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Visiting Students

Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) online application

Adherence to Clinical Placement Guidelines

Visiting student experiences at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine have clinical and/or external placements that are a requirement for successful away rotation completion. To the extent permitted by law, students enrolled in such experiences will be expected to comply with all rules, policies, guidelines, and requirements of any third-party placement, including but not limited to, vaccination and background check requirements. Any student’s failure to comply with such third-party rules, policies, guidelines, or requirements may result in the student not being able to successfully complete an away rotation.

The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine offers electives for medical students from other U.S. medical schools. A maximum of two four-week electives can be taken for a total of eight weeks.

Our senior electives are designed specifically for students who have already completed one full year of in-hospital clinical training prior to an anticipated elective. It is necessary that visiting students first complete all Clinical Core Clerkships before participating in these electives. 

Download the Visiting Student Elective Bulletin

Prospective applicants who have already graduated from medical school are not eligible to participate. Details of the rules, regulations, and requirements for this program are included in the Visiting Student Policy (PDF).

Domestic Visiting Medical Students

To Apply:

  • Please complete and submit a  Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) online application for your preferred electives and dates.
  • For Academic Year 2025-2026, electives will be visible and applications accepted in VSLO beginning March 1, 2025. Departments will begin reviewing applications on March 17, 2025.
  • VSLO application acceptance offers will be communicated to applicants directly from the applicable University of Cincinnati clinical department beginning on March 24, 2025.
  • Remit a one-time, non-refundable fee of $166 (includes $150 processing fee and $16 BBP insurance fee), payable 30 days in advance of the start of the rotation.
  • A complete checklist with application requirements can be found by downloading the Checklist for Domestic Students (PDF).
  • All students coming to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine for an away rotation are required to obtain and provide proof of COVID vaccination (i.e. CDC Vaccination Card).

If you have any questions, please inquire at

International Visiting Medical Students

We are not currently accepting international students visiting for clinical electives.

We encourage all applicants to periodically check back with us at UCCOM Visiting Student Information or UC Global Health

Learning Environment Policies

UCCOM strives to provide medical students with a learning environment that is conducive to their professional growth. In our ongoing efforts to continually monitor and support positive behaviors in the learning environment, we have the following avenues available for reporting experienced or witnessed negative behaviors toward medical students in our learning environments.

Anonymous Learning Environment Reporting Tool (ALERT) ALERT reporting

Anonymous and confidential telephone reporting line 800-889-1547.

All UCCOM and visiting medical students are encouraged to review the Student Handbook with specific attention to the following policies and procedures pertaining to the learning environment:

The Office of Student Affairs is available to all UCCOM and visiting medical students to discuss any concerns/questions related to the learning environment.

Needlestick or Body Fluid Exposure

If you experience a needlestick or body fluid exposure while on rotation, please visit the Emergency Exposure website for the procedure to be followed and refer to the Policy on Prevention of Bodily Fluid/Bloodborne Pathogen Infection and Treatment Following Exposure in the Student Handbook.

Please remember that you purchased the UC Blood-Borne Pathogen Insurance through our student health insurance program. If you have additional questions after hours, call the Needlestick Hotline at 513-584-STIX (4457).

Med OneStop Login Student Handbook Medical Student Curriculum LEO My COM Course Evals Intranet Login

Contact Us

Office of Curriculum Management
and Integration

Medical Sciences Building Room G453 - G456
231 Albert Sabin Way
PO Box 670520
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0520

Mail Location: 0520
Phone: 513-558-1795
Fax: 513-558-4949