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Director's Welcome

Welcome! Chief Residency in Quality and Safety (CRQS) is a one-year training position supported by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, and is integrally involved with the other academic enhancement pathways within the Department of Internal Medicine. This one-year position is open for candidates interested in enhancing their credentials by undergoing formal training in principles of quality improvement and patient safety. It is envisioned that the third of this positions time would be involved in acquiring new skills, a third would be devoted to teaching peers and trainees, and the remaining third would be devoted to completing a mentored project. The position provides great networking opportunities within and outside of our institution, including a robust interaction with all national CRQS candidates with the VA. The position also provides travel support to attend and/or present at national meetings, including the VA CRQS meeting. As we train the next generation of physicians, we hope to incorporate the contents of this training into the fabric of clinical practice.

We launched this program in July of 2012, and encourage that after completion, trainees will seek careers related to this area in academic or other healthcare environments.

Aliecia Hochhausler, MD
The Quality and Safety Fellowship Site Director

Liz Bauke
Program Manager
Phone: 513-558-2590

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Department of Internal Medicine
231 Albert Sabin Way
Medical Sciences Building Room 6065
PO Box 670557
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557

Phone: 513-558-4231
Fax: 513-558-0852