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Photo of Michael Brubaker

Michael Brubaker


Professor, Counseling <br> Associate Director, School of Human Services

  • Doctor of Philosophy: University of Florida (Mental Health Counseling)
  • Master of Science: Georgia State University (Professional Counseling)
  • Master of Divinity: Emory University
  • Bachelor of Science: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Business Administration)
Contact Information
Research Interests

Building on clinical and personal experiences, my research interests have focused on serving socially oppressed populations, specifically 1) women, men, and children who have become homeless; 2) lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals; and 3) ethnic minorities.  My multicultural research agenda includes working in the areas of addictions, group work, indigenous healing practices, and spirituality.  Theoretically, I have adopted an Emancipatory Communitarianism approach (P...

Peer Reviewed Publications

Hollar, M., Brubaker, M. D., Richardson, G, & Alvarez. J. 2023. Social predictors of marijuana use among African American youth Journal of Addiction and Offender Counselors, ,

Brubaker M.D.; Storlie C.A. 2022. Introduction to special issue: Leading in wellness toward social justice Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 9 1, 1-2

Brubaker M.D.; Sweeney T.J. 2022. Wellness and wellness counseling: History, status, and future Counselor Education and Supervision, 61 1, 25-37

Bruns K.M.; Brubaker M.D. 2022. Counselor advocacy against gun violence: A systemic perspective with advocacy and wellness competencies Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 9 1, 45-56

Hearn B.G.; Brubaker M.D.; Richardson G. 2022. Counselors’ attitudes toward psychedelics and their use in therapy Journal of Counseling and Development, ,

Clark, Angie; Wagner, Robin; Brubaker, Michael; Acquavita, Shauna; Wilder, Christine 2022. Pandemic-Related Disruptions in Nursing Education: Zooming Out for an Innovative Interprofessional Simulation. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 97 3S, S110-S113

La Guardia, Amanda C; Acquavita, Shauna; Duan, Qing; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; McCoy, Jordan 2022. Professionals ready to integrate care (PRI-Care): A mental health training collaborative. Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare, 40 4, 463-471

Bruns, K. M., La Guardia, A., Brubaker, M., Farrow, J., Cotton, S., & DelBello, M. 2021. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – Child (MBCT-C) Effectiveness with children who have a parent diagnosed with bipolar I disorder Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43 1, 59

Brubaker M.D.; La Guardia A.C. 2020. Mixed-Design Training Outcomes for Fellows Serving At-Risk Youth Within Integrated Care Settings Journal of Counseling and Development, 98 4, 446-457

Emir Öksüz E.; Brubaker M.D. 2020. Deconstructing disability training in counseling: a critical examination and call to the profession Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 7 2, 163-175

La Guardia, Amanda C; Cramer, Robert J; Brubaker, Michael; Long, Molly M 2019. Community Mental Health Provider Responses to a Competency-Based Training in Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention. Community mental health journal, 55 2, 257-266

Hearn B.; Brubaker M.; La Guardia A. 2017. Inappropriate Comparisons: The LGB Population's Missing Reference Group Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 11 4, 247-258

Richardson, George B; Chen, Ching-Chen; Dai, Chia-Liang; Brubaker, Michael D; Nedelec, Joseph L 2017. The Psychometrics of the Mini-K. Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior, 15 1, 1474704916682034

Storlie C.A.; Shannonhouse L.R.; Brubaker M.D.; Zavadil A.D.; King J.H. 2016. Exploring Dimensions of Advocacy in Service: A Content Analysis Extending the Framework of Counselor Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 3 1, 52-61

Richardson, George B; Montgomery, LaTrice; Brubaker, Michael D 2016. Interpersonal Contact and Attitudes Toward Adolescents Who Abuse Substances. Journal of drug education, 46 3-4, 113-130

Watson A.L.; Dalila N.; Gomez J.; Mayer G.H.; Patrick S.W.; Brubaker M.D. 2015. Counseling in Context: Chemical Dependency and Substance Abuse Programs Understanding People in Context: The Ecological Perspective in Counseling, , 229-258

Wilson F.; Brubaker M. 2015. Planning for group work in Schools Group Work in Schools: Second Edition, , 93-109

