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Welcome to the UC IMSTAR Medical Education Fellowship and thank you for your interest!
The Medical Education Fellowship, modeled after a sister program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, is a unique opportunity for Internal Medicine trained physicians interested in pursuing successful academic careers in medical education to receive advanced training and mentorship. Physicians in the fellowship will receive training in the science of education and teaching, evaluation methodology, scholarship, and leadership skills for medical education programs. As part of the program fellows will receive protected time and support to obtain a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction (M.Ed.) through the University of Cincinnati’s College of Education. Fellows will also have the opportunity to interact with other education fellows from across in the academic health center during a joint Professional Development and Leadership Series. In addition, they will receive structured mentorship and guided support from master educators and scholars from across UC’s academic health center. All fellows will have a Scholarship Oversight Committee that will meet with the fellow twice annually during their fellowship to provide guidance, oversight, and mentorship as they develop their fellowship scholarly project and future career path.
Our Medical Education Fellowship consists of two years of training and will enroll one new fellow each year. This program is open to both clinical fellows as well as faculty. Our class of 2020 fellow is Danielle Clark, MD and class of 2021 is Rita Schlanger, MD.
Benjamin Kinnear, MD, MEdMedical Education Fellowship Program Director Email:
Liz BaukeProgram ManagerPhone: 513-558-2590Email:
Department of Internal Medicine231 Albert Sabin WayMedical Sciences Building Room 6065PO Box 670557Cincinnati, OH 45267-0557Phone: 513-558-4231Fax: 513-558-0852 Email: