Education/CredentialsPh.D.: Indian Statistical Institute (Statistics)M.S.: Madras University (Major Statistics)B.S.: Madras University (Major Statistics) Contact Information Medical Sciences Building Office 513-550-3602 Email Research Interests Analysis of Count Data in Multi-factor experiments. Bagging and Boosting. Bioinformatics. Case-Control Studies. Cluster Analysis. Dependence Relations in Mu... Peer Reviewed Publications Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya 2020. Treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria with benralizumab: Report of primary endpoint per-protocol analysis and exploratory endpoints. Allergy, , Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya 2020. Benralizumab for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. The New England journal of medicine, 383 14, 1389-1391Ishikawa, Keiko; Rao, Marepalli B; MacAuslan, Joel; Boyce, Suzanne 2020. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation, 34 4, 645.e11-645.e18Abbass, Mohamed A; Ahmad, Syed A; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Krothapalli, K Sameer; Masterson, Jack A; Rao, Marepalli B; Barthe, Peter G; Mast, T Douglas 2019. In vivo ultrasound thermal ablation control using echo decorrelation imaging in rabbit liver and VX2 tumor. PloS one, 14 12, e0226001Singh, U; Mani, A; James, K; Rao, M B; Bhattacharya, A 2019. Effects of Heat Exposure from Live-Burn Fire Training on Postural Stability of Firefighters. Ergonomics international journal, 3 4, Wathen, Michael J; Gautam, Yadu; Ghandikota, Sudhir; Rao, Marepalli B; Mersha, Tesfaye B 2019. LEI: A Novel Allele Frequency-Based Feature Selection Method for Multi-ancestry Admixed Populations. Scientific reports, 9 1, 11103Brokamp, Cole; Jandarov, Roman; Rao, M B; LeMasters, Grace; Ryan, Patrick 2017. Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A comparison of regression and random forest approaches. Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994), 151 , 1-11Wang, Qin; Fan, Yunxia; Kurita, Hisaka; Jiang, Min; Koch, Sheryl; Rao, Marepalli B; Rubinstein, Jack; Puga, Alvaro 2017. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ablation in Cardiomyocytes Protects Male Mice From Heart Dysfunction Induced by NKX2.5 Haploinsufficiency. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, 160 1, 74-82Rich K.;Holland C.;Rao M.;Mast T. 12-01-2018. Characterization of cavitation-radiated acoustic power using diffraction correction Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 6, 3563-3574Rao M.B.;Kasala S.;Zhang H. 12-01-2011. Probabilistic recurrence relations Advances in Directional and Linear Statistics: A Festschrift for Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka, , 217-233Nirmalanandhan V.;Dressler M.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 12-01-2007. Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: Effect of scaffold materials Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 129 6, 919-923Nirmalanandhan V.S.;Kinneberg K.R.C.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Powell H.M.;Rao M.;Boyce S.T.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2007. Evaluation of a novel scaffold material for tendon tissue engineering Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 1005-1006Rao C.R.;Rao M.B.;Zhang H. 12-01-2007. One bulb? Two bulbs? How many bulbs light up? - A discrete probability problem involving dermal patc Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, 69 2, 137-161Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2006. Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 131-133Nirmalanandhan V.;Sacks M.;Rao M.;Haridas B.;Butler D. 12-01-2005. Effect of length of the engineered tendon construct on its structure-function relationships in cultu Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1388-1389Terpstra J.;Rao M. 11-15-2002. On the asymptotic distribution of a multivariate GR-estimate for a VAR(p) time series Statistics and Probability Letters, 60 2, 219-230Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 11-01-2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o Tissue Engineering - Part A., 14 11, 1883-1891Jia X.;Rao M.B.;Zhang H. 11-01-2003. On weak consistency in linear models with equi-correlated random errors Statistics, 37 6, 463-473Ghosh C.;Roy S.;Rao M. 10-29-2012. Modeling and