Hollar, M., Brubaker, M. D., Richardson, G, & Alvarez. J. 2023. Social predictors of marijuana use among African American youth Journal of Addiction and Offender Counselors, ,
Brubaker M.D.; Storlie C.A. 2022. Introduction to special issue: Leading in wellness toward social justice Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 9 1, 1-2
Brubaker M.D.; Sweeney T.J. 2022. Wellness and wellness counseling: History, status, and future Counselor Education and Supervision, 61 1, 25-37
Bruns K.M.; Brubaker M.D. 2022. Counselor advocacy against gun violence: A systemic perspective with advocacy and wellness competencies Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 9 1, 45-56
Hearn B.G.; Brubaker M.D.; Richardson G. 2022. Counselors’ attitudes toward psychedelics and their use in therapy Journal of Counseling and Development, ,
Clark, Angie; Wagner, Robin; Brubaker, Michael; Acquavita, Shauna; Wilder, Christine 2022. Pandemic-Related Disruptions in Nursing Education: Zooming Out for an Innovative Interprofessional Simulation. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 97 3S, S110-S113
La Guardia, Amanda C; Acquavita, Shauna; Duan, Qing; Brubaker, Michael; Harley, Dana; McCoy, Jordan 2022. Professionals ready to integrate care (PRI-Care): A mental health training collaborative. Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare, 40 4, 463-471
Bruns, K. M., La Guardia, A., Brubaker, M., Farrow, J., Cotton, S., & DelBello, M. 2021. Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – Child (MBCT-C) Effectiveness with children who have a parent diagnosed with bipolar I disorder Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43 1, 59
Brubaker M.D.; La Guardia A.C. 2020. Mixed-Design Training Outcomes for Fellows Serving At-Risk Youth Within Integrated Care Settings Journal of Counseling and Development, 98 4, 446-457
Emir Öksüz E.; Brubaker M.D. 2020. Deconstructing disability training in counseling: a critical examination and call to the profession Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 7 2, 163-175
La Guardia, Amanda C; Cramer, Robert J; Brubaker, Michael; Long, Molly M 2019. Community Mental Health Provider Responses to a Competency-Based Training in Suicide Risk Assessment and Prevention. Community mental health journal, 55 2, 257-266
Hearn B.; Brubaker M.; La Guardia A. 2017. Inappropriate Comparisons: The LGB Population's Missing Reference Group Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 11 4, 247-258
Richardson, George B; Chen, Ching-Chen; Dai, Chia-Liang; Brubaker, Michael D; Nedelec, Joseph L 2017. The Psychometrics of the Mini-K. Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior, 15 1, 1474704916682034
Storlie C.A.; Shannonhouse L.R.; Brubaker M.D.; Zavadil A.D.; King J.H. 2016. Exploring Dimensions of Advocacy in Service: A Content Analysis Extending the Framework of Counselor Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 3 1, 52-61
Richardson, George B; Montgomery, LaTrice; Brubaker, Michael D 2016. Interpersonal Contact and Attitudes Toward Adolescents Who Abuse Substances. Journal of drug education, 46 3-4, 113-130
Watson A.L.; Dalila N.; Gomez J.; Mayer G.H.; Patrick S.W.; Brubaker M.D. 2015. Counseling in Context: Chemical Dependency and Substance Abuse Programs Understanding People in Context: The Ecological Perspective in Counseling, , 229-258
Wilson F.; Brubaker M. 2015. Planning for group work in Schools Group Work in Schools: Second Edition, , 93-109
Chaney M.; Brubaker M. 2014. The impact of substance abuse and addiction in the lives of gay men, adolescents, and boys Counseling Gay Men, Adolescents, and Boys: A Strengths-Based Guide for Helping Professionals and Educators, , 109-128
Brubaker M.; Amatea E.; Torres-Rivera E.; Miller M.; Nabors L. 2013. Barriers and supports to substance abuse service use among homeless adults Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 34 2, 81-98
