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McMullan, Jason; Mueller, Will; Brown, Jennifer L; Ewing, Irene; Lyons, Michael S; Sprunger, Joel; Winhusen, John; Collins, Thomas 2025. Approaches, barriers, and facilitators in statewide initiative to combat opioid overdose: A narrative review of Ohio's Experiences During the HEALing Communities Study. Prehospital emergency care, , 1-8
Freeman, Patricia R; Walley, Alexander Y; Winhusen, T John; Oga, Emmanuel A; Villani, Jennifer; Hunt, Timothy; Chandler, Redonna K; Oyler, Douglas R; Reilly, Brittni; Gelberg, Kitty; Douglas, Christian; Lyons, Michael S; Holloway, JaNae; Vandergrift, Nathan A; Adams, Joella W; Asman, Katherine; Baker, Trevor J; Brancato, Candace J; Cheng, Debbie M; Childerhose, Janet E; David, James L; Feaster, Daniel J; Gilbert, Louisa; Glasgow, LaShawn M; Goddard-Eckrich, Dawn A; Knott, Charles; Knudsen, Hannah K; Lofwall, Michelle R; Marks, Katherine R; McMullan, Jason T; Oser, Carrie B; Roberts, Monica F; Shoben, Abigail B; Stein, Michael D; Walters, Scott T; Watson, Josie; Zarkin, Gary A; Jackson, Rebecca D; Samet, Jeffrey H; Walsh, Sharon L; Bassel, Nabila El 2025. Effect of the Communities That HEAL Intervention on Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution: A Cluster-Randomized, Wait-List Controlled Trial. American journal of public health, 115 1, 83-94
Hayes, Corey J; Raciborski, Rebecca A; Nowak, Matthew; Acharya, Mahip; Nunes, Edward V; Winhusen, T John 2025. Medications for opioid use disorder: Predictors of early discontinuation and reduction of overdose risk in US military veterans by medication type. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 120 1, 138-151
Rush, A John; Gore-Langton, Robert E; Bart, Gavin; Bradley, Katharine A; Campbell, Cynthia I; McKay, James; Oslin, David W; Saxon, Andrew J; Winhusen, T John; Wu, Li-Tzy; Moran, Landhing M; Tai, Betty 2024. Tools to implement measurement-based care (MBC) in the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD): toward a consensus. Addiction science & clinical practice, 19 1, 14
Stopka, Thomas J; Babineau, Denise C; Gibson, Erin B; Knott, Charles E; Cheng, Debbie M; Villani, Jennifer; Wai, Jonathan M; Blevins, Derek; David, James L; Goddard-Eckrich, Dawn A; Lofwall, Michelle R; Massatti, Richard; DeFiore-Hyrmer, Jolene; Lyons, Michael S; Fanucchi, Laura C; Harris, Daniel R; Talbert, Jeffery; Hammerslag, Lindsey; Oller, Devin; Balise, Raymond R; Feaster, Daniel J; Soares, William; Zarkin, Gary A; Glasgow, LaShawn; Oga, Emmanuel; McCarthy, John; D'Costa, Lauren; Chahine, Rouba; Gomori, Steve; Dalvi, Netrali; Shrestha, Shikhar; Garner, Chad; Shadwick, Aimee; Salsberry, Pamela; Konstan, Michael W; Freisthler, Bridget; Winhusen, John; El-Bassel, Nabila; Samet, Jeffrey H; Walsh, Sharon L 2024. Impact of the Communities That HEAL Intervention on Buprenorphine-Waivered Practitioners and Buprenorphine Prescribing: A Prespecified Secondary Analysis of the HCS Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA network open, 7 2, e240132
Cochran, Gerald; Brown, Jennifer L; Winhusen, T John 2024. Letter to the Editor Responding to "Paths Forward for Clinicians Amidst the Rise of Unregulated Clinical Decision Support Software: Our Perspective on NarxCare". Journal of general internal medicine, ,
