Education/CredentialsPh.D.: Purdue University, (Mechanical Engineering)M.S.: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), (Production Engineering)B.S.: Seoul National University, (Mechanical Engineering) Contact Information Office 513-556-6300 Email Peer Reviewed Publications Hong K.;Kim J. 12-14-1995. Analysis of free vibration of structural-acoustic coupled systems, Part I: Development and verificat Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188 4, 561-575Hong K.;Kim J. 12-14-1995. Analysis of free vibration of structural-acoustic coupled systems, part ii: Two- and three-dimension Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188 4, 577-600Lee G.;Kim J. 12-01-2017. Design Parameter Study of a New Test Apparatus Developed for Quantitative Rating of Squeak Propensit Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 139 6, Kim B.;Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Stringer K.;Kim J.;Banerjee R. 12-01-2013. Dependence of higher frequency components on bone tissue alterations in the rat-tail model ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Kim J.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 12-01-2011. Endothelial cell injury under high frequency vibration in the rat-tail model ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 951-952Kim J.;Lim T.;Allemang R.;Rost B. 12-01-2010. Engineering education through degree-long project, a new project based learning approach ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 6 , 443-449Lee S.J.;Kim H.J.;Lee J.H.;Kim J.H.;Seo J.S. 12-01-2010. Prediction of underwater noise for environmental impacts: Evaluation of a commercial vessel and offs Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 118 , 468-475Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 12-01-2010. A lumped parameter vibration model developed based on a realistic kinematic description of the hand- ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2 , 809-813Chandrika U.;Kim J. 12-01-2009. Development of a new squeak and rattle detection algorithm SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2 1, 1424-1430Lee I.;Selamet A.;Kim H.;Kim T.;Kim J. 12-01-2009. Design of a multi-chamber silencer for turbocharger noise SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2 1, 1339-1344George J.;Egan J.;Kim J. 12-01-2008. Prediction of sound transmitted through muffler side walls Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, 3 , 1436-1445Song W.;Kim J. 12-01-2008. Comparative study on the responses of human middle ear models Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, 2 , 1036-1046 Kim J.; Zhu X. 12-01-2007. Application of analytic wavelet transform to transient signal analyses SAE Technical Papers, , Murphy W.;Zhu X.;Kim J. 12-01-2006. Study of the effect of hearing protectors for military noises based on time-frequency analysis by an Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, 4 , 2318-2327Song W.;Kim J.;Welcome D.;Dong R.;Hayden C. 12-01-2006. Study of hand-arm transmitted impulsive vibrations using analytic wavelet transform Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, 5 , 2884-2893 Kim J.; Ozgen G. 12-01-2005. Further developments in the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) based direct damping identification metho SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Ozgen G. 12-01-2005. Applications of the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) based direct damping identification method SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Zhu X. 12-01-2005. Application of the analytic wavelet transform for time-frequency analysis of impulsive sound signals SAE Technical Papers, , Kadam P.;Kim J. 12-01-2005. Analytic, numerical and experimental techniques to formulate four-pole matrices for hybrid system mo 19th National Conference on Noise Control Engineering 2005, Noise-Con 05, 2 , 1284-1291Ozgen G.;Kim J. 12-01-2005. Identification of damping from experimental dynamic stiffness matrix: Error analysis Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , Allemang R.; Kim J.; Lim T. 12-01-2003. Automotive NVH research instrumentation and infrastructure at UC-SDRL SAE Technical Papers, , Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. 12-01-2003. Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 1: Analytical case studies SAE Technical Papers, , Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. 12-01-2003. Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 2: Experimental case studies SAE Technical Papers, , Stelzer G.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Allemang R. 12-01-2003. A magnetorheological semi-active isolator to reduce noise and vibration transmissibility in automobi Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 14 12, 743-765 Grinker S.; Kim J.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Development of a new damping matrices identification method and its applications SAE Technical Papers, , Kim H.; Kim J.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Sound transmission through cylindrical double-walled shells sandwiching porous material SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Kothamasu V.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Analysis and experimental study of the mean flow effect on the sound transmission through a cylindri SAE Technical Papers, , Crafton D.; Ding J.; Kim J. 12-01-1997. Noise source identification in a highly reverberant enclosure by inverse frequency response function SAE Technical Papers, , Crafton D.;Ding J.;Kim J. 12-01-1997. Noise source identification in highly reverberant enclosures by the IFRF method Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 1686-1691Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 11-26-2001. Simplified method to solve sound transmission through structures lined with elastic porous material Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110 5 I, 2282-2294Kim J.;Welcome D.;Dong R.;Joon Song W.;Hayden C. 11-20-2007. Time-frequency characterization of hand-transmitted, impulsive vibrations using analytic wavelet tra Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 1-2, 98-111Ozgen G.;Kim J. 11-20-2007. Direct identification and expansion of damping matrix for experimental-analytical hybrid modeling Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 1-2, 348-372Pujara K.;Kim J. 11-20-2003. Letter to the editor (multiple letters) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 268 2, 427-428Kadam P.;Kim J. 11-06-2007. Experimental formulation of four poles of three-dimensional cavities and its application Journal of Sound and Vibration, 307 3-5, 578-590Chandrika U.;Kim J. 10-11-2010. Development of an algorithm for automatic detection and rating of squeak and rattle events Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 21, 4567-4577Yeo-Heung Y.;Kang I.;Gollapudi R.;Lee J.;Hurd D.;Shanov V.