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Program Disclaimer:
Within the next academic year, the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics will merge into the newly named Department of Biostatistics, Health Informatics, and Data Sciences (BHIDS) within the College of Medicine.  This will create a better platform for faculty and students in the Data Sciences to further their research and research opportunities. 

The Master of Science and Doctoral programs in Environmental Health-Biostatistics will also merge into BHIDS and undergo a name change to represent the program's new home better.  Future admitted students will be eligible to obtain their degree with the new name if they choose.

Master's of Science in Biostatistics

Program Summary

The Master of Science in Biostatistics degree is designed to provide graduate level training in the application and theory of biostatistics. The target audiences for this program include individuals who desire careers as collaborative biostatisticians in the basic, clinical, translational or population sciences. Masters students will have opportunities to work with real world applications under the supervision of experienced faculty.

MS Biostatistics Curriculum (PDF)


Program Goals

Graduates of our MS program will be able to:

  • Apply intermediate to advanced biostatistical theory and techniques to design, plan, and manage data collection to conduct analysis for own research projects or support collaborative research teams.
  • Translate broad research goals into specifications and procedures for statistical analysis and interpretation of results in basic, clinical, translational and public health research studies.
  • Select and use appropriate statistical analysis software for assessment, decision-making and information-sharing (e.g., Stata, SAS, R or other special programs).
  • Communicate statistical methods and findings clearly and unambiguously to specialists and non-specialist audiences.
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Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Kettering Lab Building
Room 130
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056

Phone: 513-558-5701