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Photo of Sean Moore

Sean Moore


Pediatrics | College of Medicine

  • : Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition )
  • Residency in Pediatrics: Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
  • M.D.: Johns Hopkins University
  • M.S.: University of Virginia (Epidemiology )
  • B.A: Asbury College (Chemistry & Biology, magna cum laude )
Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Guerrant, Richard L; DeBoer, Mark D; Moore, Sean R; Scharf, Rebecca J; Lima, Aldo A M 2013. The impoverished gut--a triple burden of diarrhoea, stunting and chronic disease. Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 10 4, 220-9

Dykes, Dana M H; Moore, Sean R; Polk, D Brent; Rosen, Michael J; Wills, Marcia L; Morris, Brian; Maclin, Jeanine S; Nogueira, Janaina; Katz, Avi; Hunley, Tracey E; Pugh, Judith; Saeed, Shehzad 2012. Mycophenolate mofetil-related enterocolitis and weight loss: a pediatric case series. Case reports in pediatrics, 2012 , 624168

Richard, Stephanie A; Black, Robert E; Gilman, Robert H; Guerrant, Richard L; Kang, Gagandeep; Lanata, Claudio F; Mølbak, Kåre; Rasmussen, Zeba A; Sack, R Bradley; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Checkley, William 2012. Wasting is associated with stunting in early childhood. The Journal of nutrition, 142 7, 1291-6

Moore, Sean R 2011. Update on prolonged and persistent diarrhea in children. Current opinion in gastroenterology, 27 1, 19-23

Moore, Sean R; Lima, Aldo A M; Guerrant, Richard L 2011. Infection: Preventing 5 million child deaths from diarrhea in the next 5 years. Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 8 7, 363-4

Schlaudecker, Elizabeth P; Steinhoff, Mark C; Moore, Sean R 2011. Interactions of diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition in childhood: recent evidence from developing countries. Current opinion in infectious diseases, 24 5, 496-502

Ueno, Priscilla M; Oriá, Reinaldo B; Maier, Elizabeth A; Guedes, Marjorie; de Azevedo, Orleancio G; Wu, David; Willson, Tara; Hogan, Simon P; Lima, Aldo A M; Guerrant, Richard L; Polk, D Brent; Denson, Lee A; Moore, Sean R 2011. Alanyl-glutamine promotes intestinal epithelial cell homeostasis in vitro and in a murine model of weanling undernutrition. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology, 301 4, G612-22

Crawford, Lane C; Crawford, Mark L; Moore, Sean R 2010. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome in a grandmother. Emerging infectious diseases, 16 11, 1792-5

Moore, Sean R; Lima, Noélia L; Soares, Alberto M; Oriá, Reinaldo B; Pinkerton, Relana C; Barrett, Leah J; Guerrant, Richard L; Lima, Aldo A M 2010. Prolonged episodes of acute diarrhea reduce growth and increase risk of persistent diarrhea in children. Gastroenterology, 139 4, 1156-64

Checkley, William; Buckley, Gillian; Gilman, Robert H; Assis, Ana Mo; Guerrant, Richard L; Morris, Saul S; Mølbak, Kåre; Valentiner-Branth, Palle; Lanata, Claudio F; Black, Robert E 2008. Multi-country analysis of the effects of diarrhoea on childhood stunting. International journal of epidemiology, 37 4, 816-30

Guerrant, Richard L; Oriá, Reinaldo B; Moore, Sean R; Oriá, Mônica O B; Lima, Aldo A M 2008. Malnutrition as an enteric infectious disease with long-term effects on child development. Nutrition reviews, 66 9, 487-505

Moore, Sean R; Lorntz, Breyette; Lima, Aldo A M; Guerrant, Richard L 2007. Risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. Lancet, 369 9564, 824-5

Lorntz, Breyette; Soares, Alberto M; Moore, Sean R; Pinkerton, Relana; Gansneder, Bruce; Bovbjerg, Victor E; Guyatt, Helen; Lima, Aldo M; Guerrant, Richard L 2006. Early childhood diarrhea predicts impaired school performance. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 25 6, 513-20