Brubaker M.D.; Goodman R.D. 2012. Client advocacy: In action Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 141-161
Chaney M.; Brubaker M. 2012. Addiction in LGBTQ Communities: Influences, Treatment, and Prevention Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 6 4, 234-236
Hoffman S.; Brubaker M.; Pangallo J.; Shipley H.; Scherzinger S.; O 2012. Stigma and overcoming barriers to treatment for youth with substance abuse problems Psychology of Attitudes, , 95-109
Brubaker, M.D., Nabors, L.A., Pangallo, J., & Shipley, H. 2012. Stigmatization of Adolescents who use alcohol and marijuana: A counseling concern VISTA Online. , ,
Nabors, Laura A; Brubaker, Michael D; Hoffman, Sarah; Shipley, Halley; Pangallo, Jordan; Strong, Amanda 2012. Young adults' perceptions of an adolescent's use of marijuana and alcohol. Journal of drug education, 42 4, 413-24
Garrett M.; Torres-Rivera E.; Brubaker M.; Portman T.; Brotherton D.; West-Olatunji C.; Conwill W.; Grayshield L. 2011. Crying for a vision: The native american sweat lodge ceremony as therapeutic intervention Journal of Counseling and Development, 89 3, 318-325
Brubaker, M.D., Haper, A., & Singh, A.A. 2011. Implementing Multicultural-Social Justice Leadership Strategies When Advocating for the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Questioning Persons Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology., 3(1) , 44-58.
Brubaker M.; Garrett M.; Rivera E.; Tate K. 2010. Justice making in groups for homeless adults: The emancipatory communitarian way Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35 2, 124-133
Brubaker M.; Puig A.; Reese R.; Young J. 2010. Integrating social justice into counseling theories pedagogy: A case example Counselor Education and Supervision, 50 2, 88-102
Brubaker M.; Garrett M.; Dew B. 2009. Examining the relationship between internalized heterosexism and substance abuse among Lesbian, gay, Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 3 1, 62-89
Garrett M.; Brubaker M.; Torres-Rivera E.; West-Olatunji C.; Conwill W. 2008. The medicine of coming to center: Use of the native american centering technique-ayeli-to promote we Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 33 2, 179-198
Dew, B.J. & Brubaker, M.D. 2006. From the altar to the internet: A study of the sexual behavior of married men who use the internet Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 13 , 195-207
Hollar M.K.; Brubaker M.D.; Richardson G.; Alvarez J. 10-01-2023. Social predictors of marijuana use among African American youth Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling, 44 2, 98-112
Nice M.L.; Brubaker M.D.; Gibson D.M.; McMullen J.W.; Asempapa B.; Kennedy S.D.; Fullen M.C.; Moore C.M. 07-01-2023. Wellness and well-being in counseling research: A 31-year content analysis Journal of Counseling and Development, 101 3, 251-263
Dew B.; Brubaker M.; Hays D. 04-01-2006. From the altar to the internet: Married men and their online sexual behavior Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 13 2-3, 195-207
Emir-Öksüz E.; Brubaker M.D.; Aydemir-Döke D. 01-01-2024. Disability Training and Programme Conduciveness in Counselor Education: A Preliminary Assessment International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, ,
Brubaker M.D.; Storlie C.A. 01-01-2023. 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 10 1, 1-2
Brubaker M.D.; Goodman R.D.; Emir-Öksüz E. 01-01-2021. Client Advocacy: In Action Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 136-154
Brubaker M.D.; Myers J.E. 01-01-2021. Professional Leadership, Leading Well: Characteristics, Principles, and Ethics of Effective Counseli Professional Counseling Excellence through Leadership and Advocacy, , 42-61
Brubaker M.D. 01-01-2019. Finding Your Professional Niche Getting Involved in Professional Organizations and Honor Societies Handbook of Counseling and Counselor Education, , 19-35