, ; Samet, Jeffrey H; El-Bassel, Nabila; Winhusen, T John; Jackson, Rebecca D; Oga, Emmanuel A; Chandler, Redonna K; Villani, Jennifer; Freisthler, Bridget; Adams, Joella; Aldridge, Arnie; Angerame, Angelo; Babineau, Denise C; Bagley, Sarah M; Baker, Trevor J; Balvanz, Peter; Barbosa, Carolina; Barocas, Joshua; Battaglia, Tracy A; Beard, Dacia D; Beers, Donna; Blevins, Derek; Bove, Nicholas; Bridden, Carly; Brown, Jennifer L; Bush, Heather M; Bush, Joshua L; Caldwell, Ryan; Calver, Katherine; Calvert, Deirdre; Campbell, Aimee N C; Carpenter, Jane; Caspar, Rachel; Chassler, Deborah; Chaya, Joan; Cheng, Debbie M; Cunningham, Chinazo O; Dasgupta, Anindita; David, James L; Davis, Alissa; Dean, Tammy; Drainoni, Mari-Lynn; Eggleston, Barry; Fanucchi, Laura C; Feaster, Daniel J; Fernandez, Soledad; Figueroa, Wilson; Freedman, Darcy A; Freeman, Patricia R; Freiermuth, Caroline E; Friedlander, Eric; Gelberg, Kitty H; Gibson, Erin B; Gilbert, Louisa; Glasgow, LaShawn; Goddard-Eckrich, Dawn A; Gomori, Stephen; Gruss, Dawn E; Gulley, Jennifer; Gutnick, Damara; Hall, Megan E; Harger Dykes, Nicole; Hargrove, Sarah L; Harlow, Kristin; Harris, Aumani; Harris, Daniel; Helme, Donald W; Holloway, JaNae; Hotchkiss, Juanita; Huang, Terry; Huerta, Timothy R; Hunt, Timothy; Hyder, Ayaz; Ingram, Van L; Ingram, Tim; Kauffman, Emily; Kimball, Jennifer L; Kinnard, Elizabeth N; Knott, Charles; Knudsen, Hannah K; Konstan, Michael W; Kosakowski, Sarah; Larochelle, Marc R; Leaver, Hannah M; LeBaron, Patricia A; Lefebvre, R Craig; Levin, Frances R; Lewis, Nikki; Lewis, Nicky; Lofwall, Michelle R; Lounsbury, David W; Luster, Jamie E; Lyons, Michael S; Mack, Aimee; Marks, Katherine R; Marquesano, Stephanie; Mauk, Rachel; McAlearney, Ann Scheck; McConnell, Kristin; McGladrey, Margaret L; McMullan, Jason; Miles, Jennifer; Munoz Lopez, Rosie; Nelson, Alisha; Neufeld, Jessica L; Newman, Lisa; Nguyen, Trang Q; Nunes, Edward V; Oller, Devin A; Oser, Carrie B; Oyler, Douglas R; Pagnano, Sharon; Parran, Theodore V; Powell, Joshua; Powers, Kim; Ralston, William; Ramsey, Kelly; Rapkin, Bruce D; Reynolds, Jennifer G; Roberts, Monica F; Robertson, Will; Rock, Peter; Rodgers, Emma; Rodriguez, Sandra; Rudorf, Maria; Ryan, Shawn; Salsberry, Pamela; Salvage, Monika; Sabounchi, Nasim; Saucier, Merielle; Savitzky, Caroline; Schackman, Bruce; Schady, Elizabeth; Seiber, Eric E; Shadwick, Aimee; Shoben, Abigail; Slater, Michael D; Slavova, Svetla; Speer, Drew; Sprunger, Joel; Starbird, Laura E; Staton, Michele; Stein, Michael D; Stevens-Watkins, Danelle J; Stopka, Thomas J; Sullivan, Ann; Surratt, Hilary L; Sword Cruz, Rachel; Talbert, Jeffery C; Taylor, Jessica L; Thompson, Katherine L; Vandergrift, Nathan; Vickers-Smith, Rachel A; Vietze, Deanna J; Walker, Daniel M; Walley, Alexander Y; Walters, Scott T; Weiss, Roger; Westgate, Philip M; Wu, Elwin; Young, April M; Zarkin, Gary A; Walsh, Sharon L 2024. Community-Based Cluster-Randomized Trial to Reduce Opioid Overdose Deaths. The New England journal of medicine, ,
Winhusen, T John; Kropp, Frankie; Greenfield, Shelly F; Krans, Elizabeth E; Lewis, Daniel; Martin, Peter R; Gordon, Adam J; Davies, Todd H; Wachman, Elisha M; Douaihy, Antoine; Parker, Kea; Xin, Xie; Jalali, Ali; Lofwall, Michelle R 2024. Trauma Prevalence and Its Association With Health-Related Quality of Life in Pregnant Persons with Opioid Use Disorder. Journal of addiction medicine, ,
Sprunger, Joel; Brown, Jennifer; Rubi, Sofia; Papp, Joan; Lyons, Michael; Winhusen, T John 2024. Jail-based interventions to reduce risk for opioid-related overdose deaths: Examples of implementation within Ohio counties participating in the HEALing Communities Study. Health & justice, 12 1, 48
