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Photo of  Elaine M. Urbina, MD,MS

Elaine M. Urbina, MD,MS

Research Professor-Affiliate

Director, Preventive Cardiology

Pediatrics | College of Medicine

Contact Information
Research Interests

As Director of Preventive Cardiology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, my clinical activities and industry sponsored grants focus on prevention (obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemias) while my research grants (AHA, NIH) and masters in epidemiology training concentrate on new non-invasive methods of assessing atherosclerotic CV target organ damage in youth related to CV risk factors especially those that cluster with obesity.  I have over 20 years of experience in non-invasive ...

Peer Reviewed Publications

Gordon, S. M.; Davidson, W. S.; Urbina, E. M.; Dolan, L. M.; Heink, A.; Zang, H.; Lu, L. J.; Shah, A. S. 2013. The effects of type 2 diabetes on lipoprotein composition and arterial stiffness in male youth Diabetes, 62 8 , 2958-67

Jaiswal, M.; Urbina, E. M.; Wadwa, R. P.; Talton, J. W.; D'Agostino, R. B., Jr.; Hamman, R. F.; Fingerlin, T. E.; Daniels, S.; Marcovina, S. M.; Dolan, L. M.; Dabelea, D. 2013. Reduced heart rate variability among youth with type 1 diabetes: the SEARCH CVD study Diabetes Care, 36 1 , 157-62

Jaiswal, M.; Urbina, E. M.; Wadwa, R. P.; Talton, J. W.; D'Agostino, R. B., Jr.; Hamman, R. F.; Fingerlin, T. E.; Daniels, S. R.; Marcovina, S. M.; Dolan, L. M.; Dabelea, D. 2013. Reduced heart rate variability is associated with increased arterial stiffness in youth with type 1 diabetes: the SEARCH CVD study Diabetes Care, 36 8 , 2351-8

Jaiswal, M.; Fingerlin, T. E.; Urbina, E. M.; Wadwa, R. P.; Talton, J. W.; D'Agostino, R. B., Jr.; Hamman, R. F.; Daniels, S. R.; Marcovina, S. M.; Dolan, L. M.; Dabelea, D. 2013. Impact of Glycemic Control on Heart Rate Variability in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes: The SEARCH CVD Study Diabetes Technol Ther, 76 6 , 1896-900

Juhola, J.; Magnussen, C. G.; Berenson, G. S.; Venn, A.; Burns, T. L.; Sabin, M. A.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Daniels, S. R.; Davis, P. H.; Chen, W.; Kahonen, M.; Taittonen, L.; Urbina, E.; Viikari, J. S.; Dwyer, T.; Raitakari, O. T.; Juonala, M. 2013. Combined effects of child and adult elevated blood pressure on subclinical atherosclerosis: the International Childhood Cardiovascular Cohort Consortium Circulation, 128 3 , 217-24

Kelly, A. S.; Barlow, S. E.; Rao, G.; Inge, T. H.; Hayman, L. L.; Steinberger, J.; Urbina, E. M.; Ewing, L. J.; Daniels, S. R. 2013. Severe Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Identification, Associated Health Risks, and Treatment Approaches: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Circulation, 128 3 , 217-24

Madueme, P. C.; Khoury, P. R.; Urbina, E. M.; Kimball, T. R. 2013. Predictors of exaggerated exercise-induced systolic blood pressures in young patients after coarctation repair Cardiol Young, 23 3 , 416-22

Shah, A. S.; Urbina, E. M.; Khoury, P. R.; Kimball, T. R.; Dolan, L. M. 2013. Lipids and lipoprotein ratios: Contribution to carotid intima media thickness in adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus J Clin Lipidol, 7 5 , 441-445

Trasande, L.; Fiorino, E. K.; Attina, T.; Berger, K.; Goldring, R.; Chemtob, C.; Levy-Carrick, N.; Shao, Y.; Liu, M.; Urbina, E.; Reibman, J. 2013. Associations of World Trade Center exposures with pulmonary and cardiometabolic outcomes among children seeking care for health concerns Sci Total Environ, 444 2 , 320-6

Trasande, L.; Sathyanarayana, S.; Spanier, A. J.; Trachtman, H.; Attina, T. M.; Urbina, E. M. 2013. Urinary phthalates are associated with higher blood pressure in childhood J Pediatr, 163 3 , 747-753 e1