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Shi D.;Boerio J.;Subramaniam S. 10-03-2005. Multifunctional carbon nanofiber/nanotube smart materials Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5763 , 184-195Lee G.;Kim J.;Steen T. 10-01-2017. Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation to Squeeze Film Damper Analysis Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 139 10, Lee J.;Kim J. 09-20-2001. Development and validation of a new experimental method to identify damping matrices of a dynamic sy Journal of Sound and Vibration, 246 3, 505-524Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Kim J.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 09-09-2013. Dependence of vascular damage on higher frequency components in the rat-tail model Industrial Health, 51 4, 373-385George J.;Egan J.;Kim J. 09-01-2009. Study of sound transmission through muffler sidewall by analytical, numerical and experimental metho Noise Control Engineering Journal, 57 5, 434-441Lee G.;Kim J. 08-21-2016. Development of a test apparatus that consistently generates squeak to rate squeak propensity of a pa Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, , 5311-5316Lee G.;Kim J. 08-21-2016. Analysis of a new squeak test apparatus developed for objective rating of squeak propensity and buil Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, , 5317-5323Kim J.;Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 08-10-2010. Prediction of formation of wavy surfaces in rolled plates by post-buckling analysis Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 77 4, 1-8Lee G.J.;Chi S.H.;Kim J.;Lee T.S. 07-27-2011. Miniature air compressor design based on cross-slider mechanism Key Engineering Materials, 486 , 17-20Wang C.;Kim J. 06-05-1997. The dynamic analysis of a thin beam impacting against a stop of general three-dimensional geometry Journal of Sound and Vibration, 203 2, 237-249Lee G.;Kim J. 06-01-2018. Investigation of the Stability of a Squeak Test Apparatus Based on an Analytical and Finite Element Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 140 3, Pattnaik S.;Banerjee R.;Kim J. 06-01-2011. Analysis of spatial resonance in a small vessel to study vibration-induced digital vascular disorder Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, 39 2, 12-13Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 06-01-2011. New approach to model the hand-arm system for analysis of musculoskeletal disorders Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, 39 2, 54-55Cha D.;Kim J.;Joo Y. 06-01-2009. Analysis of the combustion instability of a model gas turbine combustor by the transfer matrix metho Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 23 6, 1602-1612Kang I.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Shanov V.;Shi D. 06-01-2006. A carbon nanotube strain sensor for structural health monitoring Smart Materials and Structures, 15 3, 737-748Kim J. 06-01-2006. Rotation effects on vibration of structures seen from a rotating beam simply supported off the rotat Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 128 3, 328-337 Kim J.; Lee J. 06-01-2003. Study on sound transmission characteristics of a cylindrical shell using analytical and experimental Applied Acoustics, 64 6, 611-632Zhou W.;Kim J.;Soedel W. 06-01-2001. New iterative scheme in computer simulation of positive displacement compressors considering the eff Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 123 2, 282-288Hong K.;Kim J. 06-01-1995. Natural mode analysis of hollow and annular elliptical cylindrical cavities Journal of Sound and Vibration, 183 2, 327-351Kang I.;Heung Y.;Kim J.;Lee J.;Gollapudi R.;Subramaniam S.;Narasimhadevara S.;Hurd D.;Kirikera G.;Shanov V.;Schulz M.;Shi D.;Boerio J.;Mall S.;Ruggles-Wren M. 05-30-2006. Introduction to carbon nanotube and nanofiber smart materials Composites Part B: Engineering, 37 6, 382-394Lee J.H.;Berger E.;Kim J.H. 05-20-2005. Feasibility study of a tunable friction damper Journal of Sound and Vibration, 283 3-5, 707-722Hong K.;Kim J. 05-02-1996. New analysis method for general acoustic-structural coupled systems Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192 2, 465-480Wang C.;Kim J. 04-18-1996. New analysis method for a thin beam impacting against a stop based on the full continuous model Journal of Sound and Vibration, 191 5, 809-823Pattnaik S.;Banerjee R.;Kim J. 04-09-2012. Spatial resonance in a small artery excited by vibration input as a possible mechanism to cause hand Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 8, 1951-1960Lee J.;Kim J. 04-04-2002. Analysis and measurement of sound transmission through a double-walled cylindrical shell Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 4, 631-649Lee J.;Kim J. 03-28-2002. Sound transmission through periodically stiffened cylindrical shells Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 3, 431-456Lee J.;Kim J. 03-21-2002. Analysis of sound transmission through periodically stiffened panels by space-harmonic expansion met Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 2, 349-366Jayakumar V.;Kim J.;Zechmann E. 03-01-2015. Identification of noise sources and design of noise reduction measures for a pneumatic nail gun Noise Control Engineering Journal, 63 2, 159-168Goley G.;Song W.;Kim J. 03-01-2011. Kurtosis corrected sound pressure level as a noise metric for risk assessment of occupational noises Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129 3, 1475-1481Lee