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Photo of  Mounira Habli, MD

Mounira Habli, MD

Volunteer Associate Professor

Surgery | College of Medicine

  • Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
  • Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
  • Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
  • Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology: American University of Beirut
  • Medical Degree: American University of Beirut
  • Bachelor's Degree: American University of Beirut (Biology)
Contact Information
  • Medical Sciences Building
  • Office 513-558-5334
Research Interests

Maternal Fetal Medicine

Peer Reviewed Publications

Alsaied, Tarek; Omar, Khaled; James, Jeanne F; Hinton, Robert B; Crombleholme, Timothy M; Habli, Mounira 2017. Fetal origins of adult cardiac disease: a novel approach to prevent fetal growth restriction induced cardiac dysfunction using insulin like growth factor. Pediatric research, ,

Polzin, William J; Lim, Foong Y; Habli, Mounira; Van Hook, James; Minges, Melissa; Jaekle, Ronald; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2017. Use of an Amnioport to Maintain Amniotic Fluid Volume in Fetuses with Oligohydramnios Secondary to Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction or Fetal Renal Anomalies. Fetal diagnosis and therapy, 41 1, 51-57

Divanovic, Allison; Bowers, Katharine; Michelfelder, Erik; Jaekle, Ronald; Newman, Tondra; Marcotte, Michael; Habli, Mounira; Cnota, James F 2016. Intrauterine fetal demise after prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease: assessment of risk. Prenatal diagnosis, 36 2, 142-7

Endres, Loraine; DeFranco, Emily; Conyac, Theresa; Adams, Marci; Zhou, Ying; Magner, Kristin; O'Rourke, Luke; Bernhard, Kiley A; Siddiqui, Danish; McCormick, Anna; Abramowicz, Jacques; Merkel, Ronald; Jawish, Rana; Habli, Mounira; Floman, Alissa; Magann, Everett F; Chauhan, Suneet P 2015. Association of Fetal Abdominal-Head Circumference Size Difference With Shoulder Dystocia: A Multicenter Study. AJP reports, 5 2, e099-104

Jones, Helen N; Olbrych, Stephanie K; Smith, Kathleen L; Cnota, James F; Habli, Mounira; Ramos-Gonzales, Osniel; Owens, Kathryn J; Hinton, Andrea C; Polzin, William J; Muglia, Louis J; Hinton, Robert B 2015. Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is associated with structural and vascular placental abnormalities and leptin dysregulation. Placenta, 36 10, 1078-86

Kamath-Rayne, Beena D; Habli, Mounira; Rodriguez, Zahidee; Wu, Malcolm; Gresh, James; DeFranco, Emily A 2015. Antenatal exposure to sulindac and risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 212 1, 96.e1-7

Keswani, Sundeep G; Balaji, Swathi; Katz, Anna B; King, Alice; Omar, Khaled; Habli, Mounira; Klanke, Charles; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2015. Intraplacental gene therapy with Ad-IGF-1 corrects naturally occurring rabbit model of intrauterine growth restriction. Human gene therapy, 26 3, 172-82

Lim, Foong-Yen; Coleman, Alan; Polzin, William; Jaekle, Ronald; Habli, Mounira; Van Hook, James; Lewis, David; Crombleholme, Timothy 2015. Giant chorioangiomas: perinatal outcomes and techniques in fetoscopic devascularization. Fetal diagnosis and therapy, 37 1, 18-23

Moon-Grady, Anita J; Morris, Shaine A; Belfort, Michael; Chmait, Ramen; Dangel, Joanna; Devlieger, Roland; Emery, Stephen; Frommelt, Michele; Galindo, Alberto; Gelehrter, Sarah; Gembruch, Ulrich; Grinenco, Sofia; Habli, Mounira; Herberg, Ulrike; Jaeggi, Edgar; Kilby, Mark; Kontopoulos, Eftichia; Marantz, Pablo; Miller, Owen; Otaño, Lucas; Pedra, Carlos; Pedra, Simone; Pruetz, Jay; Quintero, Ruben; Ryan, Greg; Sharland, Gurleen; Simpson, John; Vlastos, Emanuel; Tworetzky, Wayne; Wilkins-Haug, Louise; Oepkes, Dick 2015. International Fetal Cardiac Intervention Registry: A Worldwide Collaborative Description and Preliminary Outcomes. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 66 4, 388-99