validation of channel idleness and spectrum availability for cognitive networks IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30 10, 2029-2039Ghosh C.;Cordeiro C.;Agrawal D.;Rao M. 09-28-2009. Markov chain existence and hidden markov models in spectrum sensing 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2009, , Jiang T.;Wang X.;Rao M. 09-03-1992. Moderate deviations for some weakly dependent random processes Statistics and Probability Letters, 15 1, 71-76Zhang H.;Rao M.;Mitra R. 09-01-2006. On the generalized maximum likelihood estimator of survival function under Koziol-Green model Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 9, 3032-3051Satyavathi V.V.;Jauhar P.P.;Elias E.M.;Rao M.B. 09-01-2004. Effects of growth regulators on in vitro plant regeneration in durum wheat Crop Science, 44 5, 1839-1846Ogunyemi T.;Rao M. 09-01-1998. On s - and (m,s) -optimality of minimal incomplete block designs Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 73 1-2, 189-195Ogunyemi T.;Qu X.;Rao M. 08-07-2009. On a nonbinary S-Optimal design over a class of minimally connected binary row-column designs Progress in Applied Statistics Research, , 223-234Nirmalanandhan V.;Rao M.;Sacks M.;Haridas B.;Butler D. 07-26-2007. Effect of length of the engineered tendon construct on its structure-function relationships in cultu Journal of Biomechanics, 40 11, 2523-2529Karkhanis T.;Rao M.;Zafar F.;Morales D.L.S.;Haridas B. 06-01-2016. Tracheal cartilage ring biomechanical properties for pediatric exostent design Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 10 2, Sahay R.;Haynes E.;Rao M.;Pirko I. 06-01-2012. Assessment of sexual satisfaction in relation to potential sexual problems in women with multiple sc Sexuality and Disability, 30 2, 227-236Moyer K.;Kaimal V.;Pacheco C.;Mourya R.;Xu H.;Shivakumar P.;Chakraborty R.;Rao M.;Magee J.;Bove K.;Aronow B.;Jegga A.;Bezerra J. 05-13-2010. Staging of biliary atresia at diagnosis by molecular profiling of the liver Genome Medicine, 2 5, Williams D.;Rao M.;Carey P. 04-27-2012. Impact of a transfusion-related acute lung injury reduction strategy on apheresis platelet collectio Journal of Clinical Apheresis, 27 4, 205-211Ali S.;Rao M.;Sahly A.;Alfageeh A.;Bakari A. 04-01-2018. A retrospective study to investigate the impact of immigration on tuberculosis control program by DO Journal of Public Health (Germany), 26 2, 163-175Peck R.;Grinshpun S.;Yermakov M.;Rao M.;Kim J.;Reponen T. 03-01-2016. Efficiency of portable HEPA air purifiers against traffic related combustion particles Building and Environment, 98 , 21-29Zhang H.;Rao M. 03-01-2006. Maximum likelihood estimation in linear models with equi-correlated random errors Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 48 1, 79-93Tatu R.;Oria M.;Pulliam S.;Signey L.;Rao M.B.;Peiro J.L.;Lin C.Y. 02-01-2019. Using poly(l-lactic acid) and poly(?-caprolactone) blends to fabricate self-expanding, watertight an Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 107 2, 295-305Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. 02-01-2018. Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46 2, 284-297Brokamp C.;Jandarov R.;Rao M.;LeMasters G.;Ryan P. 02-01-2017. Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A Atmospheric Environment, 151 , 1-11Rao M.B.;Zhang H.;Huang C.;Cheng F.C. 02-01-2016. A discrete probability problem in card shuffling Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 45 3, 612-620Jauhar P.;Rahman H.;Rao M. 01-08-2008. Homoeologous group-5 chromosome effects on the ability of durum and bread wheats to produce haploids Journal of Crop Improvement, 21 1, 1-11Ndikintum N.;Rao M. 01-02-2016. A Special Inference Problem in Repeated Measures Design—Test of Statistical Hypothesis on Accuracy R Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 8 1, 60-76Ishikawa K.;Rao M.B.;MacAuslan J.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech Journal of Voice, , Brokamp C.;Rao M.;Ryan P.;Jandarov R. 01-01-2017. A comparison of resampling and recursive partitioning methods in random forest for estimating the as Stat, 6 1, 360-372Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. 01-01-2015. Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage Tissue Engineering - Part A, 21 3-4, 438-450Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. 01-01-2015. Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 8, 1142-1151Brokamp C.;Rao M.B.;Fan Z.;Ryan P.H. 01-01-2015. Does the elemental composition of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 accurately represent the elemental compos Atmospheric Environment, 101 , 226-234Bessho K.;Mourya R.;Shivakumar P.;Walters S.;Magee J.;Rao M.;Jegga A.;Bezerra J. 01-01-2014. Gene expression signature for biliary atresia and a role for interleukin-8 in pathogenesis of experi Hepatology, 60 1, 211-223Fosnight T.;Hooi F.;Keil R.;Subramanian S.;Barthe P.;Wang Y.;Ren X.;Ahmad S.;Rao M.;Mast T. 01-01-2014. Motion-corrected echo decorrelation imaging of in vivo focused and bulk ultrasound ablation in a rab IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, , 2161-2164Mallick P.;Rao M.B. 01-01-2014. Graphics Miscellanea Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 93-142Rao M.;Bannerman-Thompson H. 01-01-2014. Sample Size Calculations with R: Level 2 Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 221-255Rao M.;Kasala S. 01-01-2014. Sample Size Calculations with R: Level 1 Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 177-220Rao M.;Rao C. 01-01-2014. Bayesian networks Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 357-385Yucesoy B.;Johnson V.J.;Lummus Z.L.;Kashon M.L.;Rao M.;Bannerman-Thompson H.;Frye B.;Wang W.;Gautrin D.;Cartier A.;Boulet L.P.;Sastre J.;Quirce S.;Tarlo S.M.;Germolec D.R.;Luster M.I.;Bernstein D.I. 01-01-2014. Genetic variants in the major histocompatibility complex class i and class II genes are associated w Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56 4, 382-387Ding L.;Abebe T.;Beyene J.;Wilke R.;Goldberg A.;Woo J.;Martin L.;Rothenberg M.;Rao M.;Khurana Hershey G.;Chakraborty R.;Mersha T. 01-01-2013. Rank-based genome-wide analysis reveals the association of Ryanodine receptor-2 gene variants with c Human Genomics, 7 1, Subramanian S.;Schmidt D.;Fosnight T.;Rao M.;Mast T. 01-01-2013. TU?E?144?02: Dependence of Ultrasound Echo Decorrelation On Tissue Temperature During Radiofrequency Medical Physics, 40 6, 451Ghosh C.;Roy S.;Rao M.;Agrawal D. 01-01-2010. Spectrum occupancy validation and modeling using real-time measurements Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, , 25-30Nirmalanandhan V.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 01-01-2008. Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness o Journal of Biomechanics, 41 4, 822-828Abu-Taleb A.;Rao M.;Zhang H. 01-01-2003. Periodic inspection plans: The case of Weibull distribution Metrika, 58 1, 15-30Almouslem A.;Jauhar P.;Peterson T.;Bommineni V.;Rao M. 01-01-1998. Haploid durum wheat production via hybridization with maize Crop Science, 38 4, 1080-1087Jiang T.;Rao M.;Wang X. 01-01-1995. Large deviations for moving average processes Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 59 2, 309-320Li D.;Rao M.B.;Wang X.C. 01-01-1995. On the strong law of large numbers and the law of the logarithm for weighted sums of independent ran Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 52 2, 181-198Wang X.;Yang X.;Rao M.B. 01-01-1993. Convergence rates on strong laws of large numbers for arrays of rowwise independent elements Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 11 1, 115-132Babu G.;Rao C.;Rao M. 01-01-1992. Nonparametric estimation of specific occurrence/exposure rate in risk and survival analysis Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87 417, 84-89Wang X.;Rao M. 01-01-1990. A note on convergence in Banach spaces of cotype p Statistics and Probability Letters, 10 5, 391-396
Research Interests Analysis of Count Data in Multi-factor experiments. Bagging and Boosting. Bioinformatics. Case-Control Studies. Cluster Analysis. Dependence Relations in Mu...