Chaney M.; Brubaker M. 2014. The impact of substance abuse and addiction in the lives of gay men, adolescents, and boys Counseling Gay Men, Adolescents, and Boys: A Strengths-Based Guide for Helping Professionals and Educators, , 109-128

Brubaker M.; Amatea E.; Torres-Rivera E.; Miller M.; Nabors L. 2013. Barriers and supports to substance abuse service use among homeless adults Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 34 2, 81-98

Brubaker M.D.; Goodman R.D. 2012. Client advocacy: In action Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 141-161

Chaney M.; Brubaker M. 2012. Addiction in LGBTQ Communities: Influences, Treatment, and Prevention Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 6 4, 234-236

Hoffman S.; Brubaker M.; Pangallo J.; Shipley H.; Scherzinger S.; O 2012. Stigma and overcoming barriers to treatment for youth with substance abuse problems Psychology of Attitudes, , 95-109

Brubaker, M.D., Nabors, L.A., Pangallo, J., & Shipley, H. 2012. Stigmatization of Adolescents who use alcohol and marijuana: A counseling concern VISTA Online. , ,

Nabors, Laura A; Brubaker, Michael D; Hoffman, Sarah; Shipley, Halley; Pangallo, Jordan; Strong, Amanda 2012. Young adults' perceptions of an adolescent's use of marijuana and alcohol. Journal of drug education, 42 4, 413-24

Garrett M.; Torres-Rivera E.; Brubaker M.; Portman T.; Brotherton D.; West-Olatunji C.; Conwill W.; Grayshield L. 2011. Crying for a vision: The native american sweat lodge ceremony as therapeutic intervention Journal of Counseling and Development, 89 3, 318-325

Brubaker, M.D., Haper, A., & Singh, A.A. 2011. Implementing Multicultural-Social Justice Leadership Strategies When Advocating for the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Persons Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology., 3(1) , 44-58.

Brubaker M.; Garrett M.; Rivera E.; Tate K. 2010. Justice making in groups for homeless adults: The emancipatory communitarian way Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35 2, 124-133

Brubaker M.; Puig A.; Reese R.; Young J. 2010. Integrating social justice into counseling theories pedagogy: A case example Counselor Education and Supervision, 50 2, 88-102

Brubaker M.; Garrett M.; Dew B. 2009. Examining the relationship between internalized heterosexism and substance abuse among Lesbian, gay, Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 3 1, 62-89

Garrett M.; Brubaker M.; Torres-Rivera E.; West-Olatunji C.; Conwill W. 2008. The medicine of coming to center: Use of the native american centering technique-ayeli-to promote we Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 33 2, 179-198

Dew, B.J. & Brubaker, M.D. 2006. From the altar to the internet: A study of the sexual behavior of married men who use the internet Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 13 , 195-207

Hollar M.K.; Brubaker M.D.; Richardson G.; Alvarez J. 10-01-2023. Social predictors of marijuana use among African American youth Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 44 2, 98-112

Nice M.L.; Brubaker M.D.; Gibson D.M.; McMullen J.W.; Asempapa B.; Kennedy S.D.; Fullen M.C.; Moore C.M. 07-01-2023. Wellness and well-being in counseling research: A 31-year content analysis Journal of Counseling and Development, 101 3, 251-263

Dew B.; Brubaker M.; Hays D. 04-01-2006. From the altar to the internet: Married men and their online sexual behavior Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 13 2-3, 195-207

Emir-Öksüz E.; Brubaker M.D.; Aydemir-Döke D. 01-01-2024. Disability Training and Programme Conduciveness in Counselor Education: A Preliminary Assessment International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, ,

Brubaker M.D.; Storlie C.A. 01-01-2023. 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 10 1, 1-2

Brubaker M.D.; Goodman R.D.; Emir-Öksüz E. 01-01-2021. Client Advocacy: In Action Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 136-154

Brubaker M.D.; Myers J.E. 01-01-2021. Professional Leadership, Leading Well: Characteristics, Principles, and Ethics of Effective Counseli Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 42-61

Brubaker M.D. 01-01-2019. Finding Your Professional Niche Getting Involved in Professional Organizations and Honor Societies Handbook of Counseling and Counselor Education, , 19-35