Cochran, Gerald T; Brown, Jennifer L; Yu, Ziji; Gordon, Adam J; Frede, Stacey; Hardy, Clinton; Castora-Binkley, Melissa; Homsted, Felicity; Marsch, Lisa A; Holtyn, August F; Winhusen, T John 2024. CTN-0138: adaptation, implementation, and cluster randomized trial of a Community Pharmacy-Based Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Opioid Risk Assessment Tool-a protocol paper. Addiction science & clinical practice, 19 1, 82
Gao, Zhenxiang; Winhusen, T John; Gorenflo, Maria P; Dorney, Ian; Ghitza, Udi E; Kaelber, David C; Xu, Rong 2024. Artificial intelligence-based drug repurposing with electronic health record clinical corroboration: A case for ketamine as a potential treatment for amphetamine-type stimulant use disorder. Addiction (Abingdon, England), ,
Freisthler, Bridget; Chahine, Rouba A; Villani, Jennifer; Chandler, Redonna; Feaster, Daniel J; Slavova, Svetla; Defiore-Hyrmer, Jolene; Walley, Alexander Y; Kosakowski, Sarah; Aldridge, Arnie; Barbosa, Carolina; Bhatta, Sabana; Brancato, Candace; Bridden, Carly; Christopher, Mia; Clarke, Tom; David, James; D'Costa, Lauren; Ewing, Irene; Fernandez, Soledad; Gibson, Erin; Gilbert, Louisa; Hall, Megan E; Hargrove, Sarah; Hunt, Timothy; Kinnard, Elizabeth N; Larochelle, Lauren; Macoubray, Aaron; Nigam, Shawn; Nunes, Edward V; Oser, Carrie B; Pagnano, Sharon; Rock, Peter; Salsberry, Pamela; Shadwick, Aimee; Stopka, Thomas J; Tan, Sylvia; Taylor, Jessica L; Westgate, Philip M; Wu, Elwin; Zarkin, Gary A; Walsh, Sharon L; El-Bassel, Nabila; Winhusen, T John; Samet, Jeffrey H; Oga, Emmanuel A 2024. Communities That HEAL Intervention and Mortality Including Polysubstance Overdose Deaths: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA network open, 7 10, e2440006
Knudsen, Hannah K; Walker, Daniel M; Mack, Nicole; Kinnard, Elizabeth N; Huerta, Timothy R; Glasgow, LaShawn; Gilbert, Louisa; Garner, Bryan R; Dasgupta, Anindita; Chandler, Redonna; Walsh, Sharon L; Tin, Yjuliana; Tan, Sylvia; Sprunger, Joel; Sprague-Martinez, Linda; Salsberry, Pamela; Saucier, Merielle; Rudorf, Maria; Rodriguez, Sandra; Oser, Carrie B; Oga, Emmanuel; Nakayima, Julie; Linas, Beth S; Lefebvre, R Craig; Kosakowski, Sarah; Katz, Rachel E; Hunt, Timothy; Holman, Ari; Holloway, JaNae; Goddard-Eckrich, Dawn; Fareed, Naleef; Christopher, Mia; Aldrich, Alison; Adams, Joella W; Drainoni, Mari-Lynn 2024. Reducing perceived barriers to scaling up overdose education and naloxone distribution and medications for opioid use disorder in the United States in the HEALing (helping end addiction long-term®) communities study. Preventive medicine, 185 , 108034
Glasgow, LaShawn; Douglas, Christian; Sprunger, Joel G; Campbell, Aimee N C; Chandler, Redonna; Dasgupta, Anindita; Holloway, JaNae; Marks, Katherine R; Roberts, Sara M; Martinez, Linda Sprague; Thompson, Katherine; Weiss, Roger D; Aldridge, Arnie; Asman, Kat; Barbosa, Carolina; Blevins, Derek; Chassler, Deborah; Cogan, Lindsay; Fanucchi, Laura; Hall, Megan E; Hunt, Timothy; Jadovich, Elizabeth; Levin, Frances R; Lincourt, Patricia; Lofwall, Michelle R; Loukas, Vanessa; McAlearney, Ann Scheck; Nunes, Edward; Oga, Emmanuel; Oller, Devin; Rudorf, Maria; Sullivan, Ann Marie; Talbert, Jeffery; Taylor, Angela; Teater, Julie; Vandergrift, Nathan; Woodlock, Kristin; Zarkin, Gary A; Freisthler, Bridget; Samet, Jeffrey H; Walsh, Sharon L; El-Bassel, Nabila 2024. Effect of the Communities that HEAL intervention on receipt of behavioral therapies for opioid use disorder: A cluster randomized wait-list controlled trial. Drug and alcohol dependence, 259 , 111286