Urbina, E. M.; Khoury, P. R.; McCoy, C. E.; Dolan, L. M.; Daniels, S. R.; Kimball, T. R. 2013. Triglyceride to HDL-C ratio and increased arterial stiffness in children, adolescents, and young adults Pediatrics, 131 4 , e1082-90

Urbina, E. M.; Dabelea, D.; D'Agostino, R. B., Jr.; Shah, A. S.; Dolan, L. M.; Hamman, R. F.; Daniels, S. R.; Marcovina, S.; Wadwa, R. P. 2013. Effect of Type 1 Diabetes on Carotid Structure and Function in Adolescents and Young Adults: The SEARCH CVD study Diabetes Care, 36 9 , 2597-9

Edwards, N. M.; Daniels, S. R.; Claytor, R. P.; Khoury, P. R.; Dolan, L. M.; Kimball, T. R.; Urbina, E. M. 2012. Physical activity is independently associated with multiple measures of arterial stiffness in adolescents and young adults Metabolism, 61 6 , 869-72

Flynn, J. T.; Urbina, E. M. 2012. Pediatric ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: indications and interpretations J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 14 6 , 372-82

Shah, A. S.; Dolan, L. M.; D'Agostino, R. B., Jr.; Standiford, D.; Davis, C.; Testaverde, L.; Pihoker, C.; Daniels, S. R.; Urbina, E. M. 2012. Comparison of mercury and aneroid blood pressure measurements in youth Pediatrics, 129 5 , e1205-10

Shah, A. S.; Dolan, L. M.; Gao, Z.; Kimball, T. R.; Urbina, E. M. 2012. Racial differences in arterial stiffness among adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes Pediatr Diabetes, 13 2 , 170-5

Shah, A. S.; Dolan, L. M.; Lauer, A.; Davis, C.; Dabelea, D.; Daniels, S. R.; Hamman, R. F.; Marcovina, S.; Wadwa, R. P.; Urbina, E. M. 2012. Adiponectin and arterial stiffness in youth with type 1 diabetes: the SEARCH for diabetes in youth study J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 25 7-8 , 717-21

Urbina, E. M.; Gao, Z.; Khoury, P. R.; Martin, L. J.; Dolan, L. M. 2012. Insulin resistance and arterial stiffness in healthy adolescents and young adults Diabetologia, 55 3 , 625-31

Chio, S. S.; Urbina, E. M.; Lapointe, J.; Tsai, J.; Berenson, G. S. 2011. Korotkoff sound versus oscillometric cuff sphygmomanometers: comparison between auscultatory and DynaPulse blood pressure measurements J Am Soc Hypertens, 5 1 , 12-20

Crowley, D. I.; Khoury, P. R.; Urbina, E. M.; Ippisch, H. M.; Kimball, T. R. 2011. Cardiovascular impact of the pediatric obesity epidemic: higher left ventricular mass is related to higher body mass index J Pediatr, 158 5 , 709-714 e1

Mosca, L.; Benjamin, E. J.; Berra, K.; Bezanson, J. L.; Dolor, R. J.; Lloyd-Jones, D. M.; Newby, L. K.; Pina, I. L.; Roger, V. L.; Shaw, L. J.; Zhao, D.; Beckie, T. M.; Bushnell, C.; D'Armiento, J.; Kris-Etherton, P. M.; Fang, J.; Ganiats, T. G.; Gomes, A. S.; Gracia, C. R.; Haan, C. K.; Jackson, E. A.; Judelson, D. R.; Kelepouris, E.; Lavie, C. J.; Moore, A.; Nussmeier, N. A.; Ofili, E.; Oparil, S.; Ouyang, P.; Pinn, V. W.; Sherif, K.; Smith, S. C., Jr.; Sopko, G.; Chandra-Strobos, N.; Urbina, E. M.; Vaccarino, V.; Wenger, N. K. 2011. Effectiveness-based guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in women--2011 update: a guideline from the american heart association Circulation, 123 11 , 1243-62

Shah, A. S.; Dolan, L. M.; Gao, Z.; Kimball, T. R.; Urbina, E. M. 2011. Clustering of risk factors: a simple method of detecting cardiovascular disease in youth Pediatrics, 127 2 , e312-8

Shah, A. S.; Khoury, P. R.; Dolan, L. M.; Ippisch, H. M.; Urbina, E. M.; Daniels, S. R.; Kimball, T. R. 2011. The effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus on cardiac structure and function in adolescents and young adults Diabetologia, 54 4 , 722-30