Niehaus, Mark D; Moore, Sean R; Patrick, Peter D; Derr, Lori L; Lorntz, Breyette; Lima, Aldo A; Guerrant, Richard L 2002. Early childhood diarrhea is associated with diminished cognitive function 4 to 7 years later in children in a northeast Brazilian shantytown. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 66 5, 590-3

Moore SR, Lima AA, Conaway MR, Schorling JB, Soares AM, Guerrant RL 2001. Early childhood diarrhea and helminthiases associate with long-term linear growth faltering. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30: 1457-64 ,

Newman RD, Moore SR, Lima AA, Nataro JP, Guerrant RL, Sears CL 2001. A longitudinal study of Giardia lamblia infection in northeast Brazilian children. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 6: 624-34 ,

Lima, A A; Moore, S R; Barboza, M S; Soares, A M; Schleupner, M A; Newman, R D; Sears, C L; Nataro, J P; Fedorko, D P; Wuhib, T; Schorling, J B; Guerrant, R L 2000. Persistent diarrhea signals a critical period of increased diarrhea burdens and nutritional shortfalls: a prospective cohort study among children in northeastern Brazil. The Journal of infectious diseases, 181 5, 1643-51

Moore, S R; Lima, A A; Schorling, J B; Barboza, M S; Soares, A M; Guerrant, R L 2000. Changes over time in the epidemiology of diarrhea and malnutrition among children in an urban Brazilian shantytown, 1989 to 1996. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, 4 4, 179-86

Quadro L, Gamble MV, Vogel S, Lima AA, Piantedosi R, Moore SR, Colantuoni V, Gottesman ME, Guerrant RL, Blaner WS 2000. Retinol and retinol-binding protein: gut integrity and circulating immunoglobulins. Journal of Infectious Diseases , 182 Supplement 1: S97-S102 ,

Guerrant, D I; Moore, S R; Lima, A A; Patrick, P D; Schorling, J B; Guerrant, R L 1999. Association of early childhood diarrhea and cryptosporidiosis with impaired physical fitness and cognitive function four-seven years later in a poor urban community in northeast Brazil. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 61 5, 707-13

Guerrant, R L; Lima, A A; Barboza, M; Young, S; Silva, T; Barrett, L; Bao, Y; Fox, J; Moore, S 1999. Mechanisms and impact of enteric infections. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 473 , 103-12

Newman, R D; Sears, C L; Moore, S R; Nataro, J P; Wuhib, T; Agnew, D A; Guerrant, R L; Lima, A A 1999. Longitudinal study of Cryptosporidium infection in children in northeastern Brazil. The Journal of infectious diseases, 180 1, 167-75

Scott JR, Schurh S, Moore S, Wilkins CL 1997. Evaluation of MALDI-FTMS for analysis of peptide mixtrues generated by ladder sequencing. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 160: 291-301 ,

Guerrant, Richard L; Kosek, Margaret; Moore, Sean; Lorntz, Breyette; Brantley, Richard; Lima, Aldo A M . Magnitude and impact of diarrheal diseases. Archives of medical research, 33 4, 351-5

Moore ST, Vallance J, Maier EA, Weage K, Henry J, Shroyer NF . Glutamine and alanyl-glutamine promote Lgr5 stem cell activation and crypt proliferation in mouse intestinal organoids. , ,

Pinkerton RC, Oria RB, Oria MOB, Patrick PD, Wiseman BL, Lima AAM, Moore SR, Niehaus MD . Guerrant RL Early childhood diarrhea predicts cognitive delays in later childhood independently of malnutrition (sumitted). , ,

Richard SA, Black RE, Gilman RH, Guerrant RL, Kang G, Lanata CF, Molbak K, Rasmussen ZA, Sack RB, Valentiner-Branth P, Checkley W, Moore SR, Lima AAM, Pinkerton RC, Aaby P, Cabrera LZ, Bern CI, Sterling CR, Epstein LD, Moulton L, Perch M Fischer TK, Sommerfelt H, Steinsland H, Verastegui H . Wasting is associated with stunting in early childhood. Journal of Nutrition, 142, 1291-96