Cafardi, John M; Lin, Hong T; Lange, Lana; Kelley, Lacey; Lemon, Kelly; Odegard, Elizabeth A; Meeds, Heidi L; Blackard, Jason T; Feinberg, Judith 2024. Vertical Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus Among Women with a History of Injection Opioid Use. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, ,
Krishnan, Janani Madhuravasal; Roskin, Krishna M; Meeds, Heidi L; Blackard, Jason T 2024. Effect of fentanyl on HIV expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Frontiers in microbiology, 15 , 1463441
Khan, Md Tareq Ferdous; Lewis, Daniel; Kaelber, David C; Winhusen, T John 2023. Health outcomes associated with patterns of substance use disorders among patients with type 2 diabetes and hypertension: Electronic health record findings. Primary care diabetes, 17 1, 43-47
Gao, Zhenxiang; Winhusen, T John; Gorenflo, Maria; Ghitza, Udi E; Davis, Pamela B; Kaelber, David C; Xu, Rong 2023. Repurposing ketamine to treat cocaine use disorder: Integration of artificial intelligence-based prediction, expert evaluation, clinical corroboration, and mechanism of action analyses. Addiction (Abingdon, England), ,
Chandler, Redonna; Nunes, Edward V; Tan, Sylvia; Freeman, Patricia R; Walley, Alexander Y; Lofwall, Michelle; Oga, Emmanuel; Glasgow, LaShawn; Brown, Jennifer L; Fanucchi, Laura; Beers, Donna; Hunt, Timothy; Bowers-Sword, Rachel; Roeber, Carter; Baker, Trevor; Winhusen, T John 2023. Community selected strategies to reduce opioid-related overdose deaths in the HEALing (Helping to End Addiction Long-term SM) communities study. Drug and alcohol dependence, 245 , 109804
Kropp, Frankie B; Smid, Marcela C; Lofwall, Michelle R; Wachman, Elisha M; Martin, Peter R; Murphy, Sean M; Wilder, Christine M; Winhusen, T John 2023. Collaborative care programs for pregnant and postpartum individuals with opioid use disorder: Organizational characteristics of sites participating in the NIDA CTN0080 MOMs study. Journal of substance use and addiction treatment, 149 , 209030
Charron, Elizabeth; Brooks, Jennifer H; Peterson, Keegan T; Akinwolere, Olusegun G; Winhusen, T; Cochran, Gerald 2023. Mapping prescription drug monitoring program data to self-report measures of non-medical prescription opioid use in community pharmacy settings. Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, ,
Fleck, David E; Wilson, Marian; Lewis, Daniel; Welge, Jeffrey A; Arya, Grace; Sathyan, Anoop; Cohen, Kelly; Winhusen, T John 2023. Neurocognitive predictors of adherence to an online pain self-management program adjunct to long-term opioid therapy. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 45 3, 242-254
Lofwall, Michelle R; Young, Jessica L; Hansen, Zachary; Wachman, Elisha M; Wilder, Christine; Guille, Constance; Charles, Jasmin E; Leeman, Lawrence; Gray, Jessica R; Winhusen, T John 2023. What to Expect With Pregnant or Postpartum Prescribing of Extended-Release Buprenorphine (CAM2038). Journal of clinical gynecology and obstetrics, 12 3, 110-116