J.;Kim J. 02-22-2001. Identification of damping matrices from measured frequency response functions Journal of Sound and Vibration, 240 3, 545-565Ozgen G.;Kim J. 02-06-2009. Error analysis and feasibility study of dynamic stiffness matrix-based damping matrix identification Journal of Sound and Vibration, 320 1-2, 60-83Zhou W.;Kim J. 01-07-1999. Formulation of four poles of three-dimensional acoustic systems from pressure response functions wit Journal of Sound and Vibration, 219 1, 89-103Lee G.;Kim J. 01-01-2018. Design of a test system for quantitative rating of squeak propensity of material pairs INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, , Lee G.;Kim J.;Choi S. 01-01-2018. A study on possible causes of squeak noises in the hand-grab bar assembly of a vehicle INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, , Kim K.C.;Lee S.W.;Hong S.G.;Kim J.;Lee G.J.;Choi J.M.;Kim Y.J. 01-01-2015. A case study: Application of analytical and numerical techniques to squeak and rattle analysis of a SAE Technical Papers, 2015-June , Lee G.;Kim J.;Kim K. 01-01-2015. An analytical study of the mode-coupling effect on the instability of friction induced vibrations to INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, , Lee G.;Kim J.;Kim K. 01-01-2015. An algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeaks and rattles Sound and Vibration, 49 9, 8-10Lee G.;Kim K.;Kim J. 01-01-2015. Development of an algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeak and rattle noises SAE Technical Papers, 2015-June , Peelukhana S.;Goenka S.;Kim B.;Kim J.;Bhattacharya A.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 01-01-2015. Effect of higher frequency components and duration of vibration on bone tissue alterations in the ra Industrial Health, 53 3, 245-259Sullivan J.;Schulz M.;Vemaganti K.;Bhattacharya A.;Jetter B.;Shanov V.;Alvarez N.;Kim J. 01-01-2015. Carbon nanotube fabric cooling system for firefighters and first responders: Modeling and simulation Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 8 1, 1-12Lee G.;Kim J.;Lee T. 01-01-2014. The rolling scotch yoke mechanism applied to a small air compressor for oil-free operations International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 15 1, 97-103Lim A.;Kim J.;Zechmann E. 01-01-2013. Development of an experimental method to estimate the operating force of a hand-held power tool util ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 4 A , Zhu X.;Kim J.H.;Song W.J.;Murphy W.J.;Song S. 01-01-2009. Development of a noise metric for assessment of exposure risk to complex noises. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 2, 703-712Zhu X.;Kim J. 01-01-2006. Application of analytic wavelet transform to analysis of highly impulsive noises Journal of Sound and Vibration, 294 4, 841-855Kim J.;Lee J. 01-01-2001. Development and validation of a new experimental method to identify damping matrices of a dynamic sy Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4331 , 21-32Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2001. Development of enhanced Wigner-Ville distribution function Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15 2, 367-398Lee J.;Kim J.;Kothamasu V. 01-01-2001. Experimental study of the mean flow effect on the sound transmission through cylindrical shell of an Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 1180-1185Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Enhancement of Wigner-Ville Distribution Function Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 1 , 51-57Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Time frequency representations of signals: STFT, Wigner-Ville & wavelet transformation Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 1 , 264-270Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Time frequency representations of signals: STFT, Wigner-Ville & Wavelet Transformation Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4062 , Ding J.;Kim J. 01-01-1998. Qualitative study on the brake squeal problem using simple lumped parameter systems Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 980-986Kim J. 01-01-1990. Development of a general procedure to formulate four pole parameters by modal expansion andits appli Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 112 4, 452-459
Peer Reviewed Publications Hong K.;Kim J. 12-14-1995. Analysis of free vibration of structural-acoustic coupled systems, Part I: Development and verificat Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188 4, 561-575Hong K.;Kim J. 12-14-1995. Analysis of free vibration of structural-acoustic coupled systems, part ii: Two- and three-dimension Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188 4, 577-600Lee G.;Kim J. 12-01-2017. Design Parameter Study of a New Test Apparatus Developed for Quantitative Rating of Squeak Propensit Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 139 6, Kim B.;Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Stringer K.;Kim J.;Banerjee R. 12-01-2013. Dependence of higher frequency components on bone tissue alterations in the rat-tail model ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Kim J.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 12-01-2011. Endothelial cell injury under high frequency vibration in the rat-tail model ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 951-952Kim J.;Lim T.;Allemang R.;Rost B. 12-01-2010. Engineering education through degree-long project, a new project based learning approach ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 6 , 443-449Lee S.J.;Kim H.J.;Lee J.H.;Kim J.H.;Seo J.S. 12-01-2010. Prediction of underwater noise for environmental impacts: Evaluation of a commercial vessel and offs Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 118 , 468-475Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 12-01-2010. A lumped parameter vibration model developed based on a realistic kinematic description of the hand- ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2 , 809-813Chandrika U.;Kim J. 12-01-2009. Development of a new squeak and rattle detection algorithm SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2 1, 1424-1430Lee I.;Selamet A.;Kim H.;Kim