Peer Reviewed Publications Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya 2020. Treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria with benralizumab: Report of primary endpoint per-protocol analysis and exploratory endpoints. Allergy, , Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya 2020. Benralizumab for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. The New England journal of medicine, 383 14, 1389-1391Ishikawa, Keiko; Rao, Marepalli B; MacAuslan, Joel; Boyce, Suzanne 2020. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation, 34 4, 645.e11-645.e18Abbass, Mohamed A; Ahmad, Syed A; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Krothapalli, K Sameer; Masterson, Jack A; Rao, Marepalli B; Barthe, Peter G; Mast, T Douglas 2019. In vivo ultrasound thermal ablation control using echo decorrelation imaging in rabbit liver and VX2 tumor. PloS one, 14 12, e0226001Singh, U; Mani, A; James, K; Rao, M B; Bhattacharya, A 2019. Effects of Heat Exposure from Live-Burn Fire Training on Postural Stability of Firefighters. Ergonomics international journal, 3 4, Wathen, Michael J; Gautam, Yadu; Ghandikota, Sudhir; Rao, Marepalli B; Mersha, Tesfaye B 2019. LEI: A Novel Allele Frequency-Based Feature Selection Method for Multi-ancestry Admixed Populations. Scientific reports, 9 1, 11103Brokamp, Cole; Jandarov, Roman; Rao, M B; LeMasters, Grace; Ryan, Patrick 2017. Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A comparison of regression and random forest approaches. Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England : 1994), 151 , 1-11Wang, Qin; Fan, Yunxia; Kurita, Hisaka; Jiang, Min; Koch, Sheryl; Rao, Marepalli B; Rubinstein, Jack; Puga, Alvaro 2017. Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Ablation in Cardiomyocytes Protects Male Mice From Heart Dysfunction Induced by NKX2.5 Haploinsufficiency. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, 160 1, 74-82Rich K.;Holland C.;Rao M.;Mast T. 12-01-2018. Characterization of cavitation-radiated acoustic power using diffraction correction Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144 6, 3563-3574Rao M.B.;Kasala S.;Zhang H. 12-01-2011. Probabilistic recurrence relations Advances in Directional and Linear Statistics: A Festschrift for Sreenivasa Rao Jammalamadaka, , 217-233Nirmalanandhan V.;Dressler M.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 12-01-2007. Mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered tendon constructs: Effect of scaffold materials Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 129 6, 919-923Nirmalanandhan V.S.;Kinneberg K.R.C.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Powell H.M.;Rao M.;Boyce S.T.;Butler D.L. 12-01-2007. Evaluation of a novel scaffold material for tendon tissue engineering Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2007, SBC 2007, , 1005-1006Rao C.R.;Rao M.B.;Zhang H. 12-01-2007. One bulb? Two bulbs? How many bulbs light up? - A discrete probability problem involving dermal patc Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, 69 2, 137-161Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Jain A.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 12-01-2006. Optimizing the mechanical stimulus in culture to improve construct biomechanics for tendon repair MCB Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 3 4, 131-133Nirmalanandhan V.;Sacks M.;Rao M.;Haridas B.;Butler D. 12-01-2005. Effect of length of the engineered tendon construct on its structure-function relationships in cultu Proceedings of the 2005 Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2005 , 1388-1389Terpstra J.;Rao M. 11-15-2002. On the asymptotic distribution of a multivariate GR-estimate for a VAR(p) time series Statistics and Probability Letters, 60 2, 219-230Nirmalanandhan V.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Rao M.;Gooch C.;Jain A.;Bradica G.;Butler D. 11-01-2008. Improving linear stiffness of the cell-seeded collagen sponge constructs by varying the components o Tissue Engineering - Part A., 14 11, 1883-1891Jia X.;Rao M.B.;Zhang H. 11-01-2003. On weak consistency in linear models with equi-correlated random errors Statistics, 37 6, 463-473Ghosh C.;Roy S.;Rao M. 10-29-2012. Modeling and validation of channel idleness and spectrum availability for cognitive networks IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 30 10, 2029-2039Ghosh C.;Cordeiro C.;Agrawal D.;Rao M. 09-28-2009. Markov chain existence and hidden markov models in spectrum sensing 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2009, , Jiang T.;Wang X.;Rao M. 09-03-1992. Moderate deviations for some weakly dependent random processes Statistics and Probability Letters, 15 1, 71-76Zhang H.;Rao M.;Mitra R. 09-01-2006. On the generalized maximum likelihood estimator of survival function under Koziol-Green model Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136 9, 