Gao, Zhenxiang; Winhusen, T John; Gorenflo, Maria; Ghitza, Udi E; Nunes, Edward; Saxon, Andrew J; Korthuis, Todd; Brady, Kathleen; Luo, Sean X; Davis, Pamela B; Kaelber, David C; Xu, Rong 2023. Potential effect of antidepressants on remission from cocaine use disorder - A nationwide matched retrospective cohort study. Drug and alcohol dependence, 251 , 110958
Young, Leslie W; Ounpraseuth, Songthip T; Merhar, Stephanie L; Hu, Zhuopei; Simon, Alan E; Bremer, Andrew A; Lee, Jeannette Y; Das, Abhik; Crawford, Margaret M; Greenberg, Rachel G; Smith, P Brian; Poindexter, Brenda B; Higgins, Rosemary D; Walsh, Michele C; Rice, Ward; Paul, David A; Maxwell, Jessie R; Telang, Sucheta; Fung, Camille M; Wright, Tanner; Reynolds, Anne Marie; Hahn, Devon W; Ross, Julie; McAllister, Jennifer M; Crowley, Moira; Shaikh, Sophie K; Puopolo, Karen M; Christ, Lori; Brown, Jaime; Riccio, Julie; Wong Ramsey, Kara; Akshatha, ; Braswell, Erica F; Tucker, Lauren; McAlmon, Karen R; Dummula, Krishna; Weiner, Julie; White, Jessica R; Howell, Meghan P; Newman, Sarah; Snowden, Jessica N; Devlin, Lori A 2023. Eat, Sleep, Console Approach or Usual Care for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal. The New England journal of medicine, 388 25, 2326-2337
Devlin, Lori A; Hu, Zhuopei; Ounpraseuth, Songthip; Simon, Alan E; Annett, Robert D; Das, Abhik; Fuller, Janell F; Higgins, Rosemary D; Merhar, Stephanie L; Smith, P Brian; Crawford, Margaret M; Cottrell, Lesley E; Czynski, Adam J; Newman, Sarah; Paul, David A; Sánchez, Pablo J; Semmens, Erin O; Smith, M Cody; Whalen, Bonny L; Snowden, Jessica N; Young, Leslie W 2023. The Influence of Mediators on the Relationship Between Antenatal Opioid Agonist Exposure and the Severity of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome. Maternal and child health journal, 27 6, 1030-1042
Bann, Carla M; Newman, Jamie E; Poindexter, Brenda; Okoniewski, Katherine; DeMauro, Sara; Lorch, Scott A; Wilson-Costello, Deanne; Ambalavanan, Namasivayam; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Limperopoulos, Catherine; Kapse, Kushal; Davis, Jonathan M; Walsh, Michele; Merhar, Stephanie 2023. Correction To: Outcomes of Babies with Opioid Exposure (OBOE): protocol of a prospective longitudinal cohort study. Pediatric research, ,
Bann, Carla M; Newman, Jamie E; Poindexter, Brenda; Okoniewski, Katherine; DeMauro, Sara; Lorch, Scott A; Wilson-Costello, Deanne; Ambalavanan, Namasivayam; Peralta-Carcelen, Myriam; Limperopoulos, Catherine; Kapse, Kushal; Davis, Jonathan M; Walsh, Michele; Merhar, Stephanie 2023. Outcomes of Babies with Opioid Exposure (OBOE): protocol of a prospective longitudinal cohort study. Pediatric research, 93 6, 1772-1779
Benninger, Kristen L; McAllister, Jennifer M; Merhar, Stephanie L 2023. Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome: An Update on Developmental Outcomes. Clinics in perinatology, 50 1, 17-29
Bann, Carla M; Newman, Jamie E; Okoniewski, Katherine C; Clarke, Leslie; Wilson-Costello, Deanne; Merhar, Stephanie; Mack, Nicole; DeMauro, Sara; Lorch, Scott; Ambalavanan, Namasivayam; Limperopoulos, Catherine; Poindexter, Brenda; Walsh, Michele; Davis, Jonathan M 2023. Psychometric Properties of the Prenatal Opioid Use Perceived Stigma Scale and Its Use in Prenatal Care. Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN, 52 2, 150-158
Nagaraj, Usha D; Kline-Fath, Beth M; Zhang, Bin; Vannest, Jennifer J; Ou, Xiawei; Lin, Weili; Acheson, Ashley; Grewen, Karen; Grant, P Ellen; Merhar, Stephanie L 2023. MRI Findings in Third-Trimester Opioid-Exposed Fetuses, With Focus on Brain Measurements: A Prospective Multicenter Case-Control Study. AJR. American journal of roentgenology, 220 3, 418-427