T.;Kim J. 12-01-2009. Design of a multi-chamber silencer for turbocharger noise SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2 1, 1339-1344George J.;Egan J.;Kim J. 12-01-2008. Prediction of sound transmitted through muffler side walls Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, 3 , 1436-1445Song W.;Kim J. 12-01-2008. Comparative study on the responses of human middle ear models Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, 2 , 1036-1046 Kim J.; Zhu X. 12-01-2007. Application of analytic wavelet transform to transient signal analyses SAE Technical Papers, , Murphy W.;Zhu X.;Kim J. 12-01-2006. Study of the effect of hearing protectors for military noises based on time-frequency analysis by an Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, 4 , 2318-2327Song W.;Kim J.;Welcome D.;Dong R.;Hayden C. 12-01-2006. Study of hand-arm transmitted impulsive vibrations using analytic wavelet transform Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, 5 , 2884-2893 Kim J.; Ozgen G. 12-01-2005. Further developments in the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) based direct damping identification metho SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Ozgen G. 12-01-2005. Applications of the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) based direct damping identification method SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Zhu X. 12-01-2005. Application of the analytic wavelet transform for time-frequency analysis of impulsive sound signals SAE Technical Papers, , Kadam P.;Kim J. 12-01-2005. Analytic, numerical and experimental techniques to formulate four-pole matrices for hybrid system mo 19th National Conference on Noise Control Engineering 2005, Noise-Con 05, 2 , 1284-1291Ozgen G.;Kim J. 12-01-2005. Identification of damping from experimental dynamic stiffness matrix: Error analysis Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , Allemang R.; Kim J.; Lim T. 12-01-2003. Automotive NVH research instrumentation and infrastructure at UC-SDRL SAE Technical Papers, , Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. 12-01-2003. Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 1: Analytical case studies SAE Technical Papers, , Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. 12-01-2003. Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 2: Experimental case studies SAE Technical Papers, , Stelzer G.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Allemang R. 12-01-2003. A magnetorheological semi-active isolator to reduce noise and vibration transmissibility in automobi Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 14 12, 743-765 Grinker S.; Kim J.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Development of a new damping matrices identification method and its applications SAE Technical Papers, , Kim H.; Kim J.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Sound transmission through cylindrical double-walled shells sandwiching porous material SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Kothamasu V.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Analysis and experimental study of the mean flow effect on the sound transmission through a cylindri SAE Technical Papers, , Crafton D.; Ding J.; Kim J. 12-01-1997. Noise source identification in a highly reverberant enclosure by inverse frequency response function SAE Technical Papers, , Crafton D.;Ding J.;Kim J. 12-01-1997. Noise source identification in highly reverberant enclosures by the IFRF method Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 1686-1691Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 11-26-2001. Simplified method to solve sound transmission through structures lined with elastic porous material Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110 5 I, 2282-2294Kim J.;Welcome D.;Dong R.;Joon Song W.;Hayden C. 11-20-2007. Time-frequency characterization of hand-transmitted, impulsive vibrations using analytic wavelet tra Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 1-2, 98-111Ozgen G.;Kim J. 11-20-2007. Direct identification and expansion of damping matrix for experimental-analytical hybrid modeling Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 1-2, 348-372Pujara K.;Kim J. 11-20-2003. Letter to the editor (multiple letters) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 268 2, 427-428Kadam P.;Kim J. 11-06-2007. Experimental formulation of four poles of three-dimensional cavities and its application Journal of Sound and Vibration, 307 3-5, 578-590Chandrika U.;Kim J. 10-11-2010. Development of an algorithm for automatic detection and rating of squeak and rattle events Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 21, 4567-4577Yeo-Heung Y.;Kang I.;Gollapudi R.;Lee J.;Hurd D.;Shanov V.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Shi D.;Boerio J.;Subramaniam S. 10-03-2005. Multifunctional carbon nanofiber/nanotube smart materials Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5763 , 184-195Lee G.;Kim J.;Steen T. 10-01-2017. Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation to Squeeze Film Damper Analysis Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 139 10, Lee J.;Kim J. 09-20-2001. Development and validation of a new experimental method to identify damping matrices of a dynamic sy Journal of Sound and Vibration, 246 3, 505-524Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Kim J.