Thompson, Jillian; Schacht, Sydney; Rothenberg, Florence 2019. Novel Antidiabetic Therapies and Cardiovascular Risk Reduction: The Role of the Noninferiority Trial. Cardiology clinics, 37 3, 335-343
Rothenberg, Florence G; Clay, Michael B; Jamali, Hina; Vandivier-Pletsch, Robin H 2017. Systematic review of ? blocker, aspirin, and statin in critically ill patients: importance of severity of illness and cardiac troponin. Journal of investigative medicine : the official publication of the American Federation for Clinical Research, 65 4, 747-753
Poe, Stacy; Vandivier-Pletsch, Robin H; Clay, Michael; Wong, Hector R; Haynes, Erin; Rothenberg, Florence G 2015. Cardiac Troponin Measurement in the Critically Ill: Potential for Guiding Clinical Management. Journal of investigative medicine : the official publication of the American Federation for Clinical Research, 63 8, 905-15
Chatterjee, Tapan K; Stoll, Lynn L; Denning, Gerene M; Harrelson, Allan; Blomkalns, Andra L; Idelman, Gila; Rothenberg, Florence G; Neltner, Bonnie; Romig-Martin, Sara A; Dickson, Eric W; Rudich, Steven; Weintraub, Neal L 2009. Proinflammatory phenotype of perivascular adipocytes: influence of high-fat feeding. Circulation research, 104 4, 541-9
Davis, A M; Rothenberg, F G; Shepherd, N; Izatt, J A 2008. In vivo spectral domain optical coherence tomography volumetric imaging and spectral Doppler velocimetry of early stage embryonic chicken heart development. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 25 12, 3134-43
Jenkins,M.W.; Adler,D.C.; Gargesha,M.; Huber,R.; Rothenberg,F.; Belding,J.; Watanabe,M.; Wilson,D.L.; Fujimoto,J.G.; Rollins,A.M. 2007. Ultrahigh-speed optical coherence tomography imaging and visualization of the embryonic avian heart using a buffered fourier domain mode locked laser Optics Express, 15 10, 6251
Ripplinger,C.M.; Li,W.; Hadley,J.; Chen,J.; Rothenberg,F.; Lombardi,R.; Wickline,S.A.; Marian,A.J.; Efimov,I.R. 2007. Enhanced transmural fiber rotation and connexin 43 heterogeneity are associated with an increased upper limit of vulnerability in a transgenic rabbit model of human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Circulation Research, 101 10, 1049
Jenkins,M.W.; Rothenberg,F.; Roy,D.; Nikolski,V.P.; Hu,Z.; Watanabe,M.; Wilson,D.L.; Efimov,I.R.; Rollins,A.M. 2006. 4d embryonic cardiography using gated optical coherence tomography Optics Express, 14 2, 736
Rothenberg,F.; Efimov,I.R. 2006. Three-dimensional anatomy of the conduction system of the early embryonic rabbit heart Anatomical Record - Part A Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology, 288 1, 3
Rothenberg,F.; Nikolski,V.P.; Watanabe,M.; Efimov,I.R. 2005. Electrophysiology and anatomy of embryonic rabbit hearts before and after septation American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 288 1 57-1, H344
Rothenberg,F.; Watanabe,M.; Eloff,B.; Rosenbaum,D. 2005. Emerging patterns of cardiac conduction in the chick embryo: waveform analysis with photodiode array-based optical imaging Developmental Dynamics, 233 2, 456
Efimov,I.R.; Nikolski,V.P.; Rothenberg,F.; Greener,I.D.; Li,J.; Dobrzynski,H.; Boyett,M. 2004. Structure-function relationship in the av junction Anatomical Record - Part A Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology, 280 2, 952
Rothenberg,F.; Efimov,I.R.; Watanabe,M. 2004. Functional imaging of the embryonic pacemaking and cardiac conduction system over the past 150 years: technologies to overcome the challenges Anatomical Record - Part A Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology, 280 2, 980
Rothenberg,F.; Fisher,S.A.; Watanabe,M. 2003. Sculpting the cardiac outflow tract Birth Defects Research Part C - Embryo Today: Reviews, 69 1, 38
Rothenberg,F.; Hitomi,M.; Fisher,S.A.; Watanabe,M. 2002. Initiation of apoptosis in the developing avian outflow tract myocardium Developmental Dynamics, 223 4, 469
Watanabe,M.; Hitomi,M.; Van der Wee,K.; Rothenberg,F.; Fisher,S.A.; Zucker,R.; Svoboda,K.K.H.; Goldsmith,E.C.; Heiskanen,K.M.; Nieminen,A.-L. 2002. The pros and cons of apoptosis assays for use in the study of cells, tissues, and organs Microscopy and Microanalysis, 8 5, 375
Rothenberg,F.; Franklin,J.O.; DeMaio,S.J. 1994. Use, value, and toxicity of amiodarone Heart Disease and Stroke, 3 1, 19
Rothenberg,F.; Schumacher,J.R.; Rosenthal,R.L. 1994. Near-fatal pulmonary air embolus from presumed inadvertent pressure placed on a partially empty plastic intravenous infusion bag American Journal of Cardiology, 73 13, 1035
Baskin,D.S.; Simpson Jr.,R.K.; Browning,J.L.; Dudley,A.W.; Rothenberg,F.; Bogue,L. 1993. The effect of long-term high-dose naloxone infusion in experimental blunt spinal cord injury Journal of Spinal Disorders, 6 1, 38
Simpson Jr.,R.K.; Baskin,D.S.; Dudley,A.W.; Bogue,L.; Rothenberg,F. 1991. The influence of long-term nifedipine or indomethacin therapy on neurologic recovery from experimental spinal cord injury Journal of Spinal Disorders, 4 4, 420