaching File.

Research Opportunities

Students interested in research can be put in contact with faculty who are conducting scientific studies. There are always many opportunities available with the time commitment tailored to the student's interest. Collaboration in radiology research is not limited to the senior rotation but may be performed on an ongoing basis as an extracurricular activity.

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More Information
Pam Brierley
Phone 513-558-2043
Fax 513-558-1599