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 09-09-2013. Dependence of vascular damage on higher frequency components in the rat-tail model Industrial Health, 51 4, 373-385George J.;Egan J.;Kim J. 09-01-2009. Study of sound transmission through muffler sidewall by analytical, numerical and experimental metho Noise Control Engineering Journal, 57 5, 434-441Lee G.;Kim J. 08-21-2016. Development of a test apparatus that consistently generates squeak to rate squeak propensity of a pa Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, , 5311-5316Lee G.;Kim J. 08-21-2016. Analysis of a new squeak test apparatus developed for objective rating of squeak propensity and buil Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, , 5317-5323Kim J.;Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 08-10-2010. Prediction of formation of wavy surfaces in rolled plates by post-buckling analysis Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 77 4, 1-8Lee G.J.;Chi S.H.;Kim J.;Lee T.S. 07-27-2011. Miniature air compressor design based on cross-slider mechanism Key Engineering Materials, 486 , 17-20Wang C.;Kim J. 06-05-1997. The dynamic analysis of a thin beam impacting against a stop of general three-dimensional geometry Journal of Sound and Vibration, 203 2, 237-249Lee G.;Kim J. 06-01-2018. Investigation of the Stability of a Squeak Test Apparatus Based on an Analytical and Finite Element Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 140 3, Pattnaik S.;Banerjee R.;Kim J. 06-01-2011. Analysis of spatial resonance in a small vessel to study vibration-induced digital vascular disorder Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, 39 2, 12-13Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 06-01-2011. New approach to model the hand-arm system for analysis of musculoskeletal disorders Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, 39 2, 54-55Cha D.;Kim J.;Joo Y. 06-01-2009. Analysis of the combustion instability of a model gas turbine combustor by the transfer matrix metho Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 23 6, 1602-1612Kang I.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Shanov V.;Shi D. 06-01-2006. A carbon nanotube strain sensor for structural health monitoring Smart Materials and Structures, 15 3, 737-748Kim J. 06-01-2006. Rotation effects on vibration of structures seen from a rotating beam simply supported off the rotat Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 128 3, 328-337 Kim J.; Lee J. 06-01-2003. Study on sound transmission characteristics of a cylindrical shell using analytical and experimental Applied Acoustics, 64 6, 611-632Zhou W.;Kim J.;Soedel W. 06-01-2001. New iterative scheme in computer simulation of positive displacement compressors considering the eff Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 123 2, 282-288Hong K.;Kim J. 06-01-1995. Natural mode analysis of hollow and annular elliptical cylindrical cavities Journal of Sound and Vibration, 183 2, 327-351Kang I.;Heung Y.;Kim J.;Lee J.;Gollapudi R.;Subramaniam S.;Narasimhadevara S.;Hurd D.;Kirikera G.;Shanov V.;Schulz M.;Shi D.;Boerio J.;Mall S.;Ruggles-Wren M. 05-30-2006. Introduction to carbon nanotube and nanofiber smart materials Composites Part B: Engineering, 37 6, 382-394Lee J.H.;Berger E.;Kim J.H. 05-20-2005. Feasibility study of a tunable friction damper Journal of Sound and Vibration, 283 3-5, 707-722Hong K.;Kim J. 05-02-1996. New analysis method for general acoustic-structural coupled systems Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192 2, 465-480Wang C.;Kim J. 04-18-1996. New analysis method for a thin beam impacting against a stop based on the full continuous model Journal of Sound and Vibration, 191 5, 809-823Pattnaik S.;Banerjee R.;Kim J. 04-09-2012. Spatial resonance in a small artery excited by vibration input as a possible mechanism to cause hand Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 8, 1951-1960Lee J.;Kim J. 04-04-2002. Analysis and measurement of sound transmission through a double-walled cylindrical shell Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 4, 631-649Lee J.;Kim J. 03-28-2002. Sound transmission through periodically stiffened cylindrical shells Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 3, 431-456Lee J.;Kim J. 03-21-2002. Analysis of sound transmission through periodically stiffened panels by space-harmonic expansion met Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 2, 349-366Jayakumar V.;Kim J.;Zechmann E. 03-01-2015. Identification of noise sources and design of noise reduction measures for a pneumatic nail gun Noise Control Engineering Journal, 63 2, 159-168Goley G.;Song W.;Kim J. 03-01-2011. Kurtosis corrected sound pressure level as a noise metric for risk assessment of occupational noises Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129 3, 1475-1481Lee J.;Kim J. 02-22-2001. Identification of damping matrices from measured frequency response functions Journal of Sound and Vibration, 240 3, 545-565Ozgen G.;Kim J. 02-06-2009. Error analysis and feasibility study of dynamic stiffness matrix-based damping matrix identification Journal of Sound and Vibration, 320 1-2, 60-83Zhou W.;Kim J. 01-07-1999. Formulation of four poles of three-dimensional acoustic systems from pressure response functions wit Journal of Sound and Vibration, 219 1, 89-103Lee G.;Kim J. 01-01-2018. Design of a test system for quantitative rating of squeak propensity of material pairs INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, , Lee G.;Kim J.;Choi S. 01-01-2018. A study on possible causes of squeak noises in the hand-grab bar assembly of a vehicle INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, , Kim K.C.;Lee S.W.;Hong S.G.;Kim J.;Lee G.J.;Choi J.M.;Kim Y.J. 01-01-2015. A case study: Application of analytical and numerical techniques to squeak and rattle analysis of a SAE Technical Papers, 2015-June , Lee G.;Kim J.;Kim K. 01-01-2015. An analytical study of the mode-coupling effect on the instability of friction induced vibrations to INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, , Lee G.;Kim J.;Kim K. 01-01-2015. An algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeaks and rattles Sound and Vibration, 49 9, 8-10Lee G.;Kim K.;Kim J. 01-01-2015. Development of an algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeak and rattle noises SAE Technical Papers, 2015-June , Peelukhana S.;Goenka S.;Kim B.;Kim J.;Bhattacharya A.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 01-01-2015. Effect of higher frequency components and duration of vibration on bone tissue alterations in the ra Industrial Health, 53 3, 245-259Sullivan J.;Schulz M.;Vemaganti K.;Bhattacharya A.;Jetter B.;Shanov V.;Alvarez N.;Kim J. 01-01-2015. Carbon nanotube fabric cooling system for firefighters and first responders: Modeling and simulation Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 8 1, 1-12Lee G.;Kim J.;Lee T. 01-01-2014. The rolling scotch yoke mechanism applied to a small air compressor for oil-free operations International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 15 1, 97-103Lim A.;Kim J.;Zechmann E. 01-01-2013. Development of an experimental method to estimate the operating force of a hand-held power tool util ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 4 A , Zhu X.;Kim J.H.;Song W.J.;Murphy W.J.;Song S. 01-01-2009. Development of a noise metric for assessment of exposure risk to complex noises. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 2, 703-712Zhu X.;Kim J. 01-01-2006. Application of analytic wavelet transform to analysis of highly impulsive noises Journal of Sound and Vibration, 294 4, 841-855Kim J.;Lee J. 01-01-2001. Development and validation of a new experimental method to identify damping matrices of a dynamic sy Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4331 , 21-32Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2001. Development of enhanced Wigner-Ville distribution function Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15 2, 367-398Lee J.;Kim J.;Kothamasu V. 01-01-2001. Experimental study of the mean flow effect on the sound transmission through cylindrical shell of an Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 1180-1185Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Enhancement of Wigner-Ville Distribution Function Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 1 , 51-57Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Time frequency representations of signals: STFT, Wigner-Ville & wavelet transformation Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 1 , 264-270Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Time frequency representations of signals: STFT, Wigner-Ville & Wavelet Transformation Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4062 , Ding J.;Kim J. 01-01-1998. Qualitative study on the brake squeal problem using simple lumped parameter systems Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 980-986Kim J. 01-01-1990. Development of a general procedure to formulate four pole parameters by modal expansion andits appli Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 112 4, 452-459
Hong K.;Kim J. 12-14-1995. Analysis of free vibration of structural-acoustic coupled systems, Part I: Development and verificat Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188 4, 561-575Hong K.;Kim J. 12-14-1995. Analysis of free vibration of structural-acoustic coupled systems, part ii: Two- and three-dimension Journal of Sound and Vibration, 188 4, 577-600Lee G.;Kim J. 12-01-2017. Design Parameter Study of a New Test Apparatus Developed for Quantitative Rating of Squeak Propensit Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 139 6, Kim B.;Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Stringer K.;Kim J.;Banerjee R. 12-01-2013. Dependence of higher frequency components on bone tissue alterations in the rat-tail model ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2013, 1 B , Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Kim J.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 12-01-2011. Endothelial cell injury under high frequency vibration in the rat-tail model ASME 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, SBC 2011, PARTS A AND B, 951-952Kim J.;Lim T.;Allemang R.;Rost B. 12-01-2010. Engineering education through degree-long project, a new project based learning approach ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 6 , 443-449Lee S.J.;Kim H.J.;Lee J.H.;Kim J.H.;Seo J.S. 12-01-2010. Prediction of underwater noise for environmental impacts: Evaluation of a commercial vessel and offs Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 118 , 468-475Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 12-01-2010. A lumped parameter vibration model developed based on a realistic kinematic description of the hand- ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 2 , 809-813Chandrika U.;Kim J. 12-01-2009. Development of a new squeak and rattle detection algorithm SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2 1, 1424-1430Lee I.;Selamet A.;Kim H.;Kim T.;Kim J. 12-01-2009. Design of a multi-chamber silencer for turbocharger noise SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2 1, 1339-1344George J.;Egan J.;Kim J. 12-01-2008. Prediction of sound transmitted through muffler side walls Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, 3 , 1436-1445Song W.;Kim J. 12-01-2008. Comparative study on the responses of human middle ear models Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 23rd National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, NOISE-CON 08 and Sound Quality Symposium, SQS 08, 2 , 1036-1046 Kim J.; Zhu X. 12-01-2007. Application of analytic wavelet transform to transient signal analyses SAE Technical Papers, , Murphy W.;Zhu X.;Kim J. 12-01-2006. Study of the effect of hearing protectors for military noises based on time-frequency analysis by an Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, 4 , 2318-2327Song W.;Kim J.;Welcome D.;Dong R.;Hayden C. 12-01-2006. Study of hand-arm transmitted impulsive vibrations using analytic wavelet transform Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA - 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, INTER-NOISE 2006, 5 , 2884-2893 Kim J.; Ozgen G. 12-01-2005. Further developments in the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) based direct damping identification metho SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Ozgen G. 12-01-2005. Applications of the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM) based direct damping identification method SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Zhu X. 12-01-2005. Application of the analytic wavelet transform for time-frequency analysis of impulsive sound signals SAE Technical Papers, , Kadam P.;Kim J. 12-01-2005. Analytic, numerical and experimental techniques to formulate four-pole matrices for hybrid system mo 19th National Conference on Noise Control Engineering 2005, Noise-Con 05, 2 , 1284-1291Ozgen G.;Kim J. 12-01-2005. Identification of damping from experimental dynamic stiffness matrix: Error analysis Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, , Allemang R.; Kim J.; Lim T. 12-01-2003. Automotive NVH research instrumentation and infrastructure at UC-SDRL SAE Technical Papers, , Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. 