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Photo of  John J. Kitzmiller, MD

John J. Kitzmiller, MD


Division Chief;Henry W. and Margaret C. Neale Endowed Chair

  • Hand and Microvascular Surgery Fellowship: Davies Medical Center
  • Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery Residency: University of Cincinnati
  • Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship: Drs. Baker and Gordon, Miami, Florida
  • General Surgery Residency: University of Cincinnati
  • Burn Surgery Fellowship: Shriners Burn Institute - Cincinnati
  • Medical Degree: Duke University School of Medicine
  • Bachelor's Degree: Duke University (Biomedical Engineering)
Board Certifications & Licenses

American Board of Plastic Surgery (Certification Date: 1993-11-13) - (Recertification Date: 2021-04-01)
American Board of Plastic Surgery (Hand Surgery) (Certification Date: 1994-08-29) - (Recertification Date: 2024-12-01)

Contact Information
Research Interests

Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Reconstructive Microsurgery, Wound Healing

Clinical Interests

Hand Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Peer Reviewed Publications

Colakoglu, Salih; Yang, Jerry; French, Mackenzie M; Winocour, Julian; Um, Grace T; Blumenauer, Brian; Siddikoglu, Duygu; Mureau, Marc A M; Chong, Tae; Higdon, Kent; Perdikis, Galen; Inchauste, Suzanne M; Kaoutzanis, Christodoulos; Mathes, David W 2022. Importance of Incidental Findings in Preoperative Computed Tomography Angiography for Abdominally Based Free Flap Breast Reconstruction: A Multi-Institutional Study. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 150 3, 527-535

Ogunleye, Adeyemi A; Deptula, Peter L; Inchauste, Suzie M; Zelones, Justin T; Walters, Shannon; Gifford, Kyle; LeCastillo, Chris; Napel, Sandy; Fleischmann, Dominik; Nguyen, Dung H 2020. The utility of three-dimensional models in complex microsurgical reconstruction. Archives of plastic surgery, 47 5, 428-434

Moore, Meredith L Grogan; Van Belle, Christopher; Ovalle, Fernando; Kitzmiller, William John; Gobble, Ryan M 2019. Global Contributions to Aesthetic Surgery Journal Over the Past Decade. Aesthetic surgery journal, 39 12, 1447-1454

Kitzmiller, W John 2016. Evidence-Based Education in Plastic Surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 137 3, 648e-649e

Kitzmiller, W John; Stern, Peter J 2015. Accredited Fellowships: Playing by the Rules. Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open, 3 3, e353

Chen, Jenny T; Girotto, John A; Kitzmiller, W John; Lawrence, W Thomas; Verheyden, Charles N; Vedder, Nicholas B; Coleman, John J; Bentz, Michael L 2014. Academic plastic surgery: faculty recruitment and retention. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 133 3, 393e-404e

Patel, Parit A; Elhadi, Haithem M; Kitzmiller, William John; Billmire, David A; Yakuboff, Kevin P 2014. Tissue expander complications in the pediatric burn patient: a 10-year follow-up. Annals of plastic surgery, 72 2, 150-4

Visscher, Marty O; Pan, Brian S; Kitzmiller, W John 2013. Photodamage: treatments and topicals for facial skin. Facial plastic surgery clinics of North America, 21 1, 61-75

Yokose, Urara; Hachiya, Akira; Sriwiriyanont, Penkanok; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Visscher, Marty O; Kitzmiller, William J; Bello, Alexander; Tsuboi, Ryoji; Kitahara, Takashi; Kobinger, Gary P; Takema, Yoshinori 2012. The endogenous protease inhibitor TIMP-1 mediates protection and recovery from cutaneous photodamage. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 132 12, 2800-9

Kasamatsu, Shinya; Hachiya, Akira; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Sriwiriyanont, Penkanok; Haketa, Keiichi; Visscher, Marty O; Kitzmiller, William J; Bello, Alexander; Kitahara, Takashi; Kobinger, Gary P; Takema, Yoshinori 2011. Essential role of microfibrillar-associated protein 4 in human cutaneous homeostasis and in its photoprotection. Scientific reports, 1 , 164

Melvin, Alan J; Melvin, David B; Kitzmiller, William J; Fath, Kyle R; Biddinger, Paul W; Juncosa-Melvin, Natalia 2011. A soft-tissue coupling for wound closure. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials, 97 1, 184-9

Sriwiriyanont, Penkanok; Hachiya, Akira; Pickens, William L; Moriwaki, Shigeru; Kitahara, Takashi; Visscher, Marty O; Kitzmiller, William J; Bello, Alexander; Takema, Yoshinori; Kobinger, Gary P 2011. Effects of IGF-binding protein 5 in dysregulating the shape of human hair. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 131 2, 320-8

Hachiya, Akira; Sriwiriyanont, Penkanok; Fujimura, Tsutomu; Ohuchi, Atsushi; Kitahara, Takashi; Takema, Yoshinori; Kitzmiller, William J; Visscher, Marty O; Tsuboi, Ryoji; Boissy, Raymond E 2009. Mechanistic effects of long-term ultraviolet B irradiation induce epidermal and dermal changes in human skin xenografts. The American journal of pathology, 174 2, 401-13