Scott-Finley, M; Woo, J G; Habli, M; Ramos-Gonzales, O; Cnota, J F; Wang, Y; Kamath-Rayne, B D; Hinton, A C; Polzin, W J; Crombleholme, T M; Hinton, R B 2015. Standardization of amniotic fluid leptin levels and utility in maternal overweight and fetal undergrowth. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, ,

Valent, Amy M; DeFranco, Emily A; Allison, Allessa; Salem, Ahmed; Klarquist, Lori; Gonzales, Kyle; Habli, Mounira; Adair, C David; Armistead, Casey; Wang, Yuping; Lewis, David; Sibai, Baha 2015. Expectant management of mild preeclampsia versus superimposed preeclampsia up to 37 weeks. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 212 4, 515.e1-8

Votava-Smith, Jodie K; Habli, Mounira; Cnota, James F; Divanovic, Allison; Polzin, William; Lim, Foong-Yen; Michelfelder, Erik C 2015. Diastolic dysfunction and cerebrovascular redistribution precede overt recipient twin cardiomyopathy in early-stage twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography, 28 5, 533-40

Coleman, Alan; Habli, Mounira; Hinton, Robert B; Polzin, William; Lim, Foong-Yen 2014. Altered amniotic fluid leptin levels in twin-twin transfusion syndrome with concurrent placental insufficiency. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 1-6

Jones, H; Crombleholme, T; Habli, M 2014. Regulation of amino acid transporters by adenoviral-mediated human insulin-like growth factor-1 in a mouse model of placental insufficiency in vivo and the human trophoblast line BeWo in vitro. Placenta, 35 2, 132-8

Villa, C R; Habli, M; Votava-Smith, J K; Cnota, J F; Lim, F-Y; Divanovic, A A; Wang, Y; Michelfelder, E C 2014. Assessment of fetal cardiomyopathy in early-stage twin-twin transfusion syndrome: comparison between commonly reported cardiovascular assessment scores. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 43 6, 646-51

Habli, M; Jones, H; Aronow, B; Omar, K; Crombleholme, T M 2013. Recapitulation of characteristics of human placental vascular insufficiency in a novel mouse model. Placenta, 34 12, 1150-8

Jones, Helen N; Crombleholme, Timothy; Habli, Mounira 2013. Adenoviral-mediated placental gene transfer of IGF-1 corrects placental insufficiency via enhanced placental glucose transport mechanisms. PloS one, 8 9, e74632

Kamath-Rayne, Beena D; Saal, Howard; Lang, Stephanie; Habli, Mounira 2013. Recurrent severe oligohydramnios and fetal pulmonary hypoplasia associated with ErbB4 mutation. Obstetrics and gynecology, 121 2 Pt 2 Suppl 1, 499-501

Ngamprasertwong, Pornswan; Habli, Mounira; Boat, Anne; Lim, Foong Yen; Esslinger, Hope; Ding, Lili; Sadhasivam, Senthilkumar 2013. Maternal hypotension during fetoscopic surgery: incidence and its impact on fetal survival outcomes. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2013 , 709059

Snyder, Candice C; Barton, John R; Habli, Mounira; Sibai, Baha M 2013. Severe sepsis and septic shock in pregnancy: indications for delivery and maternal and perinatal outcomes. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, 26 5, 503-6

Warshak, Carri R; Wolfe, Katherine B; Russell, Kimberly A; Habli, Mounira; Lewis, David F; Defranco, Emily A 2013. Influence of adolescence and obesity on the rate of stillbirth. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 27 4, 346-52

Wolfe, Katherine; Lewis, David; Witte, David; Kline-Fath, Beth; Lim, Foong-Yen; Jaekle, Ronald; Habli, Mounira; Hostiuck, Judith; Baregamian, Naira; Keswani, Sundeep; Crombleholme, Timothy 2013. Fetal cervical teratoma: What is the role of fetal MRI in predicting pulmonary hypoplasia? Fetal diagnosis and therapy, 33 4, 252-6