12-01-2003. Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 1: Analytical case studies SAE Technical Papers, , Hylok J.; Kim J.; Phillips A. 12-01-2003. Experimental identification of distributed damping matrices part 2: Experimental case studies SAE Technical Papers, , Stelzer G.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Allemang R. 12-01-2003. A magnetorheological semi-active isolator to reduce noise and vibration transmissibility in automobi Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 14 12, 743-765 Grinker S.; Kim J.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Development of a new damping matrices identification method and its applications SAE Technical Papers, , Kim H.; Kim J.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Sound transmission through cylindrical double-walled shells sandwiching porous material SAE Technical Papers, , Kim J.; Kothamasu V.; Lee J. 12-01-2001. Analysis and experimental study of the mean flow effect on the sound transmission through a cylindri SAE Technical Papers, , Crafton D.; Ding J.; Kim J. 12-01-1997. Noise source identification in a highly reverberant enclosure by inverse frequency response function SAE Technical Papers, , Crafton D.;Ding J.;Kim J. 12-01-1997. Noise source identification in highly reverberant enclosures by the IFRF method Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 1686-1691Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 11-26-2001. Simplified method to solve sound transmission through structures lined with elastic porous material Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110 5 I, 2282-2294Kim J.;Welcome D.;Dong R.;Joon Song W.;Hayden C. 11-20-2007. Time-frequency characterization of hand-transmitted, impulsive vibrations using analytic wavelet tra Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 1-2, 98-111Ozgen G.;Kim J. 11-20-2007. Direct identification and expansion of damping matrix for experimental-analytical hybrid modeling Journal of Sound and Vibration, 308 1-2, 348-372Pujara K.;Kim J. 11-20-2003. Letter to the editor (multiple letters) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 268 2, 427-428Kadam P.;Kim J. 11-06-2007. Experimental formulation of four poles of three-dimensional cavities and its application Journal of Sound and Vibration, 307 3-5, 578-590Chandrika U.;Kim J. 10-11-2010. Development of an algorithm for automatic detection and rating of squeak and rattle events Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 21, 4567-4577Yeo-Heung Y.;Kang I.;Gollapudi R.;Lee J.;Hurd D.;Shanov V.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Shi D.;Boerio J.;Subramaniam S. 10-03-2005. Multifunctional carbon nanofiber/nanotube smart materials Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5763 , 184-195Lee G.;Kim J.;Steen T. 10-01-2017. Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation to Squeeze Film Damper Analysis Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 139 10, Lee J.;Kim J. 09-20-2001. Development and validation of a new experimental method to identify damping matrices of a dynamic sy Journal of Sound and Vibration, 246 3, 505-524Goenka S.;Peelukhana S.;Kim J.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 09-09-2013. Dependence of vascular damage on higher frequency components in the rat-tail model Industrial Health, 51 4, 373-385George J.;Egan J.;Kim J. 09-01-2009. Study of sound transmission through muffler sidewall by analytical, numerical and experimental metho Noise Control Engineering Journal, 57 5, 434-441Lee G.;Kim J. 08-21-2016. Development of a test apparatus that consistently generates squeak to rate squeak propensity of a pa Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, , 5311-5316Lee G.;Kim J. 08-21-2016. Analysis of a new squeak test apparatus developed for objective rating of squeak propensity and buil Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, , 5317-5323Kim J.;Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 08-10-2010. Prediction of formation of wavy surfaces in rolled plates by post-buckling analysis Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 77 4, 1-8Lee G.J.;Chi S.H.;Kim J.;Lee T.S. 07-27-2011. Miniature air compressor design based on cross-slider mechanism Key Engineering Materials, 486 , 17-20Wang C.;Kim J. 06-05-1997. The dynamic analysis of a thin beam impacting against a stop of general three-dimensional geometry Journal of Sound and Vibration, 203 2, 237-249Lee G.;Kim J. 06-01-2018. Investigation of the Stability of a Squeak Test Apparatus Based on an Analytical and Finite Element Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 140 3, Pattnaik S.;Banerjee R.;Kim J. 06-01-2011. Analysis of spatial resonance in a small vessel to study vibration-induced digital vascular disorder Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, 39 2, 12-13Pattnaik S.;Kim J. 06-01-2011. New approach to model the hand-arm system for analysis of musculoskeletal disorders Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne, 39 2, 54-55Cha D.;Kim J.;Joo Y. 06-01-2009. Analysis of the combustion instability of a model gas turbine combustor by the transfer matrix metho Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 23 6, 1602-1612Kang I.;Schulz M.;Kim J.;Shanov V.;Shi D. 06-01-2006. A carbon nanotube strain sensor for structural health monitoring Smart Materials and Structures, 15 3, 737-748Kim J. 06-01-2006. Rotation effects on vibration of structures seen from a rotating beam simply supported off the rotat Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 128 3, 328-337 Kim J.; Lee J. 06-01-2003. Study on sound transmission characteristics of a cylindrical shell using analytical and experimental Applied Acoustics, 64 6, 611-632Zhou W.;Kim J.;Soedel W. 06-01-2001. New iterative scheme in computer simulation of positive displacement compressors considering the eff Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 123 2, 282-288Hong K.;Kim J. 06-01-1995. Natural mode analysis of hollow