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Photo of Matthew Baucom, MD

Matthew Baucom, MD

Medical Resident/Fellow

Surgery | College of Medicine

  • Medical Degree: East Carolina University
Contact Information

Peer Reviewed Publications

Wallen T.E.; Baucom M.R.; England L.G.; Schuster R.M.; Pritts T.A.; Goodman M.D. 12-01-2022. Multimodal treatment approaches to combined traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock alter posti Shock, 58 6, 565-572

Baucom M.R.; Wallen T.E.; Singer K.E.; Youngs J.; Schuster R.M.; Blakeman T.C.; McGuire J.L.; Strilka R.; Goodman M.D. 11-01-2022. Postinjury Treatment to Mitigate the Effects of Aeromedical Evacuation After TBI in a Porcine Model Journal of Surgical Research, 279 , 352-360

Wallen T.E.; Youngs J.; Baucom M.R.; Turner K.; Schuster R.; England L.; Pritts T.A.; Goodman M.D. 11-01-2022. Aspirin Administration Mitigates Platelet Hyperaggregability After Splenectomy in a Murine Model Journal of Surgical Research, 279 , 548-556

Wallen T.E.; Clark K.; Baucom M.R.; Pabst R.; Lemmink J.; Pritts T.A.; Makley A.T.; Goodman M.D. 08-01-2022. Response to: Delayed splenic pseudoaneurysm: Who needs surveillance imaging and how should we manage Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 93 2, E97-E98

Wallen T.E.; Clark K.; Baucom M.R.; Pabst R.; Lemmink J.; Pritts T.A.; Makley A.T.; Goodman M.D. 07-01-2022. Delayed splenic pseudoaneurysm identification with surveillance imaging Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 93 1, 113-117

Wallen T.E.; Singer K.E.; Baucom M.R.; England L.G.; Schuster R.M.; Pritts T.A.; Goodman M.D. 07-01-2022. Effects of antifibrinolytics on systemic and cerebral inflammation after traumatic brain injury Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 93 1, 30-37

Wallen T.E.; Singer K.E.; Elson N.C.; Baucom M.R.; England L.G.; Schuster R.M.; Pritts T.A.; Goodman M.D. 06-01-2022. Defining Endotheliopathy in Murine Polytrauma Models Shock, 57 6, 291-298

Wallen T.E.; Baucom M.R.; Hanseman D.; Wang Y.W.W.; Wade C.E.; Holcomb J.B.; Pritts T.A.; Goodman M.D. 03-01-2023. Platelet dysfunction persists after trauma despite balanced blood product resuscitation Surgery (United States), 173 3, 821-829

Nathwani J.N.; Baucom M.R.; Salvator A.; Makley A.T.; Tsuei B.J.; Droege C.A.; Goodman M.D.; Nomellini V. 01-01-2023. Evaluating the Utility of High Sensitivity Troponin in Blunt Cardiac Injury Journal of Surgical Research, 281 , 104-111

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