Brown, Jennifer L; Gause, Nicole K; Braun, Robert; Punches, Brittany; Spatholt, David; Twitty, T Dylanne; Sprunger, Joel G; Lyons, Michael S 2023. Substance Use and Mental Health Screening Within an Emergency Department-Based HIV Screening Program: Outcomes From 1 Year of Implementation. Health promotion practice, , 15248399231193005
McReynolds, Jayme R; Wolf, Colten P; Starck, Dylan M; Mathy, Jacob C; Schaps, Rebecca; Krause, Leslie A; Hillard, Cecilia J; Mantsch, John R 2023. Role of mesolimbic cannabinoid receptor 1 in stress-driven increases in cocaine self-administration in male rats. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 48 8, 1121-1132
Gaulden, Andrew D; Tepe, Erin A; Sia, Eleni; Rollins, Sierra S; McReynolds, Jayme R 2023. Repeated footshock stress induces an escalation of cocaine self-administration in male and female rats: Role of the cannabinoid receptor 1. bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, ,
Webster, Rose P; Marckel, Jordan A; Norman, Andrew B 2023. Toxicokinetics of a humanized anti-cocaine monoclonal antibody in male and female rats and lack of cross-reactivity. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 19 3, 2274222
Desai, Jhanvi N; Tron Esqueda, Luis E; Norman, Andrew B 2023. The ascending limb of the cocaine unit dose-response function in rats as an experimental artifact. Scientific reports, 13 1, 16614
Zinani, Dakota B; Desai, Jhanvi N; Norman, Andrew B 2023. SCH23390 and a humanized anti-cocaine mAb decrease the latency to cocaine-induced reinstatement of lever pressing behavior in rats that self-administer cocaine. Scientific reports, 13 1, 14566
Kirley, Terence L; Norman, Andrew B 2023. Characterization and optimization of fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling of humanized h2E2 anti-cocaine mAb. Biochemistry and biophysics reports, 35 , 101520
Zinani, Dakota B; Desai, Jhanvi N; Norman, Andrew B 2023. The cocaine compulsion zone theory explains the reinstatement of lever pressing behavior in rats in response to a single cocaine dose. Heliyon, 9 7, e17988
Kirley, Terence L; Norman, Andrew B 2023. Reformulation and Thermal Stability of a Therapeutic Anti-Cocaine mAb. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 112 6, 1595-1602
Koch, Sheryl E; Marckel, Jordan A; Rubinstein, Jack; Norman, Andrew B 2023. A humanized anti-cocaine mAb antagonizes the cardiovascular effects of cocaine in rats. Pharmacology research & perspectives, 11 1, e01045
Freiermuth, Caroline E; Kisor, David F; Lambert, Joshua; Braun, Robert; Frey, Jennifer A; Bachmann, Daniel J; Bischof, Jason J; Lyons, Michael S; Pantalon, Michael V; Punches, Brittany E; Ancona, Rachel; Sprague, Jon E 2023. Genetic Variants Associated With Opioid Use Disorder. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 113 5, 1089-1095
D'Onofrio, Gail; Edelman, E Jennifer; Hawk, Kathryn F; Chawarski, Marek C; Pantalon, Michael V; Owens, Patricia H; Martel, Shara H; Rothman, Richard; Saheed, Mustapha; Schwartz, Robert P; Cowan, Ethan; Richardson, Lynne; Salsitz, Edwin; Lyons, Michael S; Freiermuth, Caroline; Wilder, Christine; Whiteside, Lauren; Tsui, Judith I; Klein, Jared W; Coupet, Edouard; O'Connor, Patrick G; Matthews, Abigail G; Murphy, Sean M; Huntley, Kristen; Fiellin, David A 2023. Implementation Facilitation to Promote Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA network open, 6 4, e235439