Habli, M; Michelfelder, E; Cnota, J; Wall, D; Polzin, W; Lewis, D; Lim, F Y; Crombleholme, T M 2012. Prevalence and progression of recipient-twin cardiomyopathy in early-stage twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 39 1, 63-8

Keswani, Sundeep G; Balaji, Swathi; Le, Louis; Leung, Alice; Katz, Anna B; Lim, Foong-Yen; Habli, Mounira; Jones, Helen N; Wilson, James M; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2012. Pseudotyped AAV vector-mediated gene transfer in a human fetal trachea xenograft model: implications for in utero gene therapy for cystic fibrosis. PloS one, 7 8, e43633

Le, Louis D; Keswani, Sundeep G; Biesiada, Jacek; Lim, Foong-Yen; Kingma, Paul S; Haberman, Beth E; Frischer, Jason; Habli, Mounira; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2012. The congenital diaphragmatic hernia composite prognostic index correlates with survival in left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Journal of pediatric surgery, 47 1, 57-62

Papanna, Ramesha; Habli, Mounira; Baschat, Ahmet A; Bebbington, Michael; Mann, Lovepreet K; Johnson, Anthony; Ryan, Greg; Walker, Martin; Lewis, David; Harman, Christopher; Crombleholme, Timothy; Moise, Kenneth J 2012. Cerclage for cervical shortening at fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 206 5, 425.e1-7

Keswani, Sundeep G; Le, Louis D; Morris, Lee M; Lim, Foong-Yen; Katz, Anna B; Ghobril, Nabil; Habli, Mounira; Frischer, Jason S; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2011. Submucosal gland development in the human fetal trachea xenograft model: implications for fetal gene therapy. Journal of pediatric surgery, 46 1, 33-8

Lee, Timothy C; Lim, Foong Y; Keswani, Sundeep G; Frischer, Jason S; Haberman, Beth; Kingma, Paul S; Habli, Mounira; Jaekle, Ronald K; Sharp, Gina; Kline-Fath, Beth; Rubio, Eva I; Calvo, Maria; Guimaraes, Carolina; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2011. Late gestation fetal magnetic resonance imaging-derived total lung volume predicts postnatal survival and need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Journal of pediatric surgery, 46 6, 1165-71

Pizarro, David; Habli, Mounira; Grier, Marquia; Bombrys, Annette; Sibai, Baha; Livingston, Jeffrey 2011. Higher maternal doses of methadone does not increase neonatal abstinence syndrome. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 40 3, 295-8

Crombleholme, Timothy M; Lim, Foong-Yen; Habli, Mounira; Polzin, William; Jaekle, Ronald; Michelfelder, Erik; Cnota, James; Liu, Chunyan; Kim, Mi-Ok 2010. Improved recipient survival with maternal nifedipine in twin-twin transfusion syndrome complicated by TTTS cardiomyopathy undergoing selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 203 4, 397.e1-9

Gross, Carey; Habli, Mounira; Lindsell, Christopher; South, Mary 2010. Sacral neuromodulation for nonobstructive urinary retention: a meta-analysis. Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery, 16 4, 249-53

Habli, Mounira; Cnota, James; Michelfelder, Erik; Salisbury, Shelia; Schnell, Beverly; Polzin, William; Lim, Foong Yen; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2010. The relationship between amniotic fluid levels of brain-type natriuretic peptide and recipient cardiomyopathy in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 203 4, 404.e1-7

Loftin, Ryan W; Habli, Mounira; Snyder, Candice C; Cormier, Clint M; Lewis, David F; Defranco, Emily A 2010. Late preterm birth. Reviews in obstetrics & gynecology, 3 1, 10-9

Bombrys, Annette E; Barton, John R; Habli, Mounira; Sibai, Baha M 2009. Expectant management of severe preeclampsia at 27(0/7) to 33(6/7) weeks' gestation: maternal and perinatal outcomes according to gestational age by weeks at onset of expectant management. American journal of perinatology, 26 6, 441-6