3032-3051Satyavathi V.V.;Jauhar P.P.;Elias E.M.;Rao M.B. 09-01-2004. Effects of growth regulators on in vitro plant regeneration in durum wheat Crop Science, 44 5, 1839-1846Ogunyemi T.;Rao M. 09-01-1998. On s - and (m,s) -optimality of minimal incomplete block designs Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 73 1-2, 189-195Ogunyemi T.;Qu X.;Rao M. 08-07-2009. On a nonbinary S-Optimal design over a class of minimally connected binary row-column designs Progress in Applied Statistics Research, , 223-234Nirmalanandhan V.;Rao M.;Sacks M.;Haridas B.;Butler D. 07-26-2007. Effect of length of the engineered tendon construct on its structure-function relationships in cultu Journal of Biomechanics, 40 11, 2523-2529Karkhanis T.;Rao M.;Zafar F.;Morales D.L.S.;Haridas B. 06-01-2016. Tracheal cartilage ring biomechanical properties for pediatric exostent design Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 10 2, Sahay R.;Haynes E.;Rao M.;Pirko I. 06-01-2012. Assessment of sexual satisfaction in relation to potential sexual problems in women with multiple sc Sexuality and Disability, 30 2, 227-236Moyer K.;Kaimal V.;Pacheco C.;Mourya R.;Xu H.;Shivakumar P.;Chakraborty R.;Rao M.;Magee J.;Bove K.;Aronow B.;Jegga A.;Bezerra J. 05-13-2010. Staging of biliary atresia at diagnosis by molecular profiling of the liver Genome Medicine, 2 5, Williams D.;Rao M.;Carey P. 04-27-2012. Impact of a transfusion-related acute lung injury reduction strategy on apheresis platelet collectio Journal of Clinical Apheresis, 27 4, 205-211Ali S.;Rao M.;Sahly A.;Alfageeh A.;Bakari A. 04-01-2018. A retrospective study to investigate the impact of immigration on tuberculosis control program by DO Journal of Public Health (Germany), 26 2, 163-175Peck R.;Grinshpun S.;Yermakov M.;Rao M.;Kim J.;Reponen T. 03-01-2016. Efficiency of portable HEPA air purifiers against traffic related combustion particles Building and Environment, 98 , 21-29Zhang H.;Rao M. 03-01-2006. Maximum likelihood estimation in linear models with equi-correlated random errors Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 48 1, 79-93Tatu R.;Oria M.;Pulliam S.;Signey L.;Rao M.B.;Peiro J.L.;Lin C.Y. 02-01-2019. Using poly(l-lactic acid) and poly(?-caprolactone) blends to fabricate self-expanding, watertight an Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 107 2, 295-305Nesbitt R.;Bates N.;Rao M.;Schaffner G.;Shearn J. 02-01-2018. Effects of Population Variability on Knee Loading During Simulated Human Gait Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 46 2, 284-297Brokamp C.;Jandarov R.;Rao M.;LeMasters G.;Ryan P. 02-01-2017. Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A Atmospheric Environment, 151 , 1-11Rao M.B.;Zhang H.;Huang C.;Cheng F.C. 02-01-2016. A discrete probability problem in card shuffling Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 45 3, 612-620Jauhar P.;Rahman H.;Rao M. 01-08-2008. Homoeologous group-5 chromosome effects on the ability of durum and bread wheats to produce haploids Journal of Crop Improvement, 21 1, 1-11Ndikintum N.;Rao M. 01-02-2016. A Special Inference Problem in Repeated Measures Design—Test of Statistical Hypothesis on Accuracy R Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research, 8 1, 60-76Ishikawa K.;Rao M.B.;MacAuslan J.;Boyce S. 01-01-2019. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech Journal of Voice, , Brokamp C.;Rao M.;Ryan P.;Jandarov R. 01-01-2017. A comparison of resampling and recursive partitioning methods in random forest for estimating the as Stat, 6 1, 360-372Breidenbach A.;Dyment N.;Lu Y.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Rowe D.;Kadler K.;Butler D. 01-01-2015. Fibrin gels exhibit improved biological, structural, and mechanical properties compared with collage Tissue Engineering - Part A, 21 3-4, 438-450Breidenbach A.P.;Aschbacher-Smith L.;Lu Y.;Dyment N.A.;Liu C.F.;Liu H.;Wylie C.;Rao M.;Shearn J.T.;Rowe D.W.;Kadler K.E.;Jiang R.;Butler D.L. 01-01-2015. Ablating hedgehog signaling in tenocytes during development impairs biomechanics and matrix organiza Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33 8, 1142-1151Brokamp C.;Rao M.B.;Fan Z.;Ryan P.H. 01-01-2015. Does the elemental composition of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 accurately represent the elemental compos Atmospheric Environment, 