Smith, Brittany L; Hassler, Ally; Lloyd, Kelsey R; Reyes, Teresa M 2023. Perinatal morphine but not buprenorphine affects gestational and offspring neurobehavioral outcomes in mice. Neurotoxicology, 99 , 292-304
Madhuravasal Krishnan, Janani; Kong, Ling; Karns, Rebekah; Medvedovic, Mario; Sherman, Kenneth E; Blackard, Jason T 2023. The Synthetic Opioid Fentanyl Increases HIV Replication and Chemokine Co-Receptor Expression in Lymphocyte Cell Lines. Viruses, 15 4,
Carter, Gentry; Yu, Ziji; Aryana Bryan, M; Brown, Jennifer L; Winhusen, T; Cochran, Gerald 2022. Validation of the tobacco, alcohol, prescription medication, and other substance use (TAPS) tool with the WHO alcohol, smoking, and substance Involvement screening test (ASSIST). Addictive behaviors, 126 , 107178
Cochran, Gerald; Charron, Elizabeth; Brown, Jennifer L; Cernasev, Alina; Hohmeier, Kenneth C; Winhusen, T John 2022. Risky alcohol use among patients dispensed opioid medications: A clinical community pharmacy study. Drug and alcohol dependence, 234 , 109406
Charron, Elizabeth; Okifuji, Akiko; Bryan, M Aryana; Reese, Sarah; Brown, Jennifer L; Ferguson, Andrew; Ghitza, Udi E; Winhusen, T; Cochran, Gerald 2022. Pain Severity and Interference and Substance Use Among Community Pharmacy Patients Prescribed Opioids: A Secondary Analysis of the PHARMSCREEN Study. The journal of pain, ,
Brown, Jennifer L; Cochran, Gerald; Bryan, M Aryana; Charron, Elizabeth; Winhusen, T John 2022. Associations between elevated depressive symptoms and substance use, prescription opioid misuse, overdose history, pain, and general health among community pharmacy patients prescribed opioids. Substance abuse, 43 1, 1110-1115
Young, April M; Brown, Jennifer L; Hunt, Timothy; Sprague Martinez, Linda S; Chandler, Redonna; Oga, Emmanuel; Winhusen, T John; Baker, Trevor; Battaglia, Tracy; Bowers-Sword, Rachel; Button, Amy; Fallin-Bennett, Amanda; Fanucchi, Laura; Freeman, Patricia; Glasgow, LaShawn M; Gulley, Jennifer; Kendell, Charles; Lofwall, Michelle; Lyons, Michael S; Quinn, Maria; Rapkin, Bruce David; Surratt, Hilary L; Walsh, Sharon L 2022. Protocol for community-driven selection of strategies to implement evidence-based practices to reduce opioid overdoses in the HEALing Communities Study: a trial to evaluate a community-engaged intervention in Kentucky, Massachusetts, New York and Ohio. BMJ open, 12 9, e059328
Wilson, Marian; Dolor, Rowena J; Lewis, Daniel; Regan, Saundra L; Vonder Meulen Adn, Mary Beth; Winhusen, T John 2022. The opioid dose and pain effects of an online pain self-management program to augment usual care in adults with chronic pain: a multi-site randomized clinical trial. Pain, ,
Sprunger, Joel G; Johnson, Keilan; Lewis, Daniel; Kaelber, David C; Winhusen, T John 2022. Five-year incidence of substance use and mental health diagnoses following exposure to opioids or opioids with benzodiazepines during an emergency department encounter for traumatic injury. Drug and alcohol dependence, 238 , 109584
Young, Leslie W; Ounpraseuth, Songthip; Merhar, Stephanie L; Simon, Alan E; Das, Abhik; Greenberg, Rachel G; Higgins, Rosemary D; Lee, Jeannette; Poindexter, Brenda B; Smith, P Brian; Walsh, Michele; Snowden, Jessica; Devlin, Lori A 2022. Eating, Sleeping, Consoling for Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal (ESC-NOW): a Function-Based Assessment and Management Approach study protocol for a multi-center, stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial. Trials, 23 1, 638
