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Photo of  Laura Wexler, MD

Laura Wexler, MD

  • Fellow : Executive Leadership Academic Medicine MCP-Hahnemann University
  • Clinical & Research Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital (Cardiology )
  • Senior Resident : Massachusetts General Hospital (Internal Medicine)
  • Residency : Boston City Hospital, Harvard Medical Service (Internal Medicine )
  • Medical Degree: Washington University School of Medicine
  • Bachelor's Degree: Barnard College, Columbia University (Biology (with Honors))
Board Certifications & Licenses

American Board of Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Disease) (Certification Date: 1981-11-10) - (Recertification Date: 2008-05-06)
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 1974-06-19)

Contact Information
Research Interests

Heart Disease in Women, Sleep Apnea in Patients with Heart Failure.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Javaheri, Shahrokh; Shukla, Rakesh; Wexler, Laura 2012. Association of smoking, sleep apnea, and plasma alkalosis with nocturnal ventricular arrhythmias in men with systolic heart failure. Chest, 141 6, 1449-1456

Javaheri, Shahrokh; Shukla, Rakesh; Zeigler, Haoyue; Wexler, Laura 2007. Central sleep apnea, right ventricular dysfunction, and low diastolic blood pressure are predictors of mortality in systolic heart failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 49 20, 2028-34

Javaheri, Shahrokh; Wexler, Laura 2005. Prevalence and treatment of breathing disorders during sleep in patients with heart failure. Current treatment options in cardiovascular medicine, 7 4, 295-306

Wexler, Laura; Javaheri, Shahrokh 2005. Sleep apnea is linked to heart failure, but does treatment improve outcome? Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine, 72 10, 929-36

Robins, S J; Collins, D; Wittes, J T; Papademetriou, V; Deedwania, P C; Schaefer, E J; McNamara, J R; Kashyap, M L; Hershman, J M; Wexler, L F; Rubins, H B 2001. Relation of gemfibrozil treatment and lipid levels with major coronary events: VA-HIT: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, 285 12, 1585-91

Wexler, L F; Blaustein, A S; Lavori, P W; Lehmann, K G; Wade, M; Boden, W E 2001. Non-Q-wave myocardial infarction following thrombolytic therapy: a comparison of outcomes in patients randomized to invasive or conservative post-infarct assessment strategies in the Veterans Affairs non-Q-wave Infarction Strategies In-Hospital (VANQWISH) Trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 37 1, 19-25

Wexler, L F 1999. Studies of acute coronary syndromes in women--lessons for everyone. The New England journal of medicine, 341 4, 275-6

Boden, W E; O'Rourke, R A; Crawford, M H; Blaustein, A S; Deedwania, P C; Zoble, R G; Wexler, L F; Kleiger, R E; Pepine, C J; Ferry, D R; Chow, B K; Lavori, P W 1998. Outcomes in patients with acute non-Q-wave myocardial infarction randomly assigned to an invasive as compared with a conservative management strategy. Veterans Affairs Non-Q-Wave Infarction Strategies in Hospital (VANQWISH) Trial Investigators. The New England journal of medicine, 338 25, 1785-92

Javaheri, S; Parker, T J; Liming, J D; Corbett, W S; Nishiyama, H; Wexler, L; Roselle, G A 1998. Sleep apnea in 81 ambulatory male patients with stable heart failure. Types and their prevalences, consequences, and presentations. Circulation, 97 21, 2154-9

Shaffer, J; Simbartl, L; Render, M L; Snow, E; Chaney, C; Nishiyama, H; Rauf, G C; Wexler, L F 1998. Patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can safely undergo intravenous dipyridamole thallium-201 imaging. American heart journal, 136 2, 307-13

Hashkes, Philip J; Wexler, Laura F; Passo, Murray H 1997. Coronary Artery Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Risk Factors, Assessment, and Prevention. Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases, 3 4, 203-210

Javaheri, S; Parker, T J; Wexler, L; Liming, J D; Lindower, P; Roselle, G A 1996. Effect of theophylline on sleep-disordered breathing in heart failure. The New England journal of medicine, 335 8, 562-7

