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Director's Welcome

Welcome to the UC Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology. Our division has a rich clinical, educational and research history since its inception in 1969 by former faculty members Evelyn Hess, MD and I. Leonard Bernstein MD.

The division consists of two separate but related clinical sections—allergy and rheumatology—and a combined basic science section in immunology. We all share a common tripartite mission: exemplary patient care, basic and clinical translation research from bench to bedside, and training future generations of allergist/immunologists and rheumatologists.

Our faculty includes clinician educators and clinical researchers all dedicated to caring for patients with a wide range of allergic and autoimmune/rheumatologic diseases. Our basic researchers are focused on advancing our understanding of allergic and autoimmune/rheumatologic disease, which will ultimately translate to better care for patients.

Our educational programs produce subspecialists aiming for a career in academic medicine. Both training programs are well rounded with ample time for the development of clinical expertise and mentored research activities. Our programs have a close and collaborative relationship with the pediatric allergy and rheumatology divisions at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, located across the street from our facility.

We are proud to present to you more information about our division and its accomplishments on our following divisional website pages.

Thank you,

Avis Ware

Avis E. Ware, MD, MD, FACR, FACP
Director, Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, Interim

Alice W. and Mark A. Brown Chair of Internal Medicine, Interim
Professor of Clinical Medicine

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Contact Us

Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology
231 Albert Sabin Way, ML 7501
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0563
Phone: 513-558-1051
Fax: 513-558-3799