101 , 226-234Bessho K.;Mourya R.;Shivakumar P.;Walters S.;Magee J.;Rao M.;Jegga A.;Bezerra J. 01-01-2014. Gene expression signature for biliary atresia and a role for interleukin-8 in pathogenesis of experi Hepatology, 60 1, 211-223Fosnight T.;Hooi F.;Keil R.;Subramanian S.;Barthe P.;Wang Y.;Ren X.;Ahmad S.;Rao M.;Mast T. 01-01-2014. Motion-corrected echo decorrelation imaging of in vivo focused and bulk ultrasound ablation in a rab IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, , 2161-2164Mallick P.;Rao M.B. 01-01-2014. Graphics Miscellanea Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 93-142Rao M.;Bannerman-Thompson H. 01-01-2014. Sample Size Calculations with R: Level 2 Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 221-255Rao M.;Kasala S. 01-01-2014. Sample Size Calculations with R: Level 1 Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 177-220Rao M.;Rao C. 01-01-2014. Bayesian networks Handbook of Statistics, 32 , 357-385Yucesoy B.;Johnson V.J.;Lummus Z.L.;Kashon M.L.;Rao M.;Bannerman-Thompson H.;Frye B.;Wang W.;Gautrin D.;Cartier A.;Boulet L.P.;Sastre J.;Quirce S.;Tarlo S.M.;Germolec D.R.;Luster M.I.;Bernstein D.I. 01-01-2014. Genetic variants in the major histocompatibility complex class i and class II genes are associated w Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56 4, 382-387Ding L.;Abebe T.;Beyene J.;Wilke R.;Goldberg A.;Woo J.;Martin L.;Rothenberg M.;Rao M.;Khurana Hershey G.;Chakraborty R.;Mersha T. 01-01-2013. Rank-based genome-wide analysis reveals the association of Ryanodine receptor-2 gene variants with c Human Genomics, 7 1, Subramanian S.;Schmidt D.;Fosnight T.;Rao M.;Mast T. 01-01-2013. TU?E?144?02: Dependence of Ultrasound Echo Decorrelation On Tissue Temperature During Radiofrequency Medical Physics, 40 6, 451Ghosh C.;Roy S.;Rao M.;Agrawal D. 01-01-2010. Spectrum occupancy validation and modeling using real-time measurements Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, , 25-30Nirmalanandhan V.;Rao M.;Shearn J.;Juncosa-Melvin N.;Gooch C.;Butler D. 01-01-2008. Effect of scaffold material, construct length and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro stiffness o Journal of Biomechanics, 41 4, 822-828Abu-Taleb A.;Rao M.;Zhang H. 01-01-2003. Periodic inspection plans: The case of Weibull distribution Metrika, 58 1, 15-30Almouslem A.;Jauhar P.;Peterson T.;Bommineni V.;Rao M. 01-01-1998. Haploid durum wheat production via hybridization with maize Crop Science, 38 4, 1080-1087Jiang T.;Rao M.;Wang X. 01-01-1995. Large deviations for moving average processes Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 59 2, 309-320Li D.;Rao M.B.;Wang X.C. 01-01-1995. On the strong law of large numbers and the law of the logarithm for weighted sums of independent ran Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 52 2, 181-198Wang X.;Yang X.;Rao M.B. 01-01-1993. Convergence rates on strong laws of large numbers for arrays of rowwise independent elements Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 11 1, 115-132Babu G.;Rao C.;Rao M. 01-01-1992. Nonparametric estimation of specific occurrence/exposure rate in risk and survival analysis Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87 417, 84-89Wang X.;Rao M. 01-01-1990. A note on convergence in Banach spaces of cotype p Statistics and Probability Letters, 10 5, 391-396
Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya 2020. Treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria with benralizumab: Report of primary endpoint per-protocol analysis and exploratory endpoints. Allergy, , Bernstein, Jonathan A; Singh, Umesh; Rao, Marepalli B; Berendts, Karen; Zhang, Xiang; Mutasim, Diya 2020. Benralizumab for Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria. The New England journal of medicine, 383 14, 1389-1391Ishikawa, Keiko; Rao, Marepalli B; MacAuslan, Joel; Boyce, Suzanne 2020. Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech. Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation, 34 4, 645.e11-645.e18Abbass, Mohamed A; Ahmad, Syed A; Mahalingam, Neeraja; Krothapalli, K Sameer; Masterson, Jack A; Rao, Marepalli B; Barthe, Peter G; Mast, T Douglas 2019. In vivo ultrasound thermal ablation control using echo decorrelation imaging in rabbit liver and VX2 tumor. 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