Urbina, E. M.; Dolan, L. M.; McCoy, C. E.; Khoury, P. R.; Daniels, S. R.; Kimball, T. R. 2011. Relationship between elevated arterial stiffness and increased left ventricular mass in adolescents and young adults J Pediatr, 158 5 , 715-21

Urbina, E. M.; Khoury, P. R.; McCoy, C.; Daniels, S. R.; Kimball, T. R.; Dolan, L. M. 2011. Cardiac and vascular consequences of pre-hypertension in youth J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich), 13 5 , 332-42

Rodriguez, B. L.; Dabelea, D.; Liese, A. D.; Fujimoto, W.; Waitzfelder, B.; Liu, L.; Bell, R.; Talton, J.; Snively, B. M.; Kershnar, A.; Urbina, E.; Daniels, S.; Imperatore, G. 2010. Prevalence and correlates of elevated blood pressure in youth with diabetes mellitus: the SEARCH for diabetes in youth study J Pediatr, 157 2 , 245-251 e1

Stein, E. A.; Marais, A. D.; Szamosi, T.; Raal, F. J.; Schurr, D.; Urbina, E. M.; Hopkins, P. N.; Karki, S.; Xu, J.; Misir, S.; Melino, M. 2010. Colesevelam hydrochloride: efficacy and safety in pediatric subjects with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia J Pediatr, 156 2 , 231-6 e1-3

Urbina, E. M.; Kimball, T. R.; Khoury, P. R.; Daniels, S. R.; Dolan, L. M. 2010. Increased arterial stiffness is found in adolescents with obesity or obesity-related type 2 diabetes mellitus J Hypertens, 28 8 , 1692-8

Urbina, E. M.; Wadwa, R. P.; Davis, C.; Snively, B. M.; Dolan, L. M.; Daniels, S. R.; Hamman, R. F.; Dabelea, D. 2010. Prevalence of increased arterial stiffness in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus differs by measurement site and sex: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study J Pediatr, 156 5 , 731-7, 737 e1

Wadwa, R. P.; Urbina, E. M.; Anderson, A. M.; Hamman, R. F.; Dolan, L. M.; Rodriguez, B. L.; Daniels, S. R.; Dabelea, D. 2010. Measures of arterial stiffness in youth with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: the SEARCH for diabetes in youth study Diabetes Care, 33 4 , 881-6

Shah, A. S.; Dolan, L. M.; Kimball, T. R.; Gao, Z.; Khoury, P. R.; Daniels, S. R.; Urbina, E. M. 2009. Influence of duration of diabetes, glycemic control, and traditional cardiovascular risk factors on early atherosclerotic vascular changes in adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 94 10 , 3740-5

Urbina, E. M.; Kimball, T. R.; McCoy, C. E.; Khoury, P. R.; Daniels, S. R.; Dolan, L. M. 2009. Youth with obesity and obesity-related type 2 diabetes mellitus demonstrate abnormalities in carotid structure and function Circulation, 119 22 , 2913-9

Urbina, E. M.; Khoury, P.; Martin, L. J.; D'Alessio, D.; Dolan, L. M. 2009. Gender differences in the relationships among obesity, adiponectin and brachial artery distensibility in adolescents and young adults Int J Obes (Lond), 33 10 , 1118-25

Urbina, E. M.; Williams, R. V.; Alpert, B. S.; Collins, R. T.; Daniels, S. R.; Hayman, L.; Jacobson, M.; Mahoney, L.; Mietus-Snyder, M.; Rocchini, A.; Steinberger, J.; McCrindle, B. 2009. Noninvasive assessment of subclinical atherosclerosis in children and adolescents: recommendations for standard assessment for clinical research: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Hypertension, 54 5 , 919-50

Urbina, E. M. 2008. Removing the mask: the danger of hidden hypertension J Pediatr, 152 4 , 455-6

Urbina, E.; Alpert, B.; Flynn, J.; Hayman, L.; Harshfield, G. A.; Jacobson, M.; Mahoney, L.; McCrindle, B.; Mietus-Snyder, M.; Steinberger, J.; Daniels, S. 2008. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in children and adolescents: recommendations for standard assessment: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee of the council on cardiovascular disease in the young and the council for high blood pressure research Hypertension, 52 3 , 433-51