Sriwiriyanont, Penkanok; Hachiya, Akira; Pickens, William L; Moriwaki, Shigeru; Ohuchi, Atsushi; Kitahara, Takashi; Takema, Yoshinori; Kitzmiller, William J; Visscher, Marty O; Bello, Alexander; Tsuboi, Ryoji; Kobinger, Gary P 2009. Lentiviral vector-mediated gene transfer to human hair follicles. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 129 9, 2296-9

Smalls, Lola K; Hicks, Matthew; Passeretti, David; Gersin, Keith; Kitzmiller, W John; Bakhsh, Adel; Wickett, R Randall; Whitestone, Jennifer; Visscher, Marty O 2006. Effect of weight loss on cellulite: gynoid lypodystrophy. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 118 2, 510-6

Smiley, Andrea K; Klingenberg, Jennifer M; Aronow, Bruce J; Boyce, Steven T; Kitzmiller, W John; Supp, Dorothy M 2005. Microarray analysis of gene expression in cultured skin substitutes compared with native human skin. The Journal of investigative dermatology, 125 6, 1286-301

Kitzmiller, W John 2004. Management of late presentation of a spinal accessory nerve injury. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 113 5, 1532

MacLennan, S E; Kitzmiller, W J; Yakuboff, K P 2001. Free-tissue transfer for limb salvage in Purpura fulminans. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 107 6, 1437-42

Kitzmiller, W J; Visscher, M; Page, D A; Wicket, R R; Kitzmiller, K W; Singer, L J 2000. A controlled evaluation of dermabrasion versus CO2 laser resurfacing for the treatment of perioral wrinkles. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 106 6, 1366-72; discussion

Kitzmiller, W J; Neale, H W; Warden, G D; Smith, D 1998. The effect of full-thickness abdominal wall burns sustained during childhood on subsequent childbearing ability. Annals of plastic surgery, 40 2, 111-3

MacLennan, S E; Kitzmiller, W J; Mertens, D; Warden, G D; Neale, H W 1998. Scalp autografts and hair transfer to the face in the burned child. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 102 6, 1865-8

Walton, R L; Beahm, E K; Brown, R E; Upton, J; Reinke, K; Fudem, G; Banis, J; Davidson, J; Dabb, R; Kalimuthu, R; Kitzmiller, W J; Gottlieb, L J; Buncke, H J 1998. Microsurgical replantation of the lip: a multi-institutional experience. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 102 2, 358-68

Thai, K N; Hummel, R P; Kitzmiller, W J; Luchette, F A 1997. The role of computed tomographic scanning in the management of facial trauma. The Journal of trauma, 43 2, 214-7; discussion 21

Kitzmiller, W J 1996. The value of Polaroid photography after microvascular surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 98 5, 906-7

Boyce, S T; Glatter, R; Kitzmiller, W J 1995. Case studies: treatment of chronic wounds with cultured skin substitutes. Ostomy/wound management, 41 2, 26-8, 30, 32 passim

Moore M.;Van Belle C.;Ovalle F.;Kitzmiller W.;Gobble R. 11-13-2019. Global contributions to aesthetic surgery journal over the past decade Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 39 12, 1447-1454

Neale H.;Kitzmiller W. 03-01-2003. Use of suturing as a measure of technical competence: Invited discussion Annals of Plastic Surgery, 50 3, 308-309

Sriwiriyanont P.;Hachiya A.;Pickens W.;Moriwaki S.;Kitahara T.;Visscher M.;Kitzmiller W.;Bello A.;Takema Y.;Kobinger G. 01-01-2011. Effects of IGF-binding protein 5 in dysregulating the shape of human hair Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 131 2, 320-328

Kitzmiller W.;Stanton R.;Wickett R.;Tolia G.;Boissy R.;Visscher M. 01-01-2003. Noninvasive skin measurements after CO<inf>2</inf> and erbium laser resurfacing Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 23 1, 20-27

Kitzmiller W.J.;Visscher M.O.;MacLennan S.;Butterfield J.L.;Fuhrman E.;Doughty D.;Dawes N. 01-01-2003. Comparison of a series of superficial chemical peels with a single midlevel chemical peel for the co Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 23 5, 339-344

Leber G.;Ellenbogen R.;Kitzmiller W. 01-01-2001. Dermabrasion compared with laser resurfacing [7] (multiple letters) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 107 7, 1917

Kitzmiller, W John; Stanton, Ryan A; Wickett, R Randall; Tolia, Gaurva; Boissy, Raymond E; Visscher, Marty O . Noninvasive skin measurements after CO(2) and erbium laser resurfacing. Aesthetic surgery journal / the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery, 23 1, 20-7

Kitzmiller, W John; Visscher, Marty O; Maclennan, Susan; Butterfield, Jennifer L; Fuhrman, Ellen; Doughty, Darrell; Dawes, Nancy . Comparison of a series of superficial chemical peels with a single midlevel chemical peel for the correction of facial actinic damage. Aesthetic surgery journal / the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery, 23 5, 339-44

Smalls, Lola K; Lee, Caroline Y; Whitestone, Jennifer; Kitzmiller, W John; Wickett, R Randall; Visscher, Marty O . Quantitative model of cellulite: three-dimensional skin surface topography, biophysical characterization, and relationship to human perception. Journal of cosmetic science, 56 2, 105-20