and annular elliptical cylindrical cavities Journal of Sound and Vibration, 183 2, 327-351Kang I.;Heung Y.;Kim J.;Lee J.;Gollapudi R.;Subramaniam S.;Narasimhadevara S.;Hurd D.;Kirikera G.;Shanov V.;Schulz M.;Shi D.;Boerio J.;Mall S.;Ruggles-Wren M. 05-30-2006. Introduction to carbon nanotube and nanofiber smart materials Composites Part B: Engineering, 37 6, 382-394Lee J.H.;Berger E.;Kim J.H. 05-20-2005. Feasibility study of a tunable friction damper Journal of Sound and Vibration, 283 3-5, 707-722Hong K.;Kim J. 05-02-1996. New analysis method for general acoustic-structural coupled systems Journal of Sound and Vibration, 192 2, 465-480Wang C.;Kim J. 04-18-1996. New analysis method for a thin beam impacting against a stop based on the full continuous model Journal of Sound and Vibration, 191 5, 809-823Pattnaik S.;Banerjee R.;Kim J. 04-09-2012. Spatial resonance in a small artery excited by vibration input as a possible mechanism to cause hand Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 8, 1951-1960Lee J.;Kim J. 04-04-2002. Analysis and measurement of sound transmission through a double-walled cylindrical shell Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 4, 631-649Lee J.;Kim J. 03-28-2002. Sound transmission through periodically stiffened cylindrical shells Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 3, 431-456Lee J.;Kim J. 03-21-2002. Analysis of sound transmission through periodically stiffened panels by space-harmonic expansion met Journal of Sound and Vibration, 251 2, 349-366Jayakumar V.;Kim J.;Zechmann E. 03-01-2015. Identification of noise sources and design of noise reduction measures for a pneumatic nail gun Noise Control Engineering Journal, 63 2, 159-168Goley G.;Song W.;Kim J. 03-01-2011. Kurtosis corrected sound pressure level as a noise metric for risk assessment of occupational noises Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129 3, 1475-1481Lee J.;Kim J. 02-22-2001. Identification of damping matrices from measured frequency response functions Journal of Sound and Vibration, 240 3, 545-565Ozgen G.;Kim J. 02-06-2009. Error analysis and feasibility study of dynamic stiffness matrix-based damping matrix identification Journal of Sound and Vibration, 320 1-2, 60-83Zhou W.;Kim J. 01-07-1999. Formulation of four poles of three-dimensional acoustic systems from pressure response functions wit Journal of Sound and Vibration, 219 1, 89-103Lee G.;Kim J. 01-01-2018. Design of a test system for quantitative rating of squeak propensity of material pairs INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, , Lee G.;Kim J.;Choi S. 01-01-2018. A study on possible causes of squeak noises in the hand-grab bar assembly of a vehicle INTER-NOISE 2018 - 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering, , Kim K.C.;Lee S.W.;Hong S.G.;Kim J.;Lee G.J.;Choi J.M.;Kim Y.J. 01-01-2015. A case study: Application of analytical and numerical techniques to squeak and rattle analysis of a SAE Technical Papers, 2015-June , Lee G.;Kim J.;Kim K. 01-01-2015. An analytical study of the mode-coupling effect on the instability of friction induced vibrations to INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, , Lee G.;Kim J.;Kim K. 01-01-2015. An algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeaks and rattles Sound and Vibration, 49 9, 8-10Lee G.;Kim K.;Kim J. 01-01-2015. Development of an algorithm to automatically detect and distinguish squeak and rattle noises SAE Technical Papers, 2015-June , Peelukhana S.;Goenka S.;Kim B.;Kim J.;Bhattacharya A.;Stringer K.;Banerjee R. 01-01-2015. Effect of higher frequency components and duration of vibration on bone tissue alterations in the ra Industrial Health, 53 3, 245-259Sullivan J.;Schulz M.;Vemaganti K.;Bhattacharya A.;Jetter B.;Shanov V.;Alvarez N.;Kim J. 01-01-2015. Carbon nanotube fabric cooling system for firefighters and first responders: Modeling and simulation Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 8 1, 1-12Lee G.;Kim J.;Lee T. 01-01-2014. The rolling scotch yoke mechanism applied to a small air compressor for oil-free operations International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 15 1, 97-103Lim A.;Kim J.;Zechmann E. 01-01-2013. Development of an experimental method to estimate the operating force of a hand-held power tool util ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 4 A , Zhu X.;Kim J.H.;Song W.J.;Murphy W.J.;Song S. 01-01-2009. Development of a noise metric for assessment of exposure risk to complex noises. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 2, 703-712Zhu X.;Kim J. 01-01-2006. Application of analytic wavelet transform to analysis of highly impulsive noises Journal of Sound and Vibration, 294 4, 841-855Kim J.;Lee J. 01-01-2001. Development and validation of a new experimental method to identify damping matrices of a dynamic sy Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4331 , 21-32Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2001. Development of enhanced Wigner-Ville distribution function Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 15 2, 367-398Lee J.;Kim J.;Kothamasu V. 01-01-2001. Experimental study of the mean flow effect on the sound transmission through cylindrical shell of an Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 1180-1185Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Enhancement of Wigner-Ville Distribution Function Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 1 , 51-57Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Time frequency representations of signals: STFT, Wigner-Ville & wavelet transformation Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 1 , 264-270Lee J.;Kim J.;Kim H. 01-01-2000. Time frequency representations of signals: STFT, Wigner-Ville & Wavelet Transformation Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4062 , Ding J.;Kim J. 01-01-1998. Qualitative study on the brake squeal problem using simple lumped parameter systems Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, 2 , 980-986Kim J. 01-01-1990. Development of a general procedure to formulate four pole parameters by modal expansion andits appli Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, 112 4, 452-459