Wilson, A. C.; Urbina, E.; Witt, S. A.; Glascock, B. J.; Kimball, T. R.; Mitsnefes, M. 2008. Flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery in children with chronic kidney disease Pediatr Nephrol, 23 8 , 1297-302

McCrindle, B. W.; Urbina, E. M.; Dennison, B. A.; Jacobson, M. S.; Steinberger, J.; Rocchini, A. P.; Hayman, L. L.; Daniels, S. R. 2007. Drug therapy of high-risk lipid abnormalities in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee, Council of Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, with the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing Circulation, 115 14 , 1948-67

McCrindle, B. W.; Urbina, E. M.; Dennison, B. A.; Jacobson, M. S.; Steinberger, J.; Rocchini, A. P.; Hayman, L. L.; Daniels, S. R. 2007. Summary of the American Heart Association's scientific statement on drug therapy of high-risk lipid abnormalities in children and adolescents Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 27 5 , 982-5

Mosca, L.; Banka, C. L.; Benjamin, E. J.; Berra, K.; Bushnell, C.; Dolor, R. J.; Ganiats, T. G.; Gomes, A. S.; Gornik, H. L.; Gracia, C.; Gulati, M.; Haan, C. K.; Judelson, D. R.; Keenan, N.; Kelepouris, E.; Michos, E. D.; Newby, L. K.; Oparil, S.; Ouyang, P.; Oz, M. C.; Petitti, D.; Pinn, V. W.; Redberg, R. F.; Scott, R.; Sherif, K.; Smith, S. C., Jr.; Sopko, G.; Steinhorn, R. H.; Stone, N. J.; Taubert, K. A.; Todd, B. A.; Urbina, E.; Wenger, N. K. 2007. Evidence-based guidelines for cardiovascular disease prevention in women: 2007 update Circulation, 115 11 , 1481-501

Urbina, E. M.; Bean, J. A.; Daniels, S. R.; D'Alessio, D.; Dolan, L. M. 2007. Overweight and Hyperinsulinemia Provide Individual Contributions to Compromises in Brachial Artery Distensibility in Healthy Adolescents and Young Adults: Brachial Distensibility in Children J Am Soc Hypertens, 1 3 , 200-207

Alpert, B.; McCrindle, B.; Daniels, S.; Dennison, B.; Hayman, L.; Jacobson, M.; Mahoney, L.; Rocchini, A.; Steinberger, J.; Urbina, E.; Williams, R. 2006. Recommendations for blood pressure measurement in human and experimental animals; part 1: blood pressure measurement in humans Hypertension, 48 1 , e3; author reply e5

Urbina, E. 2006. Noninvasive assessment of target organ injury in children with the metabolic syndrome J Cardiometab Syndr, 1 4 , 277-81

Urbina, E. M.; Kieltkya, L.; Tsai, J.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Berenson, G. S. 2005. Impact of multiple cardiovascular risk factors on brachial artery distensibility in young adults: the Bogalusa Heart Study Am J Hypertens, 18 6 , 767-71

Chen, W.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Bond, M. G.; Tang, R.; Urbina, E. M.; Li, S.; Boerwinkle, E.; Berenson, G. S. 2004. Nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphism (G894T) influences arterial stiffness in adults: The Bogalusa Heart Study Am J Hypertens, 17 7 , 553-9

Freedman, D. S.; Dietz, W. H.; Tang, R.; Mensah, G. A.; Bond, M. G.; Urbina, E. M.; Srinivasan, S.; Berenson, G. S. 2004. The relation of obesity throughout life to carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood: the Bogalusa Heart Study Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 28 1 , 159-66

McConnell, K. B.; Wagner, M.; Urbina, E.; Daniels, S.; Helmicki, A.; Hunt, V.; Amin, R. S. 2004. Central aortic pressure wave changes with sleep stage and disordered breathing in children estimated by application of an arterial transfer function to peripheral blood pressure Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 5 3 , 3864-6

Urbina, E. M.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Kieltyka, R. L.; Tang, R.; Bond, M. G.; Chen, W.; Berenson, G. S. 2004. Correlates of carotid artery stiffness in young adults: The Bogalusa Heart Study Atherosclerosis, 176 1 , 157-64

Hartz, R. S.; Deleon, S. Y.; Lane, J.; Dorotan, J.; Joyce, J.; Urbina, E.; Ross-Ascuitto, N.; Ascuitto, R. 2003. Medtronic freestyle valves in right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction Ann Thorac Surg, 76 6 , 1896-900