Jiang, Weixiong; Merhar, Stephanie L; Zeng, Zhuohao; Zhu, Ziliang; Yin, Weiyan; Zhou, Zhen; Wang, Li; He, Lili; Vannest, Jennifer; Lin, Weili 2022. Neural alterations in opioid-exposed infants revealed by edge-centric brain functional networks. Brain communications, 4 3, fcac112
Gaulden, Andrew D; McReynolds, Jayme R 2022. A rock in the toll road: IRAK4 inhibition of TLR4-MyD88 signaling as potential treatment for addiction. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 104 , 74-75
Kirley, Terence L; Norman, Andrew B 2022. Isothermal titration calorimetry determination of thermodynamics of binding of cocaine and its metabolites to humanized h2E2 anti-cocaine mAb. Biochemistry and biophysics reports, 32 , 101354
Tsibulsky, Vladimir L; Norman, Andrew B 2022. The progressive ratio and fixed ratio 1 schedules of cocaine self-administration in rats convey the same information. Scientific reports, 12 1, 19683
Turner, Mackenzie E; Wetzel, Hanna N; Zinani, Dakota B; Crutchfield, Christopher A; Norman, Andrew B 2022. Effects of a recombinant humanized anti-cocaine monoclonal antibody on the metabolism and distribution of cocaine in vitro and in mice. Pharmacology research & perspectives, 10 5, e01009
Kirley, Terence L; Norman, Andrew B 2022. Critical evaluation of fluorescent dyes to evaluate the stability and ligand binding properties of an anti-cocaine mAb, h2E2. Journal of immunological methods, 508 , 113323
Kirley, Terence L; Greis, Kenneth D; Norman, Andrew B 2022. Tyrosine nitration of a humanized anti-cocaine mAb differentially affects ligand binding of cocaine and its metabolites. Biochemistry and biophysics reports, 30 , 101278
Wetzel, Hanna N; Tsibulsky, Vladimir L; Norman, Andrew B 2022. Differential effects of acute and chronic antagonist and an irreversible antagonist treatment on cocaine self-administration behavior in rats. Scientific reports, 12 1, 8782
Kirley, Terence L; Norman, Andrew B; Greis, Kenneth D 2022. Oxidation of specific tryptophan residues inhibits high-affinity binding of cocaine and its metabolites to a humanized anticocaine mAb. The Journal of biological chemistry, 298 3, 101689
Zinani, Dakota B; Wetzel, Hanna N; Norman, Andrew B 2022. The compulsion zone explains the self-administration of cocaine, RTI-55 and bupropion in rats. Brain research, 1774 , 147707
Whiteside, Lauren K; D'Onofrio, Gail; Fiellin, David A; Edelman, E Jennifer; Richardson, Lynne; O'Connor, Patrick; Rothman, Richard E; Cowan, Ethan; Lyons, Michael S; Fockele, Callan E; Saheed, Mustapha; Freiermuth, Caroline; Punches, Brittany E; Guo, Clara; Martel, Shara; Owens, Patricia H; Coupet, Edouard; Hawk, Kathryn F 2022. Models for Implementing Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine With Referral for Ongoing Medication Treatment at Emergency Department Discharge in Diverse Academic Centers. Annals of emergency medicine, 80 5, 410-419
Faryar, Kiran A; Braun, Robert; Ancona, Rachel M; Freiermuth, Caroline; Lyons, Michael S 2022. Acceptance of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) referral among a sample of PrEP-eligible emergency department patients. The American journal of emergency medicine, 60 , 152-155
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