Blaustein, A S; Hoit, B D; Wexler, L F; Ashraf, M; Ramrakhyani, K; Matoba, R; Gabel, M; Millard, R W 1995. Characteristics of chronic left ventricular dysfunction induced by coronary embolization in a canine model. The American journal of cardiovascular pathology, 5 1, 32-48

Javaheri, S; Parker, T J; Wexler, L; Michaels, S E; Stanberry, E; Nishyama, H; Roselle, G A 1995. Occult sleep-disordered breathing in stable congestive heart failure. Annals of internal medicine, 122 7, 487-92

Shaffer, J; Wexler, L F 1995. Reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in an ambulatory care system. Results of a multidisciplinary collaborative practice lipid clinic compared with traditional physician-based care. Archives of internal medicine, 155 21, 2330-5

Adolph, E A; Lacy, W O; Hermoni, Y I; Wexler, L F; Javaheri, S 1992. Reversible orthodeoxia and platypnea due to right-to-left intracardiac shunting related to pericardial effusion. Annals of internal medicine, 116 2, 138-9

Wexler, L F; Grice, W N; Huntington, M; Plehn, J F; Apstein, C S 1989. Coronary hypertension and diastolic compliance in isolated rabbit hearts. Hypertension, 13 6 Pt 1, 598-606

Goldenberg, A M; Wexler, L F 1988. Quinine overdose: review of toxicity and treatment. Clinical cardiology, 11 10, 716-8

Wexler, L F; Lorell, B H; Momomura, S; Weinberg, E O; Ingwall, J S; Apstein, C S 1988. Enhanced sensitivity to hypoxia-induced diastolic dysfunction in pressure-overload left ventricular hypertrophy in the rat: role of high-energy phosphate depletion. Circulation research, 62 4, 766-75

Isoyama, S; Apstein, C S; Wexler, L F; Grice, W N; Lorell, B H 1987. Acute decrease in left ventricular diastolic chamber distensibility during simulated angina in isolated hearts. Circulation research, 61 6, 925-33

Lorell, B H; Wexler, L F; Momomura, S; Weinberg, E; Apstein, C S 1986. The influence of pressure overload left ventricular hypertrophy on diastolic properties during hypoxia in isovolumically contracting rat hearts. Circulation research, 58 5, 653-63

Wexler, L F; Weinberg, E O; Ingwall, J S; Apstein, C S 1986. Acute alterations in diastolic left ventricular chamber distensibility: mechanistic differences between hypoxemia and ischemia in isolated perfused rabbit and rat hearts. Circulation research, 59 5, 515-28

Cameron, A; Kemp, H G; Fisher, L D; Gosselin, A; Judkins, M P; Kennedy, J W; Lesperance, J; Mudd, J G; Ryan, T J; Silverman, J F; Tristani, F; Vlietstra, R E; Wexler, L F 1983. Left main coronary artery stenosis: angiographic determination. Circulation, 68 3, 484-9

Wexler, L F; Lesperance, J; Ryan, T J; Bourassa, M G; Fisher, L D; Maynard, C; Kemp, H G; Cameron, A; Gosselin, A J; Judkins, M P 1982. Interobserver variability in interpreting contrast left ventriculograms (CASS). Catheterization and cardiovascular diagnosis, 8 4, 341-55

Wexler, L F; Pohost, G M; Rubenstein, J J; O'Keefe, D D; Vezeridis, M P; Daggett, W M 1982. The relationship of the first heart sound to mitral valve closure in dogs. Circulation, 66 1, 235-43

Lee, D C; Johnson, R A; Boucher, C A; Wexler, L F; McEnany, M T 1977. Angiographic predictors of survival following left ventricular aneurysmectomy. Circulation, 56 3 Suppl, II12-8

Wexler, L F; Pohost, G M 1976. Hemodynamic monitoring: noninvasive techniques. Anesthesiology, 45 2, 156-83

Peyru, G; Wexler, L F; Novick, R P 1969. Naturally occurring penicillinase plasmids in Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of bacteriology, 98 1, 215-21

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