Kieltyka, L.; Urbina, E. M.; Tang, R.; Bond, M. G.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Berenson, G. S. 2003. Framingham risk score is related to carotid artery intima-media thickness in both white and black young adults: the Bogalusa Heart Study Atherosclerosis, 170 1 , 125-30

Krishnan, P.; Balamurugan, A.; Urbina, E.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Bond, G.; Tang, R.; Berenson, G. S. 2003. Cardiovascular risk profile of asymptomatic healthy young adults with increased carotid artery intima-media thickness: the Bogalusa Heart Study J La State Med Soc, 155 3 , 165-9

Li, S.; Chen, W.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Bond, M. G.; Tang, R.; Urbina, E. M.; Berenson, G. S. 2003. Childhood cardiovascular risk factors and carotid vascular changes in adulthood: the Bogalusa Heart Study JAMA, 290 17 , 2271-6

Hartz, R. S.; Deleon, S. Y.; Dorotan, J. G.; Urbina, E. M. 2002. Multidose cardioplegia in a complex arterial switch procedure Ann Thorac Surg, 73 1 , 280-2

Urbina, E. M.; Brinton, T. J.; Elkasabany, A.; Berenson, G. S. 2002. Brachial artery distensibility and relation to cardiovascular risk factors in healthy young adults (The Bogalusa Heart Study) Am J Cardiol, 89 8 , 946-51

Urbina, E. M.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Tang, R.; Bond, M. G.; Kieltyka, L.; Berenson, G. S. 2002. Impact of multiple coronary risk factors on the intima-media thickness of different segments of carotid artery in healthy young adults (The Bogalusa Heart Study) Am J Cardiol, 90 9 , 953-8

Sorof, J. M.; Urbina, E. M.; Cunningham, R. J.; Hogg, R. J.; Moxey-Mims, M.; Eissa, M. A.; Rolf, C. 2001. Screening for eligibility in the study of antihypertensive medication in children: experience from the Ziac Pediatric Hypertension Study Am J Hypertens, 14 8 Pt 1 , 783-7

Batten, L. A.; Urbina, E. M.; Berenson, G. S. 2000. Interobserver reproducibility of heart rate variability in children (the Bogalusa Heart Study) Am J Cardiol, 86 11 , 1264-6, A9

Urbina, E. M.; Gidding, S. S.; Bao, W.; Elkasabany, A.; Berenson, G. S. 1999. Association of fasting blood sugar level, insulin level, and obesity with left ventricular mass in healthy children and adolescents: The Bogalusa Heart Study Am Heart J, 138 1 Pt 1 , 122-7

Elkasabany, A. M.; Urbina, E. M.; Daniels, S. R.; Berenson, G. S. 1998. Prediction of adult hypertension by K4 and K5 diastolic blood pressure in children: the Bogalusa Heart Study J Pediatr, 132 4 , 687-92

Urbina, E. M.; Bao, W.; Pickoff, A. S.; Berenson, G. S. 1998. Ethnic (black-white) contrasts in heart rate variability during cardiovascular reactivity testing in male adolescents with high and low blood pressure: the Bogalusa Heart Study Am J Hypertens, 11 2 , 196-202

Urbina, E. M.; Berenson, G. S. 1996. Importance of determining racial differences in cardiovascular risk factors in childhood J Pediatr, 129 2 , 191-2

Bronfin, D. R.; Urbina, E. M. 1995. The role of the pediatrician in the promotion of cardiovascular health Am J Med Sci, 310 Suppl 1 11 , S42-7

Hammond, I. W.; Urbina, E. M.; Wattigney, W. A.; Bao, W.; Steinmann, W. C.; Berenson, G. S. 1995. Comparison of fourth and fifth Korotkoff diastolic blood pressures in 5 to 30 year old individuals. The Bogalusa Heart Study Am J Hypertens, 8 11 , 1083-9

Jiang, X.; Srinivasan, S. R.; Urbina, E.; Berenson, G. S. 1995. Hyperdynamic circulation and cardiovascular risk in children and adolescents. The Bogalusa Heart Study Circulation, 91 4 , 1101-6

Urbina, E. M.; Gidding, S. S.; Bao, W.; Pickoff, A. S.; Berdusis, K.; Berenson, G. S. 1995. Effect of body size, ponderosity, and blood pressure on left ventricular growth in children and young adults in the Bogalusa Heart Study Circulation, 91 9 , 2400-6