Habli, Mounira; Bombrys, Annette; Lewis, David; Lim, Foong-Yen; Polzin, William; Maxwell, Rose; Crombleholme, Timothy 2009. Incidence of complications in twin-twin transfusion syndrome after selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation: a single-center experience. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 201 4, 417.e1-7

Habli, Mounira; Eftekhari, Nahid; Wiebracht, Emily; Bombrys, Annette; Khabbaz, Maram; How, Helen; Sibai, Baha 2009. Long-term maternal and subsequent pregnancy outcomes 5 years after hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 201 4, 385.e1-5

Habli, Mounira; Lim, Foong Yen; Crombleholme, Timothy 2009. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a comprehensive update. Clinics in perinatology, 36 2, 391-416, x

Katz, Anna B; Keswani, Sundeep G; Habli, Mounira; Lim, Foong Y; Zoltick, Philip W; Midrio, Paola; Kozin, Elliot D; Herlyn, Meenhard; Crombleholme, Timothy M 2009. Placental gene transfer: transgene screening in mice for trophic effects on the placenta. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 201 5, 499.e1-8

Lubow, Jeffrey M; How, Helen Y; Habli, Mounira; Maxwell, Rose; Sibai, Baha M 2009. Indications for delivery and short-term neonatal outcomes in late preterm as compared with term births. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 200 5, e30-3

Bombrys, Annette E; Barton, John R; Nowacki, Elizabeth A; Habli, Mounira; Pinder, Leeya; How, Helen; Sibai, Baha M 2008. Expectant management of severe preeclampsia at less than 27 weeks' gestation: maternal and perinatal outcomes according to gestational age by weeks at onset of expectant management. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 199 3, 247.e1-6

Bombrys, Annette E; Neiger, Ran; Hawkins, Sarah; Sonek, Jiri; Croom, Christopher; McKenna, David; Ventolini, Gary; Habli, Mounira; How, Helen; Sibai, Baha 2008. Pregnancy outcome in isolated single umbilical artery. American journal of perinatology, 25 4, 239-42

Habli, Mounira; Livingston, Jeffrey; Harmon, Jeffery; Lim, Foong Yen; Plozin, William; Crombleholme, Timothy 2008. The outcome of twin-twin transfusion syndrome complicated with placental insufficiency. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 199 4, 424.e1-6

Habli, Mounira; Michelfelder, Erik; Livingston, Jeffrey; Harmon, Jeffrey; Lim, Foong Yen; Polzin, William; Crombleholme, Timothy 2008. Acute effects of selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation on recipient cardiac function in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 199 4, 412.e1-6

Habli, Mounira; O'Brien, Thomas; Nowack, Elizabeth; Khoury, Saeb; Barton, John R; Sibai, Baha 2008. Peripartum cardiomyopathy: prognostic factors for long-term maternal outcome. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 199 4, 415.e1-5

Habli, Mounira; Levine, Richard J; Qian, Cong; Sibai, Baha 2007. Neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with preeclampsia or gestational hypertension and in normotensive pregnancies that delivered at 35, 36, or 37 weeks of gestation. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 197 4, 406.e1-7

Seoud, Muhiedine A F; Kanj, Suha S; Habli, Munira; Araj, George F; Khalil, Ali M 2003. Brucella pelvic tubo-ovarian abscess mimicking a pelvic malignancy. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, 35 4, 277-8

Keswani, Sundeep G; Balaji, Swathi; Le, Louis; Leung, Alice; Lim, Foong-Yen; Habli, Mounira; Jones, Helen N; Wilson, James M; Crombleholme, Timothy M . Pseudotyped adeno-associated viral vector tropism and transduction efficiencies in murine wound healing. Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society, 20 4, 592-600

Paulson, John D; Habli, Mounira; Alizade, Azer; Borromeo, Rita . The treatment of mild endometriosis with laser laparoscopy: a two-step treatment analysis of patients whose primary therapy was successful. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons / Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, 10 1, 30-6