Education/CredentialsBachelor's Degree: Amherst College (Chemistry, Magna Cum Laude)Medical Degree: John Hopkins School of MedicineResidency : University of VirginiaFellowship: Wilmers Eye Institute (Neuro-Ophthalmology) Board Certifications & LicensesAmerican Board of Ophthalmology (Certification Date: 1991-11-24) SpecialtiesOphthalmology Contact Information Email Clinical Interests OphthalmologyAdrenal Gland DiseaseAllergic Rhinitis (Hay fever)AngiocarcinomaAnoxiaArthritisAsbestosisAstroblastomaAstrocytomaAtaxiaAtherosclerotic Cardiovascular DiseaseAthlete's Foot (Tinea pedis)Athletic InjuriesAtrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia (AVNRT)Basal Ganglia Cerebrovascular DiseaseBasilar ImpressionDouble Vision (Diplopia)HemianopsiaIschemic Optic NeuropathyOcular Motility DisordersOculomotor Nerve DiseaseOculomotor Nerve InjuriesOphthalmoplegiaOptic AtrophyOptic Disk DrusenOptic Nerve DiseaseOptic Nerve GliomaOptic Nerve InjuriesOptic Nerve TumorsOptic NeuritisPapilledemaPupil DisordersThyroid Eye Disease (Graves Eye Disease)Tonic Pupil Peer Reviewed Publications Foroozan, Rod; Golnik, Karl C 2017. Are Anemia and Hypotension Causally Related to Perioperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy? Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 37 1, 81-86Mugavin, Mark; Mueller, Brett H; Desai, Masoom; Golnik, Karl C 2017. Optic Neuropathy As the Initial Presenting Sign of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) Encephalitis. Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press), 41 2, 90-93Stevens, Shawn M; Rizk, Habib G; Golnik, Karl; Andaluz, Norberto; Samy, Ravi N; Meyer, Ted A; Lambert, Paul R 2017. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: Contemporary review and implications for the otolaryngologist. The Laryngoscope, , Golnik, Karl 2016. Global landscape of ophthalmology medical education-the past, present, and future. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 51 3, 185-7Golnik, Karl C 2016. Resident competence assessment: Best practices. Journal of current ophthalmology, 28 2, 53-4Katz, Bradley J; Farris, Bradley K; Golnik, Karl C; Lawlor, Mitchell; Postels, Douglas G 2016. Teaching and Practicing Neuro-Ophthalmology in Low-Resource Countries. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 36 3, e16-8Mack, Heather G; Filipe, Helena; Golnik, Karl 2016. Governing the reform of the medical internship. The Medical journal of Australia, 205 8, 380Motley, W Walker; Golnik, Karl C; Anteby, Irene; Atilla, Huban; Gole, Glen A; Murillo, Claudia; Olitsky, Scott E; Pilling, Rachel F; Reddy, Aravind R; Sharma, Pradeep; Siatkowski, R Michael; Yadarola, Maria B 2016. Validity of ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for strabismus surgery in resident training. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20 2, 184-5Radhakrishnan, Rupa; Cornelius, Rebecca; Cunnane, Mary Beth; Golnik, Karl; Morales, Humberto 2016. MR imaging findings of endophthalmitis. The neuroradiology journal, 29 2, 122-9Swaminathan, Meenakshi; Ramasubramanian, Srikanth; Pilling, Rachel; Li, Junhong; Golnik, Karl 2016. ICO-OSCAR for pediatric cataract surgical skill assessment. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20 4, 364-5Devoto, Martin H; Golnik, Karl; Bernardini, Francesco P; Alencar, Victor M 2014. Improvement from no light perception after orbital decompression for graves' optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 121 1, 431-432.e1Malik, Amina; Ahmed, Maryam; Golnik, Karl 2014. Treatment options for atypical optic neuritis. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 62 10, 982-4Malik, Amina; Golnik, Karl 2014. Cerebrospinal fluid diversion procedures in the treatment of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. International ophthalmology clinics, 54 1, 51-9Chhabra, Manpreet S; Golnik, Karl C 2013. Recovery of Ocular Motor Cranial Nerve Palsy After Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, , Golnik, Karl C 2013. Neuro-ophthalmology around the world. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 33 4, 319-21Golnik, Karl C 2013. Reply: Intentional extreme anisometropic pseudophakic monovision. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 39 2, 310-1Khan, Rabeea; Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Paranilam, Jaya 2013. Residency education professionalism vignettes. Ophthalmology, 120 4, 874-874.e2Naqvi, Syeda Maryam Ahmed; Thiagarajah, Chris; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew; Kersten, Robert; Nerad, Jeffrey 2013. Optic Nerve Cyst-like Formation Presenting as a Delayed Complication of Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, , Spitze, Arielle; Malik, Amina; Al-Zubidi, Nagham; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew G 2013. Optic nerve sheath fenestration vs cerebrospinal diversion procedures: what is the preferred surgical procedure for the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension failing maximum medical therapy? Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 33 2, 183-8Chi, Sulene L; Stinnett, Sandra; Eggenberger, Eric; Foroozan, Rod; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Michael S; Bhatti, M Tariq 2012. Clinical characteristics in 53 patients with cat scratch optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 119 1, 183-7Golnik, Karl C; Motley, W Walker; Atilla, Huban; Pilling, Rachel; Reddy, Aravind; Sharma, Pradeep; Yadarola, Maria B; Zhao, Kanxing 2012. The ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for strabismus surgery. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus / American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 16 4, 318-21Gulati, Archit; Yalamanchili, Sushma; Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G 2012. Cat scratch neuroretinitis: the role of acute and convalescent titers for diagnosis. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 32 3, 243-5Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Tso, Mark O M; Spivey, Bruce; Miller, Kathleen; Gauthier, Tina-Marie 2012. The international council of ophthalmology: vision for ophthalmic education in an interdependent world. American journal of ophthalmology, 154 4, 620-624.e2Malik, Amina; Golnik, Karl 2012. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of radiation optic neuropathy. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 32 2, 128-31Osher, Robert H; Golnik, Karl C; Barrett, Graham; Shimizu, Kimiya 2012. Intentional extreme anisometropic pseudophakic monovision: new approach to the cataract patient with longstanding diplopia. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 38 8, 1346-51Golnik, Karl C; Beaver, Hilary; Gauba, Vinod; Lee, Andrew G; Mayorga, Eduardo; Palis, Gabriela; Saleh, George M 2011. Cataract surgical skill assessment. Ophthalmology, 118 2, 427.e1-5Golnik, Karl C; Haripriya, Aravind; Beaver, Hilary; Gauba, Vinod; Lee, Andrew G; Mayorga, Eduardo; Palis, Gabriela; Saleh, George M 2011. Cataract surgery skill assessment. Ophthalmology, 118 10, 2094-2094.e2Javaheri, Shahrokh; Qureshi, Zeeshan; Golnik, Karl 2011. Resolution of papilledema associated with OSA treatment. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 7 4, 399-400Golnik, Karl 2010. Nonglaucomatous optic atrophy. Neurologic clinics, 28 3, 631-40Henderson, Bonnie An; Kim, Jae Yong; Golnik, Karl C; Oetting, Thomas A; Lee, Andrew G; Volpe, Nicholas J; Aaron, Maria; Uhler, Tara A; Arnold, Anthony; Dunn, James P; Prajna, N Venkatesh; Lane, Anne Marie; Loewenstein, John I 2010. Evaluation of the virtual mentor cataract training program. Ophthalmology, 117 2, 253-8Glueck, Charles J; Ping Wang, ; Hutchins, Robert; Petersen, Michael R; Golnik, Karl 2008. Ocular vascular thrombotic events: central retinal vein and central retinal artery occlusions. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 14 3, 286-94Golnik, Karl C 2008. Cavitary anomalies of the optic disc: neurologic significance. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 8 5, 409-13Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Wilson, Mark C 2008. A national program director survey of the shift to competency-based education in ophthalmology. Ophthalmology, 115 8, 1426-30, 1430.e1-2Glueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl; Ping Wang, 2007. Amaurosis fugax caused by heritable thrombophilia-hypofibrinolysis in cases without carotid atherosclerosis: thromboprophylaxis prevents subsequent transient monocular partial blindness. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 13 2, 124-9McDonnell, Peter J; Kirwan, Thomas J; Brinton, Gregory S; Golnik, Karl C; Melendez, Robert F; Parke, David W; Renucci, Ann; Smith, Jennifer Hasenyager; Smith, Ronald E 2007. Perceptions of recent ophthalmology residency graduates regarding preparation for practice. Ophthalmology, 114 2, 387-91Vaphiades, Michael; Golnik, Karl C 2007. Optic neuropathy from bacteria. International ophthalmology clinics, 47 4, 25-36, xiGlueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl C; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2006. Changes in weight, papilledema, headache, visual field, and life status in response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 148 5, 215-22Lee, Andrew G; Boldt, H Culver; Golnik, Karl C; Arnold, Anthony C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Olson, Richard J; Zimmerman, M Bridget; Carter, Keith 2006. Structured journal club as a tool to teach and assess resident competence in practice-based learning and improvement. Ophthalmology, 113 3, 497-500McCulley, Timothy J; Golnik, Karl C; Lam, Byron L; Feuer, William J 2006. The effect of decreased visual acuity on clinical color vision testing. American journal of ophthalmology, 141 1, 194-6Parikh, Mona; Miller, Neil R; Lee, Andrew G; Savino, Peter J; Vacarezza, M Noel; Cornblath, Wayne; Eggenberger, Eric; Antonio-Santos, Aileen; Golnik, Karl; Kardon, Randy; Wall, Michael 2006. Prevalence of a normal C-reactive protein with an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis. Ophthalmology, 113 10, 1842-5Glueck, C J; Goldenberg, Naila; Bell, Howard; Golnik, Karl; Wang, Ping 2005. Amaurosis fugax: associations with heritable thrombophilia. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 11 3, 235-41Glueck, Charles J; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Golnik, Karl C; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, polycystic-ovary syndrome, and thrombophilia. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 145 2, 72-82Glueck, Charles J; Goldenberg, Naila; Golnik, Karl; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: associations with thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis in men. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 11 4, 441-8Glueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl C; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia. MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine, 7 4, 41Golnik, Karl C 2005. New mandate in resident education. Ophthalmology, 112 7, 1323; author reply 1Golnik, Karl C; Goldenhar, Linda 2005. The ophthalmic clinical evaluation exercise: reliability determination. Ophthalmology, 112 10, 1649-54Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Carter, Keith 2005. Assessment of ophthalmology resident on-call performance. Ophthalmology, 112 7, 1242-6Harooni, Hooman; Golnik, Karl C; Geddie, Brooke; Eggenberger, Eric R; Lee, Andrew G 2005. Diagnostic yield for neuroimaging in patients with unilateral eye or facial pain. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 40 6, 759-63Lee, Andrew G; Chau, Felix Y; Golnik, Karl C; Kardon, Randy H; Wall, Michael 2005. The diagnostic yield of the evaluation for isolated unexplained optic atrophy. Ophthalmology, 112 5, 757-9Golnik, Karl C 2004. Neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of systemic disease: rheumatologic/Inflammatory. Ophthalmology clinics of North America, 17 3, 389-96, viGolnik, Karl C; Goldenhar, Linda M; Gittinger, John W; Lustbader, Jay M 2004. The Ophthalmic Clinical Evaluation Exercise (OCEX). Ophthalmology, 111 7, 1271-4Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Eggenberger, Eric R 2004. The monocular vertical prism dissociation test. American journal of ophthalmology, 137 1, 135-7Eggenberger, Eric; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew; Santos, Ronel; Suntay, Analyn; Satana, Banu; Vaphlades, Michael; Stevens, Charles; Kaufman, David; Wall, Michael; Kardon, Randy 2002. Prognosis of ischemic internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Ophthalmology, 109 9, 1676-8Golnik, Karl C 2002. Infectious optic neuropathy. Seminars in ophthalmology, 17 1, 11-7Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl; Kardon, Randy; Wall, Michael; Eggenberger, Eric; Yedavally, Sunita 2002. Sleep apnea and intracranial hypertension in men. Ophthalmology, 109 3, 482-5Golnik, K C; Eggenberger, E 2001. Symptomatic corneal topographic change induced by reading in downgaze. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 21 3, 199-204Golnik, K C; West, C E; Kaye, E; Corcoran, K T; Cionni, R J 2000. Incidence of ocular misalignment and diplopia after uneventful cataract surgery. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 26 8, 1205-9Lee, A G; Lin, D J; Kaufman, M; Golnik, K C; Vaphiades, M S; Eggenberger, E 2000. Atypical features prompting neuroimaging in acute optic neuropathy in adults. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 35 6, 325-30Moyer, P D; Golnik, K C; Breneman, J 2000. Treatment of optic nerve sheath meningioma with three-dimensional conformal radiation. American journal of ophthalmology, 129 5, 694-6Golnik, K C; Devoto, T M; Kersten, R C; Kulwin, D 1999. Visual loss in idiopathic intracranial hypertension after resolution of papilledema. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, 15 6, 442-4Golnik, K C; Pena, R; Lee, A G; Eggenberger, E R 1999. An ice test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Ophthalmology, 106 7, 1282-6Ohmer, R; Golnik, K C; Richards, A I; Kosmorsky, G S 1999. Ophthalmoplegia associated with the anti-Ri antibody. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 19 4, 246-8Golnik, K C 1998. Congenital optic nerve anomalies. Current opinion in ophthalmology, 9 6, 18-26Golnik, K C; Kersten, R C 1998. Optic nerve head swelling in the Hadju-Cheney syndrome. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 18 1, 60-5Golnik, K C; Hund, P W; Stroman, G A; Stewart, W C 1996. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with unexplained optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 103 3, 515-20Miller, N R; Golnik, K C; Zeidman, S M; North, R B 1996. Pneumosinus dilatans: a sign of intracranial meningioma. Surgical neurology, 46 5, 471-4Golnik, K C; Hund, P W; Apple, D J 1995. Atonic pupil after cataract surgery. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 21 2, 170-5Stroman, G A; Stewart, W C; Golnik, K C; Curé, J K; Olinger, R E 1995. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with low-tension glaucoma. Archives of ophthalmology, 113 2, 168-72Zimmerman, C F; Van Patten, P D; Golnik, K C; Kopitnik, T A; Anand, R 1995. Orbital infarction syndrome after surgery for intracranial aneurysms. Ophthalmology, 102 4, 594-8Golnik, K C; Marotto, M E; Fanous, M M; Heitter, D; King, L P; Halpern, J I; Holley, P H 1994. Ophthalmic manifestations of Rochalimaea species. American journal of ophthalmology, 118 2, 145-51Golnik, K C; Schaible, E R 1994. Folate-responsive optic neuropathy. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 14 3, 163-9Shissias, C G; Golnik, K C 1994. Horner's syndrome after tonsillectomy. American journal of ophthalmology, 117 6, 812-3Schaible, E R; Golnik, K C 1993. Combined obstruction of the central retinal artery and vein associated with meningeal carcinomatosis. Archives of ophthalmology, 111 11, 1467-8Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1992. Familial recurrent cranial nerve palsy. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 55 10, 976-7Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1992. Diagnosis of cavernous sinus arteriovenous fistula by measurement of ocular pulse amplitude. Ophthalmology, 99 7, 1146-52Golnik, K C; Miller, N R; Long, D M 1992. Rate of progression and severity of neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of cavernous sinus meningiomas. Skull base surgery, 2 3, 129-33Threlkeld, A B; Miller, N R; Golnik, K C; Griffin, J W; Kuncl, R W; Johns, D R; Lehar, M; Hurko, O 1992. Ophthalmic involvement in myo-neuro-gastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome. American journal of ophthalmology, 114 3, 322-8Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1991. Late recovery of function after oculomotor nerve palsy. American journal of ophthalmology, 111 5, 566-70Golnik, K C; Newman, S A; Wispelway, B 1991. Cryptococcal optic neuropathy in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 11 2, 96-103Golnik, K C; Newman, S A 1990. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy associated with macrocytic anemia. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 10 4, 244-7Filipe, Helena P; Silva, Eduardo D; Stulting, Andries A; Golnik, Karl C . Continuing professional development: best practices. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 134-41Golnik, K C; Newman, S A; Ferguson, R . Angle-closure glaucoma consequent to embolization of dural cavernous sinus fistula. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 12 6, 1074-6Golnik, Karl C . Assessment principles and tools. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 109-13Golnik, Karl C . Teaching does not equal learning: the need for more effective education. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 101-2Golnik, Karl C . Neuro-Ophthalmology Annual Review. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 4 5, 307-15Golnik, Karl C; Gauba, Vinod; Saleh, George M; Collin, Richard; Naik, Milind N; Devoto, Martin; Nerad, Jeffrey . The ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for lateral tarsal strip surgery. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, 28 5, 350-4Golnik, Karl; Mayorga, Eduardo; Spivey, Bruce; Ritch, Robert; Gauthier, Tina-Marie . International Council of Ophthalmology: Refocusing Ophthalmic Education in the Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1 5, 255-8Lee, Andrew G; Boldt, H Culver; Golnik, Karl C; Arnold, Anthony C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Olson, Richard J; Carter, Keith . Using the Journal Club to teach and assess competence in practice-based learning and improvement: a literature review and recommendation for implementation. Survey of ophthalmology, 50 6, 542-8Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Boldt, H Culver; Olson, Richard; Greenlee, Emily; Abramoff, Michael D; Johnson, A Tim; Carter, Keith . Re-engineering the resident applicant selection process in ophthalmology: a literature review and recommendations for improvement. Survey of ophthalmology, 53 2, 164-76Mack, Heather G; Filipe, Helena Prior; Golnik, Karl C . Free Continuing Professional Development Resources for Low-Resource Settings. Annals of global health, 81 5, 731-2Mayorga, Eduardo; Golnik, Karl; Palis, Gabriela . One-Year Progress in Ophthalmic Education: Annual Review. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 4 6, 388-98Schmidt, G W; Oster, S F; Golnik, K C; Tumialán, L M; Biousse, V; Turbin, R; Prestigiacomo, C J; Miller, N R . Isolated progressive visual loss after coiling of paraclinoid aneurysms. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 28 10, 1882-9Tagg, Nathan T; Lee, Andrew G; Syed, Nasreen A; Golnik, Karl C . Artery, vein, neither, both? Survey of ophthalmology, 54 3, 408-11Yu, A-Yong; Wang, Qin-Mei; Li, Jin; Huang, Fang; Golnik, Karl . A Cataract Surgery Training Program: 2-Year Outcome After Launching. Journal of surgical education, 73 5, 761-7
Clinical Interests OphthalmologyAdrenal Gland DiseaseAllergic Rhinitis (Hay fever)AngiocarcinomaAnoxiaArthritisAsbestosisAstroblastomaAstrocytomaAtaxiaAtherosclerotic Cardiovascular DiseaseAthlete's Foot (Tinea pedis)Athletic InjuriesAtrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia (AVNRT)Basal Ganglia Cerebrovascular DiseaseBasilar ImpressionDouble Vision (Diplopia)HemianopsiaIschemic Optic NeuropathyOcular Motility DisordersOculomotor Nerve DiseaseOculomotor Nerve InjuriesOphthalmoplegiaOptic AtrophyOptic Disk DrusenOptic Nerve DiseaseOptic Nerve GliomaOptic Nerve InjuriesOptic Nerve TumorsOptic NeuritisPapilledemaPupil DisordersThyroid Eye Disease (Graves Eye Disease)Tonic Pupil
Peer Reviewed Publications Foroozan, Rod; Golnik, Karl C 2017. Are Anemia and Hypotension Causally Related to Perioperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy? Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 37 1, 81-86Mugavin, Mark; Mueller, Brett H; Desai, Masoom; Golnik, Karl C 2017. Optic Neuropathy As the Initial Presenting Sign of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) Encephalitis. Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press), 41 2, 90-93Stevens, Shawn M; Rizk, Habib G; Golnik, Karl; Andaluz, Norberto; Samy, Ravi N; Meyer, Ted A; Lambert, Paul R 2017. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: Contemporary review and implications for the otolaryngologist. The Laryngoscope, , Golnik, Karl 2016. Global landscape of ophthalmology medical education-the past, present, and future. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 51 3, 185-7Golnik, Karl C 2016. Resident competence assessment: Best practices. Journal of current ophthalmology, 28 2, 53-4Katz, Bradley J; Farris, Bradley K; Golnik, Karl C; Lawlor, Mitchell; Postels, Douglas G 2016. Teaching and Practicing Neuro-Ophthalmology in Low-Resource Countries. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 36 3, e16-8Mack, Heather G; Filipe, Helena; Golnik, Karl 2016. Governing the reform of the medical internship. The Medical journal of Australia, 205 8, 380Motley, W Walker; Golnik, Karl C; Anteby, Irene; Atilla, Huban; Gole, Glen A; Murillo, Claudia; Olitsky, Scott E; Pilling, Rachel F; Reddy, Aravind R; Sharma, Pradeep; Siatkowski, R Michael; Yadarola, Maria B 2016. Validity of ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for strabismus surgery in resident training. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20 2, 184-5Radhakrishnan, Rupa; Cornelius, Rebecca; Cunnane, Mary Beth; Golnik, Karl; Morales, Humberto 2016. MR imaging findings of endophthalmitis. The neuroradiology journal, 29 2, 122-9Swaminathan, Meenakshi; Ramasubramanian, Srikanth; Pilling, Rachel; Li, Junhong; Golnik, Karl 2016. ICO-OSCAR for pediatric cataract surgical skill assessment. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20 4, 364-5Devoto, Martin H; Golnik, Karl; Bernardini, Francesco P; Alencar, Victor M 2014. Improvement from no light perception after orbital decompression for graves' optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 121 1, 431-432.e1Malik, Amina; Ahmed, Maryam; Golnik, Karl 2014. Treatment options for atypical optic neuritis. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 62 10, 982-4Malik, Amina; Golnik, Karl 2014. Cerebrospinal fluid diversion procedures in the treatment of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. International ophthalmology clinics, 54 1, 51-9Chhabra, Manpreet S; Golnik, Karl C 2013. Recovery of Ocular Motor Cranial Nerve Palsy After Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, , Golnik, Karl C 2013. Neuro-ophthalmology around the world. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 33 4, 319-21Golnik, Karl C 2013. Reply: Intentional extreme anisometropic pseudophakic monovision. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 39 2, 310-1Khan, Rabeea; Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Paranilam, Jaya 2013. Residency education professionalism vignettes. Ophthalmology, 120 4, 874-874.e2Naqvi, Syeda Maryam Ahmed; Thiagarajah, Chris; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew; Kersten, Robert; Nerad, Jeffrey 2013. Optic Nerve Cyst-like Formation Presenting as a Delayed Complication of Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, , Spitze, Arielle; Malik, Amina; Al-Zubidi, Nagham; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew G 2013. Optic nerve sheath fenestration vs cerebrospinal diversion procedures: what is the preferred surgical procedure for the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension failing maximum medical therapy? Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 33 2, 183-8Chi, Sulene L; Stinnett, Sandra; Eggenberger, Eric; Foroozan, Rod; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Michael S; Bhatti, M Tariq 2012. Clinical characteristics in 53 patients with cat scratch optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 119 1, 183-7Golnik, Karl C; Motley, W Walker; Atilla, Huban; Pilling, Rachel; Reddy, Aravind; Sharma, Pradeep; Yadarola, Maria B; Zhao, Kanxing 2012. The ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for strabismus surgery. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus / American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 16 4, 318-21Gulati, Archit; Yalamanchili, Sushma; Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G 2012. Cat scratch neuroretinitis: the role of acute and convalescent titers for diagnosis. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 32 3, 243-5Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Tso, Mark O M; Spivey, Bruce; Miller, Kathleen; Gauthier, Tina-Marie 2012. The international council of ophthalmology: vision for ophthalmic education in an interdependent world. American journal of ophthalmology, 154 4, 620-624.e2Malik, Amina; Golnik, Karl 2012. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of radiation optic neuropathy. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 32 2, 128-31Osher, Robert H; Golnik, Karl C; Barrett, Graham; Shimizu, Kimiya 2012. Intentional extreme anisometropic pseudophakic monovision: new approach to the cataract patient with longstanding diplopia. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 38 8, 1346-51Golnik, Karl C; Beaver, Hilary; Gauba, Vinod; Lee, Andrew G; Mayorga, Eduardo; Palis, Gabriela; Saleh, George M 2011. Cataract surgical skill assessment. Ophthalmology, 118 2, 427.e1-5Golnik, Karl C; Haripriya, Aravind; Beaver, Hilary; Gauba, Vinod; Lee, Andrew G; Mayorga, Eduardo; Palis, Gabriela; Saleh, George M 2011. Cataract surgery skill assessment. Ophthalmology, 118 10, 2094-2094.e2Javaheri, Shahrokh; Qureshi, Zeeshan; Golnik, Karl 2011. Resolution of papilledema associated with OSA treatment. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 7 4, 399-400Golnik, Karl 2010. Nonglaucomatous optic atrophy. Neurologic clinics, 28 3, 631-40Henderson, Bonnie An; Kim, Jae Yong; Golnik, Karl C; Oetting, Thomas A; Lee, Andrew G; Volpe, Nicholas J; Aaron, Maria; Uhler, Tara A; Arnold, Anthony; Dunn, James P; Prajna, N Venkatesh; Lane, Anne Marie; Loewenstein, John I 2010. Evaluation of the virtual mentor cataract training program. Ophthalmology, 117 2, 253-8Glueck, Charles J; Ping Wang, ; Hutchins, Robert; Petersen, Michael R; Golnik, Karl 2008. Ocular vascular thrombotic events: central retinal vein and central retinal artery occlusions. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 14 3, 286-94Golnik, Karl C 2008. Cavitary anomalies of the optic disc: neurologic significance. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 8 5, 409-13Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Wilson, Mark C 2008. A national program director survey of the shift to competency-based education in ophthalmology. Ophthalmology, 115 8, 1426-30, 1430.e1-2Glueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl; Ping Wang, 2007. Amaurosis fugax caused by heritable thrombophilia-hypofibrinolysis in cases without carotid atherosclerosis: thromboprophylaxis prevents subsequent transient monocular partial blindness. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 13 2, 124-9McDonnell, Peter J; Kirwan, Thomas J; Brinton, Gregory S; Golnik, Karl C; Melendez, Robert F; Parke, David W; Renucci, Ann; Smith, Jennifer Hasenyager; Smith, Ronald E 2007. Perceptions of recent ophthalmology residency graduates regarding preparation for practice. Ophthalmology, 114 2, 387-91Vaphiades, Michael; Golnik, Karl C 2007. Optic neuropathy from bacteria. International ophthalmology clinics, 47 4, 25-36, xiGlueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl C; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2006. Changes in weight, papilledema, headache, visual field, and life status in response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 148 5, 215-22Lee, Andrew G; Boldt, H Culver; Golnik, Karl C; Arnold, Anthony C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Olson, Richard J; Zimmerman, M Bridget; Carter, Keith 2006. Structured journal club as a tool to teach and assess resident competence in practice-based learning and improvement. Ophthalmology, 113 3, 497-500McCulley, Timothy J; Golnik, Karl C; Lam, Byron L; Feuer, William J 2006. The effect of decreased visual acuity on clinical color vision testing. American journal of ophthalmology, 141 1, 194-6Parikh, Mona; Miller, Neil R; Lee, Andrew G; Savino, Peter J; Vacarezza, M Noel; Cornblath, Wayne; Eggenberger, Eric; Antonio-Santos, Aileen; Golnik, Karl; Kardon, Randy; Wall, Michael 2006. Prevalence of a normal C-reactive protein with an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis. Ophthalmology, 113 10, 1842-5Glueck, C J; Goldenberg, Naila; Bell, Howard; Golnik, Karl; Wang, Ping 2005. Amaurosis fugax: associations with heritable thrombophilia. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 11 3, 235-41Glueck, Charles J; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Golnik, Karl C; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, polycystic-ovary syndrome, and thrombophilia. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 145 2, 72-82Glueck, Charles J; Goldenberg, Naila; Golnik, Karl; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: associations with thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis in men. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 11 4, 441-8Glueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl C; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia. MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine, 7 4, 41Golnik, Karl C 2005. New mandate in resident education. Ophthalmology, 112 7, 1323; author reply 1Golnik, Karl C; Goldenhar, Linda 2005. The ophthalmic clinical evaluation exercise: reliability determination. Ophthalmology, 112 10, 1649-54Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Carter, Keith 2005. Assessment of ophthalmology resident on-call performance. Ophthalmology, 112 7, 1242-6Harooni, Hooman; Golnik, Karl C; Geddie, Brooke; Eggenberger, Eric R; Lee, Andrew G 2005. Diagnostic yield for neuroimaging in patients with unilateral eye or facial pain. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 40 6, 759-63Lee, Andrew G; Chau, Felix Y; Golnik, Karl C; Kardon, Randy H; Wall, Michael 2005. The diagnostic yield of the evaluation for isolated unexplained optic atrophy. Ophthalmology, 112 5, 757-9Golnik, Karl C 2004. Neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of systemic disease: rheumatologic/Inflammatory. Ophthalmology clinics of North America, 17 3, 389-96, viGolnik, Karl C; Goldenhar, Linda M; Gittinger, John W; Lustbader, Jay M 2004. The Ophthalmic Clinical Evaluation Exercise (OCEX). Ophthalmology, 111 7, 1271-4Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Eggenberger, Eric R 2004. The monocular vertical prism dissociation test. American journal of ophthalmology, 137 1, 135-7Eggenberger, Eric; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew; Santos, Ronel; Suntay, Analyn; Satana, Banu; Vaphlades, Michael; Stevens, Charles; Kaufman, David; Wall, Michael; Kardon, Randy 2002. Prognosis of ischemic internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Ophthalmology, 109 9, 1676-8Golnik, Karl C 2002. Infectious optic neuropathy. Seminars in ophthalmology, 17 1, 11-7Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl; Kardon, Randy; Wall, Michael; Eggenberger, Eric; Yedavally, Sunita 2002. Sleep apnea and intracranial hypertension in men. Ophthalmology, 109 3, 482-5Golnik, K C; Eggenberger, E 2001. Symptomatic corneal topographic change induced by reading in downgaze. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 21 3, 199-204Golnik, K C; West, C E; Kaye, E; Corcoran, K T; Cionni, R J 2000. Incidence of ocular misalignment and diplopia after uneventful cataract surgery. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 26 8, 1205-9Lee, A G; Lin, D J; Kaufman, M; Golnik, K C; Vaphiades, M S; Eggenberger, E 2000. Atypical features prompting neuroimaging in acute optic neuropathy in adults. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 35 6, 325-30Moyer, P D; Golnik, K C; Breneman, J 2000. Treatment of optic nerve sheath meningioma with three-dimensional conformal radiation. American journal of ophthalmology, 129 5, 694-6Golnik, K C; Devoto, T M; Kersten, R C; Kulwin, D 1999. Visual loss in idiopathic intracranial hypertension after resolution of papilledema. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, 15 6, 442-4Golnik, K C; Pena, R; Lee, A G; Eggenberger, E R 1999. An ice test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Ophthalmology, 106 7, 1282-6Ohmer, R; Golnik, K C; Richards, A I; Kosmorsky, G S 1999. Ophthalmoplegia associated with the anti-Ri antibody. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 19 4, 246-8Golnik, K C 1998. Congenital optic nerve anomalies. Current opinion in ophthalmology, 9 6, 18-26Golnik, K C; Kersten, R C 1998. Optic nerve head swelling in the Hadju-Cheney syndrome. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 18 1, 60-5Golnik, K C; Hund, P W; Stroman, G A; Stewart, W C 1996. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with unexplained optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 103 3, 515-20Miller, N R; Golnik, K C; Zeidman, S M; North, R B 1996. Pneumosinus dilatans: a sign of intracranial meningioma. Surgical neurology, 46 5, 471-4Golnik, K C; Hund, P W; Apple, D J 1995. Atonic pupil after cataract surgery. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 21 2, 170-5Stroman, G A; Stewart, W C; Golnik, K C; Curé, J K; Olinger, R E 1995. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with low-tension glaucoma. Archives of ophthalmology, 113 2, 168-72Zimmerman, C F; Van Patten, P D; Golnik, K C; Kopitnik, T A; Anand, R 1995. Orbital infarction syndrome after surgery for intracranial aneurysms. Ophthalmology, 102 4, 594-8Golnik, K C; Marotto, M E; Fanous, M M; Heitter, D; King, L P; Halpern, J I; Holley, P H 1994. Ophthalmic manifestations of Rochalimaea species. American journal of ophthalmology, 118 2, 145-51Golnik, K C; Schaible, E R 1994. Folate-responsive optic neuropathy. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 14 3, 163-9Shissias, C G; Golnik, K C 1994. Horner's syndrome after tonsillectomy. American journal of ophthalmology, 117 6, 812-3Schaible, E R; Golnik, K C 1993. Combined obstruction of the central retinal artery and vein associated with meningeal carcinomatosis. Archives of ophthalmology, 111 11, 1467-8Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1992. Familial recurrent cranial nerve palsy. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 55 10, 976-7Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1992. Diagnosis of cavernous sinus arteriovenous fistula by measurement of ocular pulse amplitude. Ophthalmology, 99 7, 1146-52Golnik, K C; Miller, N R; Long, D M 1992. Rate of progression and severity of neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of cavernous sinus meningiomas. Skull base surgery, 2 3, 129-33Threlkeld, A B; Miller, N R; Golnik, K C; Griffin, J W; Kuncl, R W; Johns, D R; Lehar, M; Hurko, O 1992. Ophthalmic involvement in myo-neuro-gastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome. American journal of ophthalmology, 114 3, 322-8Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1991. Late recovery of function after oculomotor nerve palsy. American journal of ophthalmology, 111 5, 566-70Golnik, K C; Newman, S A; Wispelway, B 1991. Cryptococcal optic neuropathy in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 11 2, 96-103Golnik, K C; Newman, S A 1990. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy associated with macrocytic anemia. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 10 4, 244-7Filipe, Helena P; Silva, Eduardo D; Stulting, Andries A; Golnik, Karl C . Continuing professional development: best practices. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 134-41Golnik, K C; Newman, S A; Ferguson, R . Angle-closure glaucoma consequent to embolization of dural cavernous sinus fistula. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 12 6, 1074-6Golnik, Karl C . Assessment principles and tools. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 109-13Golnik, Karl C . Teaching does not equal learning: the need for more effective education. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 101-2Golnik, Karl C . Neuro-Ophthalmology Annual Review. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 4 5, 307-15Golnik, Karl C; Gauba, Vinod; Saleh, George M; Collin, Richard; Naik, Milind N; Devoto, Martin; Nerad, Jeffrey . The ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for lateral tarsal strip surgery. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, 28 5, 350-4Golnik, Karl; Mayorga, Eduardo; Spivey, Bruce; Ritch, Robert; Gauthier, Tina-Marie . International Council of Ophthalmology: Refocusing Ophthalmic Education in the Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1 5, 255-8Lee, Andrew G; Boldt, H Culver; Golnik, Karl C; Arnold, Anthony C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Olson, Richard J; Carter, Keith . Using the Journal Club to teach and assess competence in practice-based learning and improvement: a literature review and recommendation for implementation. Survey of ophthalmology, 50 6, 542-8Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Boldt, H Culver; Olson, Richard; Greenlee, Emily; Abramoff, Michael D; Johnson, A Tim; Carter, Keith . Re-engineering the resident applicant selection process in ophthalmology: a literature review and recommendations for improvement. Survey of ophthalmology, 53 2, 164-76Mack, Heather G; Filipe, Helena Prior; Golnik, Karl C . Free Continuing Professional Development Resources for Low-Resource Settings. Annals of global health, 81 5, 731-2Mayorga, Eduardo; Golnik, Karl; Palis, Gabriela . One-Year Progress in Ophthalmic Education: Annual Review. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 4 6, 388-98Schmidt, G W; Oster, S F; Golnik, K C; Tumialán, L M; Biousse, V; Turbin, R; Prestigiacomo, C J; Miller, N R . Isolated progressive visual loss after coiling of paraclinoid aneurysms. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 28 10, 1882-9Tagg, Nathan T; Lee, Andrew G; Syed, Nasreen A; Golnik, Karl C . Artery, vein, neither, both? Survey of ophthalmology, 54 3, 408-11Yu, A-Yong; Wang, Qin-Mei; Li, Jin; Huang, Fang; Golnik, Karl . A Cataract Surgery Training Program: 2-Year Outcome After Launching. Journal of surgical education, 73 5, 761-7
Foroozan, Rod; Golnik, Karl C 2017. Are Anemia and Hypotension Causally Related to Perioperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy? Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 37 1, 81-86Mugavin, Mark; Mueller, Brett H; Desai, Masoom; Golnik, Karl C 2017. Optic Neuropathy As the Initial Presenting Sign of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) Encephalitis. Neuro-ophthalmology (Aeolus Press), 41 2, 90-93Stevens, Shawn M; Rizk, Habib G; Golnik, Karl; Andaluz, Norberto; Samy, Ravi N; Meyer, Ted A; Lambert, Paul R 2017. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: Contemporary review and implications for the otolaryngologist. The Laryngoscope, , Golnik, Karl 2016. Global landscape of ophthalmology medical education-the past, present, and future. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 51 3, 185-7Golnik, Karl C 2016. Resident competence assessment: Best practices. Journal of current ophthalmology, 28 2, 53-4Katz, Bradley J; Farris, Bradley K; Golnik, Karl C; Lawlor, Mitchell; Postels, Douglas G 2016. Teaching and Practicing Neuro-Ophthalmology in Low-Resource Countries. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 36 3, e16-8Mack, Heather G; Filipe, Helena; Golnik, Karl 2016. Governing the reform of the medical internship. The Medical journal of Australia, 205 8, 380Motley, W Walker; Golnik, Karl C; Anteby, Irene; Atilla, Huban; Gole, Glen A; Murillo, Claudia; Olitsky, Scott E; Pilling, Rachel F; Reddy, Aravind R; Sharma, Pradeep; Siatkowski, R Michael; Yadarola, Maria B 2016. Validity of ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for strabismus surgery in resident training. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20 2, 184-5Radhakrishnan, Rupa; Cornelius, Rebecca; Cunnane, Mary Beth; Golnik, Karl; Morales, Humberto 2016. MR imaging findings of endophthalmitis. The neuroradiology journal, 29 2, 122-9Swaminathan, Meenakshi; Ramasubramanian, Srikanth; Pilling, Rachel; Li, Junhong; Golnik, Karl 2016. ICO-OSCAR for pediatric cataract surgical skill assessment. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 20 4, 364-5Devoto, Martin H; Golnik, Karl; Bernardini, Francesco P; Alencar, Victor M 2014. Improvement from no light perception after orbital decompression for graves' optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 121 1, 431-432.e1Malik, Amina; Ahmed, Maryam; Golnik, Karl 2014. Treatment options for atypical optic neuritis. Indian journal of ophthalmology, 62 10, 982-4Malik, Amina; Golnik, Karl 2014. Cerebrospinal fluid diversion procedures in the treatment of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension. International ophthalmology clinics, 54 1, 51-9Chhabra, Manpreet S; Golnik, Karl C 2013. Recovery of Ocular Motor Cranial Nerve Palsy After Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, , Golnik, Karl C 2013. Neuro-ophthalmology around the world. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 33 4, 319-21Golnik, Karl C 2013. Reply: Intentional extreme anisometropic pseudophakic monovision. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 39 2, 310-1Khan, Rabeea; Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Paranilam, Jaya 2013. Residency education professionalism vignettes. Ophthalmology, 120 4, 874-874.e2Naqvi, Syeda Maryam Ahmed; Thiagarajah, Chris; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew; Kersten, Robert; Nerad, Jeffrey 2013. Optic Nerve Cyst-like Formation Presenting as a Delayed Complication of Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, , Spitze, Arielle; Malik, Amina; Al-Zubidi, Nagham; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew G 2013. Optic nerve sheath fenestration vs cerebrospinal diversion procedures: what is the preferred surgical procedure for the treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension failing maximum medical therapy? Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 33 2, 183-8Chi, Sulene L; Stinnett, Sandra; Eggenberger, Eric; Foroozan, Rod; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Michael S; Bhatti, M Tariq 2012. Clinical characteristics in 53 patients with cat scratch optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 119 1, 183-7Golnik, Karl C; Motley, W Walker; Atilla, Huban; Pilling, Rachel; Reddy, Aravind; Sharma, Pradeep; Yadarola, Maria B; Zhao, Kanxing 2012. The ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for strabismus surgery. Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus / American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 16 4, 318-21Gulati, Archit; Yalamanchili, Sushma; Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G 2012. Cat scratch neuroretinitis: the role of acute and convalescent titers for diagnosis. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 32 3, 243-5Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Tso, Mark O M; Spivey, Bruce; Miller, Kathleen; Gauthier, Tina-Marie 2012. The international council of ophthalmology: vision for ophthalmic education in an interdependent world. American journal of ophthalmology, 154 4, 620-624.e2Malik, Amina; Golnik, Karl 2012. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of radiation optic neuropathy. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 32 2, 128-31Osher, Robert H; Golnik, Karl C; Barrett, Graham; Shimizu, Kimiya 2012. Intentional extreme anisometropic pseudophakic monovision: new approach to the cataract patient with longstanding diplopia. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 38 8, 1346-51Golnik, Karl C; Beaver, Hilary; Gauba, Vinod; Lee, Andrew G; Mayorga, Eduardo; Palis, Gabriela; Saleh, George M 2011. Cataract surgical skill assessment. Ophthalmology, 118 2, 427.e1-5Golnik, Karl C; Haripriya, Aravind; Beaver, Hilary; Gauba, Vinod; Lee, Andrew G; Mayorga, Eduardo; Palis, Gabriela; Saleh, George M 2011. Cataract surgery skill assessment. Ophthalmology, 118 10, 2094-2094.e2Javaheri, Shahrokh; Qureshi, Zeeshan; Golnik, Karl 2011. Resolution of papilledema associated with OSA treatment. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 7 4, 399-400Golnik, Karl 2010. Nonglaucomatous optic atrophy. Neurologic clinics, 28 3, 631-40Henderson, Bonnie An; Kim, Jae Yong; Golnik, Karl C; Oetting, Thomas A; Lee, Andrew G; Volpe, Nicholas J; Aaron, Maria; Uhler, Tara A; Arnold, Anthony; Dunn, James P; Prajna, N Venkatesh; Lane, Anne Marie; Loewenstein, John I 2010. Evaluation of the virtual mentor cataract training program. Ophthalmology, 117 2, 253-8Glueck, Charles J; Ping Wang, ; Hutchins, Robert; Petersen, Michael R; Golnik, Karl 2008. Ocular vascular thrombotic events: central retinal vein and central retinal artery occlusions. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 14 3, 286-94Golnik, Karl C 2008. Cavitary anomalies of the optic disc: neurologic significance. Current neurology and neuroscience reports, 8 5, 409-13Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Wilson, Mark C 2008. A national program director survey of the shift to competency-based education in ophthalmology. Ophthalmology, 115 8, 1426-30, 1430.e1-2Glueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl; Ping Wang, 2007. Amaurosis fugax caused by heritable thrombophilia-hypofibrinolysis in cases without carotid atherosclerosis: thromboprophylaxis prevents subsequent transient monocular partial blindness. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 13 2, 124-9McDonnell, Peter J; Kirwan, Thomas J; Brinton, Gregory S; Golnik, Karl C; Melendez, Robert F; Parke, David W; Renucci, Ann; Smith, Jennifer Hasenyager; Smith, Ronald E 2007. Perceptions of recent ophthalmology residency graduates regarding preparation for practice. Ophthalmology, 114 2, 387-91Vaphiades, Michael; Golnik, Karl C 2007. Optic neuropathy from bacteria. International ophthalmology clinics, 47 4, 25-36, xiGlueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl C; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2006. Changes in weight, papilledema, headache, visual field, and life status in response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia. Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 148 5, 215-22Lee, Andrew G; Boldt, H Culver; Golnik, Karl C; Arnold, Anthony C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Olson, Richard J; Zimmerman, M Bridget; Carter, Keith 2006. Structured journal club as a tool to teach and assess resident competence in practice-based learning and improvement. Ophthalmology, 113 3, 497-500McCulley, Timothy J; Golnik, Karl C; Lam, Byron L; Feuer, William J 2006. The effect of decreased visual acuity on clinical color vision testing. American journal of ophthalmology, 141 1, 194-6Parikh, Mona; Miller, Neil R; Lee, Andrew G; Savino, Peter J; Vacarezza, M Noel; Cornblath, Wayne; Eggenberger, Eric; Antonio-Santos, Aileen; Golnik, Karl; Kardon, Randy; Wall, Michael 2006. Prevalence of a normal C-reactive protein with an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis. Ophthalmology, 113 10, 1842-5Glueck, C J; Goldenberg, Naila; Bell, Howard; Golnik, Karl; Wang, Ping 2005. Amaurosis fugax: associations with heritable thrombophilia. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 11 3, 235-41Glueck, Charles J; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Golnik, Karl C; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, polycystic-ovary syndrome, and thrombophilia. The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, 145 2, 72-82Glueck, Charles J; Goldenberg, Naila; Golnik, Karl; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: associations with thrombophilia and hypofibrinolysis in men. Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 11 4, 441-8Glueck, Charles J; Golnik, Karl C; Aregawi, Dawit; Goldenberg, Naila; Sieve, Luann; Wang, Ping 2005. Response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia. MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine, 7 4, 41Golnik, Karl C 2005. New mandate in resident education. Ophthalmology, 112 7, 1323; author reply 1Golnik, Karl C; Goldenhar, Linda 2005. The ophthalmic clinical evaluation exercise: reliability determination. Ophthalmology, 112 10, 1649-54Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Carter, Keith 2005. Assessment of ophthalmology resident on-call performance. Ophthalmology, 112 7, 1242-6Harooni, Hooman; Golnik, Karl C; Geddie, Brooke; Eggenberger, Eric R; Lee, Andrew G 2005. Diagnostic yield for neuroimaging in patients with unilateral eye or facial pain. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 40 6, 759-63Lee, Andrew G; Chau, Felix Y; Golnik, Karl C; Kardon, Randy H; Wall, Michael 2005. The diagnostic yield of the evaluation for isolated unexplained optic atrophy. Ophthalmology, 112 5, 757-9Golnik, Karl C 2004. Neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of systemic disease: rheumatologic/Inflammatory. Ophthalmology clinics of North America, 17 3, 389-96, viGolnik, Karl C; Goldenhar, Linda M; Gittinger, John W; Lustbader, Jay M 2004. The Ophthalmic Clinical Evaluation Exercise (OCEX). Ophthalmology, 111 7, 1271-4Golnik, Karl C; Lee, Andrew G; Eggenberger, Eric R 2004. The monocular vertical prism dissociation test. American journal of ophthalmology, 137 1, 135-7Eggenberger, Eric; Golnik, Karl; Lee, Andrew; Santos, Ronel; Suntay, Analyn; Satana, Banu; Vaphlades, Michael; Stevens, Charles; Kaufman, David; Wall, Michael; Kardon, Randy 2002. Prognosis of ischemic internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Ophthalmology, 109 9, 1676-8Golnik, Karl C 2002. Infectious optic neuropathy. Seminars in ophthalmology, 17 1, 11-7Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl; Kardon, Randy; Wall, Michael; Eggenberger, Eric; Yedavally, Sunita 2002. Sleep apnea and intracranial hypertension in men. Ophthalmology, 109 3, 482-5Golnik, K C; Eggenberger, E 2001. Symptomatic corneal topographic change induced by reading in downgaze. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 21 3, 199-204Golnik, K C; West, C E; Kaye, E; Corcoran, K T; Cionni, R J 2000. Incidence of ocular misalignment and diplopia after uneventful cataract surgery. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 26 8, 1205-9Lee, A G; Lin, D J; Kaufman, M; Golnik, K C; Vaphiades, M S; Eggenberger, E 2000. Atypical features prompting neuroimaging in acute optic neuropathy in adults. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d'ophtalmologie, 35 6, 325-30Moyer, P D; Golnik, K C; Breneman, J 2000. Treatment of optic nerve sheath meningioma with three-dimensional conformal radiation. American journal of ophthalmology, 129 5, 694-6Golnik, K C; Devoto, T M; Kersten, R C; Kulwin, D 1999. Visual loss in idiopathic intracranial hypertension after resolution of papilledema. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, 15 6, 442-4Golnik, K C; Pena, R; Lee, A G; Eggenberger, E R 1999. An ice test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Ophthalmology, 106 7, 1282-6Ohmer, R; Golnik, K C; Richards, A I; Kosmorsky, G S 1999. Ophthalmoplegia associated with the anti-Ri antibody. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 19 4, 246-8Golnik, K C 1998. Congenital optic nerve anomalies. Current opinion in ophthalmology, 9 6, 18-26Golnik, K C; Kersten, R C 1998. Optic nerve head swelling in the Hadju-Cheney syndrome. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 18 1, 60-5Golnik, K C; Hund, P W; Stroman, G A; Stewart, W C 1996. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with unexplained optic neuropathy. Ophthalmology, 103 3, 515-20Miller, N R; Golnik, K C; Zeidman, S M; North, R B 1996. Pneumosinus dilatans: a sign of intracranial meningioma. Surgical neurology, 46 5, 471-4Golnik, K C; Hund, P W; Apple, D J 1995. Atonic pupil after cataract surgery. Journal of cataract and refractive surgery, 21 2, 170-5Stroman, G A; Stewart, W C; Golnik, K C; Curé, J K; Olinger, R E 1995. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with low-tension glaucoma. Archives of ophthalmology, 113 2, 168-72Zimmerman, C F; Van Patten, P D; Golnik, K C; Kopitnik, T A; Anand, R 1995. Orbital infarction syndrome after surgery for intracranial aneurysms. Ophthalmology, 102 4, 594-8Golnik, K C; Marotto, M E; Fanous, M M; Heitter, D; King, L P; Halpern, J I; Holley, P H 1994. Ophthalmic manifestations of Rochalimaea species. American journal of ophthalmology, 118 2, 145-51Golnik, K C; Schaible, E R 1994. Folate-responsive optic neuropathy. Journal of neuro-ophthalmology : the official journal of the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society, 14 3, 163-9Shissias, C G; Golnik, K C 1994. Horner's syndrome after tonsillectomy. American journal of ophthalmology, 117 6, 812-3Schaible, E R; Golnik, K C 1993. Combined obstruction of the central retinal artery and vein associated with meningeal carcinomatosis. Archives of ophthalmology, 111 11, 1467-8Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1992. Familial recurrent cranial nerve palsy. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 55 10, 976-7Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1992. Diagnosis of cavernous sinus arteriovenous fistula by measurement of ocular pulse amplitude. Ophthalmology, 99 7, 1146-52Golnik, K C; Miller, N R; Long, D M 1992. Rate of progression and severity of neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of cavernous sinus meningiomas. Skull base surgery, 2 3, 129-33Threlkeld, A B; Miller, N R; Golnik, K C; Griffin, J W; Kuncl, R W; Johns, D R; Lehar, M; Hurko, O 1992. Ophthalmic involvement in myo-neuro-gastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome. American journal of ophthalmology, 114 3, 322-8Golnik, K C; Miller, N R 1991. Late recovery of function after oculomotor nerve palsy. American journal of ophthalmology, 111 5, 566-70Golnik, K C; Newman, S A; Wispelway, B 1991. Cryptococcal optic neuropathy in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 11 2, 96-103Golnik, K C; Newman, S A 1990. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy associated with macrocytic anemia. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 10 4, 244-7Filipe, Helena P; Silva, Eduardo D; Stulting, Andries A; Golnik, Karl C . Continuing professional development: best practices. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 134-41Golnik, K C; Newman, S A; Ferguson, R . Angle-closure glaucoma consequent to embolization of dural cavernous sinus fistula. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 12 6, 1074-6Golnik, Karl C . Assessment principles and tools. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 109-13Golnik, Karl C . Teaching does not equal learning: the need for more effective education. Middle East African journal of ophthalmology, 21 2, 101-2Golnik, Karl C . Neuro-Ophthalmology Annual Review. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 4 5, 307-15Golnik, Karl C; Gauba, Vinod; Saleh, George M; Collin, Richard; Naik, Milind N; Devoto, Martin; Nerad, Jeffrey . The ophthalmology surgical competency assessment rubric for lateral tarsal strip surgery. Ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery, 28 5, 350-4Golnik, Karl; Mayorga, Eduardo; Spivey, Bruce; Ritch, Robert; Gauthier, Tina-Marie . International Council of Ophthalmology: Refocusing Ophthalmic Education in the Asia-Pacific Region and Beyond. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 1 5, 255-8Lee, Andrew G; Boldt, H Culver; Golnik, Karl C; Arnold, Anthony C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Olson, Richard J; Carter, Keith . Using the Journal Club to teach and assess competence in practice-based learning and improvement: a literature review and recommendation for implementation. Survey of ophthalmology, 50 6, 542-8Lee, Andrew G; Golnik, Karl C; Oetting, Thomas A; Beaver, Hilary A; Boldt, H Culver; Olson, Richard; Greenlee, Emily; Abramoff, Michael D; Johnson, A Tim; Carter, Keith . Re-engineering the resident applicant selection process in ophthalmology: a literature review and recommendations for improvement. Survey of ophthalmology, 53 2, 164-76Mack, Heather G; Filipe, Helena Prior; Golnik, Karl C . Free Continuing Professional Development Resources for Low-Resource Settings. Annals of global health, 81 5, 731-2Mayorga, Eduardo; Golnik, Karl; Palis, Gabriela . One-Year Progress in Ophthalmic Education: Annual Review. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.), 4 6, 388-98Schmidt, G W; Oster, S F; Golnik, K C; Tumialán, L M; Biousse, V; Turbin, R; Prestigiacomo, C J; Miller, N R . Isolated progressive visual loss after coiling of paraclinoid aneurysms. AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 28 10, 1882-9Tagg, Nathan T; Lee, Andrew G; Syed, Nasreen A; Golnik, Karl C . Artery, vein, neither, both? Survey of ophthalmology, 54 3, 408-11Yu, A-Yong; Wang, Qin-Mei; Li, Jin; Huang, Fang; Golnik, Karl . A Cataract Surgery Training Program: 2-Year Outcome After Launching. Journal